5106127 Im mm mum Dnllrlu new rm 0mm 41 UnmnllcAu 1mm nun sum Inc mm mm Vimu CuJV hulaan boo nu JulMg um of mumm of III Juvme In in an IM la Amvluvi rm ma flu heal mm Ihmm hunky ledlln mm Nunum In Amman mam nu ma AMI Mum cfmumonc Barrie Examiner ovcmbcr 11 1937 Town dobenlurcs or $50000 sold at hgh figure to Graham 54 Ca bond house Toronto Fundn cos nnrriu 315 Among Past Masters occupying chair at Corlnllllrm Mnsnnlc Lodge were nth cr and son Calm and 1Sandy oultx Board Education monlhly mcolln postponed mm In lack of quorum Ony our of minions lhOWCd up much In xulnoynnuc Chair mnn Dr Sm Olhm preuunt Trustees Archlu oodull Aller Ihyson Frnnk Nollm lrlhulu pnld by con gregation of First In lhil Church to Rev My nu wpnrlurn for mam lnglon llov John McGIlllcuddy was aucccssur as Innlslcr llun Earl llnwo hccmne MP for DanrInShnmc by ac clmnnllon ICE qngl 4me lld nol Hahio candldnlurln icdoml hyeluctlï¬nï¬ Auflwvlml mum Mm mu reI om nupmmnl mm Ind 51 plymonl II no In Dull mam nu tummy and mm usnmu Ml rulmm MUN ILAHHIT mm thnunn mm mm mum Anal llllllnl mum mu mlan ml Iluu IV All lltllyllll lullHM In HonHy port the exlstlng lhdlirsirfcvsand mm and Professional services of their com ésivsurs AGO BARRIE Vo contend that this makes sense If in industry or buslncss sKends large sums ol money sometimes undred of thousands of dollars to establish in Bnrrlc It has rightlo explccl the loyal élupporl of the 7123617110 of tho commun wo dont give our suppnrl we will have no Industry or business If we Some months ao this newspaper cem pai ned vigorousy fordeeentralizatlon of ndustry in Ontario It did so In the belief that there had been and stlll lo tendency to concentrate Industry and commerce in metropolitan areas It ex pressed the opinion that unless this trend is halted the full potential of this province cgnngt be reahzcdz Last week The lined up be hind another campaign of urer local application drive to huKd bl get holler Barrie through romolion the 309d sqrvicesv of le comrpqnily Actually there ls clo ort anl link between the two campa gns One ls an appeal to the provindal gov brnmenl to use every means within its rower to encourage the development mluslry in smaller communities The her Is rquesl lo lhe people 10 sup mggï¬y Buy Barrie Drive Linked With DecentraliZdtion The Barrie Examiner 16 ROCKEFElLERMSpLID so CADILLAC Walls Publisher LOOKING OVER THE 64 MODELS Published by Canadian Nevispaperé Limlfed Hayfield Skeet Byarrle Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE Ifublisher Brian slalght General Manager MONDAY NOVEMBERJP 1m rm¢ Buying lochly is sensible on several counts not lhcleasl of which is protec tlon of existing jobs and the creation of new ones We have stake in healthy business and industry in Barrie whether we admit It or not There are some people 01 course who are quick to run down local business and industry They look to socalled greener fields and say they can gel bargains there But we newspaper believe that generally speaking iha qual My 01 goods and services compare more than favorably with those one can get anywhere else in this part of the pro vince Barrio Agriculturnl Arenn Co directors met to consider Yum advanced by town council for instillation oi Irillicial ice Grand Jury recommended to count council lmrravemonia be mnde ll Chi drena She tor In BorrIe lion Dr Simpson Oninrlo Minister of Eduea iion addressed Joint hnntuet men and womens Ienehlng ederalloos in Barrie lllnsonlc