The regulation could be donsldered thegoverhmentsway of putting teeth ï¬lm its campaign to buy Canadian If it works as it will undoubtedly Can adian secondary car plants will get more business and more jobs will be avail Ible for our own people Latest federal decision on Imports makes sense The government has stip ulated thatlmanutactune more Can adianvmade auto parts must be condi tion for continued free entry of Ameri cnn transmissions and some special en gnes VLets inck The Govétnmexit In Self18ufficiency Drive It hasbeen much too easy to import the massnroduced manufactured goods of American plants In the early days of the auto industry Canadian rnanu facturers were merelyassembly planth for 115 firms This situation has chang ed immensely but not enough in the opinion of the government LEGAL LOOIHOLES 53min Observer The Police Assoclntlon of ammo his hand an Interesting pulnt It Is that police omcer chnslng speeding car could be charged with careless driving Th premise there Is that two wrongs do not mnke right or do they Its conceivable that parts made in Canada might cost morethan American products For this reason alone then could he an outcry on the part of those who say we must not raise tariffs and taxes to protect high cost industries These people have good arï¬ument or cosjller goods mean our do ar will buy less Canadians however mustbe grepared to take this risk to win other enefits And such beneï¬ts could be Ontario hunters am being trained at the rate of 15000 year in the safe and ï¬roper use of firearms This is under untcr Saiety Training Program in which the Ontario department of lands and forests and members of fish and game clubs and other interested organ izationa are ceoperating it is difficult to assessthe effect of the program so far on hunting accidents violation of the game laws and relations with land owners Not enough time hasrpassed since the programvwas instituted But itshould hear worthwhile resuits in the years to come as the numbers edu cated hunters increase The Association iurthor points out that an officer who commits mum inmoiion while performing his dutiu on emergency runs the of being dammed in rank with the ma ching loss In sninry For the sum nuance Civil inn might be tagged $25 and costs ynt iirat chm constable could 1056 91100 We nbhnr than policemen who think they have to mom to every dogfight in Thxs tall It Is estlmntcd that 120000 deer hunters and 50000 moose hunters will have been in the field by the end of the season Add to these the num bers of bird and small game hunters Ind themed for salcty progrlm be comes obvious even without the almost Elatlli reports of accidents many of them mm am My Mum hm 1mm manual cumin rm 1M Amm nun Jun um 71 cm mu mm ll 35J1 71 mm Imm InJ um You nu mm 0mm Northern Advance Del 27 1802 Full rnlns now In progress Day 01 mud on own strutls nrc nl hand No permllx In hunl door will be vlven to Americans this sensun Scull nnrrlu cm nmrchnnl purchased Lynn and L0 coal business wilh office In Russ mock now Canada TrunL Huron Erie and mi not Town St Local mnlcrs organize parties to $0 norm Jeffrey McCarHly purchnm plclumqua residence of Jr Lloyd Senator Cow nn gave 8500 Iownrd munumcnl King nlon to memory of Slr John Mlcdonu Aumugud umm mu In Dlrulnonh III Ind or vllmlnl Ill Will In ulh mun lundln ud lumm mm mm momma mm mum nun ILAIum 0mm Maflllllm cluqu mun mu mum mm mmuu Cllvlllllll Mull what II mu Mn um Ho mu on uh mm mmm mun mum voo nu own no um um mm um um momIll mm mun mum at my mum unllu man my gm JImlv lmm In 33 70 YEARS AGO IN BARRIE Safe Training For Hunters The Barrie Examiner MK Wills Puhushe OTHER EDITORS VIEWS deflshegby Ednadim Newépapprs Wted 16 Bayfleldstreet name Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE ausher Bmn Smglgtvqéheial Munigeti gsuunnu Nov xmArmj Thertransmon of Canada from na tion of hewers wood and drawers water to highlyindustrialized country is still going on The car lndustry alonepls notatfault substhnnai much healthiércar indus try and mnxje Jobsvfor Canadians Our huge pulp and paper industry leaves much to be desired For too much sulphite and sulphate pulp are exported to 18 plants or processing into manufactured goods like