Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Nov 1962, p. 8

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ll Hwy Ila llle Nimrod wlll vam Hwy Ip bulb lot llrul llmv nluco ID Ilwy nlunl llw lump wlll mm llm drlrmllnu um um rlmmplon lllu llmnhm In MM and xlvcllllnl unnw Ill In All Wlnnlm lsnlunlay up mmm 11w lhlnlml rclumM horn mm all HIM Mn and MN Iluwxh Im umhwl Vnir gnlmi mil Wlnnlpu lflflhlm Rh ha hul olUum mm will lrr pliale Wnlmulny nIuM nl Wlunlpu I1 In pm Winulm will he Mu wmmdnl mmmm Walnut nlxhl Buunmlor flllrll Hobby IMqu Inld Rnlurdny n9 hla plnym uhmml ll up In no xlrrulnn mum 11w new role hrnllnn 29 vlcmry aver Vlnnlpfll Illur Ilmnhm In um Int Enmq Iho Wntlnn Fool 1m Cunlurnce llnnh CMAMM ll Calunry Hmmwlm me ha way In umlr In hwy Cup mu mum in yrnn Whrlhor an all lhr wny dmndl um um lhcy lmmHu wwmlrd rlllrmvmm At the same time Facette has alloived only six goals in two games And consider that tact he just the No goalie or that club although hls work In the two contests could change that Barries defence snapped out olvlts slump Goal keeperDon Rlch playlng hls first game of the sea son was terrific The attackers who hadnt been all lthat bad in the two losses played wlth exaggerated exhuberance and eklll Another loud loss ltke that suffered at the hands of llrmlford yesterday could send Midland Flyers coach Jlmmy Johnson shopping Jtmmy pays hls players pretty well He wont stand for too many bad games Legion Mnor Hockey League that saw action at the arena Saturday used the lmc or xtrnlghl sknllng 11 more is plenty of tlmc left or ser that he has retained his spot as No goaltender with the club Hell be between the pipes Wednesday night when Falcons play at Midland against the Fly ers JUST NOTES Could the goaltender Bradford 01 Express clalms is just rumor be Long John Hend erson Sueh was me Indication yester ny by el low who spends most of his winter with the Bradford intermediates Seems all that Is needed before John Is Bradlordlle is Ms amateur card The announced pald attendance 1114 was about 100 better than opening day It confirm my convic tion that intermediate hockey ts held In pretty ht regard It yesterdays screams didnt prove it not tng will qu mun ExAMlquRuMqriDAY quhuauu mm Wllh Not wln tn the bag and promtses ot slmllar inc attendances ahead Falcons shouldnt Ilnd lt qultc so tough to come out on the rlght end of the score agaln Certainly there should be no more loud scores agnlnst them As for Barrics defence ft was tops of theseason Dave Sanderson led the crew no just defensively but offensively The blg guy played like everyone alwa expected him to perform When Daves flying rest of the club usually performs likewlse CoaCh Paul Mcger didnt get too carrlcd away with the victory He felt hls boys should have had more goals So do the boys gel that way Whénevc Facene does leave thellneup it wont be too early or Falcons attackers They fired 21 shots at him in the third perlod scoring only three flrnes But Barrie forwards didnt let Facette get their goat They kept hammering away until something gave us puckchusIhé Regular Orlllia goalle Bob Shropshire has leg trouble and doctors wont allow him to rush back to work Neither will Facelte Stamps Half Way To Grey Cup Show Bay City Falcons finally won Georgian Bay In ftermediate Hockey Leaguegame and theycan rgloat In the fact that it was the weak spots