IInII The new course or sludtv will take nomo iimo to operate smooih he declared ll will mnke puplln Ink ior lhemsolvox nnd develop character Iiut Its success depends also on ienchers nnd parents Mn or llIev II Spenrer oi Ilownunvl Io formerly of Si lhutuns Sllnniy Iiny was enker nt IIemnmhrnuco Day service in enirnl Uniied Church inliowlng parade In Cennln rh John IL llodgeo who opernted inrrleAllnndnln Dairy in part nernllll with Ilnrrf nnd Ilolmi pun Chaser lilldlnnd Ila rlel Limlird nml nolri locnl lnierenin io his brothers Mrs II tllnlet Allkert oi lnronin orthor Iy oi Iieolnn conducted cooking school In lioxy lllenlre Cnlnp Ilnrden Ily err drienled iZI In llul oolball piny oil ngntnat loronlo Coath Alex ocklntrn announced his senlur IICI Inni hnll loam would he nl Iull nlrenglh or from tlnyoii Owen Sound Slur llnli melu Irlnr lleynolds and Ileri Gosney from Junior ieam added to roster harrlo ilndmlnlon Club deIenIod Owen Sound iIIII nI nnrriu Town Hall courts Kempnior nnd Johnson were top monl pair wiIh ltl Kenrnu and Iierllun Gnrsidc Iup ladies for Iinrrle llud Knnhunr sinus wliil lirnnx llzm In Eastern US Noddy League Ah lienmreo will Iiaiiimoro Oriolex lame loop We must look after our own and in dolng so we wlll be looking after our selves It Is hollow lhlng to back do centrnllzation of lnuustry or business and then fall lo support ll when lls cs labllahcd In our midst The time has come to slnrt to do lllllc boosting We can have blggcr and better Barrie but we must work or and believe In It too Is this too much to expccl or anyone in lhls com munily only spend loudly when convenient the men who invest the future Barrie cannot hope to expand their buslnesses and Industries as normal sequel to ex pansion otmagketg TransportMinister Caters To Toronto QUEENS PARK flu God NIInmnMh lunld In hull IN Ilnnm Hum lied an tumovum ill fllll WIN um um ml ml lad Invu II will only on UN unlunly an In pvvl Thu young elementwon though In Premler Robin ey elected the most con ve youngvmu availablp AULD FObLï¬ARDYf Hobart personally has 509 Dm Dr Malnm My husband 49 and lust year began lasing weight It was found lha mad dlebeles Almost at the same time he dcvclnped cough and alter Xrays and brnnchnspy we wen Iold that he had brunchlcc lull Ind toms emphysema Thl dlabum brought un dur control wllh pill but If bronchlectalln wan upnllered 1n bothlungs and surgery wuu not possible Hv lost 55 pound which ha hn gained back 10 la 15 Our doctor says would be good gained back 30 II he Wk 25 pounds overweight am concerned at his kick of energy and pop It has been seven months since hrlung dflaznusis specialist told him he could live to he 90 it Ill take care of hlmscll that ho mus Inn to Iiva will In coughing Ind tlmu Illa chm candllion wlll em in bu halter and wmcllmes worse Are we bclng Impatient about hll might He hrcalhu shartcr Ihln he used Ind my hclvy lltllnz or wshlni mlkn him cough but 11 II Ibll to work as usuui WI his tnorgy knpmvo Are we overly concerned aboul lha bmnchicclasm How scrloul in In it very mmmnn We never hcnrd 01 II balm we wen told Ill hid lLMrl Ya youn loo lmpaflcnl in my opinion but lhlnk yauvn Pmd excellent medical ndvlcn and cure Th dlubem In can troned Ynuvc been murcd that the Inn condition ucnl mm to In ha Inku can hlmaell and you have been wnrnrd lhnt they nrcnl tumble ML Mm learning live win conditlon meant Cant be cured hul yuu can act along In spite ol ll Your huslmml hnu hem