Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Nov 1962, p. 1

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1min Vllme mean In th palm llw pwwnMIIy ll vilnlm umnlrln mintry mu numb II was lnm Ivy tnmpctlllnu mu mat in mdn nu ul nvwlnliwllnn Ir unlulxllun rrnlnl major nmllllfl nl Hm mm mmmlllnn ma Ravlrl Cnmmunlnl pmly hhvuuhdwv Anhl why ulnnl wn nmkn Inn Hum ming HIM Illa rnpflnllm lum llml urn lhvnnl null trnnmulrnlly pram ahln llm $1le nrw anrucy Tn mud MOSCUW llnllllnl lnh mlcr Kluuhclmv lmluy mud Hm Soviet Uninn In lcnm In mm mm cnpllnlill umnlrlu In rcnlrnllthm prmlucunn nml 1k II In lndmlry All mim vnrllrgulnslrurauml dcvrhumwnl drnlnnllclllly umllluhml In the crushing In Mann nmonu the am panlm he Cnmmunlnln rculxlrml gnInn Illglll oneIn vnunx mrcrnlnuu ndvnnrlnl mm Hulk In 2170 Allhnunh Imarlor Minlslcr Ruucr Frey nmliclcd the UNR would wlnd up mm majority In the 4fllmcmlmr nascmhly wmclhlmz unhrnnl In an Frnnch mumml np punmd unlikely livrn IL on nll the mom In Ihu mm In which ll cnndhlnlu led il wauld Illll he nbuut so short majority But he Gnullhull wcm oxpcclml lo drnw enough mman mm nrzmrnla he lnpulnr Ilrpuhllrnns lho Indo prmknll nml lhn flndlml So mum to mm film ntxl tavern mvnl TAKE LESSON COMBHDES The UNR wan 50 the IN mills decided Sunda and led In In ha 69 Islrlcll mclmpolllnn Franco when nu nda will he held next Sunday The pzmyn share 01 dd pap ulnr vole nonrly dmddcd ram 175 per cord In Hm to 110 per tcnl Tim Gnuiiisi Union or New Republic UNH wllh out flunk piniinrm oi unswenlng ayniiy lo de Ganiiu displaced Ihc Communist Frances liramzcsi political puny PARIS AmPresident dc Gnullc today emerged 1mm lhe first round Ihe Nnflonnl As lcmbly clecllom with new and maundlng victory avnr Ilrnntel old line poliuml par lest Thu accusaiion was made in page and hull nnicie in Pravda the Communist pariy organ was one oi Um tough esl replies yet to Red Chinese criticism MOSCOW AWThe Soviet Union deiendcd in Cuban Ob kelwilhdrawul Sunday and ne cused Communist China of id in with lhc Imperialisu The nrtlcl Born was wrillen by ancmnrev member De Gdulle Wiiis Displaces Reds nnkcr Thamld Brovlg loll and tho 1972lon Japanese tanker Mannkaln MAIu No flame and smoke alter coll Russia Aims BIOWS CommunistChina Praises Capitalism 9am Na 70 th mm 9516537 Far Exmflhn Want Ads Tele hone FA Halluflw lelaphone tabs 19 F8 19m Emma OurTeléphonES SHIPSLHELHZELItfirOmOuND HARBOii Khruihcimv led lvr drln to value lhlu mndnnll and In mm Noamliq wmumrr Wu llr nld lhal Inllllylnu Illl malarial and Kpllllunl needs nl Aux um UNIV tun mum mu whm Um IIIM wun mlulmllly loslrrrd lhnl mryanz lhnl In nun ls rum plcuIy MN and mnrylhluu Um hurle In rqunlly mm pltluly WM Klmullrlwv mld llul Hm llmrl he 1mm nllly HIM have pluml Hm Wt Irmlvr mm Wu uhunld xnrmhrr mun Inlunrllan IN able ntrrxury In Mm lmm lhc mllnllxlu In Imllnlu whnl flu ru II mud and 1an 5MP LONDON llculm Dmp wow And In gripped much of nrllnln lminy Only one mnln mad bclwccn Scallqu and Eng lnml was our hnndoucd cm and ruck Hunml Stallnnd and Norflmm Lnulnml Twclm major mmll worn blocked in BM Inml mm mm In the lulu dlmld ol Narflwm Enllnnd SUDHURY UP Trnlns on the CNN main llno from Western Canada are nxnnlnu hdwrcn Iva mu hour Into rnllwny olflclnl Cnprml lnlll lmlny dcrnllmonl near Sloux looknul Saturday win mam by rullwny crawl and mulur module are upcdfll to mun Tumlny IIONN Germnny AP Flve members Chancellor Konrad Adonnucrn