Atlmnaul Inn Gordon 3w wry Jr dmwn mlngmm plNNYl mi huh In my war Jam Imam will nur but mm mm mm ynlnlhy rum ALLEGES BIG PROFIT labor muncll report said he Inn Mnjnr Hnldings lululoo Limited bunchl some no am Innd in In irinily ol the unhersilys pm enl campus in 1937 or mm and sold 175 Mm Imm Inc lrncl nr 3133050 The lirsl sale had been ln disclosure nl who he shnrn holdm um who benclillcd 1an his Ignd pmfllgfllnp 93th You No He said nlmmlinn ls lhal he unucrsily was mm pltlcly snliuicd wilh Ihc lnmsr ndinn parl ppmwd moust Tuesday night by chcncr Wulerloo Labor Cunncil which nnmcd Ir Vnulcnnrycr as dirrclor the mummy up Nm 333 muld an and dill not makc dime ml at Lh companys upcrnllnn said Mr inlcr mm in slnlcmcnl Time Incl uuulxl haw bun given to anyone it they had Iakcn lhc lmuhlc l0 ask or them 111me in XML gnu pnpcr which nude Inquinrs newt mgqlhgn NRDNTO ICP Ontario Liberal LAadcr John iulcr mau said loday he did nut nuke dime oul oi the muons nLn mmpany which mld 17E acres land lnlhc Unimsity Walnlon in loamcar period was wmmcnling on If Ollawa Cnnlmllcr Paul Tun di ymmds lg wafd an qus Didnt Make Dime States Winter méyer minim un wnm mu NEXT AMERICAN SPACE MAN For lkamsuex Want Ad Telu phonefA um The lelephm number to call or the Bushes Ediwrhl new 15 PA in UliiTéléphones Iliblehmur in mmwr ln qumlmns um hr phomd Ilnzmly mm nu Am lean Um mun lnmpany hc pr ldrnl in huruu nrws lnlnro Hm MIC munmm niml LN SumL IIIgM we lay lnkdnu dului nu mu mm mum ï¬vho limlur nlll mnh llum va mm tun Hnmd in xrcullw JflllhS IL mly lul Mum mm wu rtmry Indrr armor xvr cm Himlmuvr Hiram mm mm Mullers dvuial ml he nl lcmpml km Mm Hm he lcluLmn pmram atqu Ilirllnnl Mums xmltlxml ff 51 made nLv hpumimlltx lo makcinquirhs In all we principals in onlcr lu assure myscll ml Hm lral$rllm Iml my nluliuns In had been mmmclnly hmmmhle all pals plans becmise Eben dircclnr at he hrm Mm member of Kim unhersuyï¬wrd ol governors The report sum anumcr mem ber llxc unirmsily lmni Rostnbcrg IthuLLd Mr VintLrmoycr as dirmnr Major Holdmw md thus also was in Mr mlknmur Ins sult mcnl II he became mum some mumhs an Um ut lcmpLs Mn mu made to Hal Eisenhower Denies Rhy Attempt To Keep Hiss Off Nixon Show Chnrlulle whinun in cily le on Tues Mayor lh her lists at wild humid nmmwd npdw kmmhm pmumnlrly up nulnl Ilu um 5mm lhlrnll burwr l0 Mmth Thn Alurl vlrltunlr wm Im Ihml In IMH munlrml leI re mun UH damnmlkmnl WWW Hon ran JLI 1L3 Hu llulul Hulls um Ul mm vyer nw pmknzv we Nnlhl 11mm dim IlI Irldunmrml Tummy hr 59 ml IMuly Furrluu Mmldrr lull HAY KIWI Ullmll mlnr ulm Lulumn mlr Avllnl Ii Human mu In 51v 11mm In 11 Nnrntun lml hvr Js Iluun 1mm mm mm Klunvluuv nml will In WM mil mmlm Ilu mm mm In idvuhly uul dulily lb ml llvm nl MW mulmlu Hm 31mm UN 11 Ivunlvi nwwml hr day um Sum Cuban Ivnmndu mmmd lu lucludn US will dlmml hum lhv 1mm Hum lmxmtv Imminlnu um mwmr iaticm Ilu Um Fun gmmu lmnut Nmr lh um In Hm mu vv immm HumHy hm he ullinmle may or Mhlsmu Hm