Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Nov 1962, p. 3

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02 shown smash lunch session Saturday elternohn at the Tomato Diocesan Lay Readers Associationrars the elected oilicers From the left iront row Fred belie Insists Lay Re Therula at the lay reader within the church proper the dispersed Church and the lone er lite oi lay render was one at the highlights oi the annual conference at the Toronto Dlo cesnn Lay Renders Association held Saturday at the Trlnrty Anglican Church The Reverend Fred Ongg Iey oi Oshawa gave his address to the Iayroaders alter the lunch session Atthe start at his speech he stressed the importance ot people today being consc Ious tirat they are the church and pointed out new dynamic splrlt was taking hold lieasked Where does the lay reader stand You are spec In people selected tor spec illcpurpose with particular status of trust He told the lay readers their work was essentially in the gathered church He requested readers pay particular attention to their iesding in Church and to study and under stand the various passages he tnre they were read RE UNDERSTOOD ltir Ongley indicated pro Ear reader must he understood is delivery must be clear and meaninglul and above all naturalncss must be predomin ant in rcmarking that lay rend er ulso lends people In the act at praying There must he Iccilng oi bclrrg In the presence at God or the prayers will not attain their purpose he said Mr Ongley then proceeded Into the second part oi his de livery by asking the question Where Is tho church on Mom day morning Im convinced that God In more concerned as to where the Church to on Monday than Marketin The Board at Directors oi llnnsilcld Rubber Canada Ltd today announced the clce tion at John Moore as vice president at marketing Associated with the tire Ins dustry tor it years In various rates and mnrkcling responsib Ilitlcs hlr liloorc heginl his ncw duilcs lmmcdlatcly with headquarters at the Burris tire manuiacturlng plant llo previously was associated wilIr the sales division at the Minnesota Illnlng and ltionuinc turing Company was vIcepresI dent and general sales monng or at inland Rubber Corporn tion and since i967 has lrern grneral sales manager oi Iiro liiansllcld Tire and Rubber Company Manstlclrl Ohio The directors said manuluct urinf opcrntions at Ilnrrla will rent one to be under the direc tion at Jonson vicepro nlrlrnt ol monuiocturlng who has lrrrn associated with lilltns ilcld ltnbbcr since the plant has started operations seven years ago They also rod that Ily Tlili CANADIAN PRESS liinl hilrhllarlaw It Cur tlcr to onrlimo its week Imokkropor who become presle rlont oi tlcrrrrol Motors torpor atlon appnrrnlly oI Irran at tacit MMNIlll Annular ht Itayan wile at tho hovlrt tier uly prerrrlor MIMVVI ttlrIoItolph Ilrsll slut til llrllislt port awarded hi Iltttlnl Iry tintm ltllraho Ir Iitfvi itloscaw Col Irlrr Ivan vlrlr irntgov who lraiport rolopo the rnarlraalrm wht elorlrrl Rotlri costrtonortts Irv tann spore ships minor or tall to land try paratinrlt orrat Vernon NV Jr slrirr Radio City Music II II nanrasheoncrsr vicepresident Harold liturn sou treasurer James Poppie ton guest speaker Torn War prxldent elect Cumberland and vicepresl cot Gordon Brown secret ary Bill Hammond Editor He told his church wns where they were during the week By the very essence at lay readers posi tion In lite be indicated that such person was marked man holding public otilce up on whom very special obliga tion audresponsibillty was Im posed We must be doing the work Ioi Christ in the world we the IL stressing that the work ot the church must continue on every day at the week not only Sun days he said this leads to the neccsslty oi asearchlng look at what we are inside What is the Inner llie ot reader like Since the Important aspc Is to invite people to becozie the church and not invite into the Church ire aid thereiorc the person itIng must live tile as so to Christ as possible GOOD WORK The minister stern ly cmph nsircd that the wdrk at lay reader could at be done or accomplished