pery ILk Now lhu dlnhclu umlrr control Izul Iw Im lwo hm con clillmu uhlrh wlll conllnm la hanwcrlxllhmnlhlnu ll uplo hlm la kccv hll flLlhH wilhln lhe llmlu hll bmflxinl ca pacity III In In wnhthl no far In Illrnlu lhnl Du In 1min Why ry to may pounds Wolghlulnnu wont In cvma hll ll will mlm Mumll In In urrUnn Hm Ilw acme llml mnku hlm Inn pm and rough nnd wumr hm hm hcrn Imlrl cnou In quil Muanull he wlll In lllnl nu IN MI lxvrunw ll Im lblnlu he run mull hlvw Io lo he nulnl at whlcll he rmlfllm nhmu hm In Imp or walk he wanl lmpmra by II In Ilu rmilmry he III Innis bl rvmmlwm Mme mi hmmm ul hiu Md MA Hugh mu xmlllren Duile Illnflll lolllnl him In mull 0m 013 young mlnlflers ha brouth In was Hm Jame Auld named an mJnislcr of uggspo been pressan on By JOSEPH Momma Brnnchlcclasla or pouchAllke place when phlegm can pud dIoMu Inr lrum uncommon but ll Isnt dramatic or highly publiched nllmrul you kn many ether dont rrmnmhcr honrlna nboul II unll ll bacomu personnl mallgr Ive wrluen nbou ll numuroul Hm ho Mute no man umplc Ike you nkkm over lh nu um dont II mnmcnl cumrm Ihrm TlIII II humn nalurl By DON ofllEARN TORONN Youth cati be was lhétlme It leadenhlp convention the PC nnvau Alwyn pyer flu uuylynlpm aver um There were those who tenth party should show new face that vi alloying be led and hat b3 led and led by yguna mgn They realized he peed or new vigor la the party But Hwy 11M fell than with slronfl alderhands the up to re utrnin Lho young Jellnwn from hovpingofl he bunrrl before they knew ll Ihcra was qu inwthe pool héadded fume in Yogi hlohll cablnaL Mr Auld gave temporary appmvnl for motor vehlclu nuiu by Qua Toronto Bul What we 3Ler wge afraid Aofrlhls T0 YOUBGOODHEALTL BIBLE THOUGHT Ailment isChronic Must Live With It unhel inlusion VH with his physlcnl Hmltatlonl Many of us have to flum live with various pmblems Dont me the wisdom ma ald new out tho way to 10 la HIV some chronic candi lion um force you take cars of mm But Dr Molnar My six yunold dluzhler ha slightly bloody vaginal discharge our anAlly phyliclln semira urement Should mnsull pc djntriclanYF Mn MM Ive had my own trouble Wm buralus and can sympathlu Trealmcnla include Xuy wnlsone or proulne In lemons ultrusound therapy or use of high requcncy sound be yond lhe range at hearing But hetaii mm of the Tor ontomembars had appmached rm and be all that theypeaple of Metro Toronh wanted the law henoe hls approval Brodwllle should know mummy both to cater to Tor onto desire and to 12mm the Elem ol Ihezres the pmv CC The hyJaw wlll be binding on uvery mom vehicle coming into theflm am which In time can méan practically every re hlcle In the province In beenahoc quastlon with some Toronto mlludmv and May have been presslnz um yearn Thu department trnnspgfl has wmhtonflyrelused warm apgmynl law years ago It went so lar to set up technical study commilteeand Iglrepoflegi wit the thw was Impracll Just few weeks ago they farmer minister Hon Leah Rowntree lsuod statement meaunz the reasons or talk In qppqu Bul now Mr Auld has given go ahead He said he didn know how Toronln wuld en oru the bylnw He gave the tuxum startling atalcment Ihul lug ng sully cqugrnEï¬ ovewle Mr uld games ï¬mp New from Imperial Life mnjnr pmblrm of many Implmrn In MIMIth nynlcmnrlc wnwnmlion plan or mpInym who an In up Int connitlrmble Miami limcummcnmn pa mantnflyanMnmldloldimenmxidrnml injury lnmme Rrpfncrmnn lnnufrmm the ofnlam nml mmplclr numvr lhé lmpmnl Lll nlm