Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Nov 1962, p. 15

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FARMERS MARKET mmum um um nuM mamm um um um mm un pl mm III um mp rm nl pmmu 71mm mu IA um mu rm In IMPALA Pm tamqu IYHMIIVNH mlnpmlut vu in mm mumm 71 ran 9mg um mm 1061 CHEVROLET HISCAYNH VB muomnm dccp lrcnd whlh wall Urns 395 down Dnlnnce at WM per month Km 010mm Super rm sndnn Full pmm Aummatlc lrnnsmmion Cus lbm rndia hmy small cxlrm loo numerous to mcnllon 511m my and while In cnInr Mulch Ina Inmlor $33 dawn HHS lhqu um mm mm nu 11 mua mum Iummv mu mm MI 1mm TM Im nw Vu Ilnl NH hhnv mmth mm nv le name unphmn mm fllnrlnp um um hlmlnp mm min ulnmnur ulna1mm ml an my THlequ IA um My mum lummum ml mm mummy nu Rh null IIUV IIMIMAH ulel luv lln In run nmm mu mm um um mm In pm zo vunxsumn man or muf week old vcnlnn only to Emma sum helpllnn nylnouu In ulc main 1m $1200 Mm 500 lqulrn mm firm 25¢ pu hm Tmpnune II mummy ma nun Shan hnm atom or nlc rm qunl fly Mann wclgm 350 pounds Apply nem on More and mum poultrymen are chooalng DEKALB PULLETS Started ready to lay and day old chlcksw Order now or early order dlscnunl For service or help an your poultry prublcmx cnl Cralg Hunter CRAIG HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS LTD STROUD PHONE 77 gin mm 1er llxiulzrnnur mn bfillulluy lwo Pallad um um Iervlruhle qunmr Itock Huunm um mm we on pm Plnrcrm Farm anm Eunth 7mm Friars mun Pulled um AUTOMOYIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE 1960 FALCON Four door wagon deluxe mndcl with drop mad vhue wall tires One owner cur OWMIA name on mqucst 3125 down 365 per mm 1060 FALCON No door deluxe 14000 origlnnl mllbs Robln by blue with matching Interior 0mm mm on rcquosl ms down 60 per month ma ulnnnlu In ml mumnm II In lmlhu DEM STOCK ncsl price mud or dead ur npledLaule and norm Small animals remuveu res For rm serVicephnne or ask or 2me SXISO mo CHARGE Caée New Holland DnvidErown Really ann qufipmenl 176 BURTON AVE PA 82373 CASH TRADE TERMS Na drmr dchxxr mmlrl Two ontd palm MHD um Mic with mulching interior Np ucnd whim wnll hmx Cunmm rmho car mn he Imught nr 875 down 850 pr munlIL him 1mm um DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Milken Vacuum Pumps Wnsh Tanks Scumalum Parts or uny I05 FORD EAD 51 BARRIE PA 37151 lcnllem RE Foxmeud ammo Llccnco 174 Ford Tractor and Equipment SALESAND SERVICE PHONE 103 MINESING CHARLES CHURCH Fa SPP95 Sew MINESING MOTORS November Used Car Clearance HANK BROWN 1m BAmHE IIIOLLY PA mu DEKALB PULLfis 10 Down on These Cars Vlnu Molors lellcd l7 Rowan Slrccl FARM MACEINERY To Those Who Qualify BAY CITY MOTORS LTD 45 BRADFORD ST mom 1mm RAMBLER BAY CITYS LIVESTOCK PA 664 88 PA 6132 VIAU F011 Mm min Tlhlhnm lA fllll Ily llOWLllll Winted mixed or Avapin 1mm Mann um Wldnudly reupnon Kemmlw Bowl PA mm nr EA 59011 Tn PATIENT lelmlnl wlknh 29 pllrlnl dulru nld wmhe lm pnclln purpom Any Witch ton mhuunn Ivvmlma Cllnnnu Dunnen 11039111 But John New Bruruwki ms HILLMAN In and tondllflm Ncw new URL WI llll Inna Ibly Telephon PA 50117M ml vomwnum ul mm mm mm conmuan anm Illz Cm bellnnced mo Maura PA 6535 cli we weekendIPA um PASSENGER wllfled in dlll run Io ClmP Borden Ill two mm Televhnna muoo lunherlnfnrmmon to mu manfilrlen 50m mnenuy xmua Telephnnu cmy