the cluh that spelled the difference But the big difference was between the pipes Rich who was forced off the blades or weqkwlth the flu was in to form He was called on to handle 29 drives and three gotbyvhlm The three goals firéd intojhe Barrie cagémere afar cry from the tallies in the first two games of the seasog Rgcefiying lime and at times up protection But everything went rlght yesterday Where the defence couldnt hold thaiort Rlch dld He wasvpar tlcularly ade in scrambesoften stopping two and threedrlves qule succession In fact if Elch had fault it was in allowing the extra shots Hes the type of goaltender that beats the puck out ralher than gather in every llred dlsc This stylé appears somewhat dahgerous but cer tainly keeps the players honest and the fans awake But regardless of from where you watched the game Rich was only the necond best goaltender of the afternoon Grilllas Leo Facette was marvellous He had 48 shots to handle Four or the pucks that got by him were deserving The tltth Howard Forbes second of the thlrd period the cllnchcr went in of defencemanllowle Lees skate Jotlm Reid pTgked filqe gficks out ovtVtfieHnet ll By STEVE JONESCU uzyumlwm In lmufllm Whmlpu Mn H150 Mn 11w plcked ymll nuhln In the Bombm W1 AI lemlml In ad ad nn In nm Dw lumvedm 31 In Idrvmngcnl er slumped nurlrd ml Imr lnjllkl llnlfllnrk FA nu rhlnln bu brulud Mp Luck lu llvy Jnknmvlrh hmlml would em lnll Inlummn lmulml In and lnrhlo lllll Crawlmd nlrMmd IlwnrnL All In upmal Ia he or Wnlnmlny nlml 11w aimMun mm mm In Hull In line My up Monla flalurday Um Two phym no ul Hm Wln nlpu workout warn dcfcmlvo md Huh my and deIn guard Sum Punch In lwlurd In Inkh and Pam lulurod bmimi rlhl 1n lhu HM unlny balm umlod la bl may Inr hm mm NHL My hm lull mat lenm out lhm 51mm ho uld 01 Inc flnmrmlerl Sunday Conch Um Iran had no mum Provmenefluhlpped Spring field Indians 12 at Springfield Sunday ulthlelsburgh Hor neu blanked Aces at Play burgh Saturday and Rnchcaler American whlpped Hebe undaylnightnt Lnuc cal In other action Saturday Spflnnlleld dum cd Clavnlund Hm Prlzztleld n9 Nlnqnu Pull Mon mil leluhom llamlllrm Catharine Guam Windor Cilllhnm Mmdlmk Gall Kllchnwrv lenln Huflnlo Hochulrr llllnhuuh Cluelnml IIHHI Kiln llnlllmnlr llullnlu Knrlmfllnld lmrldcnu Quelwc llnchulrr lluulll Sufidbi Sudlmry Mulkunn Hulenwn Dmlhl AmerIrn Lulu Hallrm mm Qucheu l0 4922 cumy ID um fiprlmzlkId Mill IIovlllrnu MW Bulllmnu II II nuulu Sunday Montreal Chicago Toronto New York Detroit 30mm Eulrrn lmleukmll llulllonnuu ll 55 an Klnallan In Sudbury II MN Hymrmc II pl 55 Delvccchlo Delrat MacDonald Dclmik Mlkim Chlcagu Howe Dmou McDonald Chlcazo Scaminn Mammal lqlfmrd ilionlmnl Dclmll Chlcngu Toronm Monlrcnl New York Hulnn Wings Ace Line Grabs Limelight The flghlwlngcr In the Red Wlngs vLleran llnc dcpcfldnbln Gordie llnwc ncllcd Real or Kola 16 Howe hold lnunh place Jointly wllh Illa Black Hnwkl Ab McDonald and Mom reall Bernie Boom Boom Geallrlan Hun 631an HOCKEY RECORD lcigo star centre Shun Mikfta scoreless during Ihe eekcnm holds third Ipat with By THE CANADIAN PRESS Detroits ace forward Hm shared total of even point In two weekend National Hockey League games In matchhe llm 131th 1e Centre Alex Delvecchlo up lhree goalstwo nxnlnsl Tor onto Sumday and the other at Bostons expense Sundayor 20min lulu and two In lam aver hll nems rlv for WW Right behind linemale