coalition Kovernmcnt announced today lhey are re algnlnu because he Spine nflalr hut Adonnucra mrcrnmnnl wm ml mm lmmcdlulo mllnpsu The cnhlnfl member who rcxlxnml mm mcmhm lbs Fm Democrmlc lnny whlch In malluon wllh Adennuurl Chrlsllnn Drmocmlc party DONN Germany AP Adopnuqrn wallllan govern TOHONTO CPI Anion by quickWilla Bank of Monlmnl ncmunmnl early today lhwnrlcd robbery nflempt by mm the bunk Yonxe and anl Slmcl hrnnch nflcr bandlh hand mxflud led and named 45 umpioym Accountant OBrien mm mm In downstairs room and ruined the Alarm flvu mln me More llmlnx dcvlm would hnvo ndmlucd lhu bundlu Into the mum vnulL Five Resign Over Spiegel Affair DerailmentCauses Late Trains Britain Gtipped By Snow Storms ml at former premier Paul Reynan by colnrlcs Gaullisl in the nu shay mbyfl to comcbbck Mlemp by or mcr prcmler Pierre Nondes Franck at the party centrnl cammlttea and at the party secretariat historian and one at the Mir cipal Sovch themIsis It was publlshed on the eve ma meeting of the central cummlt tue at which Premier Khrush chuvs policy on Industry 9ng culture nnd probably his torttun piallcy nre cnmlng up at ra vew Ascountant Foils Bond Robbers The author aimed his blows not the Chinese Communist but lho Albanians who In Iprqn mauled siontoda Frogémhmdéd Tokyo harbor nle Brovlg wllh 47 persons aboard was nulbound after unloading crude ML The Japanese ves sel was inbound with cargo ESWS BREE lmmlml yrm an plnlnml lho Icnchur limo mm rmth nu lelcvhlnu na rm and nu filman Can anyone ank mmnmln ulna nl mum unto which 1H II mmImI yam 507 Sun nnllnl Umm In llle luuk lvw lz Thu clmd meollnz Nu cm In rmumlllchllw rlllo ul lhl Kuvlrl Cumnnxnm rnrlyln DNle la run In major charlqu In lhv Swirl emnnmy lhr 8mm mu Io will tn Alnflhlll ul pmlyrl lulme fficrerfilso was in lmplled al lack an Chlnna Iranller quarrel wllh India he SuvlciChlnesc ideological debate have men the principal okesmen or line Chinese po silon and almost niwnyl the tags 01 replies YOU DO VOODOO PAY UNION DUE Moreover Its virtually closed limp only witch doctors who an Malawl Ca Krcss party members Known as the Nynsalnnd Ngnnga Association in hfll wrlncn constitullon and set of strlct disciplinary rulcs mu Mil nEoclnnFgasollne Collision and blaze killed at least llve unmen Thirtytwo were miss lng and believed dead qlld I2 others were Injured AP Vlrepholo nLANTYilE Nynsélnhd AmVllch duckan Ny nsaland hnva formed their own union HERES ONE The nvmlmr wmmlb ml cnmlldnln nmnhrrn are nwllnl unlmt lhe hncl mum at mm dncuulnu mm um by vmpnsaln wr In In Hm pmlll mullw lu llMnUHIlE farmin In male llv haul nl er upllIIIMllch null hr 51 man hunk wllh mum VM numnmlc purllte Ila mld lho IIIin by lha mrnvyunr Inn was In Mnllufllllul mu Infill4 ml rm lluI whale Induslr II melnfl wrll hul ll uh wmk much lvrllrr Khrmhdmv anmunml lhII Hm drnll nallonnl mnoml firm or culled or an elmper ccul lncrvm In lho mm llnnnl produd In nnnunl man llnulh an Orllln yer wnl rcelccltd Inr your lcrm lll prcsldcnl Also duckl warn lhms mldrnl Al lunch ml Mln Ilenqu lllnnhm OIIIIIII and Mel IIIILInll Parry Sound ml Hon George Cougar of Orillln Mn leo bar ho Lulalnturu or 13mm Ipoku Sn lurdny In tho nnnunl mtclln Ike Ccnlrnl Onlnrln Nntlh Ib crnl Almlnllnm Ho lflld gum wuro nvnll nblu show haw many clau rooml warn Mrdcd but Hm Conmvnllm dld nalhlng In mqkuprovhlnnl nr lhg ulurc 0R1LLIA1CP Robert lean pmldent Ina Onlnrln Libcrnl Alloclullon has charged lho Onlnrlo