Tells Coop Group fMediCare Coming flnlnl thn MILJ IL Oslmnw Inrmrr spam lur The Tultxuvlrlmlmal ml The Evrnmg mrnfllolw Nu YulWilliam Ellwlnl lulu lrmmlor nml Mlml ham UurmllllnnlI In tlnuun Ncsblll Ecclu 31mm been nppolnlcd cer llflcd hunlcr micly Inslruclar was nnnnunccd by Ihc Nel lnnul mllc Assodnllon Am emu Some 200 members the Slmooe Coaperaï¬ve Medical gServlces Joined in turkey sup per preceding their nnnunl gnceklng at Cooksmm hlcs 3X Mr Nubm lhynlcnl Eduu 0an head at Crnml Collrxlnlc jalnl lhe rank at ulcclcd per tonne which lhu NRA mnln Iain lhmuuhaul lhc munlry In nnllonwldo amnllmms cducn Uon pmgrnm The program hm hm In opcrnllon Ilnw 1m and nlncn lhnl llmo mllllunl pwplc have been Inunhl bandln and enjoy ï¬rearm m1 cly munm Frnnhlm Mxrnm 7A lnmm LINml mrmhtr lnllnmrnl lnr llnwu Wm mm I910 lo mo nml lurmlr umldrnl nl lhe Ottawa HMch Hallway nmpnny WII ll mm lhq nld Olluwn Mum lnrn Nuduy Club uh Ollnwn will In Nnflnnnl 110cm Iknmm EdmundInn NILHarry Mbnnon IL mayo mumhmn ur the lanl Following the repasl the re tiring president Albert Gllmy oi Conksiown called the lslh Annual meeting In omen In his report in the members be old oi the near disaster that hit he group during the pastryeer when maior modicrd claims nearly swamped the plan $10 icet set aside to be bulwark to oliset the over $500 claims that hit member iamilies pva to he too small to adequately cover the qulrcmLnls To halt lhe drain ing oi reserves $200 deduct ible sum was placed on the coverage he Cooperative was origin ally established to provide hos pilalilaiion payments or its members When the Ontario Hospital Commission came into um piciuro it was decided lo provide for semiprivaic ward coverage and also to pay sur gical fees and some home nuts in services as wcii This prov ed costly me new lownnked lustrucl or passed spccmnd series test gnu sum qrgscrlqu period at llmu In Imlnlnlz ncl lvlllcs before recolvlng ceruli cation Ho L1 now qunlmcd to conduct classes In gun 0pm on Infe gunhundllnk nnd lcchnlqucs nhoollng on lhc lnrgcl rnnue und In tho Held In all lnurcnlcd membcrl cummunlly Ntw YolkMu Franan move 73 wldaw ol lmL dcnl Nmscvrll nml oflcn do mund nu mm um MIL knuwn wumm Hm math MM lnllurn However the Cooperative onennz man for the payment of home and ofï¬ce mcdlcal calls The dimlm mm in Ilructcd to offer plan In start with at least couple hum dred members and lhisis hop ed to pmvide an inducement to industrial gmups and others Nesbitt Is Safety Instructor NADMN IIUIM Mayor Les Cooke ls shown purchasing he ï¬rst poppy 1mm Mrs Barbara Rae at DEATHS By RGS VMHYORrPIIRCHHSESJQPRYT who will only hoépllallzallan are ï¬nding It inadequate to cover their needs No new dimlors were chos en to act on the board for lhme years In the persons of Gabrlcl Marchand ol Pctlulw field and Mo Cavanauxh of Amen Mills llarry Cmss was elected lo llll tho mmalninz Ierm mo yeml Floyd Grlesbach who is servlng with the lovemmenl in Pnklslan John Hehgin ol Alllslan dlr eclor wllhlhree years service was elected to serve another Iem ELECTION OF OFFICERS whlch had 1ch the bill for the needed essential previous to its establishment BURSMIY PUPIL Ed Schoflcld provincial sec rclnrymnnagcr or the Co operative Medical Services chA oration told he group that it would have la accept the act that medical cnm service may be expected in Ontario but in whnl form and when he had no idea lie did hope that when the plan wax decided on lhe zovemmcnt mnklnn it xlhle would cnll on the 5ch no Mr Schoiieid loid lhc group of the medical pupil hcir groups imd assisted by providing bursary This was made up by paymcnls Di icu than $100 imm county medical mp5 and was