ILPA um um pumaimu nuuty Silon emu PA Mm ppnlnunm Mldhum Numnhor Ipnu Moromms Fok SALE PERSONALS PERMTNiNEE In ummd um BEAUTY I110 Colawnu 5m 01 by mum hllmnnut In your own Damn or II II Ber Barn PA was or PA GOIND WEST Drlvl our 1m Ind Into mod Clrl Vlncmh Cllllw Edmonton lllinl nml Wlnnlpu mum um 7mm mummy 5mm can an Yonn 5h 1m 31754 own at Thu poxTciun on Tony lnmnnce oncy mulul mudlg mm lunar wun Wmth In no Mm nxk Ind mm rmmm Hvu In Prlv ll Ianm III on RM nm wuu nu AL nm zumlnuu rnnummr lmmeluplnh up erunllf In nmh ham mm II or Id In In Hound Nu In I3 wully Wm mu in 13 mm nnmmr HILAva In on nod nulhu Ky Unlld II All lmllod mum Mn ml nutnu AUTOMOTIVE LEARN HAIRDRESSING Governmenl Chartered School Thorouuh training In all bran ches of beauty culluxc DERWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 12 VORSLEY 51 PA M962 MRI YOUNG Mm re ulrld yeln cl um 51m aim ween Appb In penun Mlyar Mall Roam leun Ind pm AIRDRHSIR Quillfled ths drtlur rrqulnd mile or ltmlle or £an 5000 papululnn sul lry And Cnmmlnlun Wflll Bu Mme Bummer uuzsmm Wumm or nub shed ma cam my 51mm hm men mug mumm mi hzflerIhlnlve Wm llvlnl mu pmlcul cludlnl lelzphono number la Pm 0m ucx nu Landau OnluIn man needed or class day or evening Bnlng armed orinx prncllcnl lrnlnlng In lhl Mgth pMd lcld of culllnz merchandisin And sellmvc Ad now Avon Cwncllc uru in demand and llwrcscnlnuve of lhls Company you can develop an limb huslncu WRITE MRS WALKER an lhumson 81 Ilnrrlo or Phone PA 06551 llnllllullllh unlul aqqu ml mm Immm rwn Vflmln Inad In 77m unumr Mllnn IDibldml NI IO HELP WANTED MALE HELP Assessor Applicatlons will 70 iecelvcd by the undersigned up to noon on December 41h 1962 for As sessor of he TownsMpo 0m duties to commence January 151 1963 Appllcnflon must be In applicants own hand wrlHng and state Ago qualifications and penance and wlnry ex posted junnong clerk mmlmu Na MAL Mushy siren UM lb nmulnélivn of rnndMnm or flu mm llwr hunuy Mum and nunrllmrn lvr Inn ann dun rzpm and Trunk or Vrsmn School Am No and Na Iur nmrn lnr um your tor will 1w mm lho TOWNSIIII MALI MIDIIUNSI lEGAL NOTICES Ilividun Nu MIMI NIL lllvklm My 01va mmm wnv No mm EUSINESSOF YOUR owm PRACTICAL MEAT CUIIING INSTITUTE Womans COLUMN 0R0 TOWNSHIP mm mo 12 no in Hm allernmn am Ink Mk ml mmm It any III In held on 1425 Dnnforlh Ave Toronto Ontario LEARN MEAT CUTTING Far Inlonnmlon Wrilu fifiiNo bro Slalixm TRADE SCHOOLS FEMAL HELP MQNDAY NOVEMBER 26 me mun nm In 71 pm Al The Followlnu Plum IHm mnmu lkm Dalmm Gm If Thurman Dim 31nmep Hull Mlvnulrsl Gm foul 3110 hlluglw Finn Re vlcr 0an Norm Allan WIMM DHO Ldnnuan llnll MJnMnE lnllw Jdvmhm lHlOA vrnlrl Ilnll 1ml Fun IL lflf H1 11111 Tletl HIM AMP Mll FML UNI RAIN all FrmInln Mu Ian 00le In min Hump fll MONDAY DEC I962 ELECTIONS vusvuffovmnu MUNICIPAL Thlrlyllvu ltllll 1Nlm or lhll pnucrn no Allmp lam la Allen Brook cm In nnrrlo Examiner Nudlor crnfl Depl Front EL Well Toromo OuL Onlnrlo mldmu 1M lcml Illa in film plnlnly PAT NUAIHHII NAME lllll The refugee Idemmed as Dene 23 and Gucnlher is were admfined Io hnspltal or Ireatment exposure alter thelr long escape during which Ihey once fled in the wqong mllon and Mr or hreo weeks In an empty house near Berlin fly ALICE HOOKS Luve nl rat nlnhl Nobody can mlsl lhll chnrmln cal grind Inr mural