gavelmum wilh falling lo rnvfdo ndequam ulucnflgq Inc in Light voting was reported hm In lhe cnpllnl n5 snnw awlrlcd about In ncnr freezing lempcmluru Colder empcrn lurcx wcfe rcptfltd Iniand rmbrifirévnl min nnd mow was expcclnd throughout tho province during lhe am ST JOHNS NM CPD Raw wInlry wealher lwepl Inlo Newroundlan ludny an vole went to tho polls In the pruV Inces fifth ne elccuan Ilnco lalnlnz Canada In 1919 Charges Govt Fails Schools Today Nehru aid Parlia ments upper house India in In fullfledged war kind at brutal Ind enllmu war We are mating it such But he hedged Whenaskzd he BW rlvcrses came alter speech Sunday nlght In which he said the Chinese offenslve In threat ening Indian Indwendence Ha snld olhcr countries are now he ginnlnx In reallle lha this Is no bordar dispute but naked crude and shameleu nggrnxslonfl Newioundland To The Pblls Rs Smallwood SeeksMandéte In Lndakh at he northwest end of tha disputed bogden the Chlnese have taken nileoutpost guarding vital lndlan airfield It Chushul and lighting can tlnyllng In the urea Nghlju said er en at Hue the Chinese posed separate threat to the Assam plnlna In an advance 11 miles mm tho kay delence post ol Winona whlch Ihey captured Friday Walong Hes some 309 meedsg A0 Se Pass The Chinese muflanked Indian troops on 1375Hoothlgh Se Pm 1min flxem=lu 1wilnr drnwLNehru lold Parliament The 10 of tha pas came nl IheChlnesL Communists n15 lacking In wnvepreéd their renewed oucnslve at both end the 15mm runner stretch 1nglrpm Burma tq Kashmfir NEW DELHI AP Prime Minister Nehru announced in day the fail oi vital Himn lnynn pass to one prong ol massive Chinese Communist ni iensive lhmxiini coward lhe denseiypopulnied Plains of An gum Indians Give Up HimQIQYQFVPQSS Barrlu ohtlflo Canidn Méndny Névombl I962 lllnnlinlvi luldnlll vXco Nér Inw lww 171m wm 55 mm In lhu In House II lhrm hfld by leernls lhrco Ivy PC and we the Unllrd Nuwloundlnnd Ncdlstrlhutlon approved ha Insl ltglllnllvo mnlon added le Icnln About 211000 pcrsanl were ellulblc lo vein or the mm hm who wlll an In lho mx Housu hul lhmo Lllrcrul vlc mm lhruulh ncrlnmnllon and dclmnml In Labrador North hnl reductd Inn numhnr cllulbln FIVE flucuullon manq mvm maxed mm huminu lmluhlcv CA um morn In Mmmy Ian mean flunk their rum Tho yourold premier who am lhl clrcllun likely will ha MI lust brIarc rcllrimr has askan the maple lo gm me the charm lo keep on mle Newmundlnnd Thu apposition pnrflcs have unit In clocllunla unnecessary because lhu government could put the fisheries program lnla apermlan wllhoul mnndnlc ASKS LAST CHANCE government Vin power under Prcmler Joseph Smallwood rlnce joining Can ada sucking mandala to carry out $50000000 program my needed In prop up he pmvlncol his llshlng Indus ryl pm NST vollntjoun Gen ernliy inc weather had bum forecast cnrlier The Chinese ovenan Se Pas In drive from the monastery lawn of Twang which they look In early succme the border atlnflgq tinny launchnd mg The Indian Army was re yuncd plannlnl to put us next defenca line in this area of Ihe Northeast Frontier District at 6716fnot Bomblln on Lb next ridge an Indianbull road running In Tezpur on the As mm plains ChInnsc CommunlsI sources In IIong Kong Indlcnlcd Ilat Premier Khrushchev would pm priIale major crIsIs In So vIeHJhInese relations II he de IIvered Soviet MIG21 jet Ilghb era which India has been nego Iallng Ior But the source doubled It wouId result In dip IomnIIc break