Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Nov 1962, p. 4

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Barrie Examiner Nov 12 1942 Sim coo County subscribed $3645150 to ird Victor Loan Simcoe West Unit leh lnelu ed the towns of Barrie and Cdllingwood was 1204 of objective Slmcoe East with Orlllin and Midland was 1134 Village 01 Coldwnter infirm county with Township of Sunn ale next Cpl Bertha Garslde oi Barrie arrived overseas with first contingent ottCnnadlan Womens Army Cor Air Vleehlnrshal Leckle presente wings io another cless of pilots at Cam Bor den Rev Norman llawson lnmil ton was speaker at Barrie Remembrance service lwo Barrie ladies Mrs Ross Bldwell and Miss Daisy Gosling bagged two deer on hunting trip to Nova Seelle Pte Jemima Show of Barrio arrived overseasnvith the CWACs Cum Bor den Family Welfare Auxillnry egnn survey of housing accommodation in Barrie with view in relieving shorts Daring burglary oi main street slore re Military Knnicen owned by Sam Sirens man with $500 goods removed Pilot Oillcer Bill llnrber oi Midland form rub Wm munu mm In llm mllllan nu Clnllln my Mr rfnnmnm In rm an mum IDJubllullan an IM In Th nnwulm PM Mm um um low mum lMuln Mornnlon In un Mu yulllLll WWI IIIIINI MI Im mun mm lk Ndlv It fly mu In mum am mm mam nod um lnlmu Moo nuum um um my Im an mm nu An In my mum cm runm Ilvm vmu TOO MUCH ALREADY Dclrol Irco Irlsa Drunks nml nbmnlcvs nrc gelling qucowu hlmnc or the Icublc perform ance of cnllccllvu mm To alrnlnhton oul the cllcrl and lrunnls Com CRAZY SYSTEM mrnnlford Expositor Suppose your rnmlly Iota our How 10 would take you to use 44 pound of ullm Thu 15 one measure the 20 mllion pound mounlnln of surplus butler piled up In government alomgo under system gunrnntcnlng the dairy mln lhnl whatever hullcr he cnnnot sell Inflhc open market 11 the subsldlmd pr cc solcllous governumnl will lake Mn lunuls and pay for Us simply cant uxo Aulhvnnfl ll near In In No In And lulu olldnl INN my WALL NInu But word otwarnlnfon another lrontthat of deflation has coma from Per Jacobsson managing director of the InternnttoualMonatary Fund with head uar rs tn dust 3supplyhmaught lth as productive capacity continues to in creaseadownward pressure on prises may well be tntensttted in wide range of productsraw materials semimanu factured as well as manufactured pro ducts WAR DAYS 20 YEARS AGO Faye Exnmlqer flay 121 1942 51m Tho benefits to be derived from good readingare manilnld and once enjoy ed this pleasure will continue throu out llle Needed however is to cu t1 vale the Idea of good reading among the youth of the land This 15 being done LIhe annualtcelebration ol Young Can adas Book Week Nov1522 is one of the more worthy weeks observed throughout the years It to week de votedto the causeof creating an lnlcr est in good books among the younger gehgraton Jacobsson also warns that cost Increas es arficularlygwagealncroasesplnaar worl where prollta are already squeez ed could sot off the deflatlonary process He suggested that all industrial countries avold cost Increases llke the plague and thls he says presupposes moderatlon ln wage increases Hls warnlng comes at time when the Canadian Federallon of The Barrie Examiner The slow bqt apparently steady climb in the costethvlng Index ls In llne with the format by economlstelthat such rise would follow the devaluation the dollar and the Present eurtax on lm arts The business the nation has went cred with considerable success the present exists and as eresult the jolt that bed been expected has not occurred Deflatiéfl Warning Cause WWII Canada EConomv wi Wails Publisher 9THER EDITORS 15aayrfeldsredzaamsonlario Pu$lisl1ed$ymnidhn Naivhphfiefa Limited DOWN MEMORY LANE busher Brfiin Slalght am Mime wannzsmvnnov 4m my now nunouncu the abnlll on of Ilavory ll all vermin In hrr slrlloturn neighbor Yemen nalA Inn whlch In lhn Inhl20lh mnlury sllll prrmlls ulavrry mu wncuhlmgo ulc cnnl hp canal clvlllzml UNCIVILIZED PEOPLI Windsor 5an It Is qullo In mar 10 cnnnolc Indra