Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Nov 1962, p. 4

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cum1m In lulmlnl mules of vlrwhllellon mu mum la 11 12 llnrrle Northern Advance Nov 1802 Baxter lnrmnrs pretty well through wllh nll lowing Dundnn West Earn hell rlowlng mulch wall attended Oulhro cheese nclory closed after successlul mum lcnulnngs new curluw compels chlldrcn to bclromc by nlnc oclock at night In summer aml clghl ln wlnlnr Crccmorc rolllng mllls lo lng mahan burlnoss Many Slmcoe County man gulng norlll lor lumbering work qnnnltllu of potatoes bcln SMITH In Consld mb tan chnnglna In Vesprn VlcnrGoncrnl Mcllnnn asslxlml hy Very llovr Donn llnr In cnnxcvrnlell new hell SL Maryn rlmrchr Dnnlcl cl Bnrrlo olculnl Grand Chnnrullnr up Scolllxll Rllc ln Tnnmln New Masonlc llnll dullcnlml ln llnrrlo by the Grand Master of Grand Lodge on mm manta It In 15555 in 31 9uyabum°n3ffxz mu mallmY mm 0311 70 YEARS AGO IN COUNTY one loo petitioners Mrs Donald French Slnyner volccd Ihu central Alllhnlllld mm mm om mm mm mum nl you in Dull lunacy Ind lululur llnlldly uuylld Ilflllm WALL ruble mun ILAmm uuml 1mm II Mtlllllflfl Mull IMII CHAIM AIM IIIUII III In WILIUN Vllnlll IDIIN unmu cmnmm mum luhmmm IIle mm In Mom MI Huh mm nun In mum Slmcoo county ts tho only county In 1h province that has recreation setup for everyone It has been praised by rec mnton and planning experts throughout the province The consensus Is lhls the service has proved itself beyondltthg rdrreams of my mum onents it hnérhcen the core of rccrént on in the county throughrils own pm Prams and through encouragement oi ndividuais and associations to carry on their own activities Meanwhile sugporters of the recreat ion service are rcuiniing their peiiiions in everyseciion of the couniy and there are already indications they are receiv ing solid support Their arguments go much beyond iha belief ith service ogce esinbiished should not be eliminat If the county Council does not have change of heart the service will come to an end or be greatly restricted Council will have an opportunity lo review its stand at regular session which opens Nov PatMons belnf circulated throughout Simcoe County early Indicate gmwing concern about the impending discontinu ation of tho countys recreation service Indicate For Rec The Barrie Examiner Walls Publishglj TUESDAY sate Growing Recreation Se DOWN MEMORY LANE Plilygllshedby Cigggfl Ngwspgpega Unfiged 1a Hayfield Skeet same Ontnrlo ml in ohm nlll 04 my cm NEW SUIT SOON Brim s1a1htcenea1MmiAger Novzmm For cummunknllon In he bounced of object In Mr mm being now For In those many Ion cgry ygngs rom munlnll or as ILHldenl ol Allnndalo murl pay lax 35 Hugs ruse lo 174 on market Slonmor lxmglonl on Car lnya drydock for rcpnlrr ll ll llnl gale nppolnlcd cn lllEDl lor conrlrucllon sewers on lla Cllll Torunlu nml Ellin lmlh slrnull ln lnrrlc Ell Shear rn onfingcd nr lunchnr nl Allnndnlu nchonl Wlll 850 ralnry lucrmc lllclhorllsl Church nl Allnnllnlu crowded lur Oranlgc rcrvlml lhc pron mun Is In nnnro nllnchml In rnup ol Allanrlnlo ynulhr wlm gnlhcr glllly nl Allnmlalu rllway rlnllnn nnd commll all sort prnnku Grnln huyera nll along llhns of Grnml lnmh llnllwny complain lhry cmnml not enough lmx cm to handle lhnlr bualness lhmuan llnlwnnn ncar llrmllonl lrnpml ray eagle mmnr Ins men lcrl mm ng llp lu Up The lllnl was mung nu slump when can hl Grnvnr Tlovrlantl clcclod pronl an at lho Unlml slam rumvu umuuwlh when or ro grcss noted wllh more atom vornn aha coming down on main street mud had any money vnlue Ills lown would be Immenscly wealthy and 10 present Bar rIo council would mcrlt the praise or mnklng so llw newspaper crlcd ud Ilorinlly Drr lnlllng has moved into his new residence on Owen St Allnn dnlo vlllngc In tux look In 305 thls year Ilrcnnnn Allnndnlu drovcr shIpA ml to Toronto Hdc 54 head of cut Ic cryxnan who vol BL Gibson Hamilton good hlfii It the counc feels that the service is too burdensome linnncluii then one means of relief could come rough lar for provincial grant Has this idea been ullfr explored it should be before the doc sion of council ls irrevocable it is evident that thousands at Slmcoe county residents want this service and are prepared presumably to pay their share or the cost Council therefore should take in second