handker chiels towels and boxes lhla second arymanufacturing provides far more jobs thanthe primary pulpv andpnpor plants The irony of tho sltunilon is this these finished roducts porno back to Canada andaro ought by our own people Why should theynot be manu actured in this country and exported to the us and other hlghly industrial ized nations The export drive now belng carried out by the federal government with the vigorous help of Ontario is good as far as it goesï¬But ifrwe exportas we must to survive economicallylet our goods be made in Canada This is principle the government hopes to carry out 11 it is iollowedmrough with the oodwill and cooperation of the people en our march to economic maturity will be swift indeed An alltime high in huntln accldents In Ontario was set In 11960 th 154 of which 38 were fatal Lait year there were 22 fatalities among the 126 acci dents reported The low demand that person going hunting or the first time must success fully complete course in huntlng ante tyv Unfortunately the law is often breached In the Parry Sound dlstrlct recently one lad huntln wlthout licence shot himself throug the hand when he fell while running with load ed rifle With detective trlfger mech anism de artment offlcla comment ed 3rlmly that moment he taught hlmselt several of the rules whlch most other 15yearold were leanrung the danger of improper gun handling the sameway One shot the other in the leg with rlfle lacking trigger guard The hunting safety course teaches that guns wlthout trigger guard are to be avoided llke the plague town wlth alreua welllng but we Ilso feel that lf pollcemen taken after fleelng car and has to exceed the speed llmlt In order to overtake the Speeder then he should have the rlum to do no wlthont feet of reproach Ila matter of feet Ontnrln law any that 11 speed mult ho glven tlcket by the upprehendlng ofllcer How la he going to do that ll he ls llmlted to 3035 mlles an hour whlle the offender is dolnz 10 It In probable there are those whowould not cure to the proteotlon In the course of thclr dutles but we feel the anerlty of an Inn would not wnnt to see any posslblu legal burners not up whlch would allow epecdm or other offenders to get may wlth thelr nonacneet Love Brm bought Mrl Crorbyl very stable Ioromo Varsity lacrom loam bent Harrie 32 Local raln mur kct ncflvc wilh when 62000 nrluy 32 40 rye 5058 onln 2120 puns 5750 Flue chlhur brought out conshlcrnbln hunting on my Inst week Ladle of Trinity Churcr plan norm of snclnl ga therhlgs In Parochial llnll to help my for Improvement balm made lo church llll1ndulc llonrd all uldcwnlk on llrmllord SL lcmllnu lo Nor lhnrn llallwny slallonl Work on nuw 5L Georgrl Church proceeding on But lon Ave Order lomlm llour Inhan ln Edgar lnlrmu ol lmlualry golng nlrong nl llaxlur lulldluu op crnllmls In Iohlwnler brlnk lluavy crop of lltS In lcclnnselll Tawn Ihlp llrm an lrcsbylnrlhns nllrl cullngo pnyor muolln sl llruwn or llarrlc buy large uck ol grnln from lllvl xlun larmm lululrm and lnr ul elnw IVNBKG nl Mllchcll Square Sc 1001 at Jnmlcwnn Comm cloml duo lu diphtheria ml lullllyl Slallsllu nhuw Slmcou Coun hm 200111 hen 21767 50051521 050mm Mldland flour mllll soltl by sue on lo MI cnmphell lllll whn than mold lhn pra me In Copeland llm ol Elmvnlm all pluwlnfl nonrl llnlahetl Crown llm ml lumen Cï¬lnnlllg lo ham rnol cm Council he Order Chum rleml or mm Slwlldl nrmllord loalbnll uh hymn rcorgqnhedv than whv snld hey had Mountain Climbers Search mmd their attitude to For Abommable Snowman Tom Hllh In The Tmn Conier By Slr Edmund lllllnry Mpgma NJ Hllh In The Thin Cold Air is the story aim Himalayan Sclontilic and liountalnccrlng Expedition oi 196M961 led by Sir Edmund Hillary liar pur pose we iwotnld iim in search for the legendary Abumlnahle Snowman and secondly Io dis cover how ordinary men can survive wlnler at dizzying al liiudes Desmond Doll the was nor mpondenl of ï¬le exptdlllon an expert llnguiat and udmlrer ol the Hlmamynn peoples dcsl rupannem we expwmvn in expen linguist and admirer oi the Elminyun peoples dcs4 cribes 1h march pr Ilia elmivc Snowman or Yetii The mm oi lh expedition hnd grant difficulty at ï¬rst in iindinr anyone who chimed to have lean one