ii commit ment to God had been made it you here said can not make that mmltment or have not yet to your own In tcgrlty and esty then strongly urge to resign Tire church does need voice but the voice thevlay read er must rose to voice as closely as pc lbl In his clo log remarks Mr Ongley said You lay readers are the ire lenders to the lite ol the churhh You are the lay shepherds ddolng nothing more than the working at rcdcmp tion Guest inner speaker ioilow Iron 7D Ilttllrlti who rega il an Irr Now Torlt City inn Ir mrptnn Mm In tho usincss session was VP JOHN MOORE Ih roductloo operations at ty ploas tor expansion ro currently under study In topping with tho instgrowing anodlan economy corgo II Cutten president nrrrltus at Colgate University ad graduate oi Acsrils Unl orally at Woltvlila NIi Aylrncr int Carlton Iisnrc Fmrhlrni ol the Cantr ritan lnropondant Trlrphnaa As socialion WashingtonDr Cari II Elt Iuad tJ antarctic csplorcr Iacr rum and rhlcl oi the polar and arrtlc research Ior thr llnllod Stairs army at rr heart nttnrk toprnhagrnIlnm it Knud ltrn bit IlennrAlkl Ilnsntrs mine alcr lenrsrr NYIlmtnas ilurtlry who rlrotn ring loam on Arlmlrnt Richard lfi liyrds nomad trip to Antarctica at an opparrnt heart attack it YorkMrs John Mc tirnw at widow at the Hall oi larne losnaucr at New York tltants bawhall team who died In lit ThrontoltL at in crnr Douglas it til Illarlon 0rd on at Canadas Itsvttog avraol ngtrtt ol rt hosrt altrtrk The Lay Render Policy executive Rough executive Intlrs back row iUflcs Weriolk execu tlve lathsad Les Lowrance past presiden tExsminer Photo orders Keys Charon Lire Jam Poppleton Barrie hy droelectric engineer who do liveredan addms on Gods Answer to the Nuclear Age in his presentation Mr Pop pleton broke his speech Into three parts the nuclear use what It was what it means and how it can be developed the answer and God He said Mankind has the power to destroy itseli complet ely but he also indicated that by persuing clear thinking allng error irom tnrth and watctrlngior hidden assumpt Io man could prepare ior hiyory by seriously studying ill possible shape ol the int In closing he remarked Our responsibilityls to IuIlIlI our destiny by carrying out our dut ies iaithiully in the knowledge given to us oi the Fatherhood at God and at His purpose that all men shall be Brothers businessmcctlng was held at which the oiticers were ei fcctled and the constitution adop Elected oitIcsrs Right Revs cren Bishop it it Wilkinson patron Veneral II John son warden Rev Chute deputywards Tom Wardie presidentclectr Woriolk lmmcdlatc pushprcsldent Fred Cooke ilrst vicepresident Jack Cumberland second viceprasid cnt Gordon Brown secretary Ilarold Blumson treasurer Kiwanis Jelebrate 40th Anniversary Kiwanis Club at Barrio win celebrate Its 40th anniversary with dinner and dance at Community llouso this evening Reception will begin at 530 prn tollowod by dinner at prn Presiding will be the clubs president Ross Stephens Kiwanis dignitaries present will be irsnirlln Summon buyer at Brantiord Governor at OntarIoQuebecitlarltlmo Dis trict hlci it Osborne ol Tor onto International vice resid ent and Bruce ii on ot Toronto Lieutenant Governor at Division No and their wives There will be special micr talnmcnt Iollowcd by dancing to Shepherds Orchcstra Principal speaker will be William unig who has been member oi the Barrie Club tor 39 years shortly alter prn Can stra controversy of was we its refusing to stand for singing oi God Save the Queen at Bar ria North Collegiate last week has passed to legal Circles Edward McWhtnnar proies sor oi lswat the youth at Ibrvmto said Friday the school boarddnBania would be on very shaky girrayd it it tried to iorce students to stand for the singing oiGod Save the Queen It Last week alter the number at those protesting nagalnst standing for singing of God Save the Queen rose to too the students were threatened with stspcruion ll they did not comply with the ruling or Brydges principal oi the school None at the students was arspended but in statement to the press aspokesrnan said We are going to continue our