awarded ni ihe mnvcniion in Klichcncr inst xummcr in pupil who wns gridng Ummgh medical school llc lold an arrangement whereby no county mop could thmunh nny mlslorlunc full to pay its clnlms lle spoke ln lnmr ol Ibo proposed plan lo cover home and ollico tall or medlcal scrvlces and hoptd hat plan sullnbln lo the Simm group could soon be put ln apernlion Tho auditors mporl for thc year shown that mscnn mud mm was on hand and ml was mllsfnclnry lo Hm dopnflmml of Insurance Mem bership In thw wunly coop said In be mural lhouszmd and an effort that each bring new member In be made Until the llrsl dirodors mael lnnl next ycnrl pmldcnl wlll ml be known MEDICARE PLAN he Royal Canadlan Legion and Saturday of this woek Hall Poppy days are Friday Examiner Photo LOCAL GENERAL The Department at Lands and Forests has completed survey in Essa Township and has made an neceptabie recommendation to the council about the number and type of trees that shouid be pinnted on township properties The protect wiii bu carried out in the Spring oi 1963 WINTER WORKS Essa Township Council is mak ing application to have its tree planting project and cleanup project oi township properllcs come under the winter works incentive program COURT OF REVISION Courtoi Revision for Essa Township will be opened on Nov II at 10 am and the council will he in ailendnnce at the hearing Supreme Conn resumed ses slon today at 10 am berm His Lordship Mn Justice Wells All the cases berm Iha court at this seslon are nonJury civil nclions The majority ol them are unddcnded divorce acllnns mu damages for neg gence arising 1mm mom accl dank STILL MISSING Polltc haw still round no mm Frank BunMl Naplcr slrccl missing since last week when heat he was riding In wllh lhm other campanlnns on Kcmpcnlclt Buy capsized The other three occupanu have nnw all Men nlonsod mm hnspltnl SEEK LICENCES The Liquor Licence Board oi Onlnrio goes into session ni Simmc County Building amor rnw morning 11193010 hour 51 pllcniiuns for licence under the Liquor Licencu licL Five nar rlc businesses nr sacking lio HCQI DECIDE PURCHASE The local Chnncr 01 um InA dependent Order Daughter ma Empire will decide he rexnlnr monthly mchng thncsdny whnt plot at cqulp men will buy or 110an We lorin Hospital with the money raked an In dny Mm JACK Duvnl fluent ODE will pre sent the cheque nnd Em loll nlll amp on helm at lhn hospllnl MOSTLY DRIVEIW Thrwqunrlcu of the proplo In Lo Mach drlvo their can to walk TREE PLANTING SUPREME COURT By lhmlatter pm of the 18th century England develop ed park and garden churne Icr which influenced ha can tlnunl Europe Now we are approaching the me when av erseaa countries are becoming cancerned over the need or 01 en space and are tryan give same haugh to selling slnnd am or open space requlra menu he wld The crisis of lack oi Mien space in communities oi the en tire world waathe highlight oi last nights Barrio Horticultural Society annual banquot at Trinity Churdi Parish Hall He said that French queen of the 16th century recognized the need or Ihe people her lime In get away ram the hustle and bustle dirtand dust of city streets and had boule vards built along Paris rivalan Mr Harrison nated There were only six parks established Inn9ver 60 yogra In Ontario H15 reason or concern was because hl area is going to be one the first to be bum up In the whole of Canada He referred In an address he heard by Dr Pleva head of the Gem graphy Dcparlmnnl nn lha Un lvcrslty at Western Ontario Mr Harrison rcduesied his audience In try and imagine what would hnppen to park reas in ciiy that is now no small when this increase oi population density is realized Gueal speaker