onum pingraln IIurnhmwrs name gal inln Hm unhlnluy nllcr nullnln INA luuniu Nous ncmunl lrnmh by vpuhlicnn Nu lwxml hmxxnnu VIllinm III lrr Mm Md nl lilwnhmrrs mm lumh um Nan mm mum nivi ha Mm llhunhmkrr said he ex prunrd muucmcnl upon Imminu thul Husn cnmltlrd puumrr lint cxposul hy Nixnn vlnulm lhosc innMum on Hm pman The In Me that the law llrm In was senior erhurnrlul us wliciim or ht iucorpnrulian Muan Holding Limited lvmsmmno cmpomliug dilccmr um suh nlllhll my rainmlllnn in UN curl pun 01 1932 Ihc me Immuncul st relinquish Hm mm the taped Hut nvwr in my huw Mm mylxxdy no lo mum mm Hwy KM il lull nlwuur Knit ruccncd cunlinnnllun lhnI hiywus the case mm IH con cvrnnd and purliculnrly irum the Valurlm and II Mum of the unher my He and he nskrd and cuuvd Idler his Iccl run Jim univvrsily proaidwt Hum hi pt USRuss Talk Constructive of mmrnl meeting aflor he made ha shaping dirty and piuurcs scc Page Ii NATIO MP my business direclor mmlhrr Imne mm nlm nTul In mumum um Mn um um 11ml lln Inmlmu um Lflllml Hulls III pm llw mw Sm Imn mer 11 mrlml mm pm mlvr Fldv mum In1min dmund mad Mk 7n lur nu rm all US mlhlllm nunllhl IM mqu mul Mtlulumnl Ilnlu unmumuuu 1110 whim nppamflly mr umkml mnr My llmmn Hm Ilrrmy pumivr Amulm Mxknyun hu DIM lnrn In Ilmmm mm Nm Inlullllunh HM Hm MHrl lulmn prugwd dmll nmlnly ullh ultlulnnml Iron hmnhumnm nml lmlmlul ml ml In lhr UH mun hlmkmlo ul um dylvmm mu mm mm by Ibr Unllnl mm In pmml 11mm mlnly mum luhn Ivy HM ll ulcu nlvl In all In Hva umummr lllul UM mlrd MM NH uulJmmln Wllw mnrHM mum um thluyr S4 cpmmimnl hum rm rlhmnnllml um nu lurk ml Inr onsnn umpum urn Imtk ln hm The Uniun lennuwon pnsiliun hile nnlkummil llnjtsv1 Hm ubrï¬prlilw inn me has allaukcd it as mkescrccn pickud by Ike ibcruls In hlde Its in unclnl mismnnnncmcnt nnd hmkvn yrnmiscs nncr unly 27 nlnnlhs in omrc 91le IN lAthlO ILAN Ihc Quovn and Philip uskvd hm In1r sun shullhl he lrcnlcd ml nnlinnry my the srluml uml mix WM Iwinn uhsmuL Ilh qmml hllllldny cell mullum lur Hm minto KI Smllnml IICHHISF Primu Churlts hrlr In In llrll NI Ihrmw colvhrulu his Mlh birthday Mlh cssmm In us ual nl murhy Gnrdmislmln lms MhllIL Khrbshrlmv known th the present dale or the Kennedy Adonnuer confer cucu mu sci ofï¬cials hadhopcd that he Cuhnn silunnon would be sumlunlinlly cleared up But hcyconmlcd today that with Swirl in hombcrs slilf in Cuba lhc ï¬rm rcsulls the USJSD icl cunnunlauon are uncor min Kennedy underslobd In be Interested in same new chlcrn lnitlmivo for Berlin negatin limls The nohlcm Imlnrc the presi dent and mu chancellor is lan glcd by lhe Iucl hill the out come of the Cuban crisis ml yet clear and the real 2110c at the Soviet withdrawal nI mis 10 from Pygmio man Chancellor Konrad Adam nucr meat lodny weigh the mpuczol the Cuban crisis on EastWest dispulc mcr Ber Prince Charles Tums Fourteen QUEBEC VOTERS T0 POLLS TODAY Barrio Onlario Canédl WadnudayNovombur I4 1932 Two Leaders Meet To Talk crs vole lodny In prawn cI