Parker MacDonald whose loin Jumped to IE on goal and 531501 assists sons 32 at nunam naltimore Clippers dawned the Bison 42 Sunday nlghl at Buffalo Livingston with big We Mary and Fred and Eileen Norris won er1 prize in the Iratxdraw wlfih mowing and aplul 194 sudden mm by Providence Red and av justassudden Illuvmu by Quzhec Aces Ahavn combined to make tight tour lenm scramble the Eastern DMxlan race In the Amcrlcnn Jlm Bartlett neared xaal and earned lhm assist or ny THE CANADIAN PRESS Ray Livingston rand Gard Neédhnm aldva the lap rinks In the twoday mixcdbnmpld at Barrie Curling Club an the weekend Nucfllam had three wlm and plus 1110 like top prlw in mend draw In our Included hls wile Helen and Char and Jean Chrlallev Runnerup the first draw was Murdle Oampbellarlnk two Mn and plus or which Included Dom Homer Lu Crank nndeurdlenvwlfa Fem Bamm rlngfleld and 1111th dgfgm Buffalo Thé iélidm Fédtiires Slump BY Quebééa StdfléSéfiifiblé cgcgfimzjlifigwgtéomsri Frnspr Sulherlanda rink hid hauntrm lo Ii Onlulo Iflulol nulth Mnlor IV 10 L1 Nfllfllz7 Am WM Fwwflflwu T351125 L357nml WMnfldsl HWIGO IHNM Il10 117dl Illa no In an lflls 6H All II Ml mu 3011 lhlru goal mm by Eve lyn Thompson led lluvrrn I1 rindkm um Um Annll wlleIM Wle and lab mull Wm the lam mm Um loam In mum uu Chad mum Mllllld Duth mm mm In ml by not Irwin Ulmnll Dlvnll Tm In In lnln lnr mums wu lwnrdvd IM IMWI my n1er nml Chlfk mam bow came mrmmh wtlh Mm ln Hm Mllmm IIIII mu4161 on 3m tmL WInn Iplll their two Wflkrnd film luulnl in Toronto bnplc Lulu Saturan mum and than ddullnl laon llrulnu Eunday nIKhL Jlul cnmldtrlnu Winn we ulna up muxh nixum rand Thu have Hm lenguel lead lnu znnhcorcr In Puke Muc Dnnnld Um luudtr nulltl In Alex Iklvaccmo Ihc loadln palmgetter In Drlmchla In the lundlnl all In Terry anchuk They ulna huvu the lawn Imd mun In dtlcnmnnn Howl Young who In mnulu In ponnhlu Imd will break Lou Funllnulal Icauua maul mmum ha Imps uy Ihl pace Thu flylna Douche ruled Eucky lo flunk 03th plncq In preMnnn prcdlcllom lend qu Hamlin with lwupolnl tduu um mondplnco CM caxo Incl Huwkl and have We Ann In han THE CANADIAN PRESS Dnm¢ Red Wing currcnlly have Ilmnzlclmld on Iho Nn IIunnl llorkcy Lemur scmrrmr Key Pietra Bdllunt wllh two Stun Bnluik Larry Leach Ed Mazur FemXe Flaman and Harry lcnbrIcI Murray Davlson and gulldchenLy scared lnr Sprlnlv Torontos George Knudmn Jlm Ferret and Dave flalnn lied or third phase and each pltked up $100133 Knudsen carded Sunday In go with prcvlou round an and 73 or 281 lolal Lots Aclion In Alliston Loop The 32an mm thclr llxlh straight win when Ihey dumped Ihe Ilium Saturday nankle Wayne Rlvm mud Ihm men and Le Dull Larry Zelda and Keka Maflwn neared one aplccc Bulfalo nearer were Jack McKenzie and Larry Wilson curling Jack Pm Ina Lowell Mé Danach neared the goals um cflllednthe Age Snlurlay 1h in the Ahulaui we Quebec Sunday nigni Dick Gambit Gene Ubrincoi Sinn Smrke Johnny MacMiilnn and Gerry Ehman scored or iii Amu Icnns Clipping ahead iha way gut goals from Psi Hanni gan Noel Price Len Roman and Red Sullivan Sunday night Bison marksman wem Dong quinwn and Cl rSciImnuiz Rnnnefrup Needhaln WM the wink at Ken Skefly My his wife Helen andDennla and Many Moran It had lhm wigs and plug flvn Twmgqnle winner with plus oi 13 was lho rink ni Larr Hart Iklp Marie nd lay and Ndrm and Siélln uric Ontgnme winner with the high aggregate 23 