fai lhe evcnl In wax ELF Harrison direc ¢ot nlvparks for NorthYork Guests Included Mayor and Mrs Ms kau Mr and Mn 1Ken thnson secretary of Bar rio Parks Board Grlmn chairman of the Barrie Parks Board and 111 daughter Lloyd mime and Mrafl Parker Nance and Mu Green 1119 0111118 Hofllulllural So Mr Harrison assured hlu nud lcnog quit the concern or open space was not new fI In some thing that has followed clvnlza uanglnwnahrouzhdhhagesé He then proceeded to briefly trace dllterent concepts In park development relerrlng In pmi to the Hanging Gardens 01 Bab ylgnzinithafllhmim nlury Ha mid Hillary repeats sell and it In true hm Wn am 150 yearn later Irylug lo so standard or apnea not upgrading it mn Inghpnew NOT NEW host 01 pflm were nwnnL cd last nlght In winners of the ham henullï¬calian contest sponsored by Dunlo omen urn Socky nl lhe annual hun ugg held at Trinity Parish Hall The prim wcm has lawn In Barrie John While we Rodney Cecil Munroe 109 Johnson 5L and Km Jackson Cnsqq Drive Bu llandacnpod ham In Ear rlnMm Wutllo 417 an 5L Rm man Cumberland SLpW ll McLarm no 811me Buy Rand The nmln Park 10an Tm phy donated by Charles Grifï¬n was vmcntod to John Vhlle or the best lawn in Barrie Hmilnr lmphy wm nwnrdA ed Mn Wall or flu but landscaped home In the ï¬lly mm ngmsmmnk 111ml Novmnnmn mu Landscapers Get Prizes are using good park HORTICULTUBISTS TOLD Parks Concern N61 New Waxy laxpayerx said Mr Harrison You can do your nrt In the planning aspect by forming your council repres entatives where park land vnllabla and needed so that vai unhle properly not taken or public buildings think that It properly plan nedwc would have neigh borhopd or cammunlty centre which would be the hub of recreational and mural programming This would en compass the employment at the functional use of the properties Ind educntlanal bulldlngs Ho recamended commit ten or upon spncn requirements made up representative mm the parks recreation com mittee plnnnlng ham and city administration In established In discuss open Ipnce require ments within that munldpnllty or he next 20 yenrn VA tar resume in he suld The crlsln open space existing all over the world Ho lauded Ihe Barrio Henl cultuml Society saying am conï¬dent with Interested poa pic like yourselves 1n nur com munities somehow wu aru ga lng la wln buck our bulllc for open space land or multiple purposes oth er thnn parks turning this and Into parking lots lots tu hold buildings Ire atutlans and we are lnslng goadahnro In the construction to new highwayxr sald Mr Harrison In repx to those wha say lbs park lands save expropria llnn he replied Wu an only going to have to expmpflnm properly or park land He cllcdlhe case the Tar onto ParknDepartmont and Board of Education who Mme years buck had to pay between 35000nnd $50000 an acre or land In nonmmmerdal nnd Milindustrial areas Mr Harrison Illthqu his three possible sch211ml to the dilemma open ace legit flux must set akIde per cent 01 new subdivision or public pub poses meets only ha the Men Do YOUR PART inrcpiy in Mr liarrisanl recommendation ior keeping view watch on available upon syacc Mayer Les Cooke mid The citys action In acquiring ihu CNR pranerly in the heart oi Home is directly In line wiih this This could dciinilciy be used iur rccrcnlionni and public use fully that cheap he asked He Indicated It was easier exproprialeror the need In the first place rather than bulld ynrkrpmztwlw DENNIS nnAnrqnu rum mm humw uIyInnld Cullonl Mll alder ulllnl or you Al rm ml TM humr Illlmplrlrd wllh nm ll mm to Inlp you yrulIlMo mulll Grnlnl nre high In ï¬nergyhul lnw In nnwr manual nutrlrnlm ShurGnln Dnlry Cnn ccmrmns um npocluny