eitorta by other means Iust as strongly rn beiore Our complying with the ord or should not be constnred to mean that we have given up Alter the Stttdcots Council hold meetings over the matter counch president Dave Walker issued the following statement to the press Ttie Studcrilsi Council oi Barrie District North Collegiate deplore the iact that our school rm lira yesterddy alteration on the nth Dances IionInnistll gutted and des troyed thahoms ot Mr tsnavieuls are Ronsonvill Stiect To nto The tire apparently broke out and the lnnlalll Fire Department arriv ed effort minuteslater The Thornton Fire Departmentwas calledout shortly alter the In ProiessoriSays Schooillioerd antecedents Stand has recently received wide publicity can result at the tae ties at minority group who in their real may have oven Ircd themdverse eiieda oi their activities on their schools oiiiclals their school their city their Ieiiaw students and perv traps themselves Whilewe may be sympathe tic te and understanding of the private opinions oi the groups members we cannot condone arw Aaotlvity which interferes in any way with the eiilclent management oi the school or the education at its students STheretorc ri It clearly understood that we do not wish to be associated with any came paipa or movement initiated by this group We trust that from now on all at as may devote our atten tion andourwenurescbool time to the important task at iurther lug our education Protessor McWhlnney said In an interview he doubted school TEE BAan marsh sundaysnnernocsn iAIVID hrsrn tankers an and the tire was undercoutroi uring these hecticmoments coupleoi onloolrers who arrived aortiyatterthc lira depfi artmentaald there seemed to been evidenceot them saving anything escept wallet read purse KelmMcCaman bystanderssald Yaw neigh bors told me the peoplehad come to the house around noon and leity apparently to go to the barn When they returned the house was on iire Mrs Rose Aaianavlem wife at the owner was taken to the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie yesterday In state ol shock Hospital oliicisla this morning said she was released shortly alter she arrived Mr McCammn when talking to Mr Astanavleuisrat the scene said when asked him it he had any Insurauc he replied Ye but not for all thIsl and he med to ho going Into shock The iirowas thought to be under control shortlybefore prn Butlnst night at 10 oclock second call was Issued and the lsnislll Fire Department re turned to the scene to douse the small burst This morning Fire Chief srm Owenssatrl There is no in iorrnatlon available This Wu Inolsiiis second tire on the weekend Friday nightilre ruaed new cott age causing $8009 damage board could legally force the It cuts to stand not commenting on vitre ther such loyalty or religious ceremonies are good or bad but simply have doubts oi the legality oi compulsory cer emonies at this sort in schools he said 25 Underwriters Are In Training Nanty lIie underwriters irom the district of Simeoo Muskolta began the voluntary training courses known as the Ltis tin derwrlters Association Training Cosine ILUAMI according to an announcement by it TedI Swain Branch Manager at Norwich Union Lila lnsur anec Soclety chairman oi the local LUAIC The coursesars sponsored by tho Lite Under writers Assecist oi Canada to member and started Developed by Industry lead on LUATC was established to provide nationwide training pmgrtlm lorvlhs career tile on dcrwrltcr For weeks each year during the winter months this course brings together pro grosslve Illaundcrwrltcrs ol the communities In the area at Slmcocitiusiroka Under the tea dership at capable moderat or they study specilic case histories tram actual as Icncc searching lor the fist solutions to current ilis Insur sore and other financial pro blems Upon successiul com to tlon ol course the stu cnt Is better equipped to handle all his clients personal and busi ness needs Iorlllo insurance The First Year LUAIC clear In being lei by moderator that Inttcrsnll CLU oi the Prudential oI England Insurs unca Company These classes LIIDIES CURLIIIG SCHEDULES