clcclinn culled by the ra Ruvcrnmrm la nbr Iniu vicarcm mandam lo cxproprime 11 private pour upun ms in his lmme riding at anbcr st hmL he nus Iirl eluded ln the DRiSkh li mmh in 1960 Daniel luhnsun 41 lcml er nl mo Ulllnn Nallmmlc pm since cptcmbrr was 11k 51 Im do nnnk honux munly soul lhe Hum rhlinu he has hvld xinsr mm mgumquorx QUEBEC CPlQucbgIC HERES ONE an 11011 hug warllm nruliu nz ho expcnso lhe US gnv cxnmcm turn lhelr ullcnlinn lo duy lo the comrncls of another lnicrnnlional Nickel Company wgglds lnrgcsl pfodugcr llnmsmmm Gummy WI merr Nu mm Mm mum wt or mum 4111 Am Mm um 1an IN Jru In IoIml In 11 than nllczv lhal lhe in mm nlhcr shot an the swim UNLLLMLI In mnmmlmu ramp Mm mu wwrrothlmm MImqumlmm UNITED NATIONS MP Atllnl Mrrrlwm PM Illumly mmlrxl Mlvr Tummy In Kmmlm llnlly Unhlunlrn ummnu lho Allmm Hrpubllum dhlnllmu Hmrnwn mam mn Mkan hlm 10 3al ll Rimrllwn ll mnllmwmlur l1 llll UnIMI anlmla mm lumwr Dvmmmllr Hamille lur lurwlvul mu leme mullv hy lluhhmlrrg Ilvmmul Hm lrnidrnl Knmrll Ir Mm lur nllul inMwnlrr leuthl Immu mil nu rmmmmlnn And lull nn lfllhn LONDON Mm Immln and Jnunu lmlny mum Imly nvlllnlrlu nml nnvlunuuu umklnn Mille Ihrr mule llu lnr mum va Imus Illa nLnflul vwnluu Um My lnr III boo1 uum um ullnmw vy nw nlrr mnln lhlln Mm In lmnllll Eumpm AGANA Guam lAII mumy hunls bruun uinlnz lhrmmh Mm nmlrnrrd lu he Inn iw Sunkyunl In liunm Imlny mul mill lhry txprcl Ind mu HIM In llu rubhll lrll by Typhmn Knrtll Knnu unimlly ml Uu mm llsnslcr in Um Illhlur lhln Mrnhaic LS lxM 1n Ihr Vnhtrn Pnrmz mm ur dulmyoxl nmrly mry vmliun hulldmu on he Inland OTTAWA lClI ll llnhluuw InWIN Ir UII Cnnmllnn Ihumlrmtlnu Lexumn mld lmluy Ihv mull ms My fun lvlnvhlvn wunlulllm Ix nul ulmimx HI mhmuvx Ilw huluwmlrnw nl lhv fl This urtsrnl nllmlpl by IIIIG In um Um IH In rurly pruurlml HM Ulty up mum mu untrudwl lur Iv Ilu TV On ml urlunlvv hnslm nul lu vrqunr mlwllnhlu In In in New In Mm mrlml Ixy Hm CUP lu mm II HIHHM In munwin ml ll lmlrnus Ilu mumlmhlr umrrlnlmy mnm luv msllm ka Nth Ilns miwn HULLVWOUH VMY Anr Imrhw Lullthlnn mm In hrrll whnn Imhmum annlul Muro Lvl numuwr MIIPHHK lrnm nmrr mm mmrtrtl In mlnm mmlmuu Ha 11m anlumoon hemlnu the some slocL gsuhuurm rcpcliuon of daylong Session Tuesday when Invesugalom and wilmssc unfolded my American nickel supplies Alc plulcd hy the Korean Wm drspcmlc US government hid lo buy up supplies Inmar paaxihlr nnd he high prices dn mmulul by lhu cslahllshud pm durum Senator Shmrl Syminklml nxbcnmmmco chairman said he price demands of Sudhury based lulcanbriduc Nicky Miner Umllcd mm cxmM mm mm he mar wuulll huw man Mich dual Mn clmrnrd WASHINGTON 1cm Sen ate lnvcsllgnlors huvlnf cusqd mquanudian pickc col Siovonson Replies To Gbldwalor Says BBG Ruling Infringement ExNazi Major On Trial Britain Iapan Sign Treaty Clean Up Ailer Typhoon Karen Charles Laughton Seriously Ill WEST GERMANYS Chan ccllor Konrad Adenuucr ls greeted 6n III arrival In Vnsh inglan lust night byUAS Sec rclnry