cm Moatclawing struggle In min when Republican am men fighllng or his po lilical Ilre highlighl elect eering as an unwind 50000 000 Uvantcrr prepare to cast judgmmt Tuesday on the shape of the new Congress and can ml over 15 styles MI Ir upm mm mm mm Imrd Jar he flondd plny chum tar mvmhcrnhlp am pm by Hm nnhulrfl 11 only ml In Hm unccmlul npplimnl aunlmll Durnu lhclr our week In Toronto hm lhcy wlll re who instruction lrom landing muxlclnus and teachers and will prrpnre lwa concur magnum hty wlll mnku lhclr hmdqunh on at Hm Hularally Tor nnlol mw £3500001 lidwurd Johnson bulhllmu named nllcr lulu nonmll munmr mo niflflaflfllilllfl yclu In lhc past the orchestra made up Canadnu Itad lng young lnslrumrnlnllm Im come tozclhnr only Mm ycnr onn Mk Christmas and Ith summer In July the youthful musi cinns rungln In axerlrom 14 lo 20 will gnmcr In Toronto for our ck training Ihnn will uur but will wind wgn mm TORONTO CF The Na tional Youth Orchestra ol Can ada armed lwo years nga and aliennod after Ilrnilar man uaï¬oii iFEngiundrxr planning most nmhlllaus season for the Inger 1963 uusuy nuppvntl Nixon lay he wont try for he pmldcncy In 19M Republican leader art pra ynnd In draft hlm or flu nomv The most cxciiing struggle in in Cniilarnin where Nixon ihe tanner viceprcsiduni dcicaicd by hairline margin in iii i960 bid or the pruidcncy is iry ing in unseat Governor Edmund Brown Democrat and 39 Kcnncdy mpporier Youth Orchestra Plans Tour From Toronto To West Coast Up Ia election are all ha 435 leaks in the House 0chrcscnt allvca 39 the 100 Senate teal and the gnvcrnmhlvs and other 0mm in 35 of In 50 musIncludinr nll the big was New legislators will deter mine he kind oi legislation Presidan Kennedy may be able inpusll ihiungilihuHausc of Representatives and Senale In me next two yenrav Nixon ightsBrQw1 For California iPost uw asléonauts appear in cheerful mood as buy left the Lock heedylam 1n Sunnyvnlc Sal Am Ihh dlnlmml can put up to $2500 In your lumdl pulm ovru mom Nlnum Fhmncv in over 200 lmmrhrl runl In tnnnl mclnlllhlu In full runvmlcnl tanke lo Cunndlnnn who nml to burrow fur mma wurlhwhlln purwoe my About you THISDIAMONDISAMANSBESTFRIEND ck perform in an me ImL um Chain vn In Ncw Yurk Mala MAL NY 4min than zoo applied for member rhip and 90 were chosen by rm auditions committee which worked ram coast to coax un der direction at Victor Feid brill condueier oi the Vinnipcz Symphony and runner child prodigy hinuciii tchibriti Torontabarn violin int corndnelcd the National Youth Orehcsirn that summer in rrsslom in Toronto in mm nnd inMantreni In ml he ehnred the podium with Wiiirid leiirtier general director at muric education or Quebec province Waller Suarklndr conductor oi lho Toronto Symphony and mu ricnt directnnoi the NYO since it was inundrd wiii conduct the orcherlrn an it m1 taur iic will hold nudiiionr herein can nda ior the rim nrchuirn im mrdtniciy helm and durinl Chrinimal uerk Irtscnt ptnnn are far tho NYO to play at contort in ï¬irntia 9n Um Chninunu mum III OW EW by Ike aludm or hll sponsor AFPLIED II rcgislmfl cc 50 given lw Hm null Ur wm Anldn mm control of the big stale and the mulllng prcsl donllal oppanunlllcn Kennedy Bldcs will bu wntclllng or £130 ln ho vole haw Amenleans ljudgc hlu handling Inc Cu ban mlulle ulslsl Republlcanl had mounted swelling cam palgn against what my called llle Demomla ddnnlhlng Bill de npoul Cuba 1hal was be In contrast to Nixans coasl struggle Republicnn Gnvv emur Nelsan Rockeleiier is considered sure winner tar reflection in New York against Dcmacralic challenger Robert Morgcnlhaul Thus Rackcleller may be in strong position to grab his ranyx presidential nnm align in two ennui in WI cancenlrate Ionighl on special election eve broadcast to answer what he dcséribes an parsannl attacks against him lnntiun ll he puls up sand ahnwlng in Culilarnlaor dump lllm ll he loses Nixonn lap up porter the Lou Angela Times publlshed rcparlra copy rlzhlcq pull shawlng Brawn held 44 percentage margin amongllhose most likely la vale urday allu compleï¬ng dur day our of mkez punt in Helplmore Denver Sacrammf to and Sunnyvaleme left luau MLCnldlm Conlumu Loan Company um ll mm It Mm um lnmu cumu at lhm was Cullllnnll unth IL rum 1m NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY UNITED nul cred banish might then and egg Soviet callback of tha muslin Prbvéé Her Love Like Pincushiong In the eye many ob are Maj Fjrank Bomglm Oomdr John Young Ma Charles Conrad Jr Capt DanaldK Slayton Lt Comdr Thamu PS¢aford1Capt JnmurrApLovoll andmCaWw Jame Mchvm LC Edward White Fermii 14 gomwohn The mulllmilllon dollnr Snowy Mountnin Scheme will irrignle thousand square miles ofpreviously unproductich southeastern Austrulinnd nickel tlloyswill help tmtl in just us they do in similnrprojeets in otherpnrtsoflltc worldtWhy nickel Because nickel alloys provide strength nnd corrosion resistance for conduit shafts and other vital equipment The growth of nickel markets at homo and abroad helps strengthen Cnnntlns economy and helps provide more jobs for Cuntldinns How Canadian Nickel helps irrigate 1000 sq miles of Australia rr NICKEL rm Democrats held the hut Sen ate 64416 and Ihe House 261174 with two vacanciesl Up or elec tion are 21 Democratic and 16 Republican 59315 In the Senhte 01 Ihe present sogovcrnnrl are Dcmncrals ï¬nd 18 Republi cans Up or elecllan are 21 Demucrnls and 11 Republican pnllsférrareml Bur uslwhal Impact Kennedys actions will have an the vote THE INTERNATIONAL NICKEL COMPANY or cANAIIA LIMITED WORLD TMARKETSILIJOBS Fon at man managede survive seven hours beyond me he said 110 the belt cry There somebody moving down Iherel Mscue servlce helicopter went Into acllon Illa bell was lowered but the French crew membe mnu own wen winchman Eric Smllh oqunolhur HM wunuu uy ue bmches buoy um It seemed lhe End and tor hours then was his the melancholy sledng cherJeannemW emnnr an cka CANADIANS as vouce sineer TORONIO Tunudinns