Aiew days at relaxation at the beautiiul OkanoganLake in the heart or British Columbia is wondsriul experience especlr ally It you have the good iortune to spend them at theiabuious Adventure Bayresort The owners Mr andMra Albrecht von Gadcnstedliormeriy oi Bar rle have achieved on very rugged shoreline the almost 1mg possible and have inthis dis trlct become legend in their own time The van Gadenstedia came to Canada irom Germanyln 1951 in Bflflle he tnr some time Worked as plumber and later as the proprietor oi the Apia Service Station on highway 27 While in Earrie theyspent much oi their free time studying ec enemies hotel motel and resort business When the time was ready early in summer 1001 they crossed Canada by car tor the express purpose oi ilnding suitable location tor the re sort that rapidly was taking shape in their minds Arriving at this peninsula at the Ghana gan Lake they immediately tell in love with the place and acquired almost 1000 acres oi land with 21 miicsi oi shore line all rock and wooded PLENTY OF ENERGY Albrecht von Gadenstcdt man ol with unbelievable energy and always smiling went to work at once with blasting excavations road building and construction Several thousand tons at rock had to be removed people nearby lust shook their heads and said This poor lei low must be crazy But out oi it all grew the resurt in record time and at the grand opening in June lids year the invtted press and dignitaries enthusiast tlcally agreed that the Gadcnv aiedts had created resort that is second to none The guest houses each with wonderlul ï¬iniguthentlcrflid aairlupluc view at the lake are very roomy and luxurious with broadloom throughout electric heating air conditioning TV and balcony For guests who would like to do their own housekeeping there Is very compact but completely selicontalned kitchenette The decor is mixture at Camp can and American that is very pleasing to the eye and is pri marily result of Mrs von Gadenstedts ability as an in terior decorator otn coon MINE 0a the extensive grounds there restored you guest may like to try your luck with plckaxe It you preicr to be bounced around on horse there is stable nearby 01 it you are inclined towards more peaceiul activity there Is ahul tieboard miniaturo goii etc Each guest house has motor boat always at his or her dis posal tor iishlng or waterskilng For the hunting or iishlng at one you caucusraor FAMILY your dreams Mr van Gadenm stedt will take you up to aprb vale lake and hunting lodge deep in the mountains lnhis 1130 Cessna Food is delicious and served impeccably in Swiss chalet type dining hall Next to the resort the von Gadenstedts have buiittheir own home rather modern struc ture where colored glass has been used with dramatleciiects One glass wall ls made almost completely ol the Iamlly crests going as ior back as the lzth century Many antique and beau tltulpleces oi turniture ingscetcrhavaagn bacnbrouaht vFiFomIheir Told Em Germany giving their home an appealing oldw atmos phcre Yes it you ever pass through the Okanagan be sure to call on this delightful couple They would love to see you and talk about Barrie irom which they have many pleasant memories Article contributed by Dr Moderate To Steady Trading 0n Wholesale Vegetable Market TORONTO tCPlMany local retailers and lobbers were pres enttodsy as moderate to steady tradlng prevailed on the Tar vanto wholesale trait and vege table markets Hothouse tomatoes eased nllghtly Apples and pears were unchanged in the vegetable division broc colircd cabbage and busth sptnach were lightly oiiered Price changes ior most produce were few The potato market receipts manly Ontario and IEi table stock had good turn over ior steady prices Prices at it nm Ontario No fancy grown commodities tiniess otherwise specltlcdl Apples 0nt Macintosh bu lancy 5465 qt 5355Tal man chct mostly 200 Russett bu 575400 Cortland bu 175 200 Greening bu 130 150 Baxter 150100 Delicious bu 175450 Snow bu Larisa pt sons llC Delicious Ca nadian cxlra Iancy carton 500 015 bcctsI topped bu 110115 bundch dorcn 0070 Brussels sprouts 1le qt 275400 hroc tell it qt 115150 cabbage Ont wlrcsbound crate 100125 frovoy 140150 itcd crate 150 160 carrots dozen bunched ï¬ts75 bu washed 100 125 caullilowcr Its large 225275 ccicry standard crate 1751251 hearts