of Slnlc Dean Rusk Nickel Company Adcused OflGreed NEWS BRIEFS that result 178 defence cnnlrncls the unnqu not earn inus lllnl company skyrock um ummmr mm between 1949 and 1015 TILL DELHI D0 USPBRT The West German Chancellor ls schedulnd visit Presldcnt sulling on ma Harlin sllun Kennedy Inr several days cun lion in Ihe wake of the Cuban isis AI Wircpholo ll Muth hr 11mins vice nml immurullly sald Mnynr IMlllps hut qud be rcludunl lo we um bylaw no 1mm miles south wm Hrunlfurd DELHI Onl CPI Theres limit on lunzcvlly in Dolhl Ihc lawn cmmcll Harmch Tut huslncssmml Max Herb 1qu draw munviln allcullnn hylaw Nm which pm hilxils vice and Immortal Nev Funk Mona ol nu Cum all lnlnmulhn calm mid Du llnllal Church Ihould In ml nuly lhlnkln ulnhlhhlnl aw 3119le 910019 MM an day Cnlhollc umpomln nul xlned in hrltl la IM onlnrio Juklalugdan MN 1mm Mhdllc ldmll m1 ullMlillv mm CamMt ludum wk luv MM be mum and In um lhmltnul he mum unlhm II III 7mm m1 mm nl lo um Iyuem han aim 0mm an TORONTO CWTThe Unï¬lcd Church Cunndn awning n0 mm Cnlhnllc vrnpalnll lnr mum xnvtmmml aid lur 11 mm Mall nluln htu hrm crlllrlml hy lwa mm llplnmlnlhuoue Imm Inn and onq CIHuMlLI mom um an wank mum Me to me la mumrmmum IM CINE WWII ev mlnmer Huulh lul Umurhm Church rd Hm eluw all ullgimu nrludin Cnlhullcium In taught In MIMIC Khmll 0r m1 xeilzlnnhnl The harkground ol the matter came lo Hxhlyulcrdny whrn Ornnl Mayor want In me my bullding lnipmur la oMnln crmM Inr In mum lo ho nynhnn Motor MLl Illa perm up llcnllon WM hcld because turned out that he mrd mnlrl was In uul nl um lltllnnl Mm um be bulll an mmmtrclnl mm The buildan lmpcclor lhcn nol ch tho clly dcvnlnpmcnl rom mlllu Council nnd the alder mcn agreed In Ipcclnl mm lmz nrcordlnl In Aid Mar mw QILOTES RAEMIN The ntalemem qumd Hank Governor Loull nnsmlnsky laying Ihal Tuesdnyn ucuan mum be kill to mean lhal In vlm nl lhcxapliu lnflvwr and Ihe mervel Improvement 1h bank on hat grcaler wellhl could In the present circum slunm be mm In ether fac tors Whne In Ihla context Ihc slnlcmcnl mennmrd flu bankx wnlimiuhs eflortliz uncout Epcclnl mecllnx ol Darrin Cily nuncll has been culled In oclock lunlxht lo clear up cchnicnllly In he toning bylawol gm city central bank ï¬ltemcn re parled flies olhervecmmic im provements Last tummera declina In Ihufllatal Canadian money m1 Fly maximized by bank de posits nnd cumncy nulslde ill bunkJudd In early Septemn her and pine Ilhen hm hm blwn appreciable expan an ISLIquId well of the bunk have lncrgnspd The amt had dropped alter June 21 II he banks djgpoleq pl gnyernv arke In and mu hm ducllnedn recent weeks In most cam they now are hack to the earlyJune ltVEII The decision signalled easiéi credit conditions was third reducllnn In In bank rnle vlhe countryn Ieadlnz India or the can credit gener nllyulncl It was polled at six per cent last June 24 when thn exchange crIsIl became known Inch Ieï¬mtlu lownieel strong public npld rule v1 ex pqmlqn plbnk 109nm