was skip ped by George Northway with Giadyrand Jim Dewar and Cagney wiiq Helen flail prize Vwen l5 tho rink mm Terry Harm akin Bella lfgargey Frank Taylor Red Wings Dominate Despite The Experts on winon the high amount oi 11 or ihini prim Oihzr member the rink ware Lot tie momma Charles Henry nng Fraserl wiier Baxrim and 1352b nanuf Tony Lema Wins Top Golf Money rig awfiile Olhzr ware Lotr Farfinm Munlta Im lyofl ml Ronny Duh mum Hm lhm XllchmzrWIlmm lulu II My lhe Mn IliaAllin lug logy lhe lluulnpl 11 Huilam luoiqa 1m In Ihc flnl mind In erh my Mylnqld nu ylpy Km Nl CW111 fin vIM Unlnnl nllonnl hntkry lrnm mnllnuul on wlnnlnu my Bundn Ivy xlrlrnllnu llvr Hllclumcr alulm Tim nl llw Onimln llvrkry Almlnllan Krnlnr rm hm Mum burly 5000 In ya av 110le ml Yvulmly mh mum om Vulmlav manhlnov Mu Al mdnv and Kamlalntln MUM In nflwr nmrm In olhcr we ncllon lhe relnrn quill Glnnn Hull and the scan at lell wlnunr Bobby Hull wRonl mnn hul Mason lpnrkcd Chlmxn In Hw league but IhowinK 11w Hnwlu benl New York Hunger In In mmnl llrll Snnxr dny nflemnon game and lhcn ultlcd or II hnmo with Monlrenl Cnnndltm Sun dly nluhl Munwhllt Mn hnd ve gnme winning Alrenk IMIIVIYNI undn nlxhl whrn lho llnngm op than lcnlo wlth pain nnw II two Polnn nlund at UM um nnadlcnl onrlh um 19 palm Ntw York ledl dawn mm plnu will 11 palm Indfiollnn on IMnme wln Im Itmk In In In plum will mm min In Indlvlaunl nearing Delm rip nobody can lay lhcyxu llowlnz dawn yeL HAWK ADVANCE Soviet Squad Downs Tigers Apparently they dld becauso they wenLoutuanlo In its and played so minutes of hock ey each man lvlng hh but It would bra touzh chore or any man lo pick an nutsmnd my player on me day Ihey wgre all up Statistically you wauld have mum nu Leo Fncctle in Terrlers and Dave Sanderson Falcon delenceman Sanderson vm flienclual hero polllng Illn wlnnlng foul and Fauna kept the Orllln Iqund wllhln tango lg uniding the nets with hl An lndlcnllon hut how well Leo played ml la told by tho over lhero Wu learn damvim of In or eflorl Banla BayGuy Falcons would wlnlolna away or it via oxy over Orlllia Terrlen ha ufena yegleyday all lama hubs Georgian Bay In unncdlnlo Hockey Lame the Famnl mew hey had to win this age They not only won the me vbul bowed their stock gut mom at th lapliwegeucnncemed Pa an any at team dropping two game through carelessness showed up at hymns much earlier than mual Ia chuck an hllcrewfu feeling abaul the game MUST GAME eel thlx I5 must game or mbepauu the Drillin mm In un¢wo um and were dawn twa said PAuIH they main today theyre going to bu MONTREAL CANADIENS ccnkro Jean Bellvcnu 111 am puck ho drive It ward Mum Black lnwlu flnwrhuk Jumped he 16 uhumlzalnnl him In In llnl round rlllnl DINO anlr an vlpln vy evulm Hilly lull lclrolln Numl llllnun Am All Llalrnrrmun Tm Manon mm In In wand pound and on Ird lhlnu rally In Iho lhlnl infin llcd Kelly 107le lhn wlnncr ll IIan mlnuln In Tuxunto lull nuwml Winn uu hm had In wills for the one nnnl win duo lo Saw llmk Inllnnl mu nm yuruld mlmlndrr Ilnhhod uukrml Mm 1M coal nlfllml 1mm lush wintur Murray nnl lour um Chum lend wily In In Int palad Hung Dean lrrnllLu led ll Ihm mlnum Inter but llu Icmd hln um goal In Ive lnwkl the 1w Um cl they 1an Wind New mG Itllllvd an Ian Andy Ilrlwnlnn and Mad Glo hm llnnum pulled nonilo Sum Wnnley wlm mu lhnn mnqu Icn hul couldnl Iml llnll wlm mm nlurnlnl all Hum ulna nhnnm quum mm