dozen 17mm leaks Compiled by Flynn INDUSTRIAL Asanos Abittbl Darn Tu fit Lulu lat rem shit at Mont sal or us on Ill mtnn TLA Oil on rum csntmsnacm Cdn am can all Home Home Oil liltd III II In on In Accept inland NJ mu Club out no Consumer fill MINiNn on in Can only on Devonian moa Minn llunnlr It Italilttlu llrrAddlson Larson pet and can llslt Denion Minis lulliun Iconhlldls as Joe Il It Muny Illa HormelI Norlhlsio Vs Ilosr arms Is Ilnmn lslmu Mum his lsromauuo Its ny column IA tut nonunuu Nut lmlusiriall up halls up It ilttllllu flown ir tnantlm Imut uttlartnl mnu Must Anna fields up iI it to UARIANI WIN AM NEW YOIIK IAIiIhe ltur sinn womans national Itnaketv lull tum rdgrd Nashville lluii nm College the UliHanvns MU rhsmntonr 0001 in state his ntortltno lhusstlay night in the tint some hi on interns tinnnl tour bolwnn the two countrirl ihs ilnltrd iiiatol meno Alinsthtl beat the torsion national mans squad 7000 in the mitt some III double Iiatlsr at Madison Mum tiara on their annual meeting at the Not TODAYS STOCK PRICES iilrflca me on imp To me inter Nlessi Interarov my Maritime It Out ii at basket 100125 Ici tuca Chinese bu iris 150 lost two dozen 13M Tourist Dollars To Rural lireas Willard Kinsie Zone it chair man oi Georgian Bay Develop mcnt Association addressed 25 Nottnwa district iarrncrs on The impact at Tourism To Tho basic Producer In Ontario Farmers belonging to the Canned Crnn Association held tawa Unltcd Church in the vii Iago west at Colllngwood llir Klnzie said the tourist dollar is the most widely dis tributed dollar at any money spent The rural community rc celves more oi it than any oth er group hlr Klnric said many people think only tourist home operas tors motels rcstaurants and stores benclit This is not so he said He said the arm producer to celvcd more than cents at every tourist dollar spent lhcso acts should point out the lmportantpartyoucanplay in helping all oi Canada by tie ing good and Iricndly hosts to tourists to bring them to our communities in ever lnqraslng numbers he sold Dunlap 5t Es IIlrrla Nor Ont NAT Moon Corp rlrtn Parr Union as Wllllr IllsW lenorth Nealon llpmilll nusmont ltla Al on an lemon llerll lath piled on wtlm Will Ill AVIIAGII ill nova 1t Pramsnrms $599 lIIONH IA Mu Ask For The DUIIGIT Mlth Joan arrlcit tainilt 513058 Mspls Means to nvtzwmus Ii Hoiml WEATHER Otticlal iorecasts Issued by the weather otiice at am Bymplilt The track at the wcnther systems moving across Canada is well to the north Consequently tar northern On tario will continue to be the only portion oi the province ens during wintry conditions The rest oi lite district should con tinue near normal or slightly above normal with temperatures in the 10 during the day and in the to overnight Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake lturon Niagara Lake 0n tarlo Georgian Bay liaiiburton regions Toronto Windsor Lon don liamilton Partly cloudy with scasannbie temperatures today and Saturday winds light Algoma Tlmagami Coch ranc White River regions North Bay Sudbury Sault Ste lilnrlc hioiniy cloudy and ilt tla warmer today and Saturday low light showers tonight and Saturday Winds light increas ing to southwesterly 20 to 30 this tyorning light tonight and Solar oy Tammi Temperatures Low tonight Iiigh Saturday Windsor 30 St Them 35 London 15 Kitchener wingham st iinmllton as St Catharine 15 Toronto so Ictcrlwmugh 13 Trenton s5 Kilinioa as hiuskoks at 12 31 III 25 01 Sudbury Eorlton Klpuskuinl White River Alnosunrc Iiiottnt Iorcst Tintminl RTONIIYII REAL NAME laclt lortt star at CTVI Stoncy ilurke series is really namcri lnhn Joscph Patrick ltyan good nnmn tor po lirctnnn or Ilrcmnn INSTALL MUFFiEIlS Lllwlihi IllllEli LIFETIME GUARANTEE FAST INNTAIiATiIlN SERVICE DEPT PA 6414 Ho Dunlap St Llsteacra toMr sin aware oi his dlsplensureas they those bastards never do anotherprogram ior ldg System aiililnte gunners in New York with ma bolliatlc missiles in Cuba hadl 50m Breads ionoaro CPIToronto rs dio news commontntor Gordon Sinclair said he objected inlthe let strongest possible terms to lpg cut oil tho air about min ute Thursday night or anew bulletin aboutdeveiopmenta in the waning Cuban cris rs 10 minute were well heard himsayta heli Wilt imrnadiate hetero tho programs conclusion it this ever hap ens again he said