The topic at 1h day was Foalunng an Approximat dyiIW girls represenled 415 clubs andmany pmuls anew dedflhe dayions nvem Each club had choicecl either uxhibiung milsin vnr ion displays or dqmonstrating various ways Ji preparing fruits VAfllED EXHIBITS The girls took pm in aching up their exhibits and six dis play varied mil arrange ments were set up Mu Ihe demumllnnsmndukiu com menu were given by two Home Economists Mrs Jean Silver mm Unionvlfle Ontario and Mrs lesson mm Bramp new Home Economist for Peel Nelve girl and wn women wera presented wflh Illcir County and Provincial Cgrï¬ï¬c ates Saturday afternoon In Guth rie at the North Simcoe Hi lgomemnking Club Achelvemenl ny Coordinator for this shvw was Mm PeggyCampheIl Home Economist for Nodh Simone Dcparltmcnt x3 Agglnllmrg Eanhmnbcr on club was given the oppanunfly to exhlhil round hooks recipe ï¬le and fruit desserts and complete full quiz and breakfaslplan nuls WW Bum Mn Shiver and Mn Cussun cvngmmlutcd Hue girls In their cflom In complete these pmlcds and donated construc tive ullldsm on tho prepara IIons their displnyl and he dcllvery Ihclr demonyxnlions Three Provincial Honor Cap limes rcptcsmtinx 12 com plcled projects and County Honor Certiï¬cates represent lug alx completed pmleds were proscnlui by Mrs Stan Evans Severn Bridge pn Ildenl of the Ball Simcne Branch of Die Womens Inslib ule CERTIFICATES MEMBERS OF Painsullck 4H Club proudly show their display of vgrinus ways to The follawkuz were prmnlcd with Cutlllcnle valndl Jenn Anderson Rugby Mn new Dyhull Clown nnd Elva Moon llnrvie Settlement County Mary Fm Julrall Cmighmn Lind mum Mln cxlng Pulflcln 1100 um Mur ion McPherson Argyle Mu Clmcrlne Lnngmnn llnwkes Iona ncln Harris Grenltl Sharon MacDonald Alex Mc Gulrc Sylvln llnllle Gulhric Sham Mlllcr and Wanda Mo Arfllur 1mm Mllchcll Squnm Mn Mary Cuppaxc Jnrrnu leghlnn received an award or wmplulnz live your urvlcu wllh flu HI movom pl CiVéEWKfTGï¬fEï¬Ã© 7077110le Inch cvchl villle sterling silver Homemak In Club syoons wen present ed to each duhmember who hndvcompleted the project sal mnclrrrily and whn attended cheivemenl Day held at the Elmvale Comhmm IILHEII nqNav pmrlcprNrs cruvlésdeï¬nud niélstanu pgï¬ciggdng Excludqd inkling Mm JuPanemn Centre Vesprnr Mn KDIcker Mn Dyball Clown Mm II Oades Miss Shanahall Crnlghuru Mrn Holmes Mrs Dobson Grantsl Mrs Mason Mrs Caldwell Guthrie Mn Shaw M15 Tegnant Hnrvle Settlement make dumb and 1m wim onefnllt in thls case an apple The Achievement Day CUELING Anderson Park resident wrungwéonh mammm nï¬xedfbunspml mammmh nuxed bunipmlk number of the lady curlers had never seen rock before but played every posiuon but skp The Ladle Dengue confluence today and judging from the Ihuslnsm oI the 18 rinks enter ed It shnuld be succesalul season The Teenagers also ba gln activities 1de under lha guldnnu or FL Slcwm while the Mens League not under way Inmormw WOMENS AUXILIARY The WA member met Kn the Social Centre and while the lengthy business meeum wal held members worked on olhur articles that will be featured It the lunar lo he held on Dec ember pm In lhu Soc4 13L Centre 7711115ch in the meeting was mann Ia he two needy Inm glen in pge Aflhlon m5 durlnz CAMP BORDEN SOCIAL NOTES Iho ChrisLmns season Mcmherl were asked to bring clothing food and tnyl or lbs 10 thud rcn invoived in their next meet ing when the parcel will be packed Also passed was my lion la donate The ilnnia Ex nmlner to Lilo patient at Camp Borden Station iiospiui MIL June Davies and Mn Shirley Days were mod the indins prcsentutivu lo the Station Sturo under the new mnnngc ment Erwin Collier linimshmcm were