look at the roblem with vlew to continuing recrea ion ser vices on the same broad scale as in the past it would be regrettable to give up rmml Hm Various reasons have been expressed on council as to why the service should be cut or even eliminatcdi Tho prevail ing opinionis lhat the service is too broadln scope and should be narrowed to swimming service or some other speci fic activily Underlying those argu ments is the nopstion of cost rlght Much would he lost Eventually some of the larger mun lclpnflflesmlght take up the slack Inso far as their own programs were concern ed But small communities which depend on the county service for programs and adylca would suffer argument of supgortex So much would 105 sexiylce Js dlsgontlnued mg Support Services orters when she sald logtuil the recreation Mmh of pro onan mum lnlmdkl ll Tnmn In Bulkr mm In low rel uheml lar nr orphan ml mom one will be home It rhlldrea when lln Mu Imn urwur Inaltrhrmh Mum now nomalm In My many mun rthren mm when build Innl tombml what VII fin lrnmlly villue ulll me Ill wand ml ul PN nllrmmbc II will duh nnn village ucmd rrslnlnull mum PLAN Thnl nhl mnnnr muse Sort Illvstalnbl In nlll Inmlly homo lmlny hul lodayl nmlly uln nu qlllfrrrnl lram Ihn all nmr Hy whlch um In occupy IL mlihlrm hm Inc In plrnly Mr 40 mm plly lmly Hm In men nl pull Iml Inrm Imul lhnl munqu lhn home In limo chlldmu mm 1mm all om Hm wrhl mm Lnlvlnm and Palm Ukrnlninnl lmlnnl ml min II well llrlllnh dllhlrcn In the now lam ol loglly II MclNTYMI 001 lamina Huxlnnd Corrupnndenl Far TM am Eumflm mrnl Rays nun nn Muller um Ia Idmlrn ulnnphun mnnur muw will mellnw inl xlcn wall nullinn on the Sumx xluwm It hml been the ham one In old Enulllh Illmlllfl or Krnernllnnl qndnwny Place rm Imd Midge11v manly SEEDLESCOMDE SmutIn lho Munmrr lull when VII twinned down near flu Sumx the Kl mun that wnsnc mmd six year cum should hnva been Ind would have il name nur unlor ol lldall could hnvn had their In his been nulcd hero be hm program In one of the rally progressive alep than illulflnxumny In ovary scallon of tha pmv Inca more are manulucturerl brlnalnx in para It would mean I211 Expensen bring displays them to Toronto nut may will be eager to emcr nn thaw In Mr home ENE So much Ina um mnqu lecturer paid WLng moneyta show products he was Ingportlng which Included Iklpplng ropes Ind kiddiesV unching bag Scheduling or them In other areal wlII mean Du Illll more hlnporled pom will be on REPORT FROM ILK TORONTO The fin iaclurin Opportunities Ontario history was standlng success Now further shows held in other area 01 ince that House Children Rt Manor Home In the lust law years an antl fungnl agent grluqulvln has been gflscovered when work wonder with some types but lnce belie ulre 5b dozen muse or un you are ltlckler or that form of the ward whichcause the pnndpal puny II are pa 1y vulnerahla We might keep in mind tint iunguses hive flair uses too Penicillin you know comes from lorm nl iumzuT When caio oi iungus iniec lion in stubborn as yours the wlse course is to make certain that its really iunguslniea tion This can be done by labor atory cultures and microscopic study oi scrapingsjrom the ab cted area 37 Too vizomiu treatm of some case can irritate the skin even more than the original in fection so sometimes it has to Fungal low order of plant We Like microbe here and we have Mel along with as best we can Why Mods one personand not anoiher hnrd to explain Some people mmto be more unsluv Ihanlothafs andv cer ama 11mph1 my lee Dear Dr Molnar Wlm yeast mum and does any one get It Ive ha over year under both armx and doom uem wvgetuny hem Ehauuh savage medQcauons hm QUEENS PARK By JOSEPH MDLNEE Md fiiohnéébnmm Manufacturefs Ouistandifigffi Wsfiilyfigcfions can Bé Stilbbom By DON OflEARN er shows will be area of the prey 1he first Manu mlgglng shuw clear buy at WW3 Jed mm around 11w when undnlallnu stnvh 1111 on hullan llrmlllnnl am can II leIar Thu hm and flu orlllunl mum hm In mmgde look mm mm Du lundL Another 0110 ll an by wotAlum blmjld nonblond eduullnnnl lun It pruvldml Aimed wrvlnx lho ndlvldunl lngunu rnlluu Ind nllllvn Path nat Ionnllly Thouuh um rlnnl Ior Ihe VIIIu an romp only lhe Ilnl lnlmmllnnnl Mum ml uniInn wmlrnl Immu IM Imn bulll Tn one who knows hm It scams probable he was discusy my general lung term ideal