mulm Min plan ntuilnblnon Gmup lnmmnm bani at my nllmrlilv mlrl For mrnplm lnunnnunn uvrill 77mm SWIM Drpartmcnl 30 Vicmna Sum Tuan AI long as you work for living you have to face the fact that sickness or accident can deal crushing blow to you and your dependents Because fre quently when you me disabled for long period of time your earnings slop Your living expenses however do not atop and other expenses begin to pile up This threat to your ï¬nancial occu rily may be the rental single problem of your lifetime Here is sensible end cconomlcnl solution tothia problem Income Replacement Insurance from lmperinl provides momth income elmuld you be mmch by sickness or noto lohcflds of businou flrma Group Ilng also nvallnblu 119231 in Than Gold Wealth 5tatcmem Ihul ANCHXRAGE Antih Raft flgklnn gmnuflrj We opinl sickness or accldent keeps you lrom working Insurance that gives You an Income when Thu In of tho lwn North west Rebellion at lhu Mo 11 or bill breed undu Louis Riel bmh out 91 yaman today In use Thehmh who were the hunters baalmen unawar ten the Bad Rival1n Ru pcnlLand Wm alarmedv the mummy nub go Canadian Immigrants lnlo the um when the Hudml as Company hnnded mm Ju sdlcllon lo the govern menlot Canada the Imm Elf rising brought about may ol Mamba nly uraninm jnIne hlliyear receivédan inmnse at 30000 pounds in It uranium production allocnllon from no USAlamic Energy Commu slm Some 1500 on of unn Sum were mined In 1961 the propelflu ll Hahn Moun tain Erlnce aValeslsland Mask production though pnly traction Hmnled 1w000000mlon rm sources II being ml min aIned other mineral wealth apart from on being axplnited or ex plored Includes mercury silver platinum copper antlmcny and gang glam TORONTO GP Aim Metropolitan Tumnlol hun dreds 01 men there no pre melll Plum Drum Snub Bold The Wiï¬hbona Baby Point Road Industry Strecl and Rheum Road are tome oi em While applicaliansv continue or oilshore gold prospecting rights output of uranium and mg Incyeaslpg Hall low days no then wu anthercherry Pie mud But no mom Residents didnl like It lhcy arpearcd before me North ank panning board to request lllnl Alaska HasMore ilrwrmh Have opinl variety other minus source undrenme early prosA Pfl Cherry Pie Road lust Too Much InsThe Chinese National zovernment Aordered con uflpflon to me inpancso ncllvlty In northern WM élhlmed 15551119 mlquy otferflah TODAY IN vmsmmr By rump Mcnowon OTTAWAnth clifamn In this papllal city Inevltnhly lend rte concentrate on mun men HUI Bill since the mun 4rInk1 oyernmanl Ire xen Why you Ihould mail the attached coupon immediately Thouooncryou nrcproioclcdnhoaoonor you oliminato the poulbiiity of ever having your ï¬nnncinl security destroyed by licknow or accident If you are be tween the ages of ii and 65 presently in good health and ompioycd in non hnzurdoua occupation chances are good you can qunliiy for thin pinn Mail tho coupontoScrvicoDothmeniimperial Life 20 Victoria Street loroutol Ontario Thls II sprllquwrlllen Ind chanting Account high llghu of his llfe No whit he did but whom he met prnvldes the lnlemt Far hu It not tho hem He lo rather In modern Boswell or the Inmaus who laced hll cnmerl ducriblnl their word and lhulr deed In often you nudlu Pmlrm lama quluumm aml Amdml Nam on rm InllrMual and Group halal Yet another book by Karsh was recently Ibonun of gathering of amous Ottawa aces at the Chateau Lnurier in hiqhonar Mr Mmh Jeanneret dJreclor lb University of Toronto Press