Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Nov 1962, p. 12

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nécdiARoloixkbla 1A buiran oxr amouman Toad 400 mile south Begum SM 3a been developed at the Lcnln grad Textile Inslltulu the So vielnews ggegcy ss pqrfiedr Sunday um 3mm 3mm MONPAY NoymIIEh INVITED 10115 ROME AMFrancis Cardi Spcllman Archbisle oi ew York has invited Pope John In vlsl lhaUnitod Status The Popesaid had alwayl wanted to gobul gave noin dioaiion that hemizhl bu able lo make such trip The can dlnal presented ihe invitation Saturday when Pope John re ceivedin special audience all the U5 bishop here or tho Roman Catholic ecumenical council ASK DESEGREGAIE BALTIMORE AP chk Gregory Negro comedian J9 used ta dorm the Mary land Pen mum Saturde un til his audience was desegre gated Wanden Vernon Pepenack Inld when Gregory showed up New and white conva won seated ln dmer entsecllons or me auditorium After tho prisoner intermlm grlled Gregory went on with hi ow on board 111 film ofth crash was no onlciallyre parted but dispatches nuld was believed the driver fell asleep atlhq wcheel LONDON Reuters The worlds strongexl chcmlcn bre which breaks undur in own weightboonly when ASK PUBLIC POWER RED DEER Alia CPlThe Albcrln Liberal party iormu laied purl oi ii provincial pini iorm Sniurday and made public ownership oi power in major plank Dcicgaics ni ihe pnriyn oonvnnllon vaicd 180 to I04 in over oi resolution ndvocnilng that the party adapt the policy oi public ownership of power in the province WINS VIOLIN AWARD WARSAW AP Chnrlen iregcr 17yumld American virtuoso Sunday won theHen ryk Wicinwrkl violin compcii lion one of Europes most 03 iinguishcd mmical evenLr he nor musician insinrcior Ii iho Universiiy oi lowu in Iowa City will receive 40000 polish Liam which ho mny convert lo approximately $1700 BULLET KILLS CHILD ELHORN Man CHFour ycnrmid Richard Joseph Cheni crs wus klliad Sniurdny when slxuck by bullet lhni come through ihu wall while he war liliing ni Um luncheon inblu in bi farm home near hm no line oiilclal said It was obvi ously sumo hunter REPORTS REJECTION LONDON AP The Oh Icrvar any that meior Khrushchev oiicrcd President Kennedy cirque field at Kennedy package deal gaming EastWest tonslom aver Cuhn Germany and nuclear lulu but that Kcnncdy re cclcd Cubnn scfllcmcnl lo other Easl Wes WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF as KILLED 1NCRAH WQ©RW©WWS BIG SECTION IN WEDNESDAYS PAPER HERE at nlomned neutral some Them wan nvnfl nbie Independent conurmntlon In London diplomatic quprten MEASURES AvBLASTB VANCOUVER CF The Unlvmlly Brlllsh Coimbla annannued Sunday station that can mnnflm nndenrexplo lion in tha atmosphere any where In the world has been established nenr hero VIENNA AP Chancellor Alton Gprhachs Conservntm Peuplaa Party 11 Ip strength and won amnlorlly In Austrian parllnmenlnry elec tlons Sunday for the slxfll can secnllvamo shlce he Second World Wax3 Congervaiiyeg Win Austrian Majority The Conservative were am able however to capture plurality which might nllow themmio navgm alone and All signs pointed tn continuation of the gonsgvativefiocialist gum aznln shut on pnfllnfncfir and sulfered losses in the pup ular vole stake wen 165 seat In tho chamber depulicx The Conservnllves captured 81 an increase or two afar Ihe last The mclnlisls who hnd been only 21 sent behind Hie Cunserv nllves with 78 dropped to 73 nevnghtwlngfmcdnmorle on party aznln captured eight sea QUEBEC CF Premier Jean Lesage told Fyeuphlan zuagc newspaper Men Sunday lhal lhay were objecllvc and honest In their cnvemgc he recent provincln election cum Palm He said in speech helm about 50 delegates to the In nun meeting LUnlon Cana dlcnnc dun Journalism do Langue ancalso thal at no time during lhe decklon cam paign did newspaper men havu the deslrn ar wish lo he at the service polillcql 1351rty It won 17 am rsiimb He speech since his cavern anenla nucleation Inst Wedncs Lesgge Praises French Coverage doit UNTIL YOU SEE And this diamond can put up to 82500 in your hind pcrhaps evcn mom Nilwn Flannel has am 200 hmnuhu com to com Ipeclalizlnz In rm canvcnltnl nervlce Io Clnldllm who nccd Io borrow for some worthwhile purpnxeflflow about you HIAUIRA flIMNEE WMPAIN lIMIIEfl cumu Lm mu THISDMMONDISAMANSBESTRIEND chumnod 105 llnrnnlnrlo EL Phone 313 Damn ll Calllu 5L Phono PA MID gym 5270mm thug FA LONDON CWA Canadian rllowlayed lmpunanl part twn Marcscue missions Snl urday night and Sunday when heavy Kale ed ho narumrn RCAF Fl Pam 39 of Calgary pilutednlha RAFA only SEIlCh rand mew Canadian Pilot Bidedln Séarth yuan Flam mm the Shackleton allml illuminated the wane as lllexunrds tried to mmovn sailor from the Hny Ishan hanl Economy on Seaham har harSgturduzy pizht WM llew baek and orth lax two hours Pam anld in tclcphonc interview from north Sunfiay nlgh The Iilezuarda wanna be boatand managed take about our men but canan get pack gho lost We Just got landed again and grabbed bit of aluep when we were called out again lhllnqmrglnnfllasco sgld me about capsized and he plug occupants were prgsumcd This time It wan two ham all lhecann or Northumhgr land lhal couldnt make aha They had bgcnrwjvthwl food nndwaler loru hauruiahdiwu dropped them supplles 3llcovtcrmyenmvflLJfiz cueflfiéérewrluscmnun exchange nsalgnmen between lhellCAF nnd RAF flew an wiNorthqm Ireland GALA IM IlI The Dollar Speaks louder Than Words says the Customeh When See ABiecaflfMérchundise At Cheaper Prigelln The Big City Feel Thu CunIiAfford To Buy It Here In Barrie Am Pay MW pom vou PUBLISHED THROUGH THE INTEREST OF YOUR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BELIEV II BUILD ABIGGEWBETTEHBAHHIE All too often the outoftown cheaper mer chandise is iust that cheaper There is always better reason for it being cheaper than that it comes from larger centre Usually it is inferior in quality to the similar items which you saw in your local merchants window or advertisement If you had bothered to investigate beyond the window shopping stage you would have found that the local item was superior in quality Atteli Illul IIIU lvm my all the economy of this the same all over 1you get only what you pay for In spite of bulk buying etc

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