ailerwar will CFitB Columbia Broadcast The bulletin was iiaslsed over the CBS net alert system that cuts into attiilaleatotlon pro grams iromirCBS gnews head or news breaks The Item Mr Sinclair took exception torwas an announce ment from the v8deience de partment in Washington that us aerial reconnaissance in dicatcd all known medium range and intermediaterango been dismantled and loaded on Soviet cargo ships ATTACKS PROPAGANDA When Mr Sinclair was back on the air alter the bulletin he immediately launched into an attack on what he called Amer ican propaganda and the to Baise Prices1 NIAGARA FALLS NY APi Two at three bakeries situated in Barrie said today they had raised the prgfe apecialt breads The rd reported planned be such increase Toastmaster Bread divislh Canada Bread Company Ll lied said prices on some items were raised two cents and on others last one cent Nov Sunbeam Bread division at Westons raised prices on some breads by Just one cent Sales manager tor the Barrio division Murray Ciemmens said the in creass went into citcct Nov spokesman ior Wonderbsb cries said his firm has not made plans to up prices on specialties Announcement at price increa scs was made Thursday in Tor onto by tho Canada Bread LucilleTakos Company Control Inoatvwo tAiiActresx Lucille Ball takingover as president at Dcsilu Productions and will acquire control oi the muitl million dollar enter prise by buying out her exhus and Desi Arnaz Amos resigned the pres Idcney Thursday and the board at directors immediately named liliss Ball to succeed him Thus the couple ended their business association about two years after ending their mar rlogc Miss Ball 51 said site would purchase 300350 shares at stock held by Arnnz and increase her holdings to 600650 shares 51 per cent at all outstanding shares studio spokcsman said Miss Ilnll will pay Arnnz Es prica considerably In cxccssai the current market value Dcsilu stock has gone as high as share this year Theta were re ris recently that large eectrlcal tirm sought to buy Berlin and the asking price then wll estimated at 0000000 PHONE NUMBERS IOil EMERGENCY City Police TA L5 Provincial Follrs TA Hm Iirs tirolrtmrnt IA Mill iioyai Vittoria ilolpital iA lllll NEW YORKS NIW DRIVlIN HOTEL FREE PARKING In the hurt at liln tut c1 Altaw mom IA Iuiiltwlib urtvilrhbutl 111 maul volt snvanisnllo mt summon it Inilyketolisrsi to Hi Mi INT TAMI IN Inuit moor ntll llAiOltlItl lAlll Wilt one tions policy at breaitln ncyvs program with Jack Daweon manager said it was up particular station wheth though itscoiltenl was not knownln advance its snldths bulletins were CBS exclusiva newsltem Mr Sinclairsaid he wasnt certain oi the precise wording tothis attacks on American Erdpaganda nndtho stations and out the situation but Ill back downlrorn nonejoi Mr Sinclair admittc said hell withjthoso bastards and It was untortunatathezmi emï¬hono hadrnot been oil as hadbeliavedig site said It was one at those things butél did say it and may be suspended for it and to hel with motion er Dawson said he apol ogized on behaii oi CFRB or ltir Sinclairs proianlt near PLICE Though Ralph Berry has been on your police torca Ior only Zlsyears ha is by no means rookie Previous to his Joining the Barrie Police he was anOntarlo Provincial Polico constable ior 11 years He haslervrd in Kirkland Lake Lanier Lake Vrglnia town Halicbury Po arson and Parry Sound Ha holds vitallntcrest in traliio and also likes to sprpad lralilc saicty knowledge to school children His hobbies include reading nonriiction books ato graphics histories He hasnt een too active in sports but his lavorite spectator sport is hockey Const Derry has ihree children Matthew 15 average support this yearw aot toearrythe bulletinal By in common cause Canadr gave the United Appeal iall campaigns about representative selection oi 00 at the 100 community cbsrit drives launched thisiai reached slightly more than 01 per cent oi their combined ob iaetivem CrossCanada Survey bytha CanadianPress shown the 30 cities representing macaw at tho estimated national target at ammohad registered contributions of nausea Many ot the campaigns in centres irom rllaliiax to Vic toria were extended past sched uled deadlines as canvassers put on lresh burst oi etiort to coilcct from reluctant or tardy donors Some