between Moscow and PekIng Peking radio claimed that aliercaptuxincSc PaxsJhc Chinese pressed their advance in ihe southeast in Ihe directinn oi the indian Armys advance headquarters on the Dhirang River In king broadcast qunted Chinese Communist Pmmler Chou EnM as saying US arms aid Indln will cnlarga Ihe cantch fln havdelrlmenl of the Chincse nnd Indlan people an all Alm Aslnn pcaplen Aboul $5000000 wonhof hndly needed Inlanlry weapons have been flown talndla by he ynledsutesa1ncelhe Chlntsr attacked government would break reha Hons with Peking or would de clare wnr Nrnrly 100 senlnrm wrm curd Imm unclx mnk hal lmd or dlsnhlcll by howllnx wcckcnd axurmx muh wuw poundml the was Puma lllra nnd Cuhn rnuslnu dcnlh Injury Imd prvpurly dnmnxe lilxuwhm nl lea land 81 persons were dcml or mlsslnz In ship calllsinn and nlhcr sen dlsnslm that struck 0L hu weekend In Pacfllc Al lnnuc and Mediterranean wn 1m Analhcr t7 acumen whose ship rnn lno muhlu Ins wrrk nmnlncd unnccnunlud or Vivlgnigr V51 they xilsérfira IMlltklphll ml It Wunl an Iklmm unwmm at 9111 Eugen Tllnlly Several groups ncrcslcd In kcepln Ihu rccrcnllon pmzrnm ln Ila present form have lndlcv nlad they would like la appear has been nnnnged or them tn be In tho councll chumburl Thursdny at 10 um By THE ASSOCIATED II was Indicated Ihat perhapx an enlirn day would he need to canslder lha contentious communlly recreation program lhat cauncll had ducldcd In drool Fred Hunter county clerk said he was prepared to read cam munlcallam rum people who had an lnlcrcsl ln Ihe recrea Ion program or Ihe county but councillors lndlcnlad they would rnlhor have them put over un til Thursday when he cnllra pragrnmA wll be discussed Weekend Ocean Storms Strike Causing Widespread Disasters Cauncfl adjourned mm hmday although numbgrrot commune were scheduled la meet this nunnoon to discuss business arising from commun lcgtlons Will Discuss Recreation On Thursday Slmcoe County Council met for one hour this mornlng ful lnwing Iho ofliclal opening 1h Nnygmlzgr session foOMMENDATION Leading Seaman Lawrence Frank Uwins has been award ed the Cnmmendntiun at the Chief the Naval Stall or savlng the ives at two young militiamen July The two soldiers membes Altman swimming party mm the student militia program near iinliiax were swept be yond their depth from an un dertow Leading Seaman Uw lns onthqbench ntthe time with his family swam out and reswed the mm Wlm photo cmmn wni 1nd Flvo MI our Ihrrmm dim Ixudcr huge wnw llml cnxuslud lhnlr HIelmnl Snlurdny nl lho hmbm unhuncn Ill Srnhnm lhilnlyl th fish lmm lb mth an Mk II 0er mwman um Ion The Vlliflllu Arugula Thlmm Spanlsh fishermen were presumed druwncd In Ilonn nll lhe Spains nnru tannl Thclr Ins rndlocd report Inhl lerlgnnl was lcakhw LAMB Yuy Mm Tho ll crew mumbcra In llshlnu scallopcr Midnight Sun out New Redford Mnss were unaccounted or nflnr Alarm nl am Wednesday 1110 mm lallrd In return to port Snlnyday In telephone lnlcrvlcw from Hamilton Bermuda when Iho 184mm crew was lnkon Capt Edward Clnrku or St Josephs Nfld Iold radio slallnn CIINS flu lnnkcr put law an on tho SIMON En Sm durlng the night The British Inlghlcr San GasA par look In men or the 6404M East Slur Saturday night Thu HALIFAX CPlTho captain of the nbandnned Halllnx lnlghler East Star disabled by water In it lucl lnnks snId lo day the H737 Ion Norweginn linker Burg has he llstlng vcs sel In low Cause the fire was undeter mined but firemen said an