was has thls party to mark1h launchlngml In Starch of Greatness Invwhlch Yam Klrsh chnnzed the lens or tho pen Io write down his own rtmcuonsm In MI book Kmh metaphor ï¬nally dine out an xtoriel his xuhjecll And fudnltlnl these It be chimed In aim mm descrlmlve of mu Am kind halo la chlngc It eeve Norpur goodhud but understand how Wu leell now dld Chérry Pi rand came about In lhc first place It was the nickname Vll Ban hee an nflxlna resident gnva 111g granddauuhlar Cherry now accident and helps take care of the extra expenses that result from your disublument ï¬n new name York Vanéy Crucan In and urnnave acmulhl mu 9nd be my vln Icahnan ormmthwlifncf mm pamnn mm mm hde In ms an II welcnt In taxelm can as It Is wellknnwn normCan ada Thu at mama loaklnz little bald Pu He II the worldlama photographer of princess and mu oUha mat Ind othevmxlouzOt flwll own Youlu Kerhr Phozo by KarahVI mm ymbol whereayar lrame are lllled The most Interesting hla emails have becllpubm lllhl flln book 10ch LQLDD WM M17 lrï¬lrï¬FGï¬Ta emu 1M ha also made the photographs to Uluslrale hooks such Thla Ilialilnmednd lhla ll the Holy FROM LENS 10 PEN Yet another book by Karsh was recently Ikecause of gathering of lamnus Ottawa laces at the Chateau Lnurler in hlqhonar Mr Mmh Jeanneret dlreclor Ihu Unlvcrsily of Toronto Press washes If ths Winn lun hlrtnlocmenl ma celebra alglhe Four Season reslaunm In Now York who dlahu and wlne describe wth lonzurmlllna care WHDAWMKIESL 1th too he mentions lunch at the Prlme Mlnlaters rush dence after he had phala graohed Mrs Dlefnnhaker bottle of champ ï¬ne was served because his hr sold she had henru th very llme holographed 3th had to an champagne ulterwards Nulurally did not try diall luslon her Mr Dlelenhaker who la In total abnalner con whirled himself with glass Huh lamamen nrexen edAbHrunnlenn nigh iiYousui Karsï¬ sag IMPERIAL LIFE DEPT vuctonm 3mm muomo ONMIIO ddlfll IIh Mlhaul MI ob humHan onnu Inca IDD 10 my oncnmmnn on my out opllcmml Hm ull HIM lnunl A39 covors you Occupallon Fwd 1nd wlna re emdly thrustghomnlm Into ore round Kmhl lhflulhll for 13 evidently no kyle our mand HI pride Sn llunchln Portram Oremess Ip gem to have bun matched by lrtnlocmenl the calam Hnn Inn 59111 Four Susan mlamm 1n Naw York who dish and wine desmbu with lonzurmmnl cart bal lo me of everything um 11 was Intended to be Tahav lhll calmlike bnad tor the rest of eternity would be heaven null Why is Karlht pmleulannl career dedicated predominantly in the unrch inr lruinem BI cnuu he uniInn both photol nphu and viewer In more in Iemied in the interpretlion inmoun personality Amateur phalographern will find encouragement and lid In Knrthn ducripilanl at tho masnhera ha irlu to cmla tho llghting he demands haw ha poses his subjects ha unimpar lane of equlpnum Ind wlm ho lrlu tn photogrnphlhe legend ofï¬ï¬‚llpefl Kars wasbom 1n Armenia 1908 It My he look lika sexagenarinu It in because he wasaged by his lerrlhly hard childhood For yam durlnl the perm cmlam we did not an place good bread much ten while breed he writes It WEI black very rough and lo coam the cauld hardly swnllow 55 Sme nix accidental can cludei Ihll Goy ol the lenl lideilxhn are well Lwonh Ihc pricelo 1h menuy bmquel mm In the neaten thumbnail Impression tho lute Prim Minister Mackenzie mama have averxmd mllllvanboul the all Ell ppoioz thnulde show to Ivold dl rediqauttenllon lo mummy to corpulenca which howmr In am May In with much hu for Illa