WNII law ulihM he mo Imam Tm Ihd llorhd lnlo lhlx MIDI Nu mm nwn nu Waln 0th mm mm In IM Annual may pllr run mil much In 1mm mm Ilw waxII who Ill Um mlllrr El Jam Tronnumn Il Rink Ipoll II 1OIIIIqu and my ll humley PsHum Ilumhnulh ml immacer nu annhnm In lml lmlc mmnml with an lvlmmmnrd Mm um Lllu UVIH MIIEI IIan Irnllnrlnl Ian um lmllrl For he India In mlmmu Iwenlm Mr DMHI lhe Iml mm wnnlnl hbm dulznrd or walkan um hrmllmwnl III rulll nr wnnnllu grxxf deal mmv came nM rhaplnml my Mm hurt mu nvru nlllmuah Inrcly no flint Iln dlnucr inch lur Anna Ml dnlcd mnylre hut uminn nlnmyanxl uhrrn lry lllo ruffle hrlme gnlnz Inla dlnnrr hmme nml cllm In ihq Immgn nllrrwnrdl 0r howlimml lnpcllcd vin Illlpml my In lnnhlnn wlun Chhulrrhlll wngprllvw ulnjlltrt Ill lhe uh ml In llnen Inmlkrrrblrl lucked up his IIMVLL Incl tho Cnnwrvmlrc nnunl tnplrrcnrf LMNUUIMO Wnlrl CF lll lhornpmvl lwrcdl nml mm lugdc Illou Unlll nhaul ma srmud wnl cullrd vmmnl but thorn Wm uvnrnl other plnm at Hull nnmn In the province pcllllon wnl lulun la rhnnuo he Mme when the Im Ofï¬ce was moved hm tho Membn Par llnmcnl LHllc had the ham chanqula Slmurl ha nnmo or hll homo own In Glnumtcrahlre anlnml Al one me In ll cnrly dnyl Squlrc Benjamin llou um In curry he lulun In lull lop lml lo lnull Anglican Chunh mnh yn Du reg on wax noted or II ancndId tor uu and In 1850 We log 11 lee Ion was cut on Iacnl arm and lhlpped to England Ian man Thu In house wnx bull In mo and the flu church In 1552 In me Icth wan npmed In log bulldan on thy site when brIck ICIIWI now stands and he Iru len chcr wax rcIIrcd wldlcr who had come In Canada win the sun Reglmcnl In 1819 In Inn dInry kept InIcr cachet we Ind IhII nlormnllon July 14 1860 Na uth on Satur dnyl my mom made out hnII yearly rumI nnmcs on maln Icr 157 average nucndnncn 61 In IBM In In slam wan opened bclwccn Bnrfle and nrndlord dlflnnzo about 25 mIIa All the mun IndunlrIcn were lhcrn In tho cnrly day lwn lecln bnkcrlcn butane sawmill an Inn rnIlwny IInlI mIIo can CrnIzvnla with IomcIImcs n1 mnn nn IIIIy learn llncd up Ilnulnz Iozn ngnImllI Inoc making In or wnnvlng bIncknmllhlnn wagon nhop In gymn hrlr rd Typical Britishers 0n View At Conservatives Welsh Rally The humici of strand Cnn min is ï¬lmed on Highway ll ilvo mile wuih oi lhc Cily 0i Barri which in he County lea oi ihc County of Simon Prov incc oi Onlaria it un incorporated so come under the jurisdlcflon ihn municipal it ninth igwnghip 9i innisiii By Following lhz InternHana Brick Ind Rollin Pin Can tnls me have been num mun enqqulu lot hip wry strand Onlnrla AI nolhlnx more is in prlnl other mm In mm In lnnlp fll Cenlcnnlnljaok 1951 we Inllclled the HM than compiling Tweede Mary which II record vnrloul placer ensured by Warnznl lmlltu To lhlA hm been nddtd pull cordl Ike late lulu mule Orchnrd hurln ln Strand for many yenn Wenro lub mmlnu Ill under our hy Hm and whh la thank than who luhud 1n nnywly 1m the llnnndlonlc munlry duh lhu unrmy Iypu Illpplnz mulch and min between the welllvlmmrd moun nrlw nml lho rulmmlnl llc me lwculrrounlry Renllflnwn he prmlucll Um Cumbrlxlcu nnd Oxlml drlmllnl lurlcllrn llw nlvl Elonlnm Three churches mm the com munity he United and Nash terinn being in thy hamlet and 11 Anglican nboui miiu and hail north Time is Cam munity iinii binciumith shop moicl nnd rcstnurnnt lwo uhmis with 175 pupils and teachers iinrhor iwo hnir dressing mom nynrtmcni hams lwn lions one nhop ins comm flourishing Credit nlon oiticc with banking incli iiicl iioriit hop and green haum In tho mat end vi the hnmlM once caiird Crnigvnic thorn in railwny lintion nrnLn ciLvnian nnd chopping rniii Two rurni mnii delivcrcrl go out in tho Iurrnundlnadiririct tmm the Past Otiice Slnel lighting wnl inntniicd in the humid in 1951 Plum nrn under why it rcplntc nn upon nir ice Ikniinx rink with nrw trun Itmicavtrcd build ing Three dance orchuirns an nvnilnbic nnd nitrn hnvn un unxcmmil iiin mliu irnm ham and tontcrt arrimirl an plnyn nt rnnny iundlonl The township municipnl oitic c1 tho tin hnii nnd the lawn nhip noiicn hcntiqunrtcrn nm nn one ni