Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Nov 1962, p. 16

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Mimi lomlr lggyml waqu mlflleNuv ll agalmt un nmiml Im Tnm lunlo nm Nu mo rklulnnuvgmed Io ut ltnvlm in mm Ml mm of My mum Jan IMO mu but Sugnr llny llablnanu hm la Tm Dawn July may and mm II luck 1an April In rlum bout vllh ngmfm min world rrrnunim Dirk Tlfnr nl NI nmin Ill mhhllrwum Imm plun llu wnn mm lulu drlpmlng um Fullmrv menu HUSTON MIN11 wurhl Irapound hour over uhlrh lnul lrndrr him thum ou cumhlod Snmlny only HI humc mm munch MIL lcmkr allhvlml lm min Ivy New mk Tulllnrnln Humpc llm llrllhh Amp nnd llw lrlrnl Ftlvlny IMum Il lull lnllnl In Ilrlrml wlan ll nmnllm Mnmdnlxcxlu humHr nlhhlna 01y mm mm Amlmllu lrnllcd Um Arum llnun In lhlrd wnmca England was luurlh wllh 572 and Frnnu llllll wllh 503 Alvlz Thompson nnd 0mm Knmlwn bnlh Toronto wound up wilh lulu sou Thuy uurh hnd 75 Sunday Thumpsun 3540 and Knudlan JHI ulmm an lhnl pm lcclcd lhe land or lhn Amer lcnnl whn Maind wllh In alcrnll um of 557 or flu 72 wlc lcsl for the cream of 1M mm ram 33 nullnnl lolnl Ion lnlmor and Snead twa llrnkrl nhcnd do Vlnccnw and Fidel DrLuca who luh loan lalnl Pendexs Kingdom Just One State Araéniihnu aficrlgde Vln mun wan the Individual chnm planshlp with llnnl mund 60 two under pnr hr the 67l6ynrd luout Silead who had In In laur nnmcnl during its flu lhm day4 skyrocknw lo closing Sunday markets LEAD The Cnnndlnn team linlshcd hr back Ilcd with Switzerland 01 find phlct Hole No 10 ha par tour 66yard doglex appear harmless enaugh but lined with hidden obsmlu II was 15 Palmer lhrcepuflcd or live Sunday Snead dld even wom Thu Slammer hooked MI drlva near Um towarlnk pine trees Ilnmmed an Iron Ihfll over UM back of he 3mm hlt bank lrylna lo reach lhtl valve lllfl wound yilg nix NATIONAL LEAGUE ov 12400 pm New ank 45 Tordnm va lruit 730 Chicago va Bos Winnipeg vs Trail Nov 19600 New York vs Mnnlre Toronto vs Detroit Chlcago vs Bos tun 815 Winnipeg vs Trail Chicago Winnipeg 30 Neyv York Toioim Deco 360 Toronto vs Trail 645 New York vs Boston 72 Chicago vs Montreal 815 Win nincfl vs Detrol Dec 1045 Winnlpcg vs Montreal Toronto Boston 730 Chlcagovs Trail 315 New York vs Detroit SAN ISIDRO Argenlinn AP The United States held third sualahl Canada Cup goll mwn todny but the us tandem Arnold Palmer and Sam Snead almas last it on he treacher nus mm hole the Jockey Club course tDec 11400 Montreal vs Detroit 6245 Boston vs Trail 30 Nequrk vs Tommha yhlcaga vs Winnlpeg Jan 7460 New York va Chlcngo Montreal vs Boston 730 Detroit vs Trail 315 Tuxonto vs Winnipeg Jan IHWrNew York v1 Winnipeg 645 Montreal v1 mu 730 Delmlt vs Boston Toronln vs Chicaxa Feb 400 Trnil vs Chic ago 645 Bosion vs Tomnio Deiroii vs Nzquork inqueai vs Winnipeg Feb Iii600 NewYork Y1 Montreal Toronto vsi Deiroii 30 Chicago v5 Hns ion Winnipeg vs Trail Mar 460 Tomnlo vs Trail 645 New York vs 805 ton 710 Chlcago va Montreal 515 Winnipeg vs Detroit MONTREAL 41113 5mm EXAMINER monim NOVEMBER Jan 2165 Trail vs Win nipeg 645 Boston vs Chicano 730 Detroll vs Toronm 815 Montreal vs New York Jan zasmo Trail vs Ne York 615 Boston vs Winnipeg 130 Dem vs Chicago 315 Menuea vs Tomntu Feb 4400 Trail va Toron to 645 Boston vs New York 730 Detroit vs Winnipeg 815 Montreal vs Chicago Fob 25b00Chicagn vs De mil 6M5 Winnipeg vs Boston 730 New ank vs Trail 315 Tamnln vs Montreal Ken Exell Paul