Busy Week Coming SFdfrInhisï¬l Citizens Esprtlnny 1c mlzmms ram lhls mm who already 1er milkd dawn In lhu any laulh lrll hull 10 snow that tovoml Ihc hlll be lwun our home nnd lhe hlzh wny Snmrdny mum Vc levc lram IE Fnlr In Toronto lmu he Inlllng snow Mlllh unscdl by he llmu we reached hum his mum work out mu We nrc hnvlng hc pmsonrc Aging dim Pope John follow yoL woflrl pox hcullh nnd On Snlurdny he Muwnlc Mine Imud are holding melr Ladlcs nghl in illurrh III Community Hall ncsldcs lhls we have luncheon In end on Wednesday no or gclllng church and lrnlcnml mcclings hlch Imu dnm Inns lhrN tuhlnm he taming mk snmw YIAI IIILL Those who read he Globe and Mail wlll have seen very cnllghlcnlng story In he Sal urday mngnzlne sccllnn on Cre dil Unlnns ll tells the slnry well BVR This week sees County Coun cil in session it is nlso in week of many events in the area To mention lew ol them on Tuesday the Village at Cooksiawn is holding in pub lic ceremony to celebrate the opening of their new water works system and have invited all who cnre to attend at 280 in the ntterneon Wednesday the anrdens Bouquet will be held in Harrie with special speaker In the person of For qnhar Oliver who is former tender of he Liberal Party in Ontario lie comes from the Wnrdens former home sur roundings lhnt lsth the ninht for the Pancake Supper in Strand when all the pan cakes and sausages dessert and beverage are available at the Community llallI served by the men ot the United Church at dollar per person The reeular meeting at lnnlslil Council is also slated or that evening On Thursday the Georgian Bay District at the Credit Union are inviting all members to Join them in in tree hiiilionalres Night at the Community House in Barrie Refreshments me on the house and oil that is needed lsto re identilted with Credit Un Dllt TODAY TUES WE INNISF IL NOTES Ion Hcslunf Sophla Loren nqd Genevieve Page starts at the Roxy on Nov 22 mi Samuel anslon motion picture ls wï¬fflunn um um 1ND MTIION ll COMING TO THE ROXY Muwnlc holding illurrh ncsldcs Sunday morning the hill at illi nets Point was covered with just enough to make the astent treacherous Some oi the early birds who made it did so with considerable luck accordinx to the track they lelt behind them wiggling as they made the second turn and reached the crest This is one or the things that adds to our desire to shorten the days spent un der winter conditions 0t course by mldsundny alter noon the snow on the hill disappeared but we will eq ip the ear with snow tires so that in the next saowtall which at eourge wiiirhewarse they may help us to main the grade without carrying sand new road is promised which will enable residents to get out by way of Fairvlew Avenue onto the new Toilendal Read but slowness and perhaps little lndliterenu in obtaining the property rights ls delaying this We are ready to do the work as soon as we get the orders to go ahead Road Supervisor Cown told us at Council meet ing recently However legally or otherwise the delay contin ues Perhaps it we had the township solicitor living here he would iinrt the reason tor the delay and correct it soon VATICAN CITY ANFor he llrsl llme In lhc history he Vatican group 01 lludd his monks was mnlvcd Sun day by ï¬anllll of the Roman Cnlhollc urch The pnpnl au dlmce was xranlcd by Pope John lo 29 Jnrumcsc munka rrprcscnllnu nll lluddhlsl dc namlnnllom Although we belong lo dll lcronl rcllqluns lhe lope told his Hallo we honor Curl and work for pence null lhu bcn cm cl mankindl We nrc cxlremLly happy ln hnvlng hccn ndmllltd In your Pmslml Mnnk Mnlnnl mnn dimcl ho alrmlxp lolq Buddhist Monks Pope Iohn Greets coar account of memeval pngunuy hcraism und mnnce but also an account of lhe aplrllnal value of tha Middle Ages olm We All In nnd your drum lo locum pence We wish you run prospcrlly lvl Fur Al 100 ID mm mm III Chm Maroon held wide edxcover Ihe hap less Rams outshoollng lhem mz Ted Power scored two nonl lnd Gaorge Mlkcn ï¬rorgc Usilnlo Elmer Skov Rob Pole Da Lucluk and Joe Mnju got qne ench It took only sccanda for he Alhlellcs plylnu bum home crowd or 1100 to finish Gull In that ace of Irma early the man pcrlud Ber nle humane and Hutch scorld xnnla 01 Woodstock lobrcnk Neil Cockhurn Icared the other Voadslnck goal nnd may ï¬lled or Gull llQLD EVIDE EDGE It all add up In last place he spot Ihe Rams held all In season and the present rm are gulp tn dlnch gum In nine games they have scam 78 aunts and opposlllan teams have scored more than dogple lbsolagrnlngl them wwm umvnugnnm lurm The win moved Chaihnm inlo third place with il poinia Woodsiock Alhleliu bent tile fourth place Gall TEfliEII 51 in the only alim zama Friday night lo mnve into Huiplace iio with Windsor Buildup Each has paints iiiuvm uinl muWWW Wmummn mmmmmmmm mlmnnmummm mm ngnwny lamlues uccmmled for most of Canada accidental doqthtdurlgg lhg weekend Canadian Pres dutvoy from local time Friday midn Eh EST Sunday showed lrufllc mishap responsibln