iim mnin rumor of he linmict Twa ith ni Iiundnrd Irelamina cqulpmvnl lIXniM Strand hnndlc iim in the Taday Slroud clean well kcm hamlet ol about 700 lnhab llnnu lurraundcd by prosperoua arm and Just our mllcs mm Ihe blue waters of Laku Slmme and large Towrulxlp Park wllcre the lnlcmallonnl lJrlck and Rolling Iln Throwing Con tests are held Thla year over 24000 upcdnnm were an hand In wnlch colurtul Ipnmde Innis nnd bnndl folowcd by he comes baseball games Mlas flrlcklap Contest plka drlvlng ll la pllchan cllmblng greased pale all 11an by an evenan Vocal and band muslc and glant llmworka display The Park can Hill 01 about loo MIDI on tho more lllc lnlm wlth shady lreel plcnlc table and halhlng benches and oncn drum crowd of lhrec our thanwnd people an hot lummer day lunzo lmllcr park nflnn every nullity or camplng during the tummcr Aullvnhod klvkv Dem lnr kalnlrll ml Trim mm lml ï¬lm Nnmu Prlcrl lnu All We lmnly iho village and deliver tiwm la the parish antn on Sunday one Iimt lhere we brass band and handunnd in lilo village park There has been in branch he Wmntna insiiiuie since 1909 and public iibnry span sored by the Wi dnce 1912 This library now has over 2009 books and is mambo vi ibe Simcae County Cooperative Li brary from which limy receive back on iarm hnxis cuminnu year ROBINSONS QUALITY HARDWARE Au Mtzwnum mummy AND RACING CAR SETS ELECTRIC MAIN smasror smouo ONTARIO 1mm mnnynmxul nl ulmncly Inw wanr lnr nll mm Wllh nubdlvlslom byan added and development llkcly to spread beyond lhv cross road the lownslllp It In very possible thul before many year lhc hamch Slmud wlll have to be Incor pamlcd that water and lew erl can b1 lnstnlled when lhll ll done hm Strand mlxhl came lhc Illa at some lnduslry al Iulllclcnl qlzc lo employ the wpulallan growth with me ex rcpllnn al Ildcwnllu Installed year ago and the rum lllf Inca by U1 lawmhlp mldenla Located in no agricultural district the inrml Iurrounding line 19 lpeciniiza in diary and 21 came mine grain turkeys and chickens The im at chick haicherfl in the Prav ince Ontario located lust south of Siroud and in owned and operated by local family District farmers have won lop honour on lino local provincial and dominion licvei or wine lioï¬p Ahearing my harm and Cate 40 at cottage property comes under melr protection Slmud has active hockey and baseball leagues will up team of all ages There are three Ira lernal organiullons Masonic Lodge Loyal Orangv Lodge and chapter the Order the Eastern Star township They carry 500 gallons ml water ladder and hose on on rock while nnoihuiruck is loaded with 1000 gallons of water and poriable pump Calls are handled by phrne and voiunloer crew undo part Iime chicl hnndie ilrelimlting lnnislii Township Police have ihelr headquarters in Siroud sixman lorco and in chief undu Police Commission hrrmiio population of about 0000 year round ruldcnil with probably our times ihal number during airmmor manlhn when overi Behind this bold new label0ntarios Hrfavourite ale in Strand Canada ihn muhl clpal council of lnnlnll summed lhni ha lnicrnnllonal Brick and Rolling Pin Conical be com hincd with Township Field Day with the Township Pnrk at Lake Simone ill ihu lite This proved in be vc xucccsslul in every way and in bowl Ihai Hun will be an annual lawmhlp Field Day in conjuhcilan wiln iho inicrnnliannl Conlcxil He will at ihe comm am cabled lo ihe oiher pnnlclpailnz coun tries who all hold lhzm on the name day THE ROLLING PIN CONTEST was Introduced far the ladln in 1962 at lha lugzezllnn Strand Australia where dill game 13 popular England did not so lhclr ladle started in lime to enlcr lhe cant Australia came nm with Canada lecond pigch In 1951 anglertlan was re ceived ram Strand Oklahoma or Stmud Canada to form team of Ive mm to enter an lntcrnntlonal Brlck Throwing Content between strandOkla homa strand England and strand Australln Both Strand England and strand Oklahoma hnd brle yards and ï¬ve pound nalln brle was selected at standard or he wntcrt Eng land and Austrnlla had prevlour ly held contest and blu day chasm was during