served by tho committee includin Mm SPECIAL IHIIMANHNTH NOVEMIIHII ml ny GRAY mm xr mum sALoN Mrs Vivian Mrs ShellU swell Hawkestane Mm Gor don Rowal Mrs Jnmleson Pygmmuuguya mï¬jï¬fvrCuwaKErhmwï¬Ã©ï¬ ghlan MrsA Tgeler Mrs Magnm Mlnealng Mn W111 lam Mould Mrs 11 Miller chell Square Mm Webb Mm chh Pdnswick Mrs Lnngmnn Mn Lnnzmun Rugby Mrs Ndeflck Mlsx Match Washngo all Lha Guthrie Area BurialPaw School Ham and School Association held flu November meeting underthe cthyshlp olFO Wm Mrs Lovelace Coldwnler Mrs smud Mrs Comm Cmsxland Mn MacDonald Mrs anEdenvne Mn SrAuenrMrmILSmiueraw Flos Mrs Taylor Mn Sack Nanh Riva Mrs Strum Na Ritchie Saur 1n Mn SBeIL Mlu Bell VanVlnck Mm Robinson Min Stewart Vasey Mn Vllllnm Slblhorpe Mrs French Waverley Mn La londe Miss Grlur Wyevalo North Mrs Large Mrs WHI llprq Haj Wyevnlo South all Sue MudJéod Mn Lyn Invau Mrs Pat Webster and Mrs Mikhail wk held Sammy merriooi 1n Guthrie mmmunilylllalli oi the Elmvnio min house commenced pm An nullan of the onhmmlu activities was given by thapm gram convener FL John Korn lofl Ono be main ounc lunx will be lhn December meeting In which lwo pupils from grade and will paniclpala In an ellmlnnllon must for repruentauva take pm in the Slmeoe Rale paym Public Spenklnz Comm to be held Kn Barrie FL Simm viwnmsidcnl at he newly organized nalud ed Childrenl Association in Al Iislon outlined we aim And nape oi the new lamp and In appealed ior volume worken it was an mos Inmuiul meclinl ever held in Baxkm Schooi with 125nemhm tak ing pm Ind inking mil mem boxships hm III wlmr hr II he lnmlly ALL ACCESSORIES AVAILABLE moon mm mm Brim Nnmu at utmmtly low prim Aulhaï¬ud Senlc Depot Sulnxmx Ind Tflm ll Dunlw 5L PA um ROBINSONS QUALITY HARDWARE ELECTRC RACING CAR SETS AND Allrze représlnlnlhn nl members Jndï¬vic guests ab landed the November meeting Emmia Evenmg Mb zlon Clrcle oL First Baptist Church heldat the homq or Mnï¬lvan Sturgeon 51 Vlncem Street The president hirs Humid Walther conducted the busi nes session during which the member oi ihu MissionCir cle were cqmmended on ni alninz piano an The iiumr Roll oi Giving oi the Baptist Womans Missionary Society by reaching more than oneV half or their yearly nursinunry Iiioimenl in the first six month of 1m WW3 Crnss bandage 10 Inu ussfonwns announced or hate hrNovember and an aria Vince unouncemet wasmada regarding Ihe Baptist anena Day at Prayu on Decl to be heid Jn conlnnvctlnn with uu Womenl Asoclallan First Baptist Church Mrs John Cockhrumsr An pnyervum lemons of Iho meeting Mrs Ronald Gnllupe presented an up date nzwscast whlch bmuaht encouraglng new Advance In the medlcal work on the Quhnpondo alatlnn In Angoin duplte unmsl and tr Milan miles away new oPVBAPTIsTTWMsT THE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAYTNOVEMBEE mi Grown Hm Unllcd lunch Women met at the ham of my Edward Suuon for Its November meetlnz with Mm Dunomm presidlng devotional was taken by Jun Gwzhnanwas opened WI WWTMIWMDYTH Lords Prayer In unison Scrip Inn wu Psalm am verse Isis Ind see that the Ian In good he topic was st Christopher the house where ha neighborhood meets mu Simian followed Mn Dnnsmoro eondudcd tho busines suction Mlnulea ol mvloul Inman were read no adowed Roll call was church comm event It In decldnd to purchase Miséioï¬Circle AttainslPlace 0n Honor Roll Mrs Dunsmore Is Hostess At Crown Hill UCW Session EDMONTON l0 Dunlap Em ami mm my AL For TCA Iml CNR Rummlonl and Tlchln JOHNSON lIMITED venture In Bollvln running no pupll boardlng school and recent wnyd lmm the Mn anlys of Ihclr gnod Work and mm lho llnal cxnmlnntlnns ln lheir language sludles were In he