MONDAYITIURSDAY AM Betty Clync Grown Maxine lirLrtow Marg James Marlon Plrkcr Ileierr Nccd ham Phyl ltiltchlnron Barb Harris htarg Moore Marlon Armstrong Anna Calico lrcns Pratt Jnckls Mlllcr Doris Johnston ilclen Northwny Sal ma Leisure ton Stephan son Elsie Ilurtlbese llcicn lil iis Jonc Manson tattle Thompson Marked Marshall Dorothy Stovroson lmrs Franklin Marion Smith IZII con Ilurtrirlgs Juno Wutgatc trace Sane Ihlrth Carley Stella Clarke Yvonne Leighton Ilelcno Shortt It Della IIIII Isabel swan Eleanor Jackson Collns little to lrggy llsyter Muriel Steinem Kathy leon ltlnrlrl storey it Muriel Fand loy Muriel Wollcorlrh Val Ikrrrrrs Kay French ll Doria Ilornrr Vera Thornp Dell Nelson Kay Kirk MUNIIAV TIIUIiltIIAY IM ihyl llorrts Zita llnrns Lillian Jackson lran Ittrlritssort VI lrrtlwrrrr llns Ilalponnr Joanne turnsr and Anna Snoo Irons Spoor Am ry IVebtr Icnoro Woods lirl lIic Mitch Mitg limit Ilrtty Mithic listen ilkson lrsn tiol ton Jan McCarthy and Joan tisrnertt iietty Nixon Joyrs lirszram VI chhtsn Itlta Rcsndrett Lillian Seymour Fran Newton Mary Jane Lang muir Joan Nrotrltt Roll Napier litIon Newton titr IIIrkIlol and Bath ltogerst ilolm Btollsrr Ilrlrn tithflm Clare itotirr Vams tlcodprran Isabel Wilson itlurynnn Smith Kitty Little Dawn Dog lott log Evans to Morg troy Marg West VI Cook Peg Woedgcr II lilltl Icumck ltlorle Vino Iiclen Hargreaves ismla IIilcn ti hlnry Living ston Wyn Empire Vartl Woll win Kay Itndlrh is hurt Smith Ililtta Stcphrnsun Flora Tirolcy Dorothy Smith ii Syl via Craig Ilorts Tkmsir Jenn lollock Mary Dnvlrs TUESDAY FRIUAV EM Mary Kennedy Doris Campbell Nancy Jnclum itady Dewar Jean Adams lmro Emory ltutha Stewart tiorg litannn AI Roomd1 Dorothy Armstrong Ede Ilodg um Vt hlmmoon Amy Valr Stella limbo Mara Moran Msrg Mayor Iitiran Jolus ston Gwen Iowa Joym For six Marg Jerk ti Mary Ilnm Iiion tilloon Norris Joan tisr rirk Eve IlcrAIry Grace rIgIr Yvnme Armstrong thin nle Merriam Iat Rood litrtlt Cmrlt Ethel Imdry Wyn llpring hhlrIry Carrpitch Pearl ltnnroriirlrl Joan Jon srrr Willlo IItrllrnmntt IIulh Williams to tillva ilmcy Itcrtnrrr liuvsl Joanne Jwrk mo Andrey Frarm It Atrdrra Wtirlt hlnrtrm timtetl Morton mlltlttfll Myrlln tolrrplm ii Mllrltrsl hIcKmrle Ilvtlt Karl rhtorlorle Arum Why tbrdr ll Ilwnn Ilell Ede Ito ran Jane ung ISaIly tylrtoA not and Mrs Romtht it Iiusrstyn Rcrtrarrt Eleanor Rflitrll Fern torrmtnll Josu rtta Murray are held In the Agency Room at the Sun Lite Assurance Com pany oi Canada located in Bar rie each Monday morning The Second Year LUAK class Is beingled by modulator Phli Sanva oi the London Lila Insurance Company These classes are held In the Board Room at the Barrie YMCA each Monday morning it Is oi Interest that shordd any Ilia underwriter not pro sently enrolled In either First or Second year class wish to st tcnd class sesslouas an ob server he may contact the class moderator prior to the Monday morning class Cadet To Get It Promotion local cadet P0 Cory Wilson will be appointed mldshipman in the Royal Canadian Sea Code et Corps llurrlc to replace SubHeart Ken Locke trans ierrcd to Port ilopo In hls civ ilina occupation Regimental Petty DIIIccr Wilson Joined the Barrie Corps live years ago as an ordinary cadet Expceting to graduate irom Grade XIII In the spring ho Inlutds to arme or the Regular Oillccr Training Plan Lt Graham Command ing Olileor announced recently that training In the Corps though little behind schedule wus progressing to pointing out some advan tages to young boys between the ages at ii and lit oi being In the Son Cadets ho mention ed courses at two months dur stloa In the summer months or even woka camp slnn There wrlrs nrn sponsored by the ltoynl Canadian Navy law vacancies exist in the Harris Corps and loterrsicd youths can contact ltcut komptan executive otllcor oi the Corps at the Darrin Arm oury on Wednesday nights be tween and one oclock The iisrrta Corpt Jtns been Inked by tho ltoynl Canadian legion to attend the llcmcm Irrancc Day Service on Nov II The Parade Mnnlsai mounted Sea Codrt rrprosrntlng the Navy prrlorm sentry riuty at tho Cenotaph PO Dnlrl has