lhc Fnlr In England July 2m Oklahoma ha taken the ï¬rst prlu or 013 but away alliance of their Brlcklhrawen Canada took second plnce In men but lell hack to fourth Face In 1m one hchlnd Aurlral EL taclmla Inch an privattwell and am unknflydm hand led by the Ontario Rural 5y yumm provldq their ovvn gmgyns or THE WORLD Some 91 the arllsll lry la earn Max lkohlnl pedestrians about 10 Ihllllnu time nut 14 hard pounding mph la pause and be the centre of lcnllcn or he 15 mlnulcl or that good Ikelch nquirelt Charm Plcrd who Ibo Innuzht he mi about so but Now he can more nr Ieu regularly an meagre penIan nnd canklbulianl from lavcrl popular urL Othcr meet nrtlxtl weak Harms gener amy and mutant cheerlulnul II hungry friend oomu nlonl Harum wlll lake Ilmll for muple of lawn leaving 1h Mend to reap the gains flu calorrd country menu CANT SELL mu Horton think hel About 60 HI past It uncannfly similar In that ol the ha dozen other can lrlbulnn lo bright mum Square nren He ran away ram hume when he wan Ian young In reallw age Joined Hm navy then the army and drew all the lime Mm 199 Second World War ha couldnt let job up than In tha meet 1Sisdem1kArtists Stfllprdw In London Peaple wlm numnble lace plod through the dm London and Lhcnrlhcy dmwlng Ireea ar rive or green fleldu and maybe funny caption and he laid see them be my dream and Hum when they walk on htyrc bit happier thinkingmcyd like 613 my and lhey loulg kflpd ol dazed and Gradually picture of rushing fall and anowrcnpped cum ep peured Thu he drew while border blew all the cxcen dim and lined up The crowd mur mured approval and coin be gan clanglng Into hhtwu hall The crowd lwelled uhc dmv bold blua and white llnu on thl my much dummbbedme mm MIMI together with NI gaudy flngcrl shading and Lana enlnz he lurk hue 1115 um white beard and black um nurly amped the paving mm mm was Brlam red hum grind by Purple alum around Some Inlckcr at Iha mw hslr menJ lng down over duuy collar Mont wallh wllh lnleren Tho chalkm lgnnre ltullu they blend brllllaut colon 1m clean calxlntryylwnel uni happy puny 151 10350 land uni1m near agar um than3750111 flu negatin which an mndard cqmpmenl lheJnan gobdw them are LONDON cm Old inen muchlni qnswewalkt outside Britains Natlangl Gallery Pm dues their own kind in mi um with chalk Johann Gutenbcrz ubllm lad the Bible some tma be lwnen 1450 £11le wan he Int gm book puhllahcd In Wmern World USING COLORED chalk Br Iln Alaed Hanan draw Item for unlaokeu on Me walk nulslde Brlmnl flatlan wunl tum Who and tries to IE oil paintings labelled All My Own Work lie hadnt old we or Al manlhu but coin lale on bl nldawalk anon help hlm my alive Ii guygoing Lohdém hasndy nd men making bright Masha on lheudewalk large cyothzagheu mum limit on the arm flap éork CONSTRULTION LTD Bnflo PA HI George Davies any RINIER 759 INNISFIL ST Bavrhn Only Excluolvl RCA Vldor TV and Slorlo Dullr Gallery In London Barton and other street mm make Ilvlnz mm coins toned by on Iwkm he more moccasin flheyre not bad Horton said cheerfully but they dont havetho real desire to do this um 01 work Theyre just hazy U11 Chaï¬ng Cross Road nonh can the gallery muplooi young artist contrasted with Um regulm Whllï¬ï¬‚ld flyth or avlnw pen In to dth all WI the ac lua wiuiFInbrnzreu that tracu onlonkeu pulls in distant zmiom givesyou sharper picture COOP CONTEMPORARY BEAUTYI NEW VISTA RCA VICTOR Tm llMlllY fnnwla anro auvlnu rompncl model du nlgnul la II My dreamlan Nun Iprnkm In thml llnlnh mm uulnlllz II 3119 mm ONLY has ho powerful All NEW TUNER $25933 Phoca earningtgarhn so killing fly are no rain CP llo aald lno Common reply la Stanley Holdnu Ton onln Parkdalel that travel on commercial airlines now ll au thnrlzad only whcnlt la the moat nracllcal and economic means OTTAWA CWTravel commercial airline by forces ofï¬cer will be restricted In mum to brlzndlcra or equiv alent rank and nbuve ur light wIan North Amenlea or Eurqpe and la majorgenerals and shave or runsoceanic flluhla valence Mlnllter llnrk nos said Monday Resigict Air Travel Commercial Lines PA 6453 wllh lrnde