Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Nov 1962, p. 1

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flvImxmm wnulifie fumiy scribed as cumpllealed iype of anemlu Im 21 years ller health lulled rapidly dur anJheJasLsix Awecksh accelea alCI1Tbyrubérfulaslswlllcllwas prnved unlll Oct 25 en however that accomplished whnl had been achieved only onto be low lnlho 1mm yearstho lrndlllonnl mldturm erosion of lhn majority partys congres Ilqhnl alrcpglh wns hnllcg as an lnsplrnlluu sald Unllcd Naklons Ambassa dur Adlal Stevenson the only person aulslde of the amlly to vlslt Mrs Roosevelt during the RopseveIt FT Dies At Age78 PWOrld Mourns WASHINGTON CP Dum acmls amassed lhe greatest Sennla slmnglh ln 24 years In 118 election which crushed he yallllcal hopes Richard Nixon and raised the Rank can slack at New York GovA emor Nelson nochelcllzr as Potential presidential challenger Huyd In mm ruler 1m flight mamplpmmn Kn nod our Scnnlo unu alvan lhcm total 58 an 100 mu urcalcsl number Ilncn the mu clucllon when they captured in Only 51 are rcqulrcd or canlrnl Thla was Sixnmcan members 01 um ultnmonscrvnltvu John Birch Society were beaten In the Tuesday congresslonnl llght But veteran conservative Dum ocrnls who oppose Kennedys welfare leglllntlon gut re elected to remain In contra My cummlttgc The public debated whethex President Kennedy got the klnd of Congress ha wanted 11m Whlto House clnlmcd ho Sennla gains and tho silver at lasso In the Hausa of Representative lndlcnlcd clcnr vlctory Mr lhn prgldggf5 qrngrnms in In thcmn Indmy One of the great ladle In the history of lhls coJImry has gassed from the scene sald rcsldenl Kennedy Her lass wlll be deeply loll by all those who ndmlred her tireless ideal lsm or benefilled mm her good works And counsel EglPRFSS SURllUW LEiEIEE the nnuali and the world joined In expressing 501 row and loss Democratie itrength In Senate Is The Greatest In 24 Years Her physio ans expecting heart failure were with her at tho end alnng with lhree or her 1ch living chlldrlm No son were en mule by plane ram distant pnlnls Nineteen grand children nnd our greatgrand chJlgren ajso survive he YORK AP Mu Franklin Roosevelt whose alqluyu grew from the Whlta House lo the world died In her Manhattan apmmenl Wednes day nlght The 7ycurold widow of the 82nd LS Maiden and niece 9llhe zsth presidem had sub 98 Your No 26 Our Telephofies For Examiner Want Ads Tele phone PA 52414 The telephone number to call or the Bushes or Editorial Dept PA r5537 HES THE CORN Ile SOYBERN CHAMP Ivan division Um m1an Alrlmllurn Wlulor Pnlr Tomnlo The douhla win Mn The alary telling was an lmpmmvlu om alter photo grapher asked hlm so he were reading CW drcn Ho read Huh lrom Ihu book and decided In Ihgn on himself The Gnvcmorvccneral nnd Mme Vnnlcr were In Kllch oncr In open In Sit65000 ud dnlon to St Mnry Hamllnl definite selhnck for the Re publicans who expected atlcns low Rain and Insteld were Induced strength to 31 from The Inmlly gave permission mt an aulopsy but its purposa was not made clear Elghl year agn Mr Rnasevelk willed her eye to an eye bank memorial service In flu Cnlhcdrnl of St John he DI vlna In New York City ts being planned or somcllme within Ihglnuxj 1ch weeks FEEPI HOWS IT G0 KITCHENER CF Gov ernorGeneral Vnnlar upaku housand dullu and chil dren here Wednesday hut hl mos 1an nudlcncc WM san