Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Nov 1962, p. 9

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geadvTorSlute Monika Nllun Full bllmnilhm 11 Guelqu nuai umarl =i Frldnyl lluulll Julfnlo llulllmurn Tonllflll Ulmrl Qunlwc Clanland llalmnm al lltrnllry Arxmldcnw lilhlmruh llullaln nl Sprlmzllcld hundnyl mun Humln l1 lrmldmru qurhec unthnlor Tanllhll Gum Syracuac n1 Klnulnn Band11 Gun lluIlOllnwn AI Sudbury Klnlslon Symuu Amrrlrln bu EASTERN DIVISION TORONTO OWL111m play erl Involved in iunlnr hockey eonlruveray between Guelph Royal and Tillsonbug Maver Ich were awarded to Tillm bnrg Friday alter special mcellnz oi lhqunlarln Hockey sochxlian Junior Council Mahnney Trevor Fahey and Jim Kennedy were objects moles by Lou Passadar manager Rnyals In the OHA Junior League All lhree were assllncd by rGuprh last season to Tillma huz Junlor duh and ab lended Guelnhl training camp lhla year Snvnl ul null flundun In lluUum Windw Gall 541mm nn level terms with Ihe 1942 edition that iast turned the trick tnke modest record unto thcir home field against the lfarmidable Green Bay Packers On paper ihelr prospects look unpmmiring One reason is Paul iiomung the Packers Iiipurpose back who has led the league in scor fing for the last three seasuns Hes missed almvst three full 1ames with knee injury but may return Saturday Even rniuing their ace the Packers piright on rolling to their present 70 record Then too the deicndin league champions smothered the Bears 4941 in their first meeting his season At least live teams now have Jame hopes oi gaining the east Wlmiw Ihnllmm KW Hal WmuInlmk Barn mam nuun Xlldmlrrdvnlnhm hnlllam NEW YORK AP Chicago Bears the last club to get through National Football League season without lasting defeat have an opportunity Saturday to deny similar ho Igor Io someone else The current Bears whom heir best friends wouldnt rate nullnlu Rnclmlrr illnhuruh Clmlnnd Qucbcc Imvldtnra Slvrlmfllrld Halllmmn Hmhey fTillsohburg Wins Guelphfilflayersm HullOHM Klnmun Sudbury Syracuse Frldlyl fluulll Syrncuw Hull0unwn Kingston Sudbury éfUnbéaten Packers Bully Beats By THE CANADIAN pnzss Tue Blake says his Manncal Canadian fire down In the dumps and he Isntquite sure why Maybe theyre feeling sorry or Xhemselves because my havent been winning he was saying Friday But it seems no he mmbinatlon ufreverylhhlg Anyway to law of lhem are playing well Last season Guclph and 11 mnbug were llcd up as hrm club at New York Ranxm at the anlonal Hockey League Howevar Tillannbul severed ill Ixmmenl with Ranger Ml mm 1m CANADIAN PRESS Th three players nlthuuuh IISTIIHN DIVISION Eulern Pmltulonll harllml Tynllhln Hum llnflrlu Frnlur nnlalk Juninr HOCKEY RECORD LT 50 no no 4H AP 2711 mm II II 911 0IIA Junior 31ml Mary X0 lllvcnhll Hmdcn lullnull Lumlun thhemr 10dde horn Scum Klullnrd Nunhlru Oulnrlo fink Allillhl Knumhdnn Mlnllnhl JnnlM nunmm Vlnnlxmfl in lithium Jul 5311anan Home an Vryhurn lialavnn Mun Turan 31min Mnribumx mm Inn 051m zflmnr Neil luterunlnnI Lulu 51 Paul Mlnncnpalla Fort Wayne Rhukrgun Poll Huron Omnhl tern Muue Nuw IIMNI 14m Islam Illnlnn lhllldtlphln Nnnllvllln Charlvllr Grnnslmm Knuxvillo Weller Lulu Calgary Edmanlun Sun Frlncllcn sullla Lo Angtlcl Vnncmmr only filmm Junk 0mm Mnnlngnnnla 45mm Fnlll Mlxh Gama Hamilton ll Calhnrlnu Sundlyl Gum Guelph Monlml omi mm Frldlyl Rflllnl Illmlllun Mum Fall 11 Montreal lquflphfl 54 ms ND team In lhe west aka their sum ddence westward against Dos Angelcs Rams 16 while Minnesota Vikings 25 vlsi Pittsburgh and Baltimore Calls 1M call on San Francisco 49ers $5 Rangers had the Hire players paid their way lo Tillinnhurg and wanted lhem to continue up lha ladder of