Inn 1901s lilnzul Ier Show am mu mrloIn our Nudltr ml Calling lluI our 100 runwon do la Imll crncheL Inw omhml dcr qulll Im no pllum 55nd 21 cam now MAP Wml ll yun oxwhncl with Im Irllllvon can my llru 1011 II driver an art or milk Null Rllucncu 05 Write EDI 97 BIflXC Exlm nlh HAMIde mu do In lob mund mu name hfnflng mnmry work mm won movlnl labs um don PA um BERLIN APlThe Hutu ugees reported to have escaped lroni an East German forced labor camp swam an icy canal to the West during the weekend and told l7haur work day enrnrccd by ommygun tollnl guards Another young East German reached British guards at rthe Brandenburg Galesuuday and said he had lost touch with twa other men and woman also Irying to escape East German police in boats were seen searching the Spraa River finch runs through lire divided Tennnnm are lInch Mlu nmnr Cut Dress In 11w ell ImWI ail on bed drug ur mum 70H pulcm plum dlmcllons Wa had an average working day of 17 hours sald Dellel The wakeup call was at nm roll was called at on and the prlsonero than were luknn to nearby brlck laclary where they worked unlll noon Alter lho mlddny meal they were trucked lo collective larm at Kranlz In winter they worked on lhe land until pm In summer to pm EMPLOYMENT WANTED Food was acme Breakfast and supper consisted bread and 1am Vegmbb soup nood Ieror potridge were sewedat noon Meat and pomm were rare Sunday treat The monthly wage was 30 marks $150 whlch md to pay or work clothes cigarette and comfans IQ HELP WANTED Nd VEscape LaboraCVamp CHARMIN CAT IZAIIIA IIIIIMIUISON Tumuhip uem Dear Ann Lnnden You are all we about wilespanking lve been spanking my wife farlo yang hand gm 3g bully know couplcswha nrguelor hours and nothing in ever set led Long drawnout verbal battles can be ngrvewracking and time consuming Nathlng clean the alr 111m turning wife over your knee and giving her goodsound paddling more men tried there would be fewer divorcee In this country The 11ml Adore the Mile woman and would never nzrlko hcrln the face or chealunjcr the way ome weaned wonderful hug hands gheut all their wives Women are not smart as men and they need guidance female who in 15 to her own devlczs has tendency do velap some mighty unqeslrahlu rails good hard spanking 15 he Mast effective method of conccung small faults before ihey turn into serious ones Denr mummen lried them would be fewer men In country Not all women an lamebraInmi rlllyljvercd jelly ANNLANDERS UPEndSWfie Ends UpAlonQJn Life min IlflMEWII¥FERI€t0MIflE 67 TMONTO ST onsuméts 135 IT KEEPS YOUR HOME WARM SNUG AND COM FRRTABLE ALL WINTER Here and there youll find Wife who wont stand or the yeamld chlld treatment The husband whu attempts to fgulde her with paddlevmay get £th guidance himsell in the format healthy hlap In ha chops FED UP fish like he plllful creaturéiou mainled Dear Annidndtrs idbadu lighted to change places with that Michigan motheriwho conk piained because the wamcn in her neighborinod shout like fish wives when they want their shit dren to come hameine ear piercing Bonnnniecee nnd Larrmcefl wouid be music tnkmy ears The mathers in myneighhur hood turn their kids loose in thé morning and dont give them another thought The youngsters whoplay wiih myihiidren act like hameles waiis cvmc lunch time nap time