but nlllmmly lhuy were able lo burrow ihuo Icllp Ind lidnl mm the nut lvu which were flown out givliiznlian far exptrl ulminm flonJlnard Nunhl VArk is hit Bygncimans unconventional and humorous nbservalinns an liid in French mid imiian parts on tho Medllarrnncnn mm An libes Io Capri as he lravcis in his sullboni Bemclmnnl ls ai so an mm and he illustralex this book wllh Iimpie line nkclchc and painting in iull coiar iimi AT THLLIBRABY éir Edmund mum un their Ills in the dentin Thay JOSEPH MOLNEII MD Dur Dr Malnerx My mnlhcrl meman II becomlnl my poor 5hr II at Thu doctor hut dinn nosed II blood cholesterol unllis and wants her pinned In flute lnslllullon nr lreal mcnl do not wish to do his she II no lnmw Jun quite lor ucllulr Wouldnt ha 53¢qu by dlrl Ind medlcuuon km her In homn Vlll lrcnlmenl nun her tn recover lram ml typn IIrknm How long would knELL Tho dmlulurnl II In Indcl llnn what in bun occurrln m1 chmlnz Ill Iml an culntul to undo previoul dam up ln vrvbablllly lama hlrdv onlnl ol lhu Irwin hu Inkn pllu In nu bum lmpnlrlng momma To by turn than my be mm mm condlllom loo and would hnvc m1 way knuwlnu about lhnl but dunl ank ll mum much Ir yvgur Imlc quullon In comm llardrned mule wont human mm my be mo menu In whlrh ynur mntherl mummy Iy bl cl Ir bul ml lo nut mm In no llcallun al dlhu mullullon or mm any ï¬lm can rule mynory lou mp luchucnu Hm If PM1 we mu whollrubble IA mm largel lulnm but my undo ululy In at hm untu Hwy II any minute Iluy mnrtnm MI mm nml tumM ughl IL or mu TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Van in our doclar Winn her vlmfl Illll lmmullan Tlllyy or bu hu Ilmply In Iomrihlnl you Ihould lllk my wllh Mm very lrunkly ll mall helm In IIC ll my luncllrul nursllon or uhcllwr we npunllvl and um Adml In lnmlly Ilvlnl mm an pmulc llmlh and ymmll whn my mtnlnlly lll In um mu Ill lmclnhlo mlnn cum leulrlr nl 119nm Mothers Memory Is Becoming Poor MODERN MAP OF GREAT BRITAIN dllcnvered that wan very dlfliwll to adjust lo lilaand work such may altitudes Sam their plan to climb mountain were cunnllcd bag cause Hm Hilla and than other wen slruc down wnh an altltudelnduced Ilium In Iplu of the hardships Ind dangers the expedlllon SIr Edmundllllary would lke to return to he Hlmnlnyns and Illa high In the thin cold alr Bond Noahl Ark MaudIll Tha nulhurï¬ucrlbu lhe mu call In vivid ward and plclum but 1h ml charm thu trip MI en lhemsolm enusv lhey nrucl lho wnlcr nr do olJrnulc Quinn 1min undone Iny posllbla mu lo nvcrl huv lnl auch lhlnls happen Your molhcr at an hm cncounlmd lhll lmublo earlier lhun ununl It dun hnpncn nl llmcs and when ll dun we must look ll lhI Incl clearly ll your mollmr can be kept It hum wllhnul wdun crlug hor Icll nr olhen by nl mean her my um yuur dnclnr ml danger than lllrn la hlm ll daunl man In mmutlnn with out lmvlnu loud reason to do IOIDI than overluprly beds and you my wall lnd hit you Inwo an wnmni purlud Inan an In Ivnllnhlc Vnur tlaclor mly haw bun thinking at um Ina ynu know Dnr Dr Mnlnm have xmwlh on he hnuk my hum ncnr ll hm ol lhu thumb nbuul the lec cl nn rs Ind Iml lrowlnl It has hten lhm nhuul lhno at our yen lump lhll Iï¬l Ilul II mu lowlnl Illlmld In unmlnpd hy your doclnr mllhl unlllnn llmdon cym but am not llmlfllr with on rawln rug lite Suman roman brain Iy wIIl hn Mummy Mulnm hharl of rulllnl all hurl Imt mm Any IMrgtl qn dn than Iho ayiul inu but mmIJa luchl vimhr Im mauun Waulflnl lemull hormonu hep dun Nu Warn Alvm llllnk would hrlp Inxl dvlinltvly do Iml mummrnd Ilmn lurrpl nl mum ln um In mm mm dun mm hmmonill hnhnl urn II Imlndl nhlvln 11 Itth whllkm II enllrlly Imlhlc but mm nulunu pnalnryyuxnmn may ml problem In or for perm non nmnvn hue the MI IMMIde hy clodrlr mile 11 mg lll mlluut Ink ml an man dn xllmvurun Iulllnlb ywr livmu nï¬y numb hnlhlub be mm counter with UII people and the elemcnzl HI tell of the mini crew he emplmd and the lad Italian aristocrlts bub cl In blklnll glch indumnflm Don Juan the Liking vill agel thldrtn it In Mr Bamalmlnl Ilvicll knnwn writer humndu and illunnlor 0n ï¬nald Nonhs Ark la written In humoroun and witty style which In men entertaining eflfoilnlfq an th Vlfli The mm or treasure in uunlun nhipx hm mused the imagination oi