Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Nov 1962, p. 1

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NEW YORK IAN11w New Ymk Dally Nun Inumcd ml llrnllun lnday lvllowlnr mllevmnl am mm mm lu ammlnl and mmmm nl unpbym Imm the lhrml Ht newlpmr mm mlllnz 30 um few hwn all he Mullen wond In Imp uni mind Ilrlkm memlwrn the New mk Newummr 0mm Inn nu mum Mprnzlnq uron In IN lmllmmln am he mu nl lhe lwoypar mnr ind lulu MM MIMI UITAWA CPlTha CBC Bald question the valldity ol the Board Broadcast Governor controversial Grey Cup clevL Ilon regulation and an MBEuiz uested mm the dummy and Independence 01 Ihc publicly wneg argonalum mnme un 77an 5y it ere deveio menu occurred ay in In wake oi ha 835 enactmeni ni law which compels the CBC leiavL lion network to carry the pri vately owned 71Vnulwarka leiecasl oi the Dec ionlhnil championship game in Toronto campiele with cammurcinh HOLLYWOOD IANSlurrvmm Rammy Dnvl Jr nM lulu ltlflll um Mny nrlfl luavn ulopmi quarvohl bop 1h Nun dullfl Mum Mmk Hlvlnoy Dnvlu wna talcum llumuah Anxolu County Adoption mm lmh and Mn mm wlfn Mm hm daung lmroy IIIIIM born In month no Mlu NI News Back In Business HANCIlOFT 0m CWPolka mid today Dlynnrvold lnmm mlulnu In tho Innh to mllu went hm limo WodmI Inf may hm hm hem Muck Douglas Cmrlmm Smith llu mu nporhvl mluruu nller alllnf to mod ellnw human In the luwhuh Mu nrrn mllu um ml or INrrlmmgh An nmr lullroMcr ml aomnn Hnrvh parly mnllnurd 0w Iranh mlny uflrr calllnd It all dark IN nlzhl crwumrrmm ClPrlnm Edward Inlandm mlo Dec 10 kn Canndnl thud pmvlnclnl election within month mo nunprise elcdkm Announced by lmnremve Comervnllvc Imn wmm IL fihnw murndnn wlll inflow voting In Quebec Nov nnd In anloundlnnd Nnv lo lnmlrr Shnw 74yearold Inrmnr who lmnme prcmkr In 1m lold rcparlm ho nIccllon Ind low 11mm Ialer wml Ichnhlm In Ask IxInndm lo nur Inle ul prrmlum paymmtn lor honpllnl lmumnm innllobn Iman llohlln loday Immxmd lonml elcdlml Im Pddny Dmvmlwr Follawlng mains of tho cxccullv mmmllleo he CBC board of directors lho CBC Ll lued ntnlement which um um mall complulnt ndx ugulallon plum com Innan messages in the same category of national Importance and Interest In lhu program luclL ll wa he DnGs expressed with 101 ha wldm coverage the me In lhe Fuhllc lnlmst whlc prompted to puss mo Dayixos Mop Negro Child HAVANA lemlmo Canndlnn rmflm held lncommun kndo In mum hotel Ilnca their arrival hero hut week have been Mound with Oubnn mun mlnlxlry ponnkllon lo Ireer exmlso lhclr luncflom It was dkclosrd today Robert McNtH Canadian erdnl lot the US anlomd Broadcasting Company Ind Dmmld North mo CDC wm rclonscd by lmmlzrmlon nuth mltlu Thursday LONDON Am5k Hugh F001 0mm governor mrrnl colonlel has mde hls comedian wflh he Drlthh Ionian ur vlce nvcmmmt spokumnn said today UMH mum nun mu wan Ilrllnlnl Imkmmnn on ooIonlnl anlu It lhu Unllcd Nullam in Now Yorka Job that canInd IM rank Imbnmdor and salary of H000 our PEI To Vote December 10 Seggch For Missing Hunter VElhiYuar No 262 Canadian Reporters Released Leaves British Service Femus senatnrs look cross the wall divldlng Berlin at Potsdamerplm lnday From 19 are Caleb Boggs RDe Beninmln Smith Of Grey Cup Ruling CBC Queries Validity WI 13 WU 19W For Examiner Want Ad Tele phone PA Milt The telephone number In all for the Bushm or Editorial Dept Ll PA 5531 NEWS BRIEFS Our Telllephoneq US SENATORS AT BERLIN WALL PORT CREDIT