prmllncn vllh clvlllznllon The ndvonl nf mw nations In rcudmn lo control llclr nwn nmm docull lmply they have run Chm an ndvnnrcd degree clvlliullon Man their pcnplo may he qullc prlmL live MUM navn by our slutulnrds llils also Milt In some llm uldcr Imlluuu Saml Arahln crrnlml alter Vnrld War nay Ahflnlnu nr nounm the lllcmlnlos nr lndmlrlnl wnr mum umvu When the mum WM MU mnlm that 1700 the original amkm were back work with Kohlcr the rcmnlnlnl 1600 some have died othm have found other job lu the lawn Ind mnny hnvu moved may 1110 hrnkcn In mu mmlly cum nmnln munlxls bclng urged to enhance tho role he pnrly 1hls could be lhu wrong up mach It lsplnuslblo to think the purtfs allpervading presence In ex aclly wm has been ending Russlnn xiulsltics In the botllu or to doze In bosky II There is now granted great publlc debate about how to get Cmada back £2h0£p31h401 rogressSfifluliflntuifiifins warning of deflation peril makes it clear that action must promfiatly replace an talk we are to survive wu prosperity angqutrespeq Hem1c by the clghtyurlong ulrlko at tho Kohlcr Coy nur flheboy unn Wlncunnln wlll rcmnln Almoth tho alnkc use has been omclnlly tnded um In dell 51 unau ot terry plane between Dartmouth NS and Newfoundland Glowing tributes paid to the memory of Pilot Officer Don Felt oi the RCAF lost in German raid by ltev Ernest Lewis et Collier Street United Church and by Bert Mortloelr Boy Scout executive Merchants oi Barrie to vote on store hoursand torm atlon oi Board of Trade Slmcoe County Federation of Agriculture new ly formed made it clear the organiza tion was strictly nonApolltical Life insurance companies took 15 of entire Canudian Victory Loan Mr and Mrs Lorenzo Ceswell ot Goldwater celebrated 00th weddin anniversary Mr and Mrs Henry loblnson oi Barrie marked 59 years of wedded lite guietly It home lnnlstil lrlende me presentation to Mr and Mrs Alfred Webb on removal to Toronto Two young Allnndele girls Nancy Daweon end Aileen Hooper icyclod to Stroud to vlsit flrende on way home found old auto tire on side of road and lugng it to Barrie to do nate to local war salvngo lund mg mm ur pashsengcrs In qagh er emplbyee of mm HL Craig Sons ln There is wtthln city growing in terest tn books among the younger genv oration and each year the Interest ex pands as school fund tibrarlesconttnue tofostergood readlng Ind the value to be obtained therefrom The benefit of such effort cannot be judged in dollars it to something which helps mold the character and adds enjoyment to ltvlnz at the public libraries by display of books of particular interest to the young and bycontests which necessitate the raging 9f g9qq bgoks Innuluh no vocates that the countries now atandlng 1n deflltlonnry Adanger collaborate very muchmore closelyl th majors Canadas commercial pollcles ls lread long overdue Failure now to back Br talns ent lnto Europe and failure to link curse ves actively vlthKennedrs trade exganslon program ls to risk He in unpro tablg and unsplendld lsolathn mm For Canadian buslneu andendlnn Iabornoted TheFlnancInl ant the Warning implies game hard new realmas Learning mm with normalcy alter two decades rlslng price Impllea wholly new narroach to wage domlndl to pric lng pa clea andto our anflqunted ldeu ahalyu labormanagement cozopanqthn Laboi has urged sovhour Week it £16 loss otpgyh uh mmml Vollnnduirlbunn vrmnl Haul me In lca dots rm llw hrnl wflll Hm Mrunmlllnn lnlru ml ll nlhrre Vninln Mummlllnn rume Iv Tmln lnn ljalnbllnhmunl at Knlml In The mllc Hw Mrl mmlllnn lnllu an In Inumu luK vrmrd lnI mu Hum dull nndlhrlr hlmllnl mle rd m1 pennh nml thh nmw huh IM dun xlllNlly In mu IIINMICL ul Ir dug In lllr lamp pmml lhm IMIrlunlud rumu who lumul mlxlnu mum and mum md 51 Imus all IIulm lllfljklly One Incident Ilul In the rc part III of mm hclnl mu cllmhlnl lottery ones by mm loin on mm duly MI In um pollro wtu mmle nnd Mlhln mlnulu police do Ind ll hnndln are nu ma mne 11m xan qulckly plclml up he mu llm mm and In pollru lo nlrlrc hul no one In In mu In lhu