NEWLYWEDS MR AND Mrs Rnland Wllllam Kenneth Dobsonére shown show 91 19 marriage Pair Reports Heard At Annual ifFiiflééï¬walséiï¬ Mclrriééw 2Rblahd DobsonOp Saturday Trinity Angllcnn Church was the setting or the candlelight ceremony whlch united in mur Huge Miss Frances Edilh Fos ler Reg and Roland Vill inm Kenneth Dahson Barrie on Saturday Standards cream and yellow Princess Anne mums and yellow and white Icummnrical mï¬rns decorated lht altar of the church Tho olluwinl the slate at nmccrl for mu Hurry Cms Mun llmlry llnllan ï¬lmy thhrwn Mu ï¬lm Uooknlnwn Mn MIIm Campbell Mmklmm aml Ml Lllllnn llulllrrlnnl nullon Larry Cause kaxlnwn W0 he mm mm Monlurn nwnrd for NI may 11 School Im zrnm ur Fn Judgra wfro Vlc EIIP ol Col Inguood Hollh Clny Imrrl Mrs Cnmpbcll mnmd Mrs Mnrunrrl Tnylnr Alllmrm Md Mu Smlla McQueen Col llnxwwl Tlll 0M ha Hamlin lhc mman was lhu prrscnlnllnn ol swan lor Um hm lwnmlnulc mm the mmn Mclion lhu local 1an and Hm women mllan Prim were won by Ornngcvllle mun mu Collin wmxl In Um menn mUon ï¬nd by Gmrucwwn Cuann nnd Hub on Wm In Iho womrn mllon Approxlmnlely 150 persons were In nncndnncu or he ms slun whlrh WM nddrcsud by Imhur Rowan Dlrmnr Dis rm Mrs Eric Simpson llnrrh was Wumml neptcscnl mm and read lhc minutes 01 Inc nnnunl mccllnu The annual mcolln DI mum No Ontario Associa tion or Agnculmml Sociolch was held in the United Church Colunnwood TM dislrlrl has 25 lnlra In the coumim Includ lnx Slmcoo DuHLrln York Peel and llnlhn The bride was escorted dawn the whitecarpeted nlslc on Ihu arm at her lather For her special day she chose lrndi timml gavm white pean de sole Inshloncd with ï¬tted hod icc somy scooped neckline nnd lily point sleeves beltshnp ed underskirt cmphasizcd the bauflant skirt at npr es and pleats which 1ch to chapel min large rosette 01 match ing material caught at lho watst back enhanced lhc stmplc lines the yawn ot pearls and sequins hold lhehridos linger Up veil nl tulle Illusions She carried cascade alJohanna Hill roses The bride was nllnndcd by her sister Mrs Thnmas Book cy Banin malmn of honor Miss Daphne ldcndcn Reg NV Oshawa and Min Susan Dob The bride 15 the daughter Magistrate and Mm cordon Fosternl Drury Lane The bride groom is he sun 91 SL and Mrs Roland Dahson ofyCodrhIg ton Street my gown Rev Joseph ePencier Wright Toronto ofï¬ciated at lhe double ring ceremony ESSiSw ed byRgv IF IG Shcfrlnz Wnnll npuovoml wkr um an II lncslal Knmlrn Mn do ml vukrljzlmnr mm 110 nun Du mnnd wonll nangplmlen door up Not Cnnmllsn Lullurnl MIN anll 1n nmln Up 1nrulunvoml NW am nur phi In lml Jawph Amlilmlum Mulestar 1m humorlslhch on mumml myfletyf EXAMINER WANT AD IIIONIC IA 8H NEDERlANDS TONEElGROEP lillllWllNr HEN ANT 11m cvcnng rccuplan was held at the home Mrs Dymenl nigh Struck The mother of lhe hrldc received her gucsla wzarihg dross of Mallard blue wool lnllle with mulching jacket and hat or The hrldcgroom was attended by hi brother Donald Dobson Barrie The ushers were Tho mas Hockey Barrio brotherIn law the bride and James Powell Mannea cousin the bride sun Barrie slsterro the bride glgnm were the hriinsmtalds Carrying Ihrough the theme at Ihe bridal mm the nlten danis dresses woretashloncd alike French blue man Sole mr ranks weredcslgncd with hellvshaped sklrts and matchinglackcts with tiny but Ians marchlng down the back and long sleevca No raseltcs nl selfmaterial