Ont CF Fnlluro war resh alr mask 11 Instrucled is bcIIevcd In have caused the death ol me man Thursday Ihe Regen new Texaco Cnnadn LIm llcd Dcad are Allan Spencer TrenA halm nearby Streelxvllln Archibald Carson as nctuby Mlmlcn and Garry Wilson 21 ol Pan Crcdlt In hvspltnl II ngn Yap Den ovum 0111 regulation CTV own the TV right hm to ensure national coverage Ihe game must also be carried by the larger CBC lys lam an Aug ll public hearing hm lhe CBC nald the federal The three men died phyxlallon And loan II In South Peel Hospital here ra ported to be In KM mndltlon ville Onl Three Men Die At Refinery DMnss Claibornu Fell Dviii partially hidden and Selma Majority Leader Mike Many Held DMonL Acing guide is Capt Frederick Siebert burlfir infiviriclal nd Ilev In mm ul HIme Slml Unllml 11min um ulyluflnmmlny lu lha rqllglm Murillfin rwGrl umonlnl 15 In Mennlnl mnkflml he Anndlnn Council at muncha tumll nhulnl llnmnn ullr Map mm In TORONTO JENA Tornnln Unllevl Church Inlnhur hnl wnrnul mvrmnlnllm xlnnomlnnllnnn Hul nlhvluu mulnrlnu mu Jew would am Imml overnmnnl Innnrlnl lnr uhmh ll llnmnn Cnlhnlirn Mn their Ivplum Irhml hullle In puMln lundn Thu lmflluic an lnlernnllnnnl unomclnl ornnlmllon with pull Ildnm and am on mlmnry and world lulu Among Ill mambo anvo lho mlnllu aa msmcm an pm of any 01 EngWe gnllllnry finnzl LONDON Haulers The West hold Mn lam nvcr nub langrnnxn mlulle but II lrnlllng In he mcdlumrnnno cutKory tho Immulo nl Slrm lg Sluldlgi ported Thunfinyh Thu lmlllula Inld AluUIllu Ihnwod lho Vcal hul bclwncn 400 Md 1500 Inlercnnllnonlnl Hal lhllc Mimic with rnnxo 01 between 6000 and 0000 mllol whllu the llunlnm have only nboul 75 llnwmlr Um Ilunlnnl llnvn About 700 medlummnxl mllo 1ch with runxo 600 In 1000 mm whlla lhu wm lull Only nhoul 150 An assessment by Ike corpo rallnn with on to malch principln nu ma public In lareaLwll he made the CRC toxnmcned nursd NThre illiniember C716 bond nl dlmclara will meat hm next my www 11w lmllluln Inld lhu lolnl regular nrmcd lurccl ul all llnllrd ilnlu lmly puwm Ililhlly mum Hum II000000 mlco departmm had ndvhed that regulation compelllng It to carry crv commerclgfls would ha heygnimc boggy nu gpbmy 3136 313d CWsy they fmvo received legaladfice tongue cnnlrary Meanwhile In tho Home Common younl New Demo crallc Party MP askcd tho gav emmenl to report the 386 reqsom mills decision State Secretary llnl enny minister responsible Ior rand cull twice declined to an Iwer the quenlnn by Malcolm Mnclnnls VTVho Kl for Cap Breton South then me on palm ol prjxlleig submh 11an the CBC nullonu lnslltuuon financed by the people of Canada and oper nlcd on their behnfl ha nld Institute Iissesses West Ahead LongRange Red Missiles Charlesion 50 the US Inlormaklon branch The senat orn are in Berlin their am no nn long actInd lng miss an or Pmdent Ken nedy AP Wirepholn Pastor Fears Trend To Separate Schools In um um um nunuur mu Mr Ilnwu nald nlw In Hxlmu aduullnn In puhlle uhwln In the Inosl lm MIAle Ilrunlu In nlavln In pun 1th 7A rvrlllirrifianlflcvulun mmA mlllou mum Um IIIQMMM flu Kmth Wllll mm Ith Item mum unpar Aln urhmlu II could mun dallrumnn puhllc nehunh In mend lha mlnlnler uhl nanco Illnh Itl1oolllmhvrl wllvm and vntallonll lchwll llnmnn Calhollc unwind ulmol Immh now may only mum um and rumI man or unenlan uhmln up In 0nd in all mm district ii oi the licensinl district 35 applications were read