corncr war lune nnllonrr mplmnvd The dog nm In And hm hnrilnu Whrn llw nurhonrd door wnn uprnrd Hm Ihlel WM lmmd rmurlllnx In Hm tnrnrr Thu nnallm urnd wns tmllml Hymn pnllmda Unlul In my mm any year lhflHMNnd HECIIIUI LONDON report luucd mm Henllnnd Yard headquar Km ho Melropolllnn mum on lha Vllunblu work done by police don In brlnulnz nboul lhl mm crlmlnlll mnku luclnnlml mullnu Flillmr he dld nal even allan lynr Illa legal he also He was numlnal sham haldcr holdlng only enough flack la unlllfi hlm as dlrcc lar nn vwll drew completely whm he became Llhcrl leader In 1958 nlermcyers llrsl claim that lhallgh he was dlmtor mm Iloldlnga le he pch Ionally didnt make nlckcl out olighv company The accusnllvns of course are thnl lho leeml leader and hl lnw parlnm prolllccrcd lhrough snlllng land In Wnlcrloa man we lhlnk wt will put down now the Inn the Liberal leadcrmada hll ex lanauonm nd lat year from now how hey stand upnnd what pollllcal advantage may have been lukm the nccuur flan agnlnn hlm NQHNAL ONLY REPORT FROM UK Howevcr In politics Irate menh are seldom believedsel dam II than my desire In be ll hem 1km appunra to he no scan dnl lo It It one believes Mr Tcyc Ilnlqmpnl By DON ojmrm renameNow wéhavz the watermcyar scandal By MdNTVflE HOOD Wintgrmeyer Scandal Points Are Outlined flcélially Were In Your Side The More We The Bigger IargelsThey Make London Police Dogs Have Important Bole nUEENS PARK mmllar and m1 or IwL Hut II hnlulkws hnmr lrnnvl II Ilnuml and me Ill um ml duly alnnl wllb Ha haudlen an nlul Ill handler Irnln lugrlhrr um when lhr mung llnklml they In pmlul In lhr Immllm 1mm Durlun lvnlnln mIlnd In In mm llummh lull lnrludlnl ub ulcnm null Imdlnl and ulrlulul Moll he dagl Ira Mm Ham bul other brmll Incl un Labrador Ind Dabcrm also med anyom dol Him breed Ind Ilmll ll vimInn lo wllh ll Scotland Yurdl uhoul II llwuyl rcndy nccrpl ll alm er In nr lur uymenl MI an allured owovcr poms uccuury qusllllu lo hrrumu ulcmllul pol dag Severn vulnll have In bl connlllrrrrl More My can by rllncd lur police wurk Tun pmmenl ll Nu muul Impumnl qunllly nml lhry mun lvmn the nu at right nnd mnnml mm nre armpm on trial Ind hey no rolumed hrlr uwnm ulmuhl My rum In he umullnhla fur vul ro wmk Thu unrvln Mhmll can unmlly Irll nu man an my dug whrpucr II In pllykhnlly nulmlrlc hul ll luku nhuul urcl In In lrmpunmrnl ll llw IIII In 1911le IM lrllnlnu Inlml lhu lhrru mnnuu AnH evciybody was Eponed happy But in much lur the record Now no what wlu hap pen to mun mu similar at Tx the men had laid for In view 01 the fact the unlvm in Puylnz IL may chose the premium land lhnt nurest he cllywhlch had been marked or lnduslflal de velnpmenL Thu company which hull ipcnl money developing the 9nd at price lower than II sclcclcd pmof theflMvajor land an Idea slle and up pryaclILcd m3 compaqy 10 buy man5 VIM the college hnd la expand and DI cost of mm ndJolnlnl ll nldrlilc Wu prohibitive he lranmcllon sell Mr Vinlermeyer says Hm Ma Jur Holdlnzn was formed by bl pmnerl and othm land numb speculation quile hanornbe and regular arm or business than and sun belnz cqrdcd am In every community In Ina province nim WI no lhoézht when he company wnn formed sell lng to flu callege and lhc col lene had ylllxdrew an acllvajmnor Ihe llrm whan he turned to Mlllme pnllllu LQW PRICE Genulne ptncc II possessed only by those who an In ChrIIl unlrfiublcd by nulll unafraid Ian Thuclots htlfll humid by mm have gene with God mun our and Jun Chrlxl llomnnl 51 BIBLE THOUGH Humid In em though held mum nun ma moIn collillun bdwm map lrnln and tram co llnonlnl lrnln at Canoe Jmcs Murray wns appointed Governor in Chlel Canada 199 years ago todayn 1763 He had Vbeen mnda Governor oi Que bec when the territory was accuplcd during the Seven Yum War but underlhe Pence of Fruit Quebec was ceded In Canada and he he came Governor In Chler Because of his policy at cancfllnuan to rd lhe Ftench ha was recalled to Englnnd ace charter or pnnlnllly Thcsa wera dis missed henevn re mBH was announced former Canadian grime