Lynch John French Jeff Hines Grerr WDL US Retains Canada Cup LEGION MINOR HOCKEY Mout CHICAGO AGeorge Cameron Aflan Cook Ralph Lambert Allan Ellis Bill Greenwood Jerry Robinson Mike McCartney Larry Dularv Iain Glenn Davis Terry Exall Wayne Kelly Murray Maw Phll Walker Danny Maloney Ray mond Pollard Billie Sllk Norm lasers Billy Semen Jnhn Reb nson Barry Frankcom Vlclor Shep pard Dav1dChurch E1115 Owen John Campbell Ted Osborne Gardun Craw1ord Robert Thompson Lloyd George John Spcnm Ralph Bellamy Barry DawnIng Wayne Miller Fred Jameson Dnvld McLlndcn R1 ky Enhbem Enhhla Morrnw Dale Lewis Barry Wlller An gus Bcnllcy Erlnn Kelly Ernest lllillel mum cm Erlan CloweA Murray Greer am wumofll nulhl Tum Guthrie Garry Gll len Barry llclmcr Tom llard find MIN acre Dun lllckllnz Lcwll llul mmmwul chlmun Marshal Lalng llm Tlgcr wnn lhe Sargent Bllly Palmson Dunnls Asloclnllvnl vcr Pullman Dnvld Shellswcll Dev crawn Oct 11 by Stewart Dryne Wnlmman Huger Fullmcr of Vesl Pil onion Scull Stuart Stuart In San Frunclscu cum Hcham Ladoucer 36h Carmlhers Jerry Quinn Lorne Adgms Rannle Kelly Pal Qulnn Brian Rankin Brian Fllhfl Bruce Rumble Terry Sam Bill Hammond Steve GodlnCharlea Lemay Rackey Dennis Stuart Blsxon BOSTON TarryAraenuull Tet Ander aunkled Boynlon Rick urges Ken Dewar Brlnn Coluna Pnul Mcfllbbon David LIWIWII Geo rge Laidlaw Andrew Lennox Bob Hook Gany Gulls Mick McGihbon JohnWoods Allan Fisher Tum Skrypnchuk Steve Mlclu Scott Speam Donald Mc Glhbon TORONTO Keilhmklnson Brian McLell an Texw Cralg Davld Seamam Dan Edwards Henri Venbruz sch Jlm strung Bruce Steele Brlan bitten GILL Agnew Andrew Wtckszead Kevin Mor nn Tom calllna Paul Parker Eric Robins Bruce Chflds Den n1 OBrien Roddy Kyle Wayne Archer DETROIT Bob Smith Robbie Noand Douglas Jnhm Bab Culling Paul Ayerst Marty Stellar Doug Stephenson Daul Kirk David Bezuml Sydney Watson Geo rge Klnzle Cy Atkinson Robb Lang Dale Kreuger John Tulle Ian Roake Mike Rankin David McCann Peter McGIbban NEW YORK Dale Eplell Garry Schlahl Fred Carter lllurrpy Foster Doug You Wllllam Stnrey Dave Cunningham Larry WI cox Roger Hamel Blll Mull Bah Wells Allen Hamelll Brlan Daylmlax John Lnlne Mark Hunter Tommy Cobb Jlm Wool ven Boyd Balkwlll Steven lklnson Fred Dee lnuad by Avlhamy Hon Mlchnl sun MIMI LnLuur 0mm Thmnwnorimprovemenljobnnroundyourhomcplnntorbuainm The Do IT NOW Season is here again VINNIFEG luring Iho lrudillonal winter lull When everybody workn everybody bunofiu Do it this Winter The mum whrn you can help your communily to male omplnymml Thu season whrn mnny ollur thing um ho done to ndvnntnxomch thinun na mnintqmnco of lawn nnd Harden mnipmcnl electrical np plinnm uutlmnrd melon and nutngnohllcn an well as dry clmning drnpon and man and rrplncomcnt of upholstery to mention but In low Tho nonmn when nkillcd wnrkcrl are more rcndily nvuiluhlc nnd being menl productive give you better value or yourdollnr The much when many firms oflcr discounts TRAIL For ndvlca and nulutnnoa not In touch wllh your local llallonal Employment om Tiger wnn lhe World Boxing Asloclnllunl veralon lb crawn Oct 11 by boulan Gena FuImer Vpst Jardnn Ulah RECOGNIZE DICK TIGER NEW YORK AP Niger Dick Tiger we recognized wnrld middlewelgm bnxlnu champion In place of Paul Pen dcr Friday by Iha New York Stale Alhleu Cammlsslon In concurrent ucllon with Euro pean DrlUsh Oriental and Call lornh commissions Fender reanmd champ only In