to the hearing that took place his maman at tha Simco Couniy Building council chambers re the Run nM Wm dcvelnplnu now and probably mam ntcur min 1ch whlcll could own to in dcplnynd durlnl mu HI Honor Judge Robb chairman the board lndlcaled lo the Baxdc applicants that reply could be made within week or 10 days although It could take lnnger The Communlnt guru 1n eluded tho Cuban Army which flu Imlllulu Inld must lnrded or 1h Ilmu bclnz pnn 1th pump lg 13 en Tho lmlllulo lnld Ihe Cuban Army hm expanded rum 000 to 80000 men equip ed with new Savch wcnwnl an mlllg Runlnl Ihnnnn Ion rnnxo Inlcrcnntlnemnl Dnllll tic Mullu wu duo lo the bl upcndlluro on lhe Savltl MCI prnnrnm coupled whh mhcal culallonl over IIIIIILK lhu 1n Ilflulo Inld nut lho lmlllulc In 011 80 vizl Ich can carry Inmcr warhmd lhnn In American oqulvnlcnl Iuch lhu lenln IUD Harrie citizens voiced no air ieclion this morning when iive estabiishmenu in the city made application to he Liquor Lic gonrdjifintar Lung Judge Rnbb lndlcnted alter the hearing that MI was an axuemely hlgh number up pllcallans tar one dlnlrlcl but said he related to the act lhnl an many liquor votes had been held and approved in the district Elxhteen of the gs llcence re quests cum to the hearing result of vote held in Barrie Tomnto Township Port Credlt and Stevenson Tawnshlpl Ha sald that the next flap to take all the nppllcatlom tn Torunlo where lhe board will ulva them very careful Iturly some of ma estnhllshmenll that mud application at lodlys hear lniulreudylava certaln alrlcled llcence Thou place In BanIo mk lnz both cocktail lounge and dinan roam licences Included he Enynhm Molar Hale Wel flnglnn flute Conllnenlnl Inn and Queens Ham Thu Cily Cafe on Duniup meet applied oxJ dinlnz yqonl Ucencg pnly Tm only objection mulle wan mm persons mldlnu near Portage Lodge APPLICATIONS Thosu nmflylnz at licence Included Slivmlonu Motor Jul Port Sewnn 110an Cann dlrm Legion Bala Cullde compared wllh Communm hIoc Ilrglglh onpoull 7100090 new Savch weapon um mm III About 100000 men nnd Women in the clfy Five In Barrie Seekt Permisfiion To Serve Liquor BIrrlI Ongrlbnnudl Eryday Novomlnr I962 SHISCHECK MISSILEREMVAI In em 1qu 11m llellm Iy lb nmm lrl who nun up and Mn cm Mnlvel Mube Iml UMII About in In an IM mu orurd null um mm Hm hrlnllnn mluullnn de unfllnr Mr WIIXI lurked dmomlnn Honnl Maid plrlunntl Inr Inlnl ulmply nal lnlamled In III cmwllnn In Ighunll Warns Legions To Cfit Drinks Enrllcr Judge Robb want an recon Mini 11ml no gallons should bu adequate for each Legion member He said um um Loglon It Mnefler had consumpflon record 01 52 ul Iom per munbor He mm 010 exmuvg In no um his was docremd Slmllnr wnmlnu Wm lven the 0an Cunnd nn Lezlom Elmvale And It Pm Mchcol Thu tallonaxo hose 41 per member Hotel launder Riverside van Port Sevzm Bayvlzw Hotel Pm Severn Home KHchlkewnna Penetangulahena Shezwmd ole rle Conllncnlnl lnn Burrle Hank and Frank Wasngn Beach Queen Hotel Ban1e Toronto 6011 Club Toronto Townshlp Sprlnglnke Camp Franklln Townshlp City Cale qurlo Baynhom Molar llolel Barrle Flame Steak House For Credit Dutch Klldlon Restaurant Port Oredlt Pick erol Lake Dodge Woodland Ourllng Club Area Cnimn MdI Tomle Townshlp chalet Hotel Trout Creek Irelandl Rutalnanl and Molel Wasaga Bench Norman Tavern Tor onloflownshlp Royal Canadlnn Leila Goldwater Plckerel Lake Hotel Bracebrldga Skl Jump Elnn llnnlsvllle