unon dozen children In playroom at St Mnrys Hospital hnd to rely on them for prompllnz when he forgo part the nary Jack and he Bannslnlk Gchernl Vnnler couldnt rc member lhu giants line of jctIInlum Thnso at the lnlermenl serv lce ln addition to lamlly wlll Include represenlullvc from the us government the United Nations and the State New York well us close lrlends of Mrs Rousevell hm an nouncemenl snld Presldent Kennedy wlll attendl So wlll for mer president llnrry Truman and hla wlte She will be buried in the rbsa garden iolrjhuamilv eslalemL Hyde Park beside her hushnnd In nccordance with the joint wishes the family said His simple gravestone re hear her name and the year at her birth 1384 mfiDXNewYnfiE my mum gudson River at pm Satur 5Y She would ratherJIuht can die Ihan curse lhe darkness Stevenson nidkyand her gluw hag yarnqu thoworld 13mm funeral services wlll be held at St James Episcopal flqrch 1n Hyde Park NY final weeks of her Illness He wig by lnylgatloq lo 19 Mnry uaanL government member um was on hl cot praisan lha Idea when the Commons clack machcd the pm adjuum mom Because the dcbnm Inn lo ndjournmcnl without ranch Ing vols lhu resolution by Maurlco Cola lSCChlcaullml dmp to he bounm 115 prlvnlo member business and probably wont come up nznln ml sesalan plml IV lnlhwad he lh nm In My Faivn thnry Vlrr ormwmcpr Canada was Na on ha lluuso or Com mnnn pnrnda Wednesday but Saclnl Credit MPI bld lo mnku the French version II Canadas ofllclal national nn lhqm wns lnlkcd out velt widow of the 31nd Pm dcm tho United States No Decision Yet On Canada dch in her New York homé MRS FRANKLIN Roose lam tln mm mmnu Nllnu um wly In alalrmom nut II um lloporlm lhnulhl lho numb Ilcnn tnmlldnln lnr unwnmr ol Culllorlllll had cullul llm cont emits erlnmlny lo runwll victory lu Drmocrallc lovernnr Edmund nmwn wlnnrr In Iho Nnv Itclan lenn dld HI huljm krpl la lrnvn ynu Nixon Inld repmlm mlrlly want you lo hunw Jusl mw murh yonu gn Iu In In lllllulrgfl You wnnl hum lenn lo kirk nmuml nny mm imam unllumon um my Im pm conlmncc Nlnnn mu tmlorml hy Wm 71 Mrcm cl lhE Culllornln Ilnlly mm an HIM wok Illlu In llw lurmonl cnmpnlin flul Id many hll alumni Inn lrun IKnond by mm N0 OMlMlNfl IUT 1m ANGEL AN lith nnl lem Angry and till lmunhl he hn Ivor been In ruhxlc met 5mm In whnl cnllcd Ml Inn vrou can mum and unused lugmnnll lhu pm uuuly Inlllng to am Mm fair lhnka Ar xcnleuil Dcux Monluznca nhnmd that carpornllnn um cnl ldcnmlcd only Mr Innl had denied loan In firm In lxll ridlnu bemuu he wan Imminent leernl pornlfim co 00000000 601 $100000000 and make more lygsx of farlm qllulbla Tho mnln em business In ha Commons wax contlnun Hun ol dtbnlo on governmcnt bIXI la Increase lhu lending nu thorlly ol lhn Farm Credit Cor In hla brlcl lulroducllun ho measure Mr Colo asked hut his fellow MP5 rclmln mm speaklng so that doclslon could be made But member all partch loinvd In he chum praise um look up lhe wholn our Ten Saclnl Credit member wnlkcd out the Hausa In pm lesl when lhuy anw Ihe resolu Ilan would din wllhuul reaching vole YOURE GONNA MISS ME llst 1th She was 78 Mrs Rousevelt hadwa dilator loma Mm APWkephom For addmlmnl qlclma in mow n1 Us In Nixon Holds Last Press Conference Blrrll Oriurlo CanadaThursday Nevoynhor 1962 lee Pan ul nllu rem5mm hay flu hlm mo nhnll WI am aruer rrpmlrr rm he tmnpnlnn who wlll upon whit cum 1H