Mamchusclls Penmu Young Deirofl 40 mlnulcsl NORTH SYDNEYWNS CP Blair Richardson 1w Canadian middleweight boxing champion knocked out Vern umar 151 nl Jenny City NJ Bl two mlnutes and 50 second the fourth round In scheduled 10 round nanlulu llght hm Salur dnyvnlght Gonln Mucdonnl Detroit and Tremblay Mnnlrenl Richardson from naarby South Bar floored Lemar lat In the thlrd but he wu saved by Ihe bdl crowd of 3000 watchzd Eldmfdm 501 Ml ml knockout ln4o th5 in nu scheduled lMounder He won the till mm will Grams ol Edmnnlnn and Detrth in gym at 51m Bay Nguflsm sundlnn Detroit won lost lied polnu 11 Alax Delvecdm venaula cenira and Ian wlnxu who scored twlcalndndlng the win ning goalm patrons narrow 31 victory over Um Bangmln New Yark Sunday night Tom Williams 12 right winger who mred 1111 first goal at the manor Saturday night Ia give Honor Bruin Us with the league leading Detroit Red Wings and netted No In Sunday nlghts clash with Montreal Rookie Daltonch Denis jordy of Chlcazo who stopped 83 of 34 shots in his first com plete NHL game Saturday night as the Hawks dumped Montreal and registered so save agalnsl Tonunto Sunday night Richardson Kvaimes Lemar By THE CANADIAN PRESS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Aulnll Talbot Montreal 12 shalom Suwchuk Detroit Pnlnu Dulvecchln Delrofl NHL LEADERS NHL STARS IS STILL MISSING BANGKOKT 0m CWA mnnd and ulr scurch which continued during he weekend AWAn died Sun day doing good deed Jamel Edwurd YGarrnnn WM helplng tidy up the ccmuury 5L Andrewl Church at Haw lck when Emuatom all und crushed him He dlcd short Hmc Inter BAN YULE LIGHTS MONTPELIER Vl AP Vermonla cnpllnl wlll rcmnln ln darkness lbls Christmas so lhat llht can be spread In nlher pace nl the world Th Chamber of Commerce decided Saturday on blackout al all Chrlllfnns light so that the ex peeled nva at $2000 an ht eleclrlc bill can be used lol packages and prescnl or an derprlvlleled children KILLED DY anxnvgsgoxa HABY BLEEDS TO DEATH DULUTH Mlnn AF baby girl bled in den Saluh day night after the fall ram uttee and table ornament glass swan severed her Jug ular vein The vlcllm thryn Peterson died week More she would have had her first birthday LieutenantGovernor Noll ler Mackny of Ontario lakes uwrnluu during Remem bram Day parade In Lon don 0nL yesterday of about 1000 veterans and regular and mllltln uni member ha MACKAY TAKES THE SALUTE mm NEWS imam ho or LOW BRIDGE KILLS 25 NEW DELHI llleuteni Twcntyllve persons travelling Von the tan oi trninwers kllied Sundny when the irnin passed under bridge near Garakhnur In northern India The victims ridinl an the root became the irnln was inil ware swept oil by ihe low bridln rum nnnnn rum TRENTON Ont CplTho Kingrion lug Salvnue Prince Sunday pulled ircc the lmion cnnl barge Bay Annn which ran aground at Trenton harbor loin Friday night There was no nppnreni damage in tho 65 yennold Bay Anna nmuvzs non num NonrnyDNEm MS or mman mm ul Richardson Cnnndlan mlddlewclght boxing chnmpiun arrived here Frldny tram lmlw In head unnera In Boston or Ms nonvtllo llxhl hm wllh Vern Lamar Jersey City hailed Io uncavur shy trace Douglas Cusselmnn 01 ml In aincu ask Wednesday He lulled to rejoin group of men with whnmhc had been deer hunting near Pnudmh Lake 10 miles west at here armed torcu ml row med nttestslohh service over senudurlng the Flu World War when he Wm seriously wounded and mentioned