de velopmcnt by playing at Guelph lhl season Thu hm blaycrs mld Friday lhey wan to play nr TillsanA burg rather than Guelph Pamdor changed lhal Junlm clubs because hey werent nflected by Juninr rule which allows learn to pay max Imum salaries of $60 week were uulhlddinl Junior turns But Insulin wflh Till lonburx and GueIph emclnis and the players he OHA rulcd that no player may be lorced lo leave team The Amerlcln Football League opens weekend to night when lhe eastern leaders Boston Palriats 52 visit Bul lalu Bllll 35 they accepted bnard mm and expense money ram Royals Imlnlng camp signed in pm with Tillsonbug Cleveland Browns third ulace in the against Phlladelphiz appojn Eaglgs Hi mums qummumu 5L Louis however has shown self to be vuInerable to passing mack and goes against lhe Gianls 51 and Time whose passing heat the Cards earlier this scam MIGHT BE KEY Thi clashfiibrelwcen Dallas Cowboys and Washington could be the key In Iha eas emlitle even St Louis erd Ina 241 and Pittsburgh Steelers ML The Boomer at his beslhu always been up inspirallon and right nnw hel working as hnrd as ever As soon as few more players show 111 name pep well be all right Ilwaa auggésted lo hlmtllat perhaps the club lack spark nlns Biéke quIckli deniEflJl film glinx out Bernie Geollnonn II nunlw ll lES OWPER TonizhL against Ihe New Christmas Portraits On You NOW ErownsflJ in in the East go Pugxadelpmg dis York was expected to make dnqlhcr anempl today In lur veleran BerLDlmslend oul reliremenl He was repuned lo hnve cnnlermd Thursdny with President Bill Jennings nl tn Rangers It was understood mm Kama ansonlap or Sunday The Rangers and Bruins tangle in Boslun while Chicagos secundplape Blark Hawks meet Ihe Red Wing in Dnlrnil lén In the my other game hr night Detrolt visits Tomntot The Red Wing are still un beaten in eight games and up the league with paints Top nnla tom1h pain behind Monkeal arw lens with record of four wins four losses and twn ties are flvg points ahead at the Rangers who share lillh spot in file landings with Bas ufii mnEE 34qu won FOUR Manlago replaced Pia le afiel the opening game of lJIMNa Unnal Huckey League schedule whzn Jacques came down with rLHSUImEMIan vexyum asking about Pianie as Iimugh Mnningn was innit or our losses Eiake said siated bciurelhat wouldnt change goalies unies Cesare weni bad and Flame was 100 per cent heailhy Thai xiii alands York in Montreal Blake plans to stay wilh Cesare Manlago goaltender when would Jacques Flanle return IMI young mum mm ho some men and wnmon who wIH comm onlo 1n labour lnIcn ol Oumlo INIan Hall yur Nall be luollnu luv hII lml lob and cm Mlp Mm In Incl Ihml my can Min uh 00000 nan lob MullHal Win In my do Wo Canndlnnl My Impmmi manulnulmad cum It Min of 3135 par mum pal yen II til Ulnaan 300 cl IMI In In pultlmn Caumllaunmdn acorn wow Mp mm 00000 new obs In Onlallm Evun by culllnu déwn on uurlmpovu byiloo 1mm wuwuuhl wllwmalnanu cl lhc wolllla ummlImpmlm1hllmllllnhllmu bun on an Impml mm took ll lhflvhuuvu In Clnndl we lmuon In muui ol cl mlnullcluu nvnlllblal GOVERNMENT OF ONTARIO wuu mm mumreal RwkieRod Gilbert wont be in New Yurks lineup lanight He cracked 11 head up Iha Ice in collisiun with Delmils Pele Goegan Thursday night and suf lend mnqussion It was ex peeled that he wauld ha out several gnmcs nsu EXponmn Cnnada rank Ihlrdbehlqu Norway 1an Juyanamang the fixh expofllng nulldns of the world that Inolher mgellng wu set or Mammal Ona snurce sald the Rangers took set olmsleads slick wilh gh lu Mgnlreal BERT omsimn Age 18 Occupation AGAIN HEADS LEAGUE TORONTO CF Johnny Lombardi has been revclcclcd prcsidnnt of the Tornnlo Italian cam in lhe Eastern Canada Professional