over heated healer may have been to hlmne Smoks was so thick il smothered the flames Two police constables Ber nard Nelson and Ronald Cud ney also kied unsuccessfully to enter the hnuse in thla town 15 sou oIlegaxn lfnlls Mrs Dickson saxd her sans James In And Charles 16 tried to enter fine Walpoles frame mstorcy home through window but were dxiven back by heat apd smakc Firemen sail the blaze appar ently smouldeer or same fime before the make awakened Mr and Mrs Walpole imxzs mcx en were Identified as Mary 16 Chnrloue 14 ChmIns Juflery and Me ody and Melanie lhreeyenmld wins Mm Walpole taken 1105 pltal sullerlng severe shock and bum In her lace and mould21s wag In condition mm ERIE One CPIA Jafiheriandfiiifiixfihifirmfif May in their makefilled bome Herbert Walpole 33 was found lying at bedroom door The elliidren aged three to 18 were sun in heir beds firemen believe all seven were aspyxxlaujd Aanpo es wfle Margarcl 35 3qu ed jhrpugh balhmgm win nwaud ranlo mi hbors house for help The neighbor rs Laura Dickson called Ire Easr Stcftr Cféifi MothérEscvapésToGet Helpjf FatherYOungstestsphyXiatedi No More Ihnn7 pér Copy+16 Pagii Sunny with cloudy intervals Light snow Tuesday Low nightl 30 High tomorrow 37 For snuunary turn to page two Local Weathef 0pmth mm lhc ycar Irrhzhwr lhc Ianl Smr um scalar duran 1M 1an unllnr Nimm pli mm mum Ind milM lasimlldia Ml mm 0n lwr wymw soul he Eull Slur mrrlvd rouk1 n1 nu xlnn inus performer In Iln mm mm Qucbtc city She nr rlvml In Havana day In on at he crewl sun af rlvul In Ilrnnudzl lmrhcd hero Sunday by lekplmnc Hogcr Sumnmh Nu Enslcrn Ship ping Company llnlilnx own er Um 12le Snr salt In was Inlnmml In lwlcphnnu talk wllll he cnlllnIn Illa mixhlur dcvclupcd the in hmvyscns Cupi Clarke said lho mum the walcr In In Iucl lnnk wng no knnwn The East Slnrx radla equip ment imlud and sin drlllnd hun drcds miles uncounlurinl waves 10 has cut high Five ships pnsscrl he slrlckcn vu ncl Apparently wilhuul rcnlhlnu she wns In llxlrcss Bho ch Turks Island Nov and WM due hm Nov 10 Capl Clarke said In an In terview that nlcr Icavlng hnk Island or Halilax wilh cargo or an lllc ship was cum to have vnlcr In fuel tanks Tho cnglncx slatted to pump Wfllfl Ingcarl of fuel other lhrcé wcro flaked up min jgnflc Cam Clarke Inn hu nrdcal experience In master heat prevented them from getting through the bed room window nnd they de scendcd and smashed the div my mom wlqdow nn attempt to get in there But again mqke and lame turned them She said Her ntcighbxir ran imd her house crying Why should happema us Mrs Walpulc laId her that she was lying in bed and we Linn abnuumzom shg smelleq smoke Mrs Dc snn Sal heero sun go ladder mm 1115 bor across the street and ran up against an upstalrs window and called to the children by name They could get no re plies She usbandjnd they ran together mm ha downslalrs bedroom and Into the living room towards he stair way lending tn the childrens sleeping quarters In the up slalrs 1an of the small war timnbuilt home The heat was 50 inlensp it drove them back The wiqu hem ran to tha ground floor nthroo mand c1151th out Ihe wlndaw Her husfiand snug mind dvadnn the llvlng room anr cloie go the SI ny muffint Friday mu Damage loIhc home wal mnIyf9rgx smokq fine water Mrs Dickson said she asleep wilh Iér hedroum mu dow open when she heard Mrs Walpole shpufing for help 34 years as Thumhtokfll fig Ev

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