and like you oi oi problems to modern living liturlng the evening service the t0 dr clean choir Ia riiandela Holy Art Thou an the impressive Jesu the very thoughtoi lltee Followtn the evening service isllowshp hour was held in the Sunday School when many friends came tonnew friend ships with Mr Dorrlan and his wile During title hour also Rev sirlltonand his congrega tiontooi the opportunity to wel come many newcomers lo the church During the morning service Mrs Knowles presented as the organ teludeiralsa to the Lord Almighty in the Sunday Oct wasian Im portant and eventiul day tor the members oi the congregation ol Stfiohns United Church Al llston when the church through worship and special guest min deters observedlts anniversary it was to years since the loundlng oi the first Presby terian church in Alliston and it years since the Methodist church began St Johns which was for Jnerly the Methodist church he came the United Church at the time of Church union and hes ginodthlsmlsslon since that ionncrlnemhers oithe congregation werevproacnt irom across Ontario iorthe services as Wellaslmmguesia Rev Paesmore oiCen KWhy do wive them on weekly shopping mjsure many wompn have asked themselves this question over and over again Theyre notsure and neitheram know as stand in state oishock andwatch the cashier ringing in all those rare delicacies that my husband has slipped into the shopping cart when my back Was turned askmyseifis he reaflyJELPJNG GALA HEADWEARAND PULLOVER an delivered the morning service me There is never one item priced under 89 cents and only homomakers know what that can do to your food budget There goes the three dollars you For last minute gifts this pheadband and bonnet will till the bill Very easy and quick letalso includes the instruc tlons ior theiullfeshloned raglan sleeved pullover which Needlecraft signs simply send stamped seiivaddremd envelope 1011 Depart In of choosing as his theme Mans loyalty to His Church st Johns choir under the Leann now so sraercn youn rooo announcers both our boy endgirl are wearing it you would like the leaflet with these three de BarrieCommiltee Org The Barrie Examiner requests lng Gaia ammonia Pull Leaflet Club Women Sell Yuletide Fare The Ladies Auxiliary to the Barrie Lions Club held the November meeting at the home direction oi Mrs Emce Knowles organist and choir leader added greatly to the worshipiui atmos piï¬zï¬ with toms1mm were eronc are In lasts vs er and Mozarts lovely Glorious COMHIERSAL Focmmm To You Thy Name At the evening service Rev FOOD CLUBr Phono ea slut cLEIlNE to knit and economical too As bonus ieaitne thisl DOLLAR ck pm omitmm VOriglnel Colon thought you couldistash away tohelppay for that automatic donut maker you need so desperately You know the menstillrllketo claim fame as the safest drivers on the road and well give them the benefit of the doubt Hovvever in the supermarket the fair sex reign supreme anized By AToronto RepreSentalive Mrs Peicr lioapsge rcprcsenL James Shlltonymlnlster oi St Johns welcomed to the pulpit Now AND THEN We wont argue the fact chat now and then on our but we always park safely that we may stop and all the side Usually the male drivers take their half out of the centre and plow right on through cutti ng some of 0111 conver up or down the aisle atlvc oi the Ontario Margarine Committee nonprofit organiza tion came to Barrio to set up local committee lor the purpose oi fostering iurthering and pro tecting lhe interests of the Ont oi the President hits William Dyment Peel Street Thursday evening with 25 members in at tendance Mrs James Vair attended the seselon nsguest oi Mrs Cook on old and cherishcd friend of the congrbgation Rev James Dorrlan oi Hagersviile Mr Dorrian preached an In spiring sermon with thesame zeal and fervour he ls always wlthont nhllgation DUNLOP wear at DUNLDP near PA 335531 arlo buying public who want Ircedom to buy the iood they wantlnthe iorrn they want it example buying already colored margarine committee was lormed with Airs Barbara Wheeler of Clap pertan Street as chairman Mrs Adele Parker oi Parkslde Drive was appointed secretary This committee is merely nuc hills liAltBItitA WHEELER lens to which anyone may write Chairman call or belong to show his or her interest or support Mrs Poaps distributed yell low cards to all present to he ligncd bythcse persons so that their names could be added to the 40000 signatures already gatheredior petition to the government to have the nuisance ban on colored margarine re moved by the provbsclnl gover1w ment at this session oi the House of Assembly copy at the brief submitted to lion Stewart Minister of Agriculture Ontariol was cir culated by Mrs Poaps for the perusal oi those present syn opsis of the contents oi this brlci is as iollowr Ontario consumers do not think it lalr or just that low income lamllles old age pcn sloaers or people on special diets should stiller by being un rations right in half and showing anything but cour tesy to allow shoppers Another oolntilve noticedl is that they always seem to Eavel in the op posite direction to everyone else And not many of them are smiling either What husbands dont realize is that spending the food dollar wisely takes time and deep consideration and even comparison of notes with other shoppers we may encounter Now Ill agree thatthe shopping carts would be much safer li equipped with turn signals and brake lights but as we wander up andvdown the aisles sometimes we have to make an aboutface sharp right cutofior even complete circle Iknow just the other night zigged when shduld have zaggcd just to avoid running over male shopper and missed seeing what mlv neighbor had on and just know it was new ha We are continually hearin about the weekly noted for choosingashls subs travelogue oi an excursion ject Demos and rein to Port Henry Plymouth and Eng an Upper Canada VillageI was pre sented by Lion Club member Bill Bell The annual Christmas cake project was act in motion Members were urged place their orders early Cakes and puddings have been