need lhlsmonlh as It muuer who we be invo was he qucsginn pro senlcd by the devntlonal lend er Hrs William Scott me the scriptqu truth based on thrr E2145 ll wns pmven um it does matter what we mum In spirllual matters or belief lnJcsus asour Saviour bringn lo lndlvldua hearts peace rust nndclernnl Hie SW 13 prayers werenflered or new recruits 21 rnuleJo India for Bolivlmi Chrlsllnns in their rlruggle ngulm Communism and for the work in our local ï¬hurchrnd nearby communi cs the record of Ponuznesn ruin and oppresï¬lon which is the EESDIL or he pmsent upris ngs souvunlr chlna plate wllh he pldm ol Unllcd murdI Crown lllll on each to be sold to baasl the decalall fund These will be Ivallablo about Dec or person who spent thelr childhood days In Crown HmÂ¥wlwmwldil a11ardflehau6 one at the plates TV repart on the Cnnadlan Buplis work In Angola was presented by Mn xHamld Wul lhcr and Miss Iris George Aided by map of the region they inormcd lhose yum hymn and benediction clos ed this very Informative meet ing and talent sale was con ducted during the social hour The Capa Good Hope zen urnlly in Mrlci saulhemmosl mm in 32 mile north of Cape Axum the ac lual southern Up Mrs Dunsmare served lteslunenll at the close of the meeting Stayatthe Macdnnald Hotel World Wldu Tmtl Scrvlu Nm SOUTHERN 11F Phona PA 66525 For Rommflogl hm comm mccling oflhc Elm coo County Am and Cram A13 aoclntlun vasheld In St 12w rgefs Hall Thmmcellng look the omi Chrlsqnaspr tenuous qukshop wixh Mrs Connie mker Supervisor Glrls and Womens Vurk Scar borough Recreation Dupart mam us lushclan Spéaker Révealg Decorating VSeqirets Approximately wwomen mm lhmughout the Countywere pre sent They were thrilled with Ihe Interesting and unusual de corations which they learned to makn It was agreed that It had been It mqst profitable and enjoyahlo afternoon nnd eve one was enthusiastic about ma In more at Iha Nudes wlth their friends and lamina at home shon hushgesu sesslun was held after the qukshop LONDON 7va Concen pinnlrstlda mm mm Toronto went Holland to play the solo part In mplex modern work wllh the llversum Rndlv Phil hangnnjc thqstmnpd oupd lustmlnute Illness Meant no aubsfllute cnuld be mad so Miss Krehm oak up the baton and another musician played flue piano solo had never conducted be fore and never dreamed of con ducting butzlt wa qultu awn mm In fact Ive been ulrl ll laps we made ls beller than many cammerclal mcnrdlngn this work 1he work was Hangman com poser Januceks Concerlhlo Qulte handlul recalled Miss Krehm wryly 11 could be new career or me M133 Krehm why occaslonally Ives recitals In London but mostly tours the European can all won 14 naflannl award In child in Canada She ï¬rst came 10 England our years ago and nowlive tn lbs 11th Lonan artisls colony of Hampslead rTries Out Baton Iristead 01 Keys FA 6523 hull lienfls tun way to gel auarvnnnlnthnnmllvt part Epaï¬ilnï¬egmmlme Chrlslnms tree Llflleilsler can collect the bendavand maps or loll so that mauler can Inshlan the ï¬nished product Add up latherde brother to hang them pp and youll haye he mak mg Di lovely me came Chrisb mas limp Model Nn W9 FRESIIEN ROLLS Saxinkling cold water on ralls before puttinthem into um BorrOW or Save We do BOTH When we hue lo linnnca bl patchu or have olhu expenses Ill wauld use up Ill or most of our mlngs wa donl hcsltlle In no see Ihe Roylllbou Dannle loin nut llke 011 of ulhm how am Im Llly trying to gu my to build up built win And ï¬nd the Ins 1y la do II 11 lb Roynl flunk ccounl Elm bmlnmllke ulnpI lmmul Chequlnn annl at ml blllw and upmle Snvlngu ArcouM mm or suing work for 1ch ll wum fut you tool ROYAL BANK