In dis mlchea Amen time Here red at lieutenantcolonel CP Wirephm FIGHT NS CF Cnnndlan chnmplqn Behind this bold new Iabel0ntarios favourite ale Police laid the accidmi hap pened on Highway 11 aboui 730 pm car driven by Alichuon Iidcswiped south bound car driven by Arnoid Billinghuru oi Don MliiA Tun unto Ihm wen out cnnirni and Ilruck Ihe Kins cnr head on aunngnum was no hurl Aitchewn nnd Dawier were on their way to huniimz camp at Sundtidge Onl Mr King Toronla salonnun or in Simi lard leather campany and his wiie were relumlng mm hunting Irip at their inrm near Spmccdnie Onii Allchuon was murrlcd but had no chlldren Dowlcr wns lingle No one In ll car Wm injurcd Service acres the country were generally wellauended Although rain lnIerlered with lama ammonia BRACEBRIDGE OuL CF Faur persons were killed Sat urday nwa In highway act denta mile unnhal lhh Mu kaka diam own The dead were ldcmmed by police as Andrew Anthem 29 and wllliam Bowler 23 bOUI HunInca Ont and Rus ch King 50 and MrsKlng Toronto GovzrnorGeneml we allowed by Mrs Domlnlqua Lnntelgne who lost three nm In tbs Second World War Prlme Mlnlmr Dlmphaker and he prenldenl ol the Royal Canadlnn unlan as well the chlell at llflfl ol haltlme armed lorcu also placed wreatlu Iha end or the luv Ice lame 200 wmlhs banked lhe memorial Including one from lhe Canadlan Campaign or Nuclear Disarmament new lNEPEEE5 The Irdlllonal twa minute at lilznce wasabugrvednl 11 anal yearn am the gum lnjrflnca ell xllent at 11 mm on Nov 11 1815 to end flxe Fin World Wnr GovEmm Geherial Vanlcr whq Ion right lea abova the use In the 191415 war led the nation In honoring Canadas war dead fie placed ha first wreath on the war memorial In Ottawa crowd at more than 10000 mod many Romommnu nay Iervloel were held acres the 001mm Sunday In howha men than 100000 Canadian who lava their live In yams Crash Kills Four Near Bracebridge By my CANADIAN Pnzss 5PM Genérai Place Wreaths In 06min Llentenanmnver pl mllinxhursl nor Kellie Mackay and Pre mm John Robartr attended ceremonial at bondun where the LieutenantGovernor lick the rnlule in merchant by 1000 veterans militia member and regular army servicemen from l000 mm 500 pm onkiha Main Floor SHAMPOO AND SET mome um ASK FOR nu 511mm mo Plum phonl PA 6029 for an Mlviejvazio OPEN EVENINGB lelt Ealnnl Special Haéflng Nd 011m next Monday for an Audlomurlc Hénflhg Test Ind Analyshvnhoin slum Mr Koflomma conducts the mnhwlldwcb adjust or dun May when Imde 5M If 11mm wllhomhugoHallqunllfleflkodveyouprohulonfl advice on any type 91 hearing problem mud to wins In most advance In all fieldMulch mm mm pose nlblo lhs nimceulul and blnafldll fitting of hoaan aid or vlnually any person who new hearing help €119 Accessories and ballevlen 01 mostmaku mn Ible 1o sale duvlng Ms fllnlcnso repel Met Home demansfiallom rnly be nrrannd do lllad wilhaul obllflaum EATONS in Barrie RETURN VISIT OF anfiounces the rumpus KELLER HailInn Ald canulcqm TUEISIJAYfNGVXIaiiI lhejunrlsa Servicehald by Iha legion every Remembrance Day since 1913npened mew mnksfln Toronw In Simmu Fafln0ni meeting 1112 was in be ad dreaud by Deputyjoclal Credn uéder Real Canned wag calledofl unex protests by th local branch 01 the Royal Ca Indian Legion much am mama umza Irvp10 mm MK 70 ulnqu wrllu CUSDENS PHARMACY ll Dunlap PA Bil lCaillev It It um doctor mm mm nu vrmvlvflnu

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