lunnulutud Aumvlnmnl your uraln by pmvhnn them other mcnllnl mAricnlI thus vnnhllnn yuur hard In nbnin mnxlmum value mm ynur xmhu Shut0am Dnlry Concentrates make your zrnlns complnla and bnlmccd 1n ovary wny In lddlllon may wpply hluh lcvtl Vllmnln to pmmulc Increased numn bndnrln ncllvily permmluu mum clflrlnnl dixclllon and mlum mnxlmum lmlrlllvc vnluu ram rnuihnm nlm 11m mull yuur IIHIM lrown cull bccuma mom Vllunbln In you or low mu mllk producllan and body nmlnlennnro Drop In lrll lllk uboul your herd your mllk pmlucUuu and prullln YOUR GRAIN plus SHUROAIN DAIRY CONCENTRATES WILL HELP INCREASE YOUR DAIRY HERD PROFITS liveman coroners Jury took only 20minute yesterday to attachno blame In tha Oct 10 carpcdeslrlnn crash on Hzhway no lhaltook the life of Calvin McWhIrlcr of Man ltnal who was known In Barrie as Thomng Murray The accident occurred on Highway 90 about huetenths mile west or No County road Evidencn disclosed llml McWMrlerwa slandan near the centrg of Incestbound lane when he was almck by an easthung car drivnn by Rlchard Bennett 19 of Everett Inn with the crash was told to the Inquesl by Bur rows of 50 E552 road who was parked near Mr McWhlrter Irylng to urge him in get all ma highway Mr nunam Iflld lhul he too wnl going cast on he highway when he first saw man sland lng on he cenlro lane in esi lying lhni he night was dark and that it was raining hard he added that lho man on the road was wearing no he and Just light shirt and pair oi lmusm MAJOR WITNESS flu cslificd Ihnt Iu awcrved anlo lhc other Inna Io avoid the mun and conllnucd down In road Iclcphonc when he summoned pnllce when lMx Davis were pmcmed wing their Queen Scout budge Inst night the father and son Mbtoristv Is Absolved Of Blame In Fatality FOR QUALIIY AND SERVICE CALL IRA WILSON CLARENI cwmawu BECOME QUEEN SCOUTS remmborrorsocom landnle Tmp The dInner by the CanadianGlrls in was held In Burton Avenue Trainan unll ol the church Unlled Church The meal Examiner Photo In describing ills pnsltion Bennett saidhe was proceed ing cast at about 35 miles per hour when he saw car pull over to ihe shoulder lie said another westbound vehlcie ihun passed the parked car and momenlu inter the accident oc curred iiu snid ihul his llflhis were working properly at the time but when lhcy werewhrck ed by Provincial Police two days later the law beams were not iunclloning He declined tha Invitation ald Mn Burrows and when turned my head heard the area of impact nnlph Alma also Ever ell passenger In the Bennett car supplied the sum Inlannu Ion Io lhe Inquest did Ben ncu sample taken rom lhu body Mr McWhlncr was sent to Tar nnlo and the report read at lhe Inquest dlscluscd that tho man had 26 pads per thousand nl who In hls blond was done Mr Burrows then lurned hls car around and went back to offer nsslslnnco to tha man on Ihe hlghwny When he returned he parked his aula the edge he westvbaund lane and asked the man II he want ed to 1m We didnt see me man un til he hit lhn hood the car saidi Mr Alllson blood CLARENCE CUMMING Mum it is iikeiy that he showed fair degrcn oi Intoxication with this said Dr Shannan ihe coroner The duclor said the man died oi as brakon neck Detoxa the jury went out to dellbcrulc Crown Attorney Vll llam Thompson asked Ihem to return with an nxpresslonol opinion If any responsibllfly could be attached think that thla mnn Mo wmnen was the author of his own mixturtune laid Mr Thampsun But you man on the Jury disagree please say The jurors were Herch Shannan RR Thornton Hero man Rnlnny RR Cookslown James LI Ross RR Thorn lon James Quick RR Enr rlc um Clllfnrd Sturgess RR Thnmlon HEATING FUELS Phone PA 66531 COOD BARRIE EEim