Soccer League He nnnnnnccd that he plans to go Io Europe again this year in search of players The ether Knpuskaslng mark men were Moe Chevrenls Bill Dexurse Ted Dupuis and Russ Bellveau Hi picked up three penal lei in lhe opening period and let Power get may from Er kimns spcnnd goal VBnl Graig Hicks who didnt exActly sparkle ln he lira pe riod notched lhe lying goalJn the second ynriod arler Ken anl had beaten Ablllbl goal lender Put Gougnn with slap shot Eskimos jumped to 14 Iirsgzpcriad lead over the pow erful Kaps on goal by George Lever and Jack Powers KAPUSKASING On The intentHm champlpn Knpur kasing Knp had In overcome wwnal dcficll to whipAbilibl EskInins62 In the apening gama uthg Northem VOnhnin Hockey Assoclalian Senior League Friday night Kapsneieai EskimqsxfigZv CONSTRUCTION LTD Bunla PA NI fleorge Davies quilanu In nufdlwslzfiy autumnm cawuum Iuch mun loath unuwaondnmlunnandcmmlluelolhmwumflunmdlumhhhuulpplhnm nulamobllu mt vguny quailn Mp ml mon H1451 um 3w aw mmn mm 13 mm Oun cvlltcal nlluallon lhnl ll nllomfl in conllmn could Hourly wudnnw our Iconomy um ourlahv Many conlumm mo nul onuloul In um Onto Hum become clw will Ill My bullet oppmtunliy to do Iomclhlnu about ll good var panon mh Gm Mm alt Wlll Gannmylmpovls In mum 01350 on plunn in Unlm sum lull an mm on we wuw moo mil Iohmifiodqfl you an Mp mry time yes mud dolim The win pus ed Hull into llrsl pure one point ahead ol Klng slon Frontenacs ho were drubbed 61 hy Sudhury Waive atSudbqryFrIday fight Bravcs Minsf Hall ruined Beaudins debut In the net by son Symcuses ian goal Buudln rookie righlwlnger with HullOllawa Canadians scored Va yaal ln Hahs win over Syracuse Braves at Hull Then lale In Ilw thlrd perlod Beaudln donned goal purl an emer uncy replacement for Ernie Vakely who was furccd lrom Illa gnme alter being hitin the lag byjlhe puc ny my CANADIAN ms It Isnt Man that zbnllender smresa goal in hockey but it happened Friday night inflle Eastern Professional Hockey League Theres match Julian112 wasnt playing goal when 11 scared Tan SAUD For IHOfizsquqd nmy Carter spaxxcd Hull Open ChnrxeAtcounl at ANDERS MENS WEAR 123 Dunlap Em Months to Pay N6 Manly Down Mimisnfinnn Nov 1m ay Sudhury Sunday land coach Saml Pollack say eilfler Jacques Planlg or Cesam Maniagn Ixth with Um Harem Montreal Canadians In the Na Hnnal League wlll play for Hull Vakely wont be ready Wolves in Ihlrd place built up 54 lead below goaltender Jerry Cheevcrs shutoul was spelled by Kingslnns Bobby Leilzr in the third period the slart thesenson wach Murph Chamberlain Sudhury Wolves gained avenge or an setback they mgch at Kingslqn last week an SPOHS SHUTOUI H611 vyvnhlwo goals his sixth and seycnlh in seven games and other Canadians marksmen yere Beaudinw John Rodger and Bill McCreary McCrcmy as playing hlsllys game for Hec Lalande scared me other Syn se gag HEATING FUELS Phone PA 66531 COOD BARRIE SAN FRANCISCO Mm Slnr oulliLMer Willie Mays ul lhcNatinnnl Baseball League San FrnnciscaGianls was pm Mumed up physical candl llon Friday atnr main checkup The $90000 year centr flcldcr collapsed Sept 12 in game against Ihe Reds in Cin cinnall was simple exhaustion said Dr Harold Rosenblum Ihera Is no mgdical problem mm scancar our Friday nigm Bub Wuylnwich scared twice and Dune McCallum and BEIJILITMSFDPH once each was on Baum 01 Marksmcnuwnre Jlm Jahnsan and Mum DMOur Pronouncé Mays In Top Shape uonoi mum mwm mJm urge you to come In and pose for Chrislmu pomalts now its on ill that cant be ell fill lhe last minute 23 Dunlop PA lMN by Fuvavo ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS PORTRAlTS NOWI PhéIggraphy

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