Th Cmmn rm 1va mum to ummllar mm In war uin rm mm an In nu nhllllo IMMIL Man Danam mm Nnmm mm mlnmm cumn Pr mu an Audi mm cimuum Th CMIGIM run ï¬ll nunhllnflnn year as printer wllh orlhem Ad vnnce Iml tlm Enrrlu Exnmlnnr llcd yahorlly nllcr rcllromcnl llo organized Llho first Amcrlcnn nlylu lmsubnll club In llnrrlo In 1071 Only undorhnnd pltchlng WII allowed then And no lam or lplk zel Andrew wlgg ns nppolnlcd blndmnalor ol llanlu lllzum lland Iuccecdln lloyd Sylvester ll secur ian crcdl woman mm nut ll ldllunl wy made all wllh no EON from inl llnr Unllml rummage lulu wltlloul pn mfnl Somo contenlfllllnlo culprl mun Inna AM mm mam nu hum nun lumvn mi mum lurnuuou Mm mm cum mum In muon mun mum runmm mum Rvubmlyunn my an mu lk unï¬t vHUI yllvlv UNI ll null In OMHIN horn mo nu ma we hm hm m2 um aw Ia 0mm plot ym mm um eihlb IBoll produced the lrgcst spud on Found 13 ounces Delno Jormoy lawkestono headed the lunlor Farm judgln oompotlllon Constable An lldrow chny 21 klllcd on lllghway 11 when thrown from molorcyelo He was holloved to have been chasing unldontl lod specdor He had taken ochpntrol from Orlllln to Churchlll when Hugh Grant returned lo law school John Alexnnder Mchll lormcrly ol Harrlo rappolnlod manoglng odltor of Montreal nzctte Much excltomcnt on mnln trcot when lndy rlrlvlng Ford redan crnshcd lnlo now McLaughlin tourlnx modcl Mrs lluxtablo movlng lrom Bnrrlo rcslgus from Board Educntlon erlncod by Albert Dryronl Ilonjumln His decision to seek the governors seatdn California was calculated risk based on political tactiu or pure am ibliioh Perhaps little of both were involved Mr Nixon sought to keep in Vtherpubiic eye and prove that while he Host the presidency iti hi Hm try he wnl null qu atï¬l ra lf the appeal had been simply gov ernmenl effort we would have pald lew more tax dollars and bureaucrats would have done the work The whole business would have been handled ulle neatly with no fuss and fervor nly mraneyewouldabegmvnlved8utwe would have lost that sense ol achieve ment of dolng something for ourselves YEARS AGO IN COUNTY Barrie Examlner November 1027 Barrie Kiwanis Club sponsored Potato Falr In Town Hnll wllh Stewart Page in flurgo Qlelg l1¢Kenzle Thornton won chugo Oswald McKenzie Thorntoï¬ won the Coleman Isllxer cup Infupesl nvhlhlb mm Mr Nixon US vicofgresident in the Eisenhower regime sta ed his political future in fight for the governorship of California He lost and with his do eat probably goes his chance of gain ing the Re ublican nomination for presi dent in 84 Mr Nixon almost won ltho presidency when he ran against John Kennedy in 1980 Hi snowing was so impressive in fact that he was considered to be in serious contention for another try in 64 The campaign which closed this week hasbeen community affair in the full est sense It was success because men like Willard Klnzle and Mayor Cooke puHhelr shoulders ioihe wheel and pushed Scores of Ample in all walks of llier gave both me and effort to raise approximately 380000 for the ser vlcaels which come under the United Ap pe One of the most Interesting develop ments in the US elections was the de dint of Richard leon and the advance of Nelson Rockefeller Today Its much 60 easy to turn thlngs over to the government and shlrk Mayor has Cooke voiced thought provoklngcommeht this week in con nection with the Barrie United Appeal He said he hoped the government would never take over the yserviceseovered by the appeal Once the had come under government controh said services would lose the ersonal touchvand com radeship that ex sts now NiXOns Star Dimming mummn Konlnlll nu an 6m CantTLoOk T9 Govexnmént To Do Everything For Us The Barrie Examiner Walls Pybllshpr mm um um try nu formidable candidate who Intel gown MEMORY LANE Published by canadgan Newspapers Limited 16 nayneld suegt Barrie Ontarlo Rubllshler Brian Slaléhtï¬enera Manager FRIDAY NOVEMBER 1m HIANDIHUIB TIIIIEATBNLD flnmln Dbmver Norm Amulcnl nlnndnrd or living Mill um envy tho ml the world um man la growing mllng of unm lum that the organized mlnorlly of Hm workcn In tho cunllnonl may punh prim up so high will their Mnmndn without componanllng lncranxc In pm ducunn Innt Marina and dlslrm mny lowur llm Ilvhm Ilnudnrd by pricing too may lm Inrtunm allowalumna out of ma market 11m In turn will touch up to the