and even dimer limo Can you imagine mother not knowing or caring when her 40piycnfiaid child is int iivu or six hour FURNACE Id be hippy supblytha All US TODAY mothers In my neighborhood with cawbells triangular gangs find even duck callsll lhéyfl use 11mm am wéary mm mng free nursery Fed Up Wflh dgh Children mi in like suggest solution eyen though you didnt ask Come lunch time nap time or whathaveyau escort the little guestsvhume and dellver them personally to mothcfxlell her ynu are sure she must have buen worried sick It shouldnt take more than lwésuch trips to wake up the most apathetic mother Denr Ann Landerg In regard to those shrieking mothers theyd use their brains instead 01 their vocal cords everyone In the neighborth would be better allIncluding their chil dren Why cant mother say to her youngster Where are you going It is 30 want ynu back here at 00 aclmlL yuure 1m back on time you cant leave the yard tomorrow She should then tell the chlld ask an adult please let hlm knqw when it is oclock be cause he is expeqted hamc at thallime Thisisan excelieM way to leach youngsters rcspansibiiliy Iho burden getting home on time should he an lhechlld and not on his mother or the parent the children with whom he playing Against Bells Gang and Vhlsucs lollaws anuihar ap prgachgnd ggcdoqe WlNDSOR om cmA hall tely nf economists hlstnrlnnn and huslnesrnnd labor leader gathered at Assumptiun Univerv my Thursday to take close look at CanadianAmerican re lation nn max Smith at Yale cred ing he Kluge Fraykun Roosevelt The chnlrmnn thanallqnal prnductlvily cuuncll ll George De Young of Welland said luck moperaflon between man agerncnk labor and government was the greatest hindrance lo the achievement of Canadian prodpclinn goal VNo history professan apengd llne Hula dz spmlnaq wuh bettering reunions between the countries Dr Sidney Who of Queens University agreed arm Americanlsm th Canada wagon the wane but said sort of ritual antiAmerican ism still existed4 Assumptions mam audllqr lum was packed at noon when National Liberal Leader Lester Pearson madev an appeal for closer ties between me two caunkries Mr Pearson advo cated an economic partnershlp and political lnlcrde endencz saylng isolatlon by all er counv nu isgmmr éimxmnn MONDAY novzmzn 1c 1951 15 br Iiiiii head the economics department the CanadianAmerican Relations Topic Of University Seminar Canhdas nuclear weapons policywas crillciled by Dr Ar thur Lower reured professor of history at Queens He said Can ada seemed Io believclhat by rqlusing lo have nuclear wen on on her soii shown In some peculiar way preserving my Untversily bf Western Ontario Inllowed Mr Pearson with an attack on tarttf protectlon sys tems He said they should be discarded by Canada and the US because they aided partic ular Interests at the expense of the consumer Prize wlfinefsa the chr held In the Community Hall were Mrs Tessie Mls Ramsey Mrs Steers Roy Sml hhArt Wright Sid Wright and Ay WEIEY nuclear war sald Dr rLuwer would not develop as long as the balance of power between Ens and West was not hadlytllled winner in the turkey draw was bookie Jack Consola tian prize went to Wood cnck Lloyd Hughes Dal Wood Ted the baker and Mrs VCIVIIHVH HOLLOWS PA 616558

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