were caught at Ihe hack of the waist The allendanls headdresses were deslgncd oi matching peau dc solo and valllng They car ried nasegays bi yellow Cllallce rosos will lulle illusion and ribbon streamers EVENING IECEIIXON run Felluru Au Colour Show MIGHTIERTHAN AmlMHEHUNI MORE lly Angllpanmrumhon Sa Prank Powell Mm urday evemug Pictured with nuc who celebrated the couple are the brides wedding anniversary grandparents Mr CLM adding LAST RIIOWINH TONIGHT WWW SIARTS THURSDAY WALTZ 11 TOREADORS IMPERIAL PLUS ADMIMllm llllCR CHILDREN 33 STUDENTS ADULTH accessorieswere black and purse corsage of pink Sweet hear me complemented her ensemble The hrldcgruums mother slsled wearlng rock of lmpn ted satin print ln shades of gold and bronze wllh mulchl lug cape Hcr accessorle were in complemenlary shades She enh ced her coslume wllh comm roses Fur travel polnls north the brldc wore twoplace brown double knl sult wllh no cessorles In mnlchlng Index brown llcr coxsage was of yel low Chalice roses The néiliwcds will make thelr home In on Clarence Street in North Bay MWWGUJNWEPAGE mumka WI mum RmmmmonnHmzoHAfï¬ï¬‚iiï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬bhï¬iï¬ï¬Ã©Ã©ï¬immum Prank Powell Mapleï¬ve nuc who celebrated their 50th weddinggnniverggyy on the No one ever was quite like EL CIVDzperld hero We the invlncihle champion of hi people It nid flu mp foe prevnilcd Inlnn hlm Spain mlion ha helped male made hlm In hero Europe wove his slory into iegend Hi enemies mined him El Cid which mean Starts TOMORROW cowu Slums lm mu II pm Mrs Home Poyntz Sued an mu wun re social moetln Wasfmarked by VI 0KeeleCenlra in Iomnw see hg production My Fair Lady Members attending ln eluded Mlssea MalKarat Go6d kflow Barbara Goodwln Linda VDquyg Amy IcaRulhmade Green CarolyMcK Gladyl Hart Barhara Lea Evelyn Hunter Jam 0wa Evelyn Glllharn Judy 0W Mrs Helen Orr and guest Mlss Jaasjafleap CHRISTMAS TEA Members tha lene Haven LDBA were hasty at the annual Chi151mm tea bazaarand bake rale had at the loyal Tm Blue Hall High St yesterday allemoonn Convener of the event waa Mn Wallace Hurst Mn Wllllam Basson and lllu Sexmen were ln charge of the bazaar able Bake table canvener was Mra Wlllred Baker Candy table convenera ware Mu Goorga Carr and MrsuGerryiIhampson Ticket convenera were Mrs Gordon DeForst and Mrs Llndefl Convener011m tea hostéasca was Mrs Frcldn Huey Malai ed by Mrs Wlllrqm Murray Mr Dorothy Thornpsan lllra Fenella Smllh Mrs Cyril Day holos aflccelving guests was Mrs Mn rDochran Worthy Mistress Mrsl Alva Gardiner preaided at the tea table SOCIAL DIES diy party hekfal lhe 11an 01 her sgn and daughterInlnw Mr and Mrs Victor May Shanty Bay Guests Included Mb Denny May Mm Evelyn Luke and M59171 lnc an Ban1e Harvey Bouncy Mr and Mrs Percy Bouncy Mr End ImB Sampson Shanty BY nuinmALEABT VENTURE gLun NOW AT THE LOWEST PRIEE III YEARS enjoy vacuumflesh coflee at I0¢ OFF new low price we Th Lordmm the Anbic IdInd lhzy kn Iddad Cgmpeador which mum victor of Ihe hlm baldefleld So lnlhc opinion lull 01 nu ma wan 1h mm time merciful lord Ind ml rulhku ï¬ghter lBIG AS BENHUR IF NOT BIGGERILATIMEE an LSJ ME sum Itcumwncumwmv There was no legal way out of mun150 for Ihose whose husbands cnuld not be located or those whose husbands were confined In monan inillmflnns with ï¬he rein that comman an manure prevalent brie said Hon said sections the Crim lnnl Coda dealing with th mnuer were conlused conflict lug outdated an tn mum lnxpances cruel apd unjust royal commission would provide an objective and non purman bail for amendmz the Coplél he resolnflohs viero released to the Jam prior to escnmlon Th5 federation aaid divorce and annulmenllaws were mar row outdated and logical and consequenkly invite continue fraud Kupnn um caurls and Par Ilament An appendix to the resolution nuted that fmr nll practlcfyl on vorce pant linen exceplmg Nova Sculls N0 LEGAL WAY OUT UITAWAV tomma Cana dinn Federation of Business and Professional 35 Ciubl naked Prime Minlsier fDieicnj baker Tuesday in nppainimyai cammissianslo bring Canadas divarcennd abortion law into conformity with ihc real ties Canpdian life Six representallvcs ol the 1700 member Joderallon met the mime minisgci Tuesday In El fines Io en an 11painl FOR LIMITED ENGAGEMENT sumva JiShou11jiCénform TQBéCmY The federation added that TM Only CMH FEM ml Pat and OM Much In LACK ll 118118 Wllh Aud Ie vah Amendment of the Income Tax Act to permit dependent spoue lo earn up $950 with out reduction of the basic mar ital t3 exgnrgllnq lupin of sub necuansvof the Income Tax Act which dip nble Amwme ï¬fe remlmmllan pald ta wife when she item playedbyahenhusbandmndilhe pmvlulon that the wflea salary added to her husbands In come when she in employed by her bluhapq The federation said the presi eul wording enables employer lo define jobs unfahly and thus my hair wamen workers 125 than men workers doing equi valent work without tem of curflnz penal les under the prcsoht puhllc hnxlety wan heluléned by recent dkclomuvo birth of deformed bahlel alter Ihehg mféherrnui the drug thalido Incomuax exempllanup In 81000 when woman wage earner must engage bald help to care or Ihe incapacitated the elderly or Illa young who depend on her for maintenan and pl1yllcl car Chang ha wording of heladen Female Employ ees Equal Pay Act to wark of comparable character from ldentlbal or uhstanllally iden llcgl wprk other requests bytthe edem flon Included Fruvlsflm for taxation IMM Mb CI HEADCHEESE wk 39¢ Gm Hunky CHICKEN LIVER b39¢ wanu warms m49t coommuém PORK LIVER Kéï¬TEBhN Q3333 AxP TOMATO JUICE 3mm MN PARKER LAM MARGARINE CRUD flu OFF DEAL MK MOI AMY 10M QUALITY MEAN GTVLI ANGEL CAKE DOMESTIC Q0 OFF DBL DOG FOG Mmhmh pifluï¬rnumn M33 SHORTENING BRAND ORANGES LETIUCE GOLDEN YELLOW N0 GRADE BANANAS 19c CANADAS M651 QUAUTY If BMND BEEF STEAKS 0R ROASTS Porierhouse Sirloin Wing mutter lie for dean3 beneï¬ts rum penile annuities and such In come righu The tedernuun laid ledawx now may double taxation ou pensions annully or other unds through the In camg Tax Act as Incqmerand under therExtpte TeXAcl as property BRAUSHAT COOK LONDON CF Alr Chief MnrahnleIr Phlllp Junker In publish cookery book cased One Mans Meat Hell his tamIla dish lime cardin alethare done in wine wllb pa ODD FEllOWS HALL 1111115 Novgllth 20 GAMES 3VSHARETHEWEALTH amass JACKPOT$150m HELP KIN KINQMEN ï¬ery Thursday Night Kinsmen Bingo Nightk ARIZONA no cum NEW CROP Hm mos 19¢ VMWCSEENOSJIGRADE 59t ufl Gui $1500 Consolallan Priu Wï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬m s47 PRIME ROAST 1287 Itul yglql Ml In AMI 0001C OUAWV mwmuwmuma M31 hVMM ymtnmu my EXMIWER WANT And NunAWE maiinmnriz Exhimzm lznuasmmqv 21 janés srmoflznv Limited 54 Dunlap sniw PA Hm HELP KIDDIES