Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Nov 1962, p. 6

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hllnllmn lhumlyu will he Intmihrr th LE younplm AH munml by Ir lnq mm lmk In In ilh lond numry Cmylnn lhmufll llu 1qu II lflklfll spfllnlllu with mm mtlrlm will IIVIJJNI In Hu lllmmr ucv Hun lmlmling iumdumn rlown Ilnlhl titMann and Ilnnj In de lluhl 1h hand any you MM Th lfllmrnln TMV an 51ml nnku salt In be bold Nov lmm null pm umlrr nunxviuw 4v mum Avrnm Unllfil hmch Wumrn II Minn Tho wluul wamrn mum ol Harrie Churrbu mm my utullnn Mm llnc nah nml lnngiMl chMr Ullx 11 mm Al lhl hnln Inth tllwlnyl at land It Festive Foods Will Highlight Burton Avenue Poinsettia Tea pmldrnl ol numm Avenue Unnml lmrdl Woman nlumn nlmc xh menu She thinks to herself no matter what he does or what he says he can just resign himself to spending the biggest part or his life waiting for her and if he ever asks her why she might just tell him Mi She sucks her we Its icy cold Dont tell GNN she thinks 0h 10 do MIL LL FORTH Tnkclhe rest of the stuff off she lhlnks elfild get it all onragdrnowrit is too hard WWW he jérénd all away 0h who can that be at the bathroom door ls it one of the children on rush call She opens the door guess who its he and he wants to know how muchllonger shell be and if she ls going to take the rest at that stuff off her face it isnt masquerade Early he adds trying to be funny She doesnt think es humorous at all What Has she got to lose nothing else can hap pen now or can it She adjusts the taps and begins to draw her bath Justenough time for that facial She mixes the mud pack and vqus quickly because It gets llke cement in matter of moments 0NE9F THESE DAVSI Thats only half the battle shestill has to ace the WHALE of mess in the bathroom Yes one could almost imagine whale taking shower in the bathroom with just about the same amount of effort put forth She finally gets up enough courage to open the bathroom door not really sure of what she should expect its always some added attraction She looks about andwondcrs taherselt now how do you sur pose he shot the toothpaste up past that window hlln And guess hethlnks polka dot mirrors are the latest fashion Oh well some things you have to overlook Now for nice warm bath and all the world will look bright again She leans over thetub turns on the waterfaucets and nothing hap ens for spllt second and then the downpour left the shower turned 011 She takes quick look in the spotted mir ror at what is lelt of Pierres nowwilted creation Pierre had promised shed be rcalheadturner at the party she has to agree with him now Upstairs the wifels trglng to worm her way Into what used to be comforta le neat bedroom and now resembles bargain table at arummage sale She stofis and looks around trying to control herself She loo towards the spot on the bed where only short time ago she had carefully lnld outeher llngerle and accessories so she could be ahead of the game She thinks to herself they must be somewhere under the pile which now includes hubbys dlrty socks his underivear tshirt amt trousers topped by his damphnusecoal which heflung on lopof the heap after his shower IN THE SWIM BATTLE OF THE SEXES With naryvahackward glance he hasplcked hifi way out of the shambles he left in the bedroom and is now sittingin the living room with disgruntled look on his lace muttering all sorts of things under his bmath And thinking to himself that woman is going 30 keepus late again By this time she is bcglnning to multer loo mag THE BAY toe in the balhwaler and csls tell me he used all the hot water Oh well sponge bath will have The Awaker Ihe Nnmnlwr mum of Ih anlvmlly Wn monl Club 1mm will bl mu HumM hum mm am on or Ilvé uniIA whn lnr I9 pm hm Mn have mnlrd hllh Aulul Fllipmk Mr USA In vrnlulc In mum whlrh munMr Mu llmu Nubm prnmlm will be dHlNrnl wlll Klw unl nn oppnrmntly to In nller llu Umple wm UWC To Hear Sculptress may mm Such Ilnll um Ir mun wlm polnmflln durat nllnm whlln orgnnm lnhle rlolh wlll Add hay MI hr rtnlrnl Inhlu rhcqun lrnm Tum Garner The arm Exnmlnrr Ad vmluinn llfl Mu Faxlnr lrLllIlN llu thrqua on rhcqun lrnm Tum ks She nev shell have DIXON Ml lmh wlll pmcnt An In unnnl dcmumlmllon nml let mm The All bculnmrv 11n nmllnt In hr hold an Wmlnmlny at Illa hnmc nl Mn MM IE Gundry MD Sunnldnln and knnwn The Conlcmmrnry Buvlmuru Sludln In ml lhln group mrlwd nnadn Councll gram enahilnl lmlhcr nludy Knurlhrr In mrmlmrl nl lheU7W um who on uwnd mm In the umlnrru rrciuc mnlnsl fur llw nnmlnl rnnkhook Hdflmn Humnlnrr lthnl Bur Elana Seymour hal black can lever at which lhcra is no known euro 11 were yet Id my Lnuk Seymour from now an youve got 15 minutn telephonn dondlinn yoll cant dun Sin Put an mcél Seymour Is perlecl gentle man In every ulhcr wny llnw tan salvu lhln lnlephane prob lemTBusy slznnl The olhcr evanan lost my lcmvnr when he refused any goodbye shrleked If you have nnthlng to say why do you insist on tying Vup ha illnur or hours He hung up on me Five mlnulcs later he called back and hung up on him My boy fiend and are both 17 The mublc centers around he lélcphone Seymour calls me every afternoon after school We talk nbout an hour Somellme want to gel of because have olhcr Ihlnis to do or someone else wanls lhc phone but Sey mour insists on staying on When ask him to please nnnz off ha Incomes annoyed and kecps right on talking Dcnr Ann Landau Please danLpuss aver his problem as ivlnl Inccd help Pcfllurlngulmgr lermnu wnlurlng luur Imlrmnu and Ira walllrmm ml main floor ltxrlugm In Ilmlo on Kinny Armuc Al Ilnlv Mrrhl lull hlrr On um Dun nullm in MIA mun Tusslng min In lhe Bun tnln whlch centred the la room all the annual Aulumn Ten and Chrlslma Bumm in ANN LANDERS cowsmucvibfiucomuuv no Elcluulvn Agcnl Canon Pfi 664 Set Deaidliné And Signal Sign0117 FABULOUS NEW HOME French Provincial Styling Monmsfiif JUST ONE WISH WILL BE GRANTED 0051 GRAIN CHOIK nm UNI Fowl and Aulml lure runnltnllnn nlda umlrr aimInml nullnnu In lnrrrm nun nImIHrII by lnmmm an pmlurlhm Ben wish Iho husband llacrnhln and all pmplu whu nlrnld lormcr luberculosll pnucnh mum ml 110 that may Mo ll nrcnlcr mm ac to than are lo Ihznh lmr Denver LIL nlzhl nu Me And Ill pmvhlrl mo wllh rxrrllcnl nppollunlly mlml all my remlm url Ch xrra unnunlm low you and nl want Ion my you nu So Ann finyhflm lunmr Tll pnllcm would mn ram lhrnlunvn LII Sam at mm woplu him ac lva Iubcrculoln and dont know IL New carrlm um thought dlvldun caulq rclnlcd Anyana who hul ever hnd TJL knuw he Impartnnco periodic checkupl IIII ulucnllan along haw mm in pnlnlully complm Yd when an lrnun wn llnd oume nu rounded hy 1man who hm nmr mm that Krny ho mum Hwy cert nulhlnl In wrung will hem To begin with no patient ever rclcaud from T1 um lnrlum unNI lho flunu barn arrested and than II Charm passing ll on Its unlulr ol yum olkl lo pau Judgmbnk on pcer Ihcyvu never mcL Every man has lhe rlghl lo be judged on lhc hall hll awn marl an lndlvldunL Obvlously lhcy an preludlccd nualnst him be cnuw his nationality Dnnl allow your column xmllludn lo blur your thinking XIAY pillICKUP Dear Tnm llclwcm Urglm your parenls can com up with bellcr rensun my advice II to go ahead and marry Um mun hula to go nznlns my pur enu Ill they hnvn been very generous lo me and Iho Ml drcn dont knaw what would have done without hem here any word helpyou can give moiTom Between Ive been divorced almost VI yours and want to remarry Thu man 11 33 and wonderful He gets along well with my chil dren and II engemo he nlhel lothcmfillul my plmnll will not even meal the man bemuu he has lived hall of Illa In anolher country They any no one from that country can be any good When was 15 mnde had mnrrlage IItnck It out or leg yours or the chlldmns lnko hoping nauld make It work but It was Impossible Dear Ah Landm Im 34 no kid and at the moment am turn to places trylng to decide between my pnrcnl and the man love GO AHEAII nlnrm clbck by the telephone and set II when the hell goes altyou no tau NubIe Grand Mn CHI Len nox shown abnva wllhMm Eldgn Ball 1e general con vcncr 1131 annual event was Common Mrltuflurw and Cnnndlnn Indumlu Mn lcd Mmihnm and Mn EHCIIMM hm nrrnnqnl In very Inlmlllnl pmumm Mn XMllnlhlm lnlnr Thu mnmhly mmlnu cl Crnl hunl Womrnl Imluu wan he III Hm ham Mn Pzdflnf lmm Mum WM The arm he lnad lnclory flu nnllon hm hm ha lnflory IIIIn load rd all WM nmwtrcd by An lnduccmrnl In Imp ynunl poop um llrm Mn IH on nl Mc Donald Slrccl nccomynnltd by Azncl Edmunslon lcfl Multvn by Nuw Vark Clly uhm may will Vllll Mu mm lhe Mr Farce Alwclauon Hall High Street Nov at 515 pm All mother cl nir cndcln are wrlcoma NEW If VVIHHDIIS 2mm 9m so All AUXILIARY Thc amen Auxiliary 101 Mr Lndcl wlll huld Kenna Correct Telephone Proceduré Illustrated By Posters Slides daug er kunnd Mm Harry Roam and tamle are return lnz 1mm Singapore h¢ and November or an exlendcd vacallan In Barrio wllh Mn Roger parent Follawlnl ll hullday Ihc nagcn Inmlly will be lrnnalcncd la lhc south Mrlv to ha Ford Molar Scott tree have rattlved wa that hair In an and Lb GUESTS FKOM EINGAIORE ner subject wnl an In ra noun lhe members ha local Awclauén nu waumm 01 mm Muflc Appreciation and the developmcnt ol Mull clunnhip wnn um keynote old muncaUralnIng Mrs Guerrero on the lac ully he Unlvenlty Tor onto where 1hr lecture on Plano Pedagogn She am lmlty member on the Board at Slud Iu or the Royal Conservatory Music Her address outlined pm flul ml at eh tug lhi pg Mm Myflle uerre examiner or the Royal Comervatary ol 5mm cxumlnalloru held here In MID Thorcgulnr meeting he Rezlsteredfluslc Tenchcu Av mlnuon wn held Ibo home Miss Julio nBrysan Nov Music Appreciation Theme Of Speaker sponanmd by the mombm of the Beaver Rebekah lodge and held at the Odd Fellawn llnll mum street Examiner Phom Car 90 Bnyflold PA 82395 mad gum Dixon or Aer PEOPLE AND PLACES WHERE SERVICE COUNIS CHRISTMAS CARDS film From $500 up For 50 Curd whh mm Imprinted PERSONALIZED fiéékytntaifiéahtfiif 13 Home Ecohomist 11ch will bi ordered tar ha Am Convznllan banqml b1 held tumult Mn Old um lpflilnllnloflllll hom Ellnan Hunk UM flmL milk and mum IliumHm Ind demonInlet come method of howlnl mall inlet tippth duud leJMlhl MIL ll Mcnrwc mu Ttlcphm Company II In Inlarmlllvl Inlk on how Io Impnm your klrpham wrlonnllly Mr and Mn Wnlly Murphy at 0mm wm uull It Inc Enrique Mr Ind Mn au The Ladlu Auxlllry la slxlh llmlu Cub Ind Scout 1er will hold meellnl Ccnlnl Unlled Church on Monday nlnu II oclock The purpose of lhe mullnl la la alum gém tor IMAnnuIl hlhar Ind Ban us which wlll bc held In Ccnlra United Church Pnrlour on Nov II pm All molher tub Ind mum on urged la lltend lhla medlnx Canvrncr of Du menu will Mm flu Ilpwe 10 PLAN BANQUET nlchardxonn Mlu Marlrel Bllchtock Mn mu nrdwnl Jon BI knock excamd ha tmellm to New York And then continued on Io Wuhlnzlan to Attend the Inlet gluon Convention he fled mu Mu Jul Ulrner wu mm convener Ihl event and hay mm were Mn Daldlelnd Mu Jam alum wen onlmalnod by Mu Eoblnun Ind Mn A4 Tflbblo pltnIuL Tlckel convenm wen Mn 11 Row Ind Mn mmm Mu Morley IIubylminl nu umry wu directed by Wednud waning when Annual Siambard wu held under ha naming of the Cent ted arch Wamcu1 in BARRIEWEVXAMINZII SATURDAY val Unlmmy Allu camln to 011m she took lemvlAbum to our umpo mad the Middlo Em where 111 Iludlcd wom enl ncllvltlel In m1qu 55 lhle Sorlgonna Her Bérrie CrowdswPack Church To Sample smorgasbord Fare Cfiy or 2maio mum pm 11 debmdg the me um you from My nu tlvc Quebec City to work or conmmer mllon at tho agricullusno upmum Ella um out la home economist Alter mud Ma oith teacher 11 mm wlluwrl d1 Iamuum am In elm Cfiy or elmyeau 01l dv in SE Hy £53 mm but mm to be mum Mum Elwynah MM Henriette Rauleau MI fl to Interpret flu mlvltlu the 61¢ngan to woman from no lacolu She doe It In two llnzuml belutlhdly fluent French uld dtllthuuuy mauled Bum Bolpfllnggl tile an wrong OTTAWA Tho inm mnuon Milk ha ledml nnrlcullIne dent1mm but added vlvnaloul uzbwbm homreunomlfl la stall Ind Mu Klnau wer Aypntmcd delunm Th nut mutlnl will be held flu home Mn Coward Wormn mm mud to lock Illp Izapshol or the Twccdlmur 00 Mii mun table comcum Wm Mrm Lawn Mn Conner Mn Wallwln Mrs Btck all NH Perkin Mn Lnlnwn Mm VW Humphnn Mg 1mm 1105mm we mu mu Slephcnmn Mrs mm Mn McKcrcher MTIJ TA thvp Jack Ion Mk II mam Mn Snrlcgl firenn 13 Cour Trlbble 151m Jack In Dobwn um um and Bernhm wen car mum nvrl alum Mr Noland Mn Mnmnm Mrs Fel ll nMu Yin Klkhm convene wen Mn Dobwn Mn Mynaldl Mn Thomman Mn Burton Mn Dempxter Mm Cnmeran Mn 11 mag Mu Merldclh In mm Mlu Livery Mn mm Mn Bernhm Mn McFadden Mn Gillan Buch gnvep r5 ymp Mm Gainer and Mn W1 199k Mr and Mn William Moon thII uxnlnz he realm WED AT MoRmc mas NOV 1m So come Mm my new will canllnm la be Imam In coma am of Entlnm In four ucd em all nnd yolk lmL llamld Orion Leah conclude Illa dlnled wundl In holdln lhelr own duplla Mutation and hi newlmfled BBC Enullh nu Inlervlzwm nu Mdll mm name for flu mum and main pl In Huer lrom Anthony lo wlugflnt snd L1 my demihe thl midmorning break or coffee or luck uu Imu uu In England 11 In vo uma of their findings Irran or publlwllon Further v0 um 111mm all and Fhalwzravh recordinu will la Sponsored by the Umrslty the lurm Involved ulna field waders lulervlcwlnx old my rural pwplt In 31 local lIu In England Tb 1m ImL mde no And vane were mfim Ihe r1333 of III Enullbh dis relented recently rmm from through midday Ind md dulh in an11 911 rpm In 11year LONDON CPIWhen flu III drawn on the rylal van what 19 behind Thlt depend an what part Enmnd yau cqmg tram Ind mLb anm you came min Add In wt dlnlzct rapeak 19 yall mum Mn mules Smith oLSlmud and the Jule Mr jSmIflLJberrldtmml pm mu are Mr and Mn Eur sell Mom of Bolhwefl Ema cent The newlywed will make their horn In Sound Photo by Eric cm at mm English Dialects Still Thriving In follow Mir martian at St James Unmd Church mu Fred Jackon alllclaled at the morning cm mony on Nov Thu bfldc II the arm LEARN now 10 STRETCH YOUR FOOD DOLLAR

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