nmuent who without an lumen to buy the goods may mvldo And the norvlm Hm render coufll pos nlbly be drnggrl own lbs lovcln may nu trying to uqapo uu umunu and 101de onnct Lou Valr was ppolnlcd coach uuu LIDIIIEU out contents of the poor boxes Public Library was also hurglarizcd that night Dr Doolittle told Barrio Kiwan lane tourist business was not developed in Ontario because of cor roada Wisemana alau hier cure on Gunn street destroyed fire New Dream land Theatre was laying Clara How in Rough iiouso Ros Sam Sirens rnana Barrie Bargain House offered ro markablo specials for the weekend shop par and the Hunter Clothing Com pany launched bar ain carnival Oko and Co Toronto opened atockhrokera office in Barrie with ii lien resident managerf Officer of nu Cadet Cor were iloward Guest Sand Neas lie and liammong Fred Hang Iman Kenneth Lambie iiarold liryson Leslie Clarke Donald Cameron George McMillin lllel Perrier Angua liic Nahh Lorne Heels Eigin llarria Slow art Dryson and Capt LAllnn Scott com mending officer Alexander ll Bus for Clark of llnrrio Colin and Norih liay Troppera unior famoaiï¬nadtoglny oal far loron llnvinaslnt anew ann fan Professional Hockey League Man ager irnnk Do ie announced good pros gecia for ilarr Colts since on oaila ack Walsh and forward Alfret milh were over age and Ken Walla had enroll ed at Victorn Colle iteturnln plagara were lone Doyle lank Partritgo inn ridge higKenzie ielaflsinclnir entered SL Mil11 Church and cleaned lt has been said that he could have defeated President Kennedy in 1960 The president himself intimated In much alter the vote In 1864 Kennedy could be stronger but with Roekeieller against him anything could hapgwn Rocky is winner and he has let no doubt that his ambition is to enter the White House two years from now Mr Rockefeller in contrast is riding high He has won two elections for governor by lopsided mnndgea He the champ to New Yorker and rob ny tothe rank and Inn of Repub calls throqghogt the haglnh His future in politics is uncertain to day He cannot be seriously considered new for the Republican presidential nomination He is meme loser and only winners are in the running when the political plum of 08 politics is in volved The best he can ex ed cabinet post in Republican ministra tion itiworuid seem men OTHER EDITORS VIEWS 31d not be shelved for other ambltloï¬n In this group would come the Red Cross the Institute for the Blind and childrens aid societies Any onevof these could be managed competently by the government although probably not as economically as private organizations now handlethem But government ser vices paid for by our taxes chip away bits otour freedom although they may supply us with more creature comforts We cant have our cake andeat it too We cant expect thegovernment nIorTuszithouLsu renaenng some of our freeaom of ac On and initiative And its impossible to afpreciate the value of some these agrv ces unless we work hard to support em The dlvldlng llno between belthelp and the welfare state is thln Some government projects make sense Old age pensions and mhthers allowances all naturallylnto the categozy of gov ernment fpublic welfare But campa gns which at ect the community morg than thelndivivdual should rem largelyin the hands of the people our own responsibuity W5 also ques uon howfar we should go in creating ather image in government In cm laid am ma political mme Imam flood llhlll ll 1qu4 be one um tonlrnflnul mum In yum It nu olldinn numn MM 09 much can In m4 nuw ghoul ll pnnuecln or loathHon win we mle mm lam marqu plun lnr olduv huflulnl 11er woanny will he Mm Imporlnnl unmlflpnl luldnllan Ina wllh ha mullrllily ol lhl wry lmpmlnnl and Inna ovrr dun mvlslrml In lh Munltlpnl nue vmnmunl unduuunlly hu olm mumm up All IhEVE 000 mm ll an bu nl lhc mlnlnler ol emnnmln Mu dm vulopmenl Hun Hobart Mnrnu buy will lum lame an ym rum pnlnll ml Moro flu hum Ono lhrm prnbnhly will In In Imluntrlnl llnvelnpmrnl mm In hrlp MM lnulnm and no Imgrlll lndualry ow Um Premier nohnm bu nnmcd lha Imrllng dnlo nlmlny Novnmbcr nnllm Ilon hero II course ncuv tin gnnlhg malon Ami ll lhuuld by good one Ngw ulmom Lexhlnllvcly ll tnnl In will mlymurnm vglll be By DON OHEARN TORONTOGoad flth Hill Ioulnnl and lihla lhll uulon But you drink out ht wmng cup someday and Ink up lha bust the