In New ank Sulurdn Hull unml MI mm and IleI Rolls In mum and added an al In In Chlcngol wln flu scored lulu In Chicagos Inn game 42 thple De rall chxmduy Km Wmnnm made with lhn nnlymand pcrlad goal nnd Hull Ind whnl rmer In be wlnncr any lho Mn mm In lptdntulll Uglylong rpm chln nddcd three mm In lake clear mm In palnu with and In flllllll with 15 Line male RInchnnld 19yeamld Jaunwymnn nlmol sent back lo the minor bclnrc he un wnn Ilnrl scored lonl la Ink ha mum loud in um 19 pnrlmtnl wllh nluo Moe File tied up for tha homglownarx tqu IQ nun ulerlnlerr dcflm sander Ianralnp ahoL Dave grabbed pass mm Gerry McBride and Jen menmlnz ganlbannd when Ffle directed It In ung DACK IN onM Gary Kennedy apencd eltlvl Hal or the Orlllln boy at MI the lm period Ml pan lromBab Bunnnl Gn wal crulllng In on goal no Eun lons pansout ram behind the not and blazed by mm Mag File tied llp gr ha Sandman wna terror thro umutvlho MM both Iran andbacxun delence col ected three renultlel mud tho wlnnln on Ruined nnlanoflv er an mined nut an lean arcoupio more pald on in big wny arngelfiaygona as can he out at the Lincc that not never had chanco on he Jim Mnrghlc Orlllla Mar took advantage cl fallen Falcon number notion final by Illa Buy Olly hays Falcon outlhnt Taxglen 1341 In Ihn firm mm In tho second and III7 In the mud Home or antenna Iolal 4629 The total would va bun hlgher had not many lha than mlmd ch net Don Rich mhndxh he didnt stop many that as did Fae em wnl autxumdlng consldgry ha ha lmla pracglca hes had lines he aeasan Italted Job commitment an uttpck Lhn flu creed file min mau ma Falcon warkauu Bu coach Mew thought hed xlvo subgoalie John Peck Reld reklund like change on Dan ogzN 590mm goal In Ink period Slam lum in Chicago but nlghL Behind him teammate Don Marshall Black Hawk Mammal rlshlwlnnur Clnudn lruvm was Iner In lmpllnl or rlb 1an am In WM checked mm the honnll by CM nfinn Hmrr Vnnlm In the nn period In Nrw Yolk Sunday nluhl mm Jrnn Ilnlullo and mm wlnnr Ken Schlnhl gm lnngm 20 had In III and mind helm Kelly mm ll um Ivlmlnulu mmk hmncn Ilnrvnlh banan In rebound lo Icon Ilm Ennmn Hnnl all Im In Um um vulod lrnlc nollnn lam hanged llnxlm ranch IM Wnlwn In em durlng lho game The Hm Ill my mum than hulrwny lawnrd lhu Icuuol lulllfly rec urd 25 unmu wllhuul win at by New Yurk In 1m Monlrclll vcurnn cunln knn nmvenu Itaml 1n the lhlm period to Iva Cnnndlrn lhdr Ila in Chicago Dalcnumnn nob Wm nond Chlrninn on In mom pmm wl lcnlnmnln lull May In lhn penalty box myrk wing dpndly Woolen In DCIIDHI wlu um Damn MacDonald and rlghl wlngcr Floyd SmHh Icorcd bcfaro Ihu gum wan our mlnulu old and Your added 251001 goal In In Iccwnd pcrlad belarn HIM winnrr Jerry Tap mlnl Icarcd Xanlonl only on two mlnultl alcr Forbes put Ihe game on Ice or Fulcnnl with his second goal on Sandy Mr rebound om lla lrled desperatelylo get back In contanllan but Rlch wasnt about to let this one le by reconds later Chrln fanned an shot wflh an open not in front of hlm HowleForheI deflected apas through Fncelma legs at 149 of tha third period There was no lurlher scarlnmuntll 1416 when Howie son Sanderson rcoollng up he Ice with the ruck Dave flopped ma blun lne and rifled bullet slap shnt pm totally surprised Oflllln goalie defencemnn to get out In mm 0ch wllh the yuck Thu rub bar 1m Murchlsrlnck with web larce Dan cauldnt until mm by him into the open corner ol