been soth tor the honor IAV INCREAKII Norwegian Industrial workrrl warm rose as per cent In mt nrcordias to labor party aur nflifibii IRRITATION DISTURI IlllP rm rm rumu mars urnrrr ritswrsr rm MrtNI It Ill Mirth 0744 M4 IK ll your taxtflltk II in Im nora1 Innnu rVIlhlelthqM in tartin IV AI rpm mrru schismv mu Ill II Im I0 It IR mumu sour not an ntaryItra an at an mm or rmnmrr in MONDAY sown racer1 CROWD WATCHES HELPLESSLY AS HOME BURNS Underwater Hunt Is Discontinued Thirteen divers lrom Camp Borden Bnrrlc Midland and Toronto spent Sunday searching the bottom oi the bay irontlng on tho CNR property opposite the cabins Inst west oi Innis itliinrrlo boundary Barrio City Police headed by Constable Roy Lacey was also on the lab on bchnll oi the city During the iorcnoon the div you went down In pairs and endeavoured to ioilow pnt tern centering on the point where the sunken boat was lac atcd and marked with buoy Tito owner at the heel At Sold er and one at his companions on the Illrintcd trip Ilogcr New ton wero amon the spectators on the bank Ilc tho search went on or their missing com Frank lianctt Among the divers who have given lot at tlmo to the search are Max Rrrrrlcn and his toycarold Ion ltoh who were among the divers on Sunday They are lrcalnnc but liur den senior Is cohmctrd with the NEAR at Camp liordtn cahln lroilcr loaned by Russell Charges Pending Shooting Incident larktmltold man got the rhoclr at his llio ymtcrrlay nit crrroon when ts bullet shattered the rrnr windshield at his car kilphn Marlon oi lrridnsilrld was driving card on concession ol Tiny Township when the windshield oi his atria shat tcrrri tilmvnlc Provincial IrdIco ins Vrstlgotml the Incident and launri that tlttitiid was rrh sponslhic Charges are pend int troll wrtiw fault lrtlyrcI Air ant am writ Iiotrts Lntns my in Arts far lavish It JIIIINION all to IMI In Dorrie It Rsrrto lrI IA use tantra ulnar It tnr 0an Church was kept heated and made place where the divers could warm up and where hot cottce and lunch was available compliments at the City oi Bar rie The men worked In groups at six each man on rope leading lrom float which was heated over the stern by two heats the divers swimming be low and examining the arenas they passed over It This nttcm was takcn over douho sweep then another team went down each man walking or swimming about 10 icct apart The area scorched mvcrcd probably 50 acres and took the men Into various depths oi water up to too icct Vccds growing irom the bottom at the hay presented molar problem and prevented drag lines irom bclng trscrl Constable Lacey ant caused the hooks to do they no success yesterday the uu dcrwntcr search will be discon tluucd RESTORE OLD WINDOW RICKINGIIALL SuIIoI Smashed ln Cromwclls time itth century stained glass wlu dow at St Marys Church Rick Inghall Is to be restored The Irogmcnts have been preserved tor centuries and experts have dcclded thcro uro enough oi thcm to rceonstnrct window doplctlng the Last Supper SHAMPOO AND SET $149 IIIONE PA ltfll ASK FOII Till IIUIIGET SALON Joan arriclr ah Sitters ltt ltluplc Arron DIEN EVENINGH NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDER llru Barrio Public Utilities Commission anrl the Ontario llyrlro are leased to announce that ourday course on the iundnrncntsb anrl re rrta tionn governln the Installation at EllitIC COMFORT III llNir will he held In the sin room at the lubltc Utilities Commission Iii lla tlcld Street liorrie on Nov Nov 15 Nov and Nov 2th 1002 The hours at the course will be from 000 arn to 430 pm each day The course will be conducted by the Electric Heating Associnltortnl Ontario ant upon success ful completion it will load to the ccrtiilcnilan as an authorised Installing contractor for each quali tied person Registration tee of $2500 per person Includes lunch on each or the four days as wall as the Electric Iirattrig Associations manual Application terms are available from the Rural Area ottlco of Ontario Barrie Ontario Ilydro at tit Collier Sire PUBLICKUTILITIES COMMISSIO VOIIthe City at Santa

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