Rock Holel lluanvllle Whlleslone Lodge Purl Severn Bernard Hotel Sundrldae Alblon Hotel Brmbrldxe Royal Canndlan Leglon Brncebrldge Wood men lnnl Mnellnr Mldland gullng Clnb Mldlnnd and Judge Robb chairman of he quuor Licence Board Ontarlo reissued warning he made hut week in Kfichen or that Raynl Cmmdhm IA glans should out down on Ihe yearly 1311mm cvmumed by members lha remnm were made hll 1110qu when the Board mn vencd In Bank to hear applb cnflom or new licence and requests or mtnuunco of enm 0an Lodge Emmi MINUS HELMET AND COMPASS Dr Slrle lurnlnu up 20 mlnuu nlu lnr much In New Jcrln Scltnca Tabler Aunclnlon mid hl muldnl Ind in hotel whm lhu mocllllnn wnl mcnllnu ATLANTIC CITY NJ AmDr Paul Slplc ccurnnhcr Ind explorer who ha bun mnmbtr at our Antnmlc axpcdlllanl Inn hll way nlundnyln hp mlqdlv awn Thoy flénd imd lawn HERES ONE Ono mrzno new method could ho cllwcllv In unallnx an arm tnncur It wuuld bu mare Hccllvu In Mme lypcl particularly cnnccr n1 Hm ccrle Hum ulhm he mkl any 01 Ihrlr ml In In Ilml CYllltlllln unlly ha ll lm hm will an mull nlu hum llw dtMmlMNflhklnfludllll Hm Unlled An Hun hlpflhl Imbymlnn Greek OHM dux Church It In salvullum Armyluau In our thy Mum which condum LONDON BantamA cum doclorl and research worker at Londun hospflnl clnlmtd mam udvancn In the bulllu film cgchr lqdny mu can mnco Lun don Thuudny Illlhl group doclnrl Iuraean nnd Ipcclnb llll Lnndun Ilaynl Narlham lluspllnl lnunrhod an npprnl for £53000 ln dcvcllo thy onnwhllo Mr WHII Id mm nnpmlflnn In my no olnlllon rollllnn In our Vlh tau while mm mlum unume 111m In annulled nml mum mlllvnllan ol pub llqpplnlgu mm ii said also Cnnndn nhanid place time limit on the under inking not to acquire deienslva nuciear weapons and the un ior Canadian officer the Narlh American Air Deienct commend should be given the authority to place Cnnndinn air deience 40ml on the ruin when necessary em 11 um to and II In be American and hero limo to stand by hmI he said And mum that when the securlly the North Amu lcnn continent ll mennced by In Ihrcnl cl nuclear nllurk that limo to Ilnnd by tho Amerlcnnl clearly leflly and uncqulvacal They Inld lhvy mvn duvelo ed Tmlolypo of machine at wll dcllvcr nn tnlcmn mum at rndlnllon bolh to cancer and la the pnlhl along which ll Ipfcndlnz menu the llqdy The adaption of these four palms would Indlcnto Canndlan wlldnrfly with the United States In mum of North ATderlcnn murky Mr llflxnn In Mo was addressing closed meellnx of thu Romnu mup much and research group at Conservallva minded younl men nlmllnr In tho Dow Group In nrllnln TORONTO iCP Cunnda should break ail diplomailc and trading relaiions with Cuba George Hagan naiianal vlce president the Pmuressive Conservnliw Association sul gcxled Thursday night Doctors Claim Cancer Gain Wants Canada To Break 01 Cuban Ties GEORGE HOGAN You must bring in verdict ni guilty bccnnsu you must ni iirm that he principie oi Khrushchev PIOmises Forty Will 39 out By Monday WASHINGTON AP 115 Navy ships steamedintu posi lion odnyior rendezvous with Soviet vesseis and onihespol prnoi they are hauling Soviet misliies from Cubn con iirm what the deience depart men say aerial xmnnais xance pimiogmpiis indicate that medium range ballistic missiie and intermcdlniedange ballistic missile equipment is beng removed irom Cuba THREE KEEN OUTBOUND LIEGE Belzlum AWThe pmsecullon demanded venich guilty Thursdaybu