well re cclved in ï¬rmer years and it is anticipated thcrproject will be successiui this season Potluck supper will be the motif oi the December meeting Following the mcctlngs ad jesiummenl luncheon was serv ISt Johns CWL Plan Tea Banaar The Catholic Womch league of St John lenney Church will hold bazaar on Dec 5irom to pm An added attraction at the tea will be nursery ser vlccprovided ior mothers with small children There will be several booths with ianc work Christmas dec orations and knitted goods and sewing Convener oi the bazaar will be Mrs Frank Kelly The next meeting at tho CW1 will be titlelfl on Nov at the Parish rorsino noes °°°°°°°°° the IDEABOOKlleyontl compare oi meat eaten in the world in tool 51 per cent was heel and tool mile to photograph iwo years to produce with veal Each room completely simulated plum diagram templates Over too Idoopoehrl papa Cash 14 11 oAdanteMmreem mthhtglikoltbefovo able to obtain this vital food In the preferred yellowiorm More and more people particularly men we are told nrc having margarine prescribed by their doctors Elsewhere in the brief It states Ontarioconsumers be lieve in the encouragement and development oi new farm in dustrles Oil seed growing for iood II young flourishing industry in Ontario and other parts oi Can ada and has enjoyed phenomenal growth soya been In Ontario sunflower and rapeseed in the prairies Aside from this very desirable and profitable diver sification available to farmers dozens oi isctorics have spntng up to scrvice the industry Margarine today is estab lished as healthy nutritious load and innn product it is made oi milk and edible oil seeds nll oi which could bav grown in Canada Nor do we by any means underestimate the importance oi the dairy in dustry The question which we think ieccs the government and the dairy dinustry ls how to maintain the duty herds at their present level without pil ing up button at the expense oi the taxpayersl Since parllnmcnt will very soon be to session the chairman strongly recommended Immch nle action by the supporters at this petition through lotion and tclcphone calls to their provln clnl member ol parliament thcse moi es complain shopping episodes WESTERN VISITOR Visiting at the home oi hll sonlnlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Raymond Kelly oi Owen Street is William Vleltery oi Edmonton Alberta ITS HABIT And what gets me is that they have to act so smart about it If you just say to one of them Well you like to eat dont you he looks at you with that all knowing smartslack look and says Madam did it evcr occur to you at ate before we were mar ed Nowvl dont mind arguing but how are you gain to argue with someone who doesnt appreciate that wagon may go shopping for other ngs than just to op Do you think my husband would appreciate new style hat on woman and mean any Woman No he wouldnt even notice it And does he ap rcciato the things talk about to other women wlllle li shoppln No he doesnt even hear word even though may be right beside me Just pure and simple lack of interest in the finer things life thats what they are guilty of hint ld like to pass along to save wives trip to the lost and lound department if hubby appears to be among the missing the first place you should look for him is in the department Complete Appliance Service Depot TONYS APPLIANCE and TV SERVICE PA 61142 Local University Topic 0i Sneaker Ill and Meet John lilicn gradunle oi lclinstcr University will he speaker at the November meet ing oi the Siccle Public Home and School Association The meeting will be held In the school auditorium on Monday evening at it oclock The sub ct oi the spcakcr will deal wt the possibilities oi establishing university in this district Higher education ior school PLANING MILL comm 4B ANNE 51 SOUTH BARRIE0NYARIO PABE4IB Drop in Today and Look It Over PERMANENTS NOVEltllliIlt only 5399 is hiltitY er ra salsa which stocks all the lm will be standing there ortcd gourmet ioods lie th faraway look in his eye and planning his approach rhlldrcn Is the aim 01 most Enron and also the ob ect ol omc and school are aliens it Is tell that many of tho youngcr generation miss the opportunity oi attending college because the cost is prohibitive Tuition and other ices are only part of the cost Such lactors in room and board laundry and 1rnn5porta tion are highly variable Irans portation ovate ior Instance may help determine the choice oi college Ono car home could lave hundred ol dollars All at three home will he die cussed by the speaker All members and lnicrutrd pnrrnla nro urged to attend hiemberahlp cards are still voiinhla to any nrcnl wishing lo join Iho organlznllon This is the tire step Then he walks nonchalanlly back to the shopping cart and waits for the portune moment to slip all his parcels underneath tic other groceries WHATS MV LINE if hes not in the gourmet department ihcn he will ho standing in lino with the other male shoppers waiting or his free sample oi dict wafers Hes not really sure of what he ls going to do with them but it will ivo him an opportunity to get closer look at the omic model to is doling out the rec goodies Lets put on our host smllcs take our husbands by the arm and put all our faith in what Examiner rc ortcr liorvoy Blackstock says Shopping can be no it hubhytngs nlott Chrlllmnl With PAINT Free Estimach workmanship To Your Ilatlallcllan GAS FURNACES 3263 ON new COLEMAN GOLD BOND DELUXE illiS LIIWBIIY FURNACE Automatic peed Blower Twin Fan Cohlrola Rovnd Thermostat MH Filler Flag Wernlng LI hi on Thumo Permanent White In Filler Deluxe Homidlilor Deearetlvo Front Panel ALTON BROS Florence ht IA com SAVE 25 ON 100 WOOL WILTON BROADLO0M ATTRACTIVE COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM AVAILABLE IN 12 and 15 WIDTH Regular 1295 sq yd $975 if $060 DunIopISi West in ts£ OUR SEASONAL SPECIAL BEAUTIFUL I00 COLD WAVE coauthors lWOOLWORTH NOW ONLY BEAUTY SALON DOWNTOWN BARRII Drop in or Ihone PA 61597 losYEAR GUARANTEI SALE PRICE CALL US TODA1 SHORGAS LTD ECCLES ST NORTH PA 60511 Barrio IA Moll