the net mm lull same speculauan ax to whether hen seen Gerry McBride nu limb handful anon lo llu up Lhn limo ance nznln leBB1e file 1019 thy Mk 1qu an 9111 Ila larwnrd 33a ghmedkfiixi through the daltnce to park thn puck Into the short ride The Iona goal In the mlddla period was Huerta by Ted Hum who grabbed an gain behlnd the can and red I1 The shell on goal the Fa can seemed much armor pm In their lava than we 1n dlcnted This was mainly be cnuse man of lhe shou wznt ovcrthulopor missed ha aldo by Inchel Chris Clarke 103 sure goal when Fanmo readied VICE 0w 1mm Amunlnl I13 Dunlap SO Em MonIhI lo Pny No Momy Dawn ANDERS MENS WEAR fitundlnlu Dclroll won IO loll Had polqlp 71 Ionnlllm Ynuny Detroit mlnulrl Cudae normally ahaku all hur rldmz ha alter about than jumps but was woarinn when ho splllcd Iha lelh Jump and ma pllched over Clandcboyl neck landan on Ml head Ham and rider were both uninjured although Cud my laid ho wal dazed lhroulh Hm ml lha course and cam maincd or being am all am nu day Tommy Gaylord on Plnaaclc Salurday alzhl charged 10 hone ovcr analghlence Ice and jam mum and beat aal Mex col Zalaraln by 5pm lecondl The AmcrlcansMlu Mar Mam Frnnk Chapel and Wl Ilnm Mansonheld lhc lead during all but nne or the com pellllom In which Mexico edm ahead LAND 0N FENCE rear dolplle suu céfipcllllii lion Maxim Cannd and rot nd The Mexican Innm placed Iccond In team finding our points behind thn Unlled Slates Thirdplace Cnnnduone pain behind Ihe MEXIMHI Iost Fonlble mund plnclnz In tho Innll when Doug Cudncy on Clandcbny look tha masl Icrloul llel lecn In lwo yam ol Inlan mIIonIl ridan nl lhn Royal Cudncy and Clandchoy landed In the middle or lho triplebar lance and bolh milled on 1h lanhark ItlckInE 8345 Stain lmemntlorfnl equeslrian team won ugnln at the Royal Alflculgurn Wlxykr Fair thll Falcons Faxbu Etad dart Air 149 Falcons Sanderson For bes Mr 1436 Falcons Forbes Mr fiédalllns Sandar him lqklna Gallon hllho Falcon proved owner and to tho 1114 people who lhowod up that they could may ht type of hockey worthy of top team Ono would have to any It wasan enllrely different team than vthe one whlnh lull undfir the Orlllln omlaunhtlut we BENCH NMES Glen Arm Itrong and Ross Cameron play lnu ln thelr llrst lllt thlayear were both welaqmo oddltlonl to the Iquadl Glen hudthe delence movlnx with Me enreerlvo play and Cammnrbolslered the MeBrldevMoo Fllo llne Ken Robertson pulled theteam out at hnttwelerwhen they were man short with Sunder Ion In the box He roam the puck lornlmort the whqu two mlnhtel exhlhlllnu Inc blt ol atlckhandllnl Some wlremu trled to confuse the player hallway through tho some by throwing an extra puck on the Ice But the uyr 11mm Falcons File Sanderson McBride 049 Oriiiiu Murchie Cooper Lee 1101 Falcons McBride 1840 Penalties Sanderson iflpp lngi mew Gailen eibuwing 1505 tripping anqu mama VPenalue Lee charging 101 Ggahyr lrlyplng 318 the banter El re Jenn Babb 50 and Joe Mc Bride 15 may PERIOD Drilllu KenEcd Bum wglugngon Falcons Hughes 1Mous flu Wm By THE CANADIAN rnssa Team Wins Rt Winter Fair Ankh mlvccchla In shnlnum Hnwclmk Dclrull loam MacDonaIH Dclmll fulfil7 fiilvfichinibclwlh EQUIPMENT TRY WIIIn You Think OI Minot M90 91 Ihlmnlnu with pm Ilum punhind MllNlIflll awn oulm DUNMH HT WFAT Hm Tonomo cmm Unlled GARNERS SPORTS SKATES NHL LEADERS FREE

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