cities such as Windsor 0nt had not yet totalled up large corporation donations and some had notfyet added in weekly pledges to be deducted irons employee pay cheques ATho 110 community can aigna seven oi which are held nwintar or spring this year were shooting ior aboutviul per cent oi the 031000000aclually aised last year COVERS Mil AGENCIES Punds irom the onceayrar collection are channelled to 015 weliars or nlzations across Canada in system that United Appeal advocates say does away with some at the hitor budgetln ot many small in eonllï¬ouT round at canvassers The number oi community From 1050 to test they grew in number by 20 er cent and total contributions twothirds in the next live years the growth rate was about the some while giving increased by almost 15 per cent no community an drives Prince Edward island this year having launched province wide appeal tor the tint time with 77400 objective lots harvest slowed the canvass and only or per cent had been col lected by Nov but oiliclals were optimistic thegoai would be reached Moncton Nll tor the iourth eonsccutiva year was the iirst Canadian ccntro tago over the top chalking up target bi 49530 by iaaitcr 10 day campaign NOT FOR BURNING Insecticide containers should not be burned Indoors because Timothy and Beth iumcs ithcy release could be dangerous metro law day later Fredericton reached 051100011 goal and put in It laimto be the sec oad over on drive in th DESPITE WAGE FREEZE Oniy Ottawa among tha luven cities with mlliioatiollsr plus targets reached lts goal within the scheduled campaign period Despite poor weather and civil service wage freeze canvassers turned in 0140 more than the $111001 objective raised on per centaver last years target Montreal ieil 61 per cent short oi nhopedior 02305000 alter raising its sight byabout saven per cent irom the 1001 oblective Last yearMontreai was the only one oi the million dolllarplus cities to reach its my ay Its acheduled deadlinethe Metropolitan Tomato appeal had brought in 905 per cent oi the 3717000 target dropped by live per cent alter the 1061 ap peal closed abort Winnipeg increased its ohle tiva by live per cent this year and by Nov twothirds oi thaway through its six week drive had collected $913903 porenun appeals continues to increase Only Newioundland now has it at the ac duted purl 74 per cent butcampaign oi Si Average Support oi the protected $1301000 total Edmonton aimed about three per centhi her this Yearat 51093000 and had realized 00000 bythe end oi the scheduled month long cam algn The deadline was ex rended to Nov to Last year the citys goal as declared reachedin 111 December EXTENDE CAMPAIGN VanoouVer also extended its campaign to Nov 14 and had collected £103504 or 044 per cent at the objective alter Ilvs daysoi overtime Hamilton realized rm oi its 313100001target tha end or about iiclala aid there was still about in donations routstandy smaller centres polled reported eittensions oitha cam paign deadline to allow mo up operations aimed at roan log out totals nearer their pro Jected goals The extra etiort by canvass ers together with the tihni tab Inlaup at corporation and em ployee payroll deduction pledges may well pushthe total national contribution toUnlted Appeal to new high it Viilii LIN Every slgnalman is vital link in the Canadian Army Signals System providing the stunt delcnco communication across the nation IlcreCpl Copeland oi Barrio carries out his duties as the repair link at the Wallace iIiit station near iiailinx NS National Dclcncc Photo KEEPS HOT WATER 0N TAP AT TIMES OF HEAW USE BUILDS UP GENEROUS SUPPLY OF HOT WATER PLEASE CONTACT thylbirl lilrst Wad cl Imam it am ltu rumor HYDRO FLAT RATE NO HIDDEN CHARGES GUARANTEED ALL THE HOT WATER YOU NEED ELECTRICALLY with Installation Heater Service and the ELECTRICITY tor as little as 401 NET PER MONTH it Pays to Know Your Full Cast in Advancl THE NEW TWOELEMENT allycontrolled aiemsnll alternate automatically to provide maximum sar viu at minimum coir Then is also and capacity to suit your household needs Why not Inlay ELECTRIC WATER HEATER Even heavymar Iamillel no be sun sit the hot wsier theyll ever need with this new Inttmovery electric water he or Two thermostatic Iitls lowcost convenience Barrie Public Utilities commission I5 BAYFIEtD 5T PA 66568