MTAWAACBERegnmu rehxmJojsznbcablal In flow and the buildup In ex change mervex the Bank at Canada lowered lending rm hxesday to four per cm from live Council Plans Special Meeting ToCler Up Zoning Bylaw ALL 0R NOTHING Mir Mnyar hm wuk mnda Ap llcullan to he quuor Llrcnce Iunrd Inr pumluian In opernle Third Time For Deérease Since Pegged Last Iune United Church Gets Two Blasts No Mora Thgn Zekpur For kummary tum to gaze lwo amy cloudylclodayur Sunny warmr Taniway Low to glght 23 High lomormw 4o LBcéI Wééiï¬er mm Wdlll lmh loud memmm Army In Cam and Imly mlu nl when mlem AMmm It Cl II muslin Ind IMI Iwum1umm4 Mannie Immn II will Ilw Uullnl Churrh ap pmd me momy In Iup Wll inlhnllc rrllzlmu lmlrur linn lull nl Um Annlr Imp nu pumd lrululnnl Imlnuliun pukllc uhrmln rill Thaw mrmlm Hm Unllnrinn Council at Mdmmh my Tomnlo Mum llu Unllrd Church hrlnu lxlumnhlrnl In Ill qrnumrnu Mr lhnw mm In nummnrd Unllni Chum Ilalnncnu Hm lha Calhollr lumynnlp prmnl lhrtnl In whllc nlmnl Muta llon In Duluth Inn mlrlrdg tinMan IMAM In mm mmmm nml mnvlnrlni In Unilrd Mulch luv ml wppmï¬vK Hu MI Iul cl rrmmm Itllllml In llve Mull KIIMLI ha my name ImAJIJLmchs 1hr BIIHHIIL 1hr mmu of Mlmllc Irllllnfl In umh Mr Jnhnwn Indicated lhnl Mr Muyorl rrmit wasnt mud Ilncn lll my mm mm day In an the nermll II II cxncclml Uml Inc bylnw MII be changed wMMn lhh llmrun Hull lnnluhlt iIKTlfll mm nu Later he told cheering Par Ulmen Ihe Slate or Punjab had unwed5mede bl Md on hlrn lnlr dclence upendinl Mr Mnyur dccnnm mm munL llc 11d he pccplu Punjab wnntcd In xlvo hlm his weight In cold but an my wright 11 not very gram he did not agree However hey much douulcd ll wilh lha iall 1er Kill Barrie Planning Board will lhc wnrd molcl had been lull mil be cnusc hen lhc bylaw vnl hc Inn prmnrcd it was cansldcml unlikely mnlcla would build In clnl business district The trend howcvcr Inn clung Cl and mum urn nnw helm bull in buslnm mean and an Able to cnmncnmln lnr nmss mrnl rosin by bulldlnu llmm lwo ar lhrce Allurnyl Mali CNEW DELHI Mulml Gold Jawclry and applause were showered on him Mln Iuer Nehru lodayas he cele brated hll 73rd blnhdny In the mum at the graves crisis of his career Indial undeclared border war wilh Communist China Gold nmnmenls bekwnled bangles and precious stones or he Indian national delencn land wtre glvmo Nam he held open house for hundreds or mun wnmcn and children cocklall and dlnlnu luunm on hliprmjlges However Ibo slaiemcnl noted hat the monelnry policy al lowed allerJune 24 was nhmd at Interest gate level to ullracllennuzh arcign capital to offset lhcicurran account dyiglt and tehullnlhe marvel Speculallatr In ï¬nancial cir clesln recent weeks has been that the bank would man case that policy because of the pinch thak thepumawi orzAmuimni capital was pumng on lhe Untied Slate cscrvcs ragga tgedil mndiï¬nmg ï¬nalgm at In the 11¢ch the Can dian economy It did not say what we mean by the other laclon Nehiu Célébratés His 73rd Bitthday duff inI