mull wll be red Innnmcd taro gums and very llkcly lhem wlll he lama ray upon Ind hm will at cm pullnl gum and maulh llnucl In annual Besides Hum will be an olIunIlvo lmlll ln ha hroalh Tho dlmmd 3mm ll on mldcunlla nnr uh The germ spread very anally Thraugh kissing or on thing or lrom common drinking cups etc Juli lownrd oil criticism will say now um kin not bb 12 lo kissing all my In dont go around kissing people whn nve lrench moulll Docs lhnl mo oil lilo hunk lmm crllical readers rcmpmbcr when mada menilon llmi iniLclious mononucleosis also was known al kissing diseasel had Imall blmga ol ieller lram mden who accused me at heln oppgseg ln nmnncefl Anwi didnt lnvcnl léiss lug or Vlnccnll angina or man uctlwsll All do in mm the ac Trench mouth Vincents anglnahls an Infection the mumux membranes mainly the mouth caused by two Vl xletlea of germs and wont bore you with the laboratory do MILOneI cmkcd little hug the other at mu one But you cant see either except wlth Edemcope QUEENS PARK Dear Dr Molnar What causes trench moulh What In Iha condition or the mouth and on zuo In his disqamBï¬ By JOSEPH 6Momnn mm TOYOUR GOOD HEALTH Expect Session To Be Contentious Kissing Spreéds Trench Mouth Elli iLEAWKE$DRY=miOTTRWJ Such mam mum and la pmlrnl llul mu nlm tnuhl be run Ildflnbll hltlvmm um um Inlnly wlll he ml dual Inlum The undoubludly will In pngu Thoma JG Ion hum ruled In rm wu 18 vrnldml mm In mum II leIII mm dlnnnr pullu Mi ï¬iillopnml mm mm hcrkln lhu hnun In mm in hoflmu In lllï¬kp mum Aim wfllllï¬udlulnx 1571mm nMy In try and alarm lhl mell PIIMHIHM AMUIUID Tho mull lncvllahly will be 71er and Aharl temper 1mm lm mm The unvamrviml 1an 11 hm hm lllpplnl pallllrally and hu lalzhllg why bqtk om nm lee innw lhnl or II Int Ilml In 10 mm hay haw dmnl thnnu ol wiry nlnu an ulrrllon ï¬n Nin mu mun antral tlgcliap inrlho Normally III II cnouuh in II luro Ipirlled Ionian nut lhll limo Ill Hum parich are nbnarmully anger will be allowed by an ernl eleclkm Am lhm II chance my not In be cam pldnd bolero Ill clncllan ll culled rmvlnge itll Inhllnn In tainhllxll llmll Put nulll mm know one insinnca in which woman ilnd luch lwei us that Iiu had to keep extra clothe inr use law dnyl be fore her period She aclunlly in creuted tavern aim Finding out Um thin candiiinn could be corrected aha lhcn went back in Juliane lite oi clothe ulu luull Mini the nonImokcr who breathe In the ImoknYMrl EW 1m Inlllrltd lhal can be damnglnl and II orrmnny pca De onerx Doél lmak can dnma 7mg luau You hnvn lot more compulh Ian In misery than you knaw and lot them auflcr In un hnp IUNIN because Lth dont to that great deal can be 1101107317 helplhem somnla nauseairon name It luv you any luucsllansl Im ï¬red being cansldercd much and reeling like zool OILVJ oin la and my Thls In when started but gradually there hnve rn dcprbsslan bud mp mum rm uwnumy but Dr Molnon other women say menstrual ditttndt 1e diminish with use Ind mine Increasing especially the Eemenstrunl sun nm and In health had no trlnuble if mw mm mm In llmu in lonscnlnx And Ian at leglh past year some rather Ilrong chemicals were und so dium perborala and chromlc Add Today we know that pen clllln was effellynuy no reqled cavnA mull mmr gum 1cm Dem Dr Mnlnarx W1 match math dlsnrpur with 1on wclghn Th quesflon Ippllcx la MnngcrIAI No The mark wlll ado but wont disappear This appch at any age DIL But even1u01c traditional smokeilled room he nnn maker you only Iranian of per cent the Km and other byproduct that smoker docs One nuthnrlly rmnlly marred In smokefllled nflifldnlly created uma 71 FM Nov TODAY IN HISTORY By THE CANADIAN PRESS Nov 1362 The Pilgrim Falherl aboard the Mayflower lighted Cape Cod ln whn wan latcr to become Mam ehusetu 342 year agoglo dnyln lemTha 1M Purl nm 74 men and 2a wamm lulled from Plymouth Eni lnnd on Sept of that year to seek freedom of waxmp They landed at Plymouth Rnckon Dec 14 111 THE CANADIAN PRESS IllsRevolullan broke out In Ecrlln and forced tho nb dlcallan al Knlser Wilhelm ma Mime Nevilla Chamberlnlndlcd TODAY IN HISTORY At present ML Badanni poinu out municipaiiuel have diiii zuin In borrowing adequately for their needs and boy mull pny upenlivciy high Interest on their borrowings Sometime they even have In take the un ailrnclivc lien ai goinz abroad In banaw Whu will myor oi Fari Wiliinm we wero aiwnyl being ilizhpreuurcd io harmw money in New York he said But in never did that andvawn Umugh his clly lhen had lo pay hlgiwr interest it in What Mr Badnnnl believe would answer much thin all flcully would be he establish ment ol Mg federal pool of manna set up by borrowing of the federal lavemment from which municipllmu auld bor rnw ml the lam law ma of 11p term that which the ml government borrow the mqney vise um menu uvcm rnent should create trend mm which the municipalities could barriow to iioanco development wot lOWEFI AND LEAST The municipal government is iownman on our governmental totem pole rating below the province and at course or he ow iederai government pi eri most munielpalitlea in highly precarious iinancini posl tion Mr Bodonal told Portla menti These factors he Hated as our First they have never re covered iully tram the dellc Iency oi punilc service during the war year when they were neglected the driit train the inrm into the city has pioecd severe new strains on municipal govcmmcnts strug gling to keep up with the hugs population increase Third the frustration oi borrowing uncer tointies preventa adequate for ward planning oi growth and re develo ment And fourth vmunl elpoiites ior the same reason cannot pion against depressions by preparing shell at public works project to create em ployment ior ouch emergency ma Thus with ample power amp land and ample skilled labour Fort William would be nttrae tive to new Induatries Mr Ba danal thinks But ice at many communities tneeds mu nicipal projects to keep pace with these other development the hiisslon River bridge just described and another on the Km River Jel motionzolinetrhartashppiemenH levprm narrow Trunk swing bridge The main thing in to create jobs to get people to work rather than keep them on relief And Va munlei oi development iund would hop in this Muni cipal winter work do help at ways give credlt to the present government for initiating that But its not the Whole answer BIBLE THOUGHT Now thentt to no more that do It but aln thotrdwell eth in IlICaRamlfll 7xi1r Here in the reason iorvour moral struggleam is not quite dead to our tools Mr Hubert Ben Badnnal now Liberal MP lor Fort Wil llam wnl prevlonlly elzht yearn alderman and l1 yam mayor of malty ln lm th Lake head he an experlenped and hole preventative on Parlia ment Hill who hnl dammi elraled hll mpoulhlllly and mm Parliamentl rupecl Som lenllon wan pull to hl com menll when he mentioned the great bnpklol nl needed pro gram lor communlly develop menl our municipal uovemmonu he told me are desperately shortol ravenuel andflnd dlle cult and costly to borrow to ll nnnce the needed program 01 whlch he spoke So be much great lmwmncew flu pro on whlch ha been lmrd ere that the federal govem men should create lund from whleh the munlclpalltlu could borrow to finance development work ny rhizch NICHOLSON OTTAWA poweflul Ind wellvrensnned plan or Cunqdal flargollcn zovarnmenu wan qua In Parliament by the nun wha mod to hgld Una 91mm nnponr say Municipalities Law On Totehi Pole lu lll full blzhzhl or lhnl IlndIul run Hound BACKACHE BUNNY AND COLD The South Poi In December you man lunllght than any other place an earth but ra mulm cold because nbnut par can in rcflecled The main thing to areal job to get people ta work rather than keep them on reIlef And Va mm Al development und would hep In thls Munl ctpnl winter work do help al wnyl gm credlt to tho pment uavemment for Inltlattng that But not the Whole answer These points Mr Badnnll pointed out to me do not apply only to the Lnkehend clues they app ncrm ha board 80 two do delerred naceuary davelopmenl projects although lhalr 109 term may vary Fort William he uld cauid wull embark on pmjecu Inch new bridges We need two bridges but one is usential to span the giver belwecn in MM Island inirant aiour city Thaelulnndl couid he is velnped ior Industrial mom and that would crane more Job or the Lakchead On our we have runner and zu million dollarhydm plan was mmpleicd last year but it II not operating yet because he nullcipaimd demnnd inr pawl 1m no maietinliud MW at btllcr 011 than It would havabeen with foreign Indebted um owing to he lowery ex change value at the Canadian dollar mm mum 2119 ln nflll VIII buhzhl 01 Hill Ilndaul lnlln dayad In