men cvcr since me first cargo veaiel was lost Thrnugh the cenlufln many inbuinul ireuuru luv zen lo iho hoiiam oi ill in in th wrecked VESIEII Sunkei Trenure iyvmeuiba Lall And Jun Rlvqlrc The Iulhon have based their book on Inc and tell In wordl maps and photonpm About many Ihl Int lhalr lull wealth wh ch hlvu lured adven uren ovu um ynu This buck wvm lhm can turle or Ihlpwreck and Ire urn hunflng One 01 um Itorles about Illa thlp Lullnn which tank all the Dutch can und whale M11 now loll In Lloydnnl London on Ihl ra Iurn to ol Ihlpl lhnt war thought on Then aim Ihe Inla ol the Brllhh nnvnl div whn hmulhl up nearly flllcen mlllion dullurs worth gold from lhl Lnurcntlc The French lllvlm And 0mm blilvlu The mllon Madller mum coal llrclchinl Irom Natural Gas Cant Beat mmcn mcuouon mmM1 Clouelle the cnmdor the War Credit Party bu mahlllhed hll niche In one the monk mulloverlie pollflclm In Cmdllwflmrtn Ottawa we no the mud yard Itlckp ol IIII algocqygngu he Ottawa we no liltlllllli yank cliche oi hil eiiectivenm he receive lot at critical reier encen lrom hiI opgonentl come of whom urelch ll word My yond normal oluticity or the iinl to linear 1m We hm uni ior ox nmpie mllqnotaliono at Me re mark Ibout Hitler and Muuo vlini by rival politicians trying to duh him unjneiiiinhlyns lfnscilt in incl tho inttalking Bacini Credit misalonnry irom Rwyn Quebec hnn not ya not his light Ihnve winninl converts within hionwglprovince But his enemies ratll than his toliow ernhave liven him nationwide prominentv lhin hu recenll boen nin iorced by poll aken layha Canadian institute of Public Opinion which asked crossH vw in the proyince oi Ounbee ior cumin tho oieclion task June owed to per cent oi the voter eupporting the Liberals 80 per cent mpporllnu the Com Imullvu undionl no percent backing Soeinii redil candi datel Yet lhtl rbceut poll ohows thlt so peticon oi Quebocigoro or now favorably dispuodto ward Mr Caoueltoso wauid preeumahlynote or his follow ere in no electionwhile like number disppm oi him and the balance are undecided Those figurel Allowing ior eplit between Conservalimsnd Liberlis in the opposition on gcst that Saclai Credltwouid capture majorityol the 73 oonstiiuenciel in the province Quebec lna federal election heldlnday But In June that party won only 26 of thing 75 sea OTTAWA REPORT rpm at site to mm ï¬lm We hlVlngflrd or ex unpio mllquotaiioxu of ill re mark Ibout Hitler and Mum llni by rival politicians trying to gab iuim unjmlilnhlyas In In the Intalking Bodnr Credit missionary mm Rwyn Quebec hu not ya 111 light above wlnnlnl converts within Hanwglpmvlnce But his enemies ram Ihnn his allow ershava llven him nationwide prominentv Canadian Institute of Public Opinion which and mis Clllldl Mingling oi Candiam what they Ink Mr Cam elte Tho Hm quenlon was whetherlhe lnlerviewee hap pelgx to have heard or read InY thing about Real Cnauefle Not Iurprllingly two every Iva lendipns culled Hui aurzrlv ng every our ue beckm repum No He proved to he lean wldel known In On tarln when any per cent had heard olhIm You 1m minnows Saint Rlphul Menlone known Call DAlnr To lhn Englishspeaking wnrld ha French nlvleru ln Ml new bookth mnny henulilu color photographs by Zoom Truherl dcplct brculh laklng vlew 01 In French NV lera numd coaIlllnem ultra mnrinc ms mountain Vlllm luxury resoru cllllol and mom wnrlu alJrl Ire nll dllplnynd hm The vhnlogrnpm urn nccompunlcd by deicrl lam uxplunnlluns and line ground malarial by anrlel llvcr Nov ma Pnddtnl Frankun Roouvall wax reelzcted or mould term 75 years no todnyln moIn undo slide vlcmn Only Mnlna and Verman were behind his nppnnent Alked Lan don The poliocrlppled Dem ocratic prclldenl won an um precedeulod Inurth term In the 1944 elections but dled suddenly in Aprll915 wcnkcned by the mall of III mm ma war then frnwlng la successlul end nu smedcoLLeAgér MOS Controvérsiél mo The crash ol an AmenInn Airlines plane in Newloundlnnd can liven 195011 Supremu Court at Canada ruled that the federal Parliament may not delegate It exclusiva pow to no Emvlnclll lem fitum and We Still llvprï¬blgdunld Lpp may ungavurgb In their ThaMI the Iuperflnlul MIL What it truly Ilgnllicam IIlhat ljlmï¬mm suggest lhm mini what that Mr Cