CARAQUET NV CmMn Dnmlniqun anonlclgnc 72 II the flrnl New Bwnxwlck woman to nprmnl Canadian mnlhm In Iho Remembrance Day wrath rlnclng ceremonies lb Nu lunnlWur Memorlnl In Mluwn She Will minded or lhu Nov ll observance by the damlnlnn command the 110an Cunndlnn chlnn 111m hat mm mm klllcd in action In ml and we other were wanmlcut lhmlrl lhu mm and Luulm In Monlrrnl other WIND 11 Hm Inmlly nm mm Irmludu and Mlchrl MonlnnL nnd Alex nndm Salmnn Lnluv Qur Iml dauuhlrrn Mm Hunh Jnlm In Mu Frmnnd Carpenter and Mn Fm llunrhnnL ml at Munlrrnl Two rlIlldrnn dlnl In Inlnncy nw hm om kllkd In ha lummor nm Mm Jenn Ilnp lit at Ln Chmxdlm Noah mull lhlllm the 0an Cn nndhm Army Scrvlce Corps nnd Arthur Hm 0an 22nd Heal mrnl 11m hm wnmulrd worn Dnnlrl Mnlmmlcm llrxlmrnl um Lucltn Munlrlul Fllslllfll Mn mmmnnlly In nonhcnnl New llrunxwlck when Mu Ln mnntulxun was lmm lilghl of lhelr la rhlldnn are anu with 41 umndchlldrm and UNI alvmnrnnddllldrm The duloNov 11 also ha um wedding nnnlvmnry Mr and Mn Lamonlcignc She and hcr 31101de husband both en Joy good honllh In their home In Mn mmmnnlly In nonhcns There In strong likelihood that you wlll travel some time next June or August and lenglhy journey could prove ad vnntageous ln mnklnz new con ta cu Pernonal rclnllonahlpi wlll be under llne nrpecu dur lng most 01 the your nhend luxuran well for domestic so cial Ind unlimenlul Inkemul Avold nnxlely and nervous lcnrlon also exlravngnnca In Mnreh and Aprll however Athnd born on this day will be keenly pcrcepuve extremely vernnlilc and unusunuy shrewd In buslncs mullm Will Represent Canadian Mothers arrow hinhduy you may look ahead to year which should bring salislying mcognluan or past Job efforur Orlginal nnd conxlrucuve Idea put lnln eflecl In mldDeccmbcr shnuld have vital effect on future progress but you will have to follow Ihraugh it you mud Weve the result pos By hale January yaur inun dul aflnlm lhould he quilt 31111710 and you can plan on ex panding bl lhmughuut Fe ruury Results of such 2mm Ihnuld bu evident by mid1963 highly satlslnctory day can be expecled as result pres ent conflgumtlons with empha Ils on the successful oulwmc of buslness and ï¬nancial trans nctlons During the pm there may be some tension in Iamily or social circles however D9 your part to maintain harmnny FOR THE BIRTHDAY FOIL TOMORROW kqvmasn ï¬lm1 PIVINIMIO anumv mm th All My Humer um askcksvf yellan andrwhlte mums decorated he altar of Cookslawn Prerbylerlan Church for the marriage of Wendy Shumn Eraymnn and James Edward McComb Rev Mchlrroll alliclnled The bride ls the daughter Mr and Mrs Melville Brnyman Cookslnwnr The bridegmama parents are Mr and NHL Ed ward llcCombl 0n lheir re turn from wedding lrip ACUSDENS THE STARS SAY A1531 um 14 ml IIIAMMCV Ilnnlm T0 RESIDE IN COOKSTOWN away maul ml Hm mmmlrm Ind In zhs Laurenuans the ample CANADAS WINE 0F DIHTINGIION will make lhclr home In Cookslwn Photo by Amt raw or Alllsmn UPENYanDmï¬SAT muzs Nomu or mung an manm 11 lo omn Will Be Open Until Christmas In nannxanlo our collcclinn nr undies lromminy counldelybn will And Imunul mu or my mm In yen run It curm mu hive lacuna Chrmmn man With chicken medium sweet mutemea nre the perfect partner Serve them chilled and serve them often They complement your chicken or lluh dinnemnml theyredelightlul on their own nt the start of the meal you prefer it extm dry try ClmtennGni While Inhle Wine Why not enjoy it today SAUTERN ES ARE RIGHT AT HOME WIMMWMWM THE CANDLE SHOP LIMITED up warm Cream butlur nnd sugaryde banana and cgzlsur In Imm milk with soda Add vanilla and salt Mix In lour and bah in powdern Bah aardv gree or 20 030 minutes Mas PHILLIPS Allenwood WJ up cream of tartar 9513p ginger my salt up nulmcg Add more flour ll necmnry or cutting dough Fry In den ol hall ihaw enlnz and lard Scréeblahï¬ dr sugar while hot BVM St Peters 7mm CLOSED Pi¢rlVA Alllstan PARKE USED 2cm SALE3 100 BRADFORD ST PARK Calh alum Midland HullId wlbul ll uh cut Mlhm Mum quoted And on MIMI th 1962 COME 2DR 6CYL 1962 COMETSMETEORSMERCURYS BRAND NEW Wig 52090 At Fantastic Discounts MOTORS mun Presents The LasttdfThe Great Thats Park Motors Mercurys famous low proï¬t margln In Incl thats all Park mak cn on tho sale of new car 11 Incl act that save you 100 dollm on your new 1003 Mercury Meteor or Comet Hut well have 02 that must bu sold for even least 1002 models have been discounlcd away below Iarkl famous one per cent pro Ill margnln In nhort worc lvlnu away $32000 In llscounls In order clear Ihu onllro 1902 invonlory PARK MOTORS Barrie LTD 100 BRADFORDSI I962 MERCURY Maia mm mm Hoar mm mm Mmor Cum Maw mmgd cm nuncum BRAND NEW 12 TON PICKUP Burrie s1899 MERCURY BRAND NEW GUARANTEED 1962 METEOR 20R 6CYL PHONE PA 596 30 CARS AT AUCTION PRICES DOWN ND DOWM BRAND NEW $2190 PA 565 umwuém Mun15W