min later Bennett would rclln In an Enzllsh ulnte Crealcd Vlscounl nennell ln he dlcd In England In 941 unuW Pgrum were gm TODAY IN JUST uTOBY Em mm uguamn are cauunu muglenggrlcarldfélause Mir wean inc efigflpngygn he chest In mm ch complete creases in alze and lrriluled flflénbflhgflggzzf gyoufif ajtlflwdl mm cause any mmcuuy at all ofirllpperchest Two warehouses one wllh capacity 77000 ions have been hull nl Matanzns and xugar warehouse with cap city of 75500 mvlrlc ans has been built nl Gunynbal the Inn ziqo says un unls lramlcr ll lllrufly from the lmln Io thn dockside warehouse Ind Igrnlghl um um wnrchoulel um nr Molnar About three Dr1°w= Is there years ago had surgery on substance used In new type elem rim breast since um Inc He Iralm that cunld came caslonullvvhavelniuc has qolflvp fibreakgeuzrlu rizhlmrm with ms and hiveflM on pedal contain rs for lrnnsponlng sugar hy ml In bulk were bull or I962 harvest using rallmnd Ha cars that were lying Idle Ind Iurthcr 200 rcdcslzncd conluln an to be built for nexl yearl suxnr hnrvnl Nuesm Inystrln uayli mi in moved In um Ipoclnl containers mm mills the Pa whpmspg xnu ll estimates hulk shipment mar me the country 200 000 In Inmign exchange or ewry 800000 ton of sugar ex ported USE IDLE CARS The mnznzlnc Nuestra Indus fin Our Industry reports that the sulnr pans of Malanm an Ihe noth coast nlld Guayabal on the mum can Comazucy Province have been mechaniled flu cost ol 2300000 pesos $2300000 la allnw hulk ship mznll HAVANA Reulcrs Cubas skiscontrolled sugar Induser has started xlrcamllnlnl pm ecl undelfrlhavimpacl cenhal Izod planning and government congrol of rpanppwer Such cases Iran necessarlly mallcr of Inlecllon The in creased size of the Arm dun to disturbance In circulation In die arm pII blood vcsuls hnv In been unnvnidahb aflectad by the surgery or by subse quenl scar llssue tTnTfi now Wt than in left What causes this infecting and what mm dn to prevent it Will my arm continua gelling largerIMn Cuban Sugar Ports Mechanized To Provide For Bqu Shipments Dear Dr Molnar My 31 ichJId bu large lump on lha upper part at her chm which dwolopad when she was About Iva month old She Law yunrpld unzlomu an defect in Ithe capillaries the akithI extremer Imall bland maul which an out through the II III II hcmnnklama and pedlalrlclan ndvlsed Iuvlna ll alone at the man due not mm to be getting any blush Mg 10min mommy TO Youggoon HEALTH He Jolnc dcpmmcnl an lhlrd Iccrclnry In um when Cnnndn opened an ombmy In Chlle ha wen Io Sanllaaa third leugmry lhmw auch um lnlc edltor at La Drait whcro ho Ipcctalhed tn lntenultonnl Ittuln Mr Lear quit Journalism in ms to enter the dtplnmatlc scrvlcc The ex pcricncc ha has acquired In nt most quarter century with In department at cxtnmnt ntfalrl II no less Impruslva than underpk econ Jules Luger nallve of St Anlcel Qua wan named Im hassndor thm month Izod Ho unneeded Lean Muyrnnd who had held III pas ajpce 19504 ROME CP Canadal am bassndm to Italy is former ollnwa newspaper man wilh Impressive academlc qunllIlcan HanH lnw dcgrcolruml he Unlvcmlyar animal and doctorate in leuerl mm the Sorbonnc wun um um Industrlm mwv Wark will begin shortly on naw terminal lhc docks bl Clenlucgas on the south coast of La Villa provincel and on three new sugar storage unit on Um island 05 ol lhlx work will lolnl 500000 my Nu Iboard sugar lrclghlers with an average Innnage of lU000 Quits Ioumalism Now Ambassador even some metal could valved hut are you sure ll is llll traln There are many causes at allergies Foods dust plantl lnlmal danders etc hlghly allergln child can react In any number of things ln perfectly normal environment It could well worth whllc especially for the chlldn sake In the luture to have some testlng by an the attacks him Ire Vere Dlet wont Iflect Idhailnlfl In two that lel eopla arm udhealonl more ran my Hum othv en su nddldonnl lumry may ar mag notbe allowed by mare ad exiansThe Importn pol to detoxmint posluvaly wheth

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