and menllancd an end strike on Ihese lho moment he mm mnccmnd ullh Mn llm children mmu nmklnl lhvm Incl my Mum and rur lnu or lhrm livenlunlly um Iylltm III Ix llke lhll ll lml nlmxl wilh Ilmmrnle unlim Al Mum Md lnr um 13 chlldm nml Mdl wllh Ms own Imuu pnmm no will HIM bn lwo lnlnmllvnnl hnuwl when oldur tltllllml will llvo Ind play logelhvr xqvmupmy Wmlcn In mum at lel mn Jccl ll Frulorlck Spcnm Chap mun mm with vnnml car eer nI advcnlurc Ha hm htcn an Arctic explamr llmnlnynn mounlalncllmhcr and win limp Ilnh mnslnr nl mm uhool when Illncn Phlllp was ll lludflll hum cxplnlutd um plum or the Mun ol Ihln lthtmo plnced amm cumpl for ml drtn oso lnnllllea hnvu bum dmrnyw or Icnllmd lhc patent for In thc Liberal lull donl puny program an labor Thil adds In his lrouhlcs For reparlm wIl onen pick out one minur details and put near lhe lnpnf their Harlcl or will wfllanboul Ml proposals Like so many lawyers Mr wlnlenmyer ollcn over stale hi cases In in In detail and quali llcntlans mull that he In men poorly reported Also he lnclincd fly him In talk Abdul proposals publicly fyre In L1 laid on hum him sell We havent Inlked In Mr Win Innncyer since ll speech but wnuld wager this wasnt quits what he snld ur intended Opposlllon lermeycr bundle at spoke to an of Labor arines Eula be pub Mr amen evenKuahy might want He was that he brgglklpg l1 and because have spenl some the stuth anatomy that what she feels ispmbably ribs 01 um she just imagin ing everything Or that than She wont let me lake her to male damn and dont know 01 2mm In this Inca think 5h Whynuduwmda omj adviceTMn LR susx let nnc Dnr Dr Molnm My daugh tcr 17 hiscomplained of lumpy Keeling ram under her am down he breast II dues not hurt but because there are nun2 Endn means wIthn Cardin heart It mean In fllmrnauanu Hence endocardlm In Inflnmmudnn of the Inner lin of the henx1 chamben usu Kenna elsewhere mlschlef It is Important knnw what arm 15 presan Preparallon containing arise Mn gases nave pug lpx ll Show uspccl just tram your 12 mm the me that shes Lcn reported would ban meeuni got hlméelf 125wa Y0 pbllclly wnex tarlo Federation Leader strelitbconcu strep Infections Ihe trouble can 5L saying slrike Wln xrgnt Cath Win nut 12th not Iln ihlrelm rein Ion mom body Ranuu 512 Nola BAl Im xytzlnfllh riar any mpe it 01 mkxnmcy but than have been so many rink nostmml that mus demand scientific prod no just claim before putltng any reliance an lmlmemls other than surgery Xrny and 10 some limited extent chemolher spy iAmu BiBLETHOUGfiTTF At her age the chuuce ofjcnn In remote andyam and knawglt But shes going to It about It she had better learn nowlmtead o1 later to whether she does ur she raleng vlgn may or the doclnr And she had better reallz thata mat on femlo doctor looks at symptom through lden tlcal eyesl In shut it shes wor rled enwgh to us she mlth as well make up her mind to go to doctor regardless 01 whether the dawn weanraklm or trousers Amyihemme mused 2131165 she may even be Jabbinz her 911un fingers lnta mu By IMFive drowned 12 he loss at tux Fred Lee fin Lake Humn look Tob offenslva rlci um uuwnwn bcc ravmce cranhad In flames In the French Alps with total loss of lile 12 years ago today 1550 Lflhfl35l=miellgeulniiidid Quebuc Roman Catholic clergymen among puny of Holy Year pllgflms rev turning from Home The Canadian Skymuter nir unfl tailed to clear Mont LOhlau by only six feet airliner with is 65513 nhgard Imp lle mrlmer Nov Cami Baum THE CANADIAN PRESS mull In exnuled dnfly ovlve minim control cmpilxn froerlf TODAY IN HISTORY f4 EX1 ruk in counlcr In the North mush form Aievery parent should MW To guide you we suggest you talk to The Excelsior Lire than in your neighbourhoodhe has been sclccl and trained to help you and your children develop your own Blueprints forSocurily As wrongyou can touch your children the importance buying permanent personal poli cics of life inst rtmcc whilc youngother forms of savings an investment czm wait until later when age or it tllh isnt controlling factor If you are the father or mother of young son 01 da ghter the insurance you buy for them now sures them lower premiums It en courages lh in starts them building an estate and you can include provision for future policies even though their health may be later impaired through illncsijs or accident