to 333 Ila SQ deaths Fatality Dials by province wererpniario Quebec 14 Briiisii Columbia nix Alberta five Nova Seniia iiuee Naw Bnmswick iwn and one each In Newianndland and Manitoba Them were no accidental death recorded in Prince Edward II lnld heme futullllu numbcred Is In Onlarla eight In Quebec four In Alberta lhree in British Columbia two In Now Bruns wig Vand one In Nova AScollp The surveydocs nu Include known suicides Industrial accl dent Drslaylnll Ontario dead Frldly Ivan Ream 18 min out when he carha was driving left he roadnnd struck true Kincaydlne Ont Rams Maintain Dismal Record F0 LIMITED ENGAGEMENT NO 1MB BEATS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Iraï¬ra Déths IMIIIHI Mndrnll Mum IN 15 NUMBER ll REGULAR ROUNDS SHARE THE WEALTH nbon rmza ACCLAIMEDI THE GREATEST ADVENTURE AND ROMANCE IN THOUSAND YEARS CHARLTON EDPHIA WEDNESDAY Jackpot $240 lEGlON HALL COLLIER ST MIMIMIUN IHHRR MIL lEGION BINGO EVERY Starts THURSDAY Rnndy William Grey Rockp0rt on when shotgun ncddenfly discharged In his far therl car whlle they were drlv Ing slang lhe road near Ivy Lea 0111 nlne mile east Gunman ssallnc l7 alOll Springs 0nlmm Injuries re celvcd when tho car In quh MI was riding crashed Into brldxn four mllu wgsktgl 911 Springs LEAVES HIGHWAY Dcrwln Andrew Willlam Gar buï¬ Dnsdnle when Um mu he was riding In 111 High ray 11 near Oduln And hit rec any 1w Toronto vhcn be was thrown mm Mlcm when It went all nghwaylol 15 milesreast Taronlo Sarah Mclnstrey 65 and Leo nerd McKenzie 39 both Bradford 01 wh en they walkcd mm the path of an an coin car northeast olr Tar on Mrs Beverlcyï¬mln so Tamnm Sunday of Injuries in le odemrénhqugmuï¬kpyzg Cod McLeary 17 anm Que when the car he was rld lng In collided wnh truck une mu fmrg Pembroke in Allred Luzon 48 hunting guide at Bear Llnc Onl whose body was found In den marsh land miles north of Chnlhmn Kenneth John Hadley 28 and his wlfuJEnn 27 In Wine collision an Ilmhway Fan nclls Camera mllcs abut ol BarrieM John luade 51 of London 011 ram Injuries received In Iwnnnr coUluon London intersection John Quinn 72 of Godfrey Ont drowned wth his pickup went ho mm and Into Ca noe quu near Vcstport 0m car Emonto MEI Etohlepku Saturday night Satinlily Albm Chlsnel we Toronlo lwhen tho taxl he was drivan slammed Ink Ilulpole In Toronto ulssan go PETER SELLERS STRIKES AGAIN NOW SHOWING SHOWS AT 900 IMPERIAL ADMIHANCI mva ummmrmum duck b11651 154 Pom Jnrvls so of cum Buy OnL flrnwnodvnflcr Jump Ing lnlalha WEEFWIIEII lhc mo tor lnhll outboard stalled and wind began blowlng llm lion away from ahoro 12 mlch weal okKlqzls Danielskcwart Hamil Ion when he an nutirarn he hlnd parked car lnln the pa another vehicle It Sloncy C1qu ngyrjlummon John McEwcn 35 of Bruce fleld 0nt when hq was struck by car on Hllhway near his home 41m 5mm 2mcx20m nozzuzmw G2U Surprising Yeabut true Like most people you have probnbiy thoughtof your life insuranceus protection for your familyus good my to nave money rcgulnriyns valuable coiintcrnl if you need loan for on emergencyus retire ment plan for you inler on Actually your life innumnco doilnrn are more than on investment in your pcnmnnl occurily and your fomilyn Ihcso dollnrn nro nino on investment in Cnnnda They alimuinlo growth and progrcao and hpr mnku this country better place in which to live and work ofklifo lmumnco savings are inva In this mommt BILLION DOLLARS YOU HAVE HAND IN THINGS CANADIAN LONDON EculcmThc Sun da Expreszxeporu that IE Brllnh Jnumnllsll Union will he naked In cxvel the Earl of Snawdon the photographer hub band Prlnceu Marflrel Lord Snowdon at present probationary member the union Re employed by Que Sunday Tlmu The newnpaper my Illa ha proposal will be made ill They Dont Want Tony In Union when you own Life Insurance ma nannm lawman MONDAY NOW is mix1 Amonz the wmplalnu In he has on vuveral um Ilans used pflvllegad poslflan put prcuure an allow phav togmphen the Sunday Ex preu Ian cenlrn London branch Ike National Union Jaumaflm by Arthur Whittlnglan magale photompher whanllcgu un professional and unruly conl duel by Lord Snowdom Lord Snowdan larmerly rec jfnce phmwpher Many lmpbrtuntCnnndlnnonlcrprimlhmugh the purchase of bonds and Block and through morigugcai These hardworking dollnm are helping to ï¬nance grcnl projects all over this country nuch n5 pipelines shopping cen tm bridges and lllgliwnyn homes npnrl mom nml office building nclmoln factoring iudunlrinl plnnln nnrl powrr lovclopmcnla Tlch investment crcnlc employment opportunities loo The Income mm time invmlmcnln lwmy ï¬ll you directly by reducing the cast of life lnsumncc to you and this million other Canadian policyowncru ArmstrongJones joined Ibo National Unhm ori Joumalhu pmbnllqnary membcr eizl1tmonlhs am That was when he went lo work on Mall at Canadian publlshcr nay Thamwnl newspapqu advlur and maximal photoz mphcr Hayï¬eld 8L PA 54437 Lian ioAM cusmoN wm zvznv 105 0419 US TODAY Barrie Tan Awning onmmun nemnma nmmauma UPHOLSTERING