annealed lenlcncyIn he ml mother hm rclnllvu and lhc amlly doctor nllcgcdly 1n volved In tho poisoning of lhulldomido hnby eight dnyl nflcr she was born wllhoul nrms Proscculur Lu Cuppnyn laid 11min lury haemlly nnd lho doctor new anvn tho baby On rlnne Vudcpul chnnco In Except or her mnlhrmallnnn lhnl In llo ho lflld Thauundl ol lhnlldomldo mnlhorl have lhulr eyu flvclcd on yaur vcrdlcl Soviet moperallnn is taken for granted and the Pentagon Indicated Thursday that the US ships would do their check ing by drawing Howaver spokesman would no rule out um passihlllty that the Russian ships would be boardad such acHon deymed pacessnry Muscow press conference Wednesday that the missiles probably are on their way home Soviet Fremler Khrushchev mentlnned 13m of 40 Thats he minimum amount the navy will buluok Lngtm Peylngonwldl The Pentagon announcement also said the pholomphs indi caled all known medium and in lcrmedinlernnge missile buses in Cuba huve been dismantled Three Russian shipspresumi ably carrying missiles were slfihlad outbound from Cuba Thursday They prnbnbly wlll hn lha Hrs to be meL The Pentagon innnouncemem 1ndonesl1a End the Umlnd Ami cumully avoided flu dcclnm Republic Mmm Mud mm were Ihll MIan he bowMl 8941mm durny blll hula Int mg Leniency Asked In Belgian Trial PRINCESS lfliES NEW HAIRD0 her very gmvo lhnl baby was No More Thanh pcrCopyM Page Partly cloudy May and Samh day 147w tonight 35 leh to momyw 43 er complete gummary turn to page we local Weather Ion lhal all Soviet mlssllna were on their way on oeruba Assislnni Slain Semtary Ed win Marlin acknowledged in radio interview Thursday nigh that impaction oi ship at mi would not necessarily iell us what was lei behind he United Nations In lurmed sources reported that fithnsmld Slales nI Sav cl missile be out of Cuba by Mnndny and lhere will be no need or US nnval inspection oi oulbound Russian ships alter that date The inclination in Washington was to view ihis ns lninrmniivc 1th than an attempt set deadline for the at sea in npeclion to censel No major problems remain runsullled Ihe removal of an estimated two dozen Russian Jet bombers from Cuba and on silr Inspemlom SIAhuur con cranes Thmdny at the UN Sm vie mlsslon between us Am bassador Adlai Stevensnn and Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Vasily Kuzneksov failed to pm duce nolullanr spec or We ls uncred The no cused did nut comm eumanm xln mercy kllllnz They nnvcr minust examined tho chance the child In hll world which Ilmwc to alleviate auflcnmv You mum ntqull them BORN MAY 22 The baby was born May 22 Her mother Mm Suzanne Vnn depuL In churned wilh haml clde Her husband Jenn 11 her litter Mu Monique du In Maxck 70 hr malhcr Mr Fernanda Colpel Sn and Dr Jacques Cullen 33 Mo churgtd wllh wmpliclly in leu Cfllo In lwwhour and IDmInIIu summnllnn Cnppuym mld tho Kmndmolher and aisle re mnlkcd Ihorlly nllcr lhu baby wnl born that her lllo Ihnuld bu taken Dlplomaltc mum at the UN reported that Cuhns delegate Carlo Lechuga had told other Latin American delegate tho Castro lovemment conslderl that the Russian Jet bombers are ItsDYDPCflY and wont sly them up Lechugn was reported In have eompnred the mm of flu lancs lo 1th bomber the via Unlon has delivered 0mm hulrdn bu an mmflm ponrlnn wllhlm Mn Maw Plrlod but an In mi hi grim nu Rid of In mm plwb priqccii

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