They dye doubly fortunatc if their parents have slarlgd them on such plan while young by paying the premiums until they are earning incomes onthcir own Yotmg people are fortunate if early in life they afie taught the values and uses of life i1151rnnceand how to build 21 slepbystcp security programme was swamped with appli cations lmm MP3 with wanted to Join the trip Mr Tim Cooper HP or Ruse townBiggar told me long lime vice preaideut at the SRDA damtan Cooper was ar gentler the trip But as he explained theaize of the vlslt in partyrwras restrictedhy the tcapadtyut the airpianewhtch new them an the 3000 mile round trip The trip and what we saw lmpremdgmejmmcnzcl th the national unity at Canada hlr Bart Lehoe Social Credit MP for the Carihna BCisuid tn me the dam will make an enormous diiierence to west central Saskatchewan tncilitat in agriculture and pruvidlng recreational amenities Its the biggcst prniect nnw under can atructinn in Canada and at course costs int maney but imaginative great develop menta iike that represent money wlely spent mixedlarms nt PEri Mrs Macdnnald noted They must linti lite very lonely an the biz empty pretrial aha thouth Even in her brie vialt lire hiacdanaid tauml reveral Prince Edward iaianders happily and prospamusiy aettled in Saskat rchewa The Yen tram Prince county Mr Kennedy tram than rayHurbhiir hfilhimn who ncllve l1 the board at trade and the Legion the line leans and hi Macphersan visitor tram ridina tar remnvad lmm PEi yet which shares with that island prnvince the lreedum from the need tor artificial irrigltlun was thrvld Pugh irom Oliver 30 This MP from the lush Okanagan valley was terribly impressed by the South Saskatchewan Dam not only by the darn it self but by lta secondary bene fits In altering alternative land use water supply tor large communities and recreational m¢mmhwda lake 137 miles lung and with nuhmiine oi 115 miles Several laid me ihai having seen he project and me errin they did no Igree with ihe Judgment oi former Liberal governments iimt Sasknlche wan is not Mirth damfl Thu ion lady among the visit lheir visit amazed by what they saw on In Moose laws 000000 lechnicai bulimia now under connrucliun think In ledarai gwcmmeni lid for lhmquurterl oi in ML They wen all asionished by the sin niii Ernie Pnsme liie iiii tar Moose Jaw laid mu The fourparty group of par Humanitarian were obvlausly manned by the magnitude of Judanm pummmu uunl other provinces and represent in Ailpoiitical parties Neive MP1 immfcnnntiiuen ciea spread ems Canada were accompanied by our MPr from Saskatchewan on flying weekend tour tram Gunman inspect the Bruit Saghnichewan Dam and to visit the iiriendly city of Mean Jaw They were invited to attend the annull din ner meeting oi the Saskatchr wan River Development As clntinn there beiore driving nut to visit the QnAppeiia Valley end the dam lite ntoutiook Her humanly eye quickly spotted the great cnnirast her tween the immense iini inina and her pwn tiny man cured province Theyhava very lovely arm the prairies she remarked 5nd never jaw wrmlnh farm machinery At one farm we visited there was so much machinery and equipment that lthnughi we had come in giealern yard ihe huge wheat arms lent ter the homes very muchiur ther uplrt than on the email By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA Saskatchewan is certainly wath dam In the View of vlslung gmup of members of parliament from other provinces gndyepresenl uu OTTAWAREPORT What Sraskatchevgavn Dam VImprejsSes MP5 EELSIOR LIFE 4me Die OilHE TAHOE Month Mum at Dunlap SL mm IV them were also lrv and recmllonal Whlle all the visitingMPl thg full ll visitor mm ridinu remnved mm 9111 yet which shares wilh lhat Island prnvince the reede from the need for nflifidal irrtglltun was mvld Pugh from Oliver 30 This MP from the lush Okanagan galley was lsmbly 1mpressed mu by the Sam Saskatchewan Dam not only by the darn ll self but by It secondary here Iils In offering alternative land Ier supply for largg The huge what terms the homes very muchlur Ither upnrt than on lhu small mixedmms REL Mrs Macdnnald noted They must find life very lonely an In bl empty pralrlel due thouth In bmems Mm Mariam Macdonnl MP for Camry REL was one those who had never seen our prairies belom

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