xm nuvunul It Tnnni ruu qud in unvf Iimwn mun 39mm mgr 1M pron hll Imlud ma lulrly um um Im Il mm mm In any In beam my wwnenl mluhl My II whims of will lmlmenl mm the mall Iowlny wllt lml mnlu lrlo lelvm radio nnd Iha preu llrM tewunlu we mat IEMWHIIIU My Hwy have In mum all Ill mm and mnml In mmnnlza Ihnt they ham right ml mwmulbfllly Hy mo llnlnxl mmlhlnlbglvo ldm um umll luvn lho pron all cm my Huh or 10 yrnu mr Ilncu Hm Mlxrr III cm youve lwl 104 mm mm youve hml an up mm Illnck mu ml Ilvin hm mm III 304 guy lnku cndul my opmmnll pnulnb inn You Kcnumm dldnl Iml mu pmml Um Hm Pentagon raid that nr rnngcmenu were being mnde with Sovlct reprcrcnlallvcs or Um nnvy to check on the num ber al dlsmnnurd mLuiIcs aboard lhn homewnrd bound Human ah Arthur Sy vuslcr nsslslnnt do cncu unrelnry or public lAIn declined common when asked whulhcr the Red Crass would play pm In Ibo In lpgcllon nrnchrxrg Thu ndmlnlllrnllon has In Illlud on lnlcmnllunnl verlllcn llon of mu mlullo pullout ed Nu om nu lhorllnllvo nourch Ink nusalu Hm ropolcd Inn Sunday lhal lhn navy lnxpccl nulhnund Soviet lhlpl Amman on de lalln was rcnchcd lalc WednuA dny tho mum mid udlnx navy ships were ready to homewnrd bound Soviet vessels Ioday for pm that may nro hauling nus Ilan missile from Cuba Soviet Prcmler Khrushchev old reporter Wednesday that 40 Soviet rockela had been dis mantled In Cuba nnd probably Im on lhelr way back In Run Blue Cross announced Is um lnroad Into lha drug coverage Held last June but the project was limited to selected cm ploym grpupx Slnca It only be Ships Ready To Check Reds VAsguyaToN Ammock muefifiu and laid hlu cum vary Ill cow apokeomnn mm loundn llon wn rrnnlcdlmcumu rill lnluulnd Md wnl the only cnplnbla way that man medln Cnllcd lhn nwmson Founda tion the nut wlll pravldn ex pert onchm Md lralnlnl ccn lrenln Hm lulevman and new pnmr Holds It also will lpan tar edutnllonnl lclcvlslun pm Krnmi dlslrlbuln text book and alter cholnnhlns or de um mm In Urltlsh nnd Commonwcnlfll unlvcuhlcn LONDON JCP Cnnndlnn publisher Roy Thomson todny Announced he fuundnllon of 5000000 chnrflnblu lrult aimed at using mm mndln or cducalion 1n undnrdcvclopcd counlrlu lllCllMD NIXON mm hla In In mm mm hlmlmmpm n1 MI cam lhb CI it will be several months he ore much can be teamed from the pmlect In Owen Sound he cause untll subscribers 25 de ductible 15 used up claims wfll not he suhmllled to Blua Cross came ellecllve Oct Iiclur lngllnfggqntlon yet qvqllnlgle Fred Hullworth 54 ton of southern Alberta can miner Wtdnesday won the 1962 world wheat champlom shlp He won the when klng line In Chicago In 195 with snmplo ol Rawflrd nnnlhcr surlng wheat He also had mnny winner at tho nnnnnl Lelhbrldgu seed lair CF eruphom Thomson Starts Fund For Underdeveloped WHEAT KING 11w lmslm ha munda llon lncludw lleld Mnrahnl 1an Alexander of anl lonncr Cn nndlnn ovcmur general Md um EM KHmulr who Dnvld Maxwell Fyfu wnl ham hoped he laundnunn will ham lo renlim Slr Wlnslan Churchllll vlslnn Hrllnln performing um clvllixlnu rule 01 Gram In tho modem world Ila luld Ibo loundnllon would devote much II resourch to lclclelnn an an Instrument of eduwllon because It lho most cflcclhn medlum In cnun lrlca with lllxh level Hlltcr ncy could be employed In dcvclop In countries wnry ten nnmlc Imporlnllrm cflanl statement In of ecl relcclcd Communlsl Chl nesc arm to withdraw mm lha lcrrllnry It has occuplod nn lhe norlllcnsl frontier ll India would xlva up lhu Ladnkh are ndjoinA In Kashmlr and Tlhcfi In file movmflp 11mm Mlll4yw Imam than Demmm at mm than mm ad cnnlime to ndlnn Parlia mcnl cheered Prime Mlnlslur Nehru he said the Indian people will drive the epr sionlsl ImperiallsL minded Chlncsa Invaders ram the sa cred sail India no mnuer howlnng and hard Hm almggln mgxhnlh fifJa gel respectlng tauntry Um lam 1L1 modem and In tegrity can posslbly submit lo this challenge Nehru told the crowded chamber Certainly not Indlm ThéChInese attacks came as Indian deflanca grow again Peklnz overtures or deal mmu cumansn Some 850 miles in the north west the Chinese continued military buildup near the Sink Legic lrnniline indian airport oi Chuchuiin Ladakh VfoWSng lust east at lhu film an border was captured by the Chinese more thnn week ngp defence minisiry spukem man also reported an indian pn iml clashed with Ihe Chinesa outside Chang near Ihe manus WY NEW DELHI APThe Chi nese Communists have launched fresh attacks the easicm end of ihu Himalayan battle line the Indian defence ministry announced today The action broke lull oi more than week The fighting was Walang 15 miles from the Burma bor der with the Communists mak lng Ive shooting strikes 1n the lag lvquaya CfiineSG Trfiops Attacking i3 ii $1154lefilflalsggfiesollem1L1 No Mm Thain pa Copy46 mu In night High lonwrmw 43 Fox aummaryturn to my two clundy and 606m Chance snowsquang Fridqy law an xm Local Weather tdcvlslon lrulnlmi mm near Glnxunw nlrnndy In been cslnhllxhcd designed so mu tho ncluul Mudin and in ovonon operation can bu crcalrd The foundation wlll provldl qunllucd Inumnllns and led niclnns to help counlrlcl In lulnlng personnel to develop ncwapnporl mngnzlnc and almllnr publlcnfluns MM will so npnrnln to ward lhn Ioundnllon reslv dcnlhnl unlnlnn ccntro Brit aIn or making Journallm IL Thomson Um launder ion and hand Themsan New paper In Cnnndu also lruslw ugchme my uylll 1m He mentioned In raglan that thu Soviet Union an ether coun tries had been nppmachtd for help In dld no any what flu Russian had replied but In dlan sources any Moscnw hll slowed down ormppcd 5th men mvlously ordered muy pment So 40 nuLians have ex prosqed sympaihy ior india and condemned China Nehru said Modern weapons and equipment are flowing indian troops on Ihe ironiier imm the United Steins Eriipindnnd Canada Nehru said the military 1er was uncandltlonn without shiny and doc nut hemlou aflncl our pulley of nunBlin mgll which waA value outside 3000 pet sons demonslrmed with barr ners reading no negoflnllons with Chlnaz NchrugrskedParIlnmem In approve measures far lonk llmggle He Introduccd resoiumn ex pressing deep regret lhal Chlnl had betrayed Indiasrlrlendshlpp Adoption of the resolution was assured ulluwlng several days of debale mi flfiwu WIrepMai fight ngalnsl the massive Chl nm invallon was not going end soonwe may Have mm this to northwest Iudla rejected aliné lla We Inuwss warms or Logvg mu nun away an Pekinga alter continued whqt mnny observers hava ell was the Chinese Him In the last five years at border encroachment to makn Ladakh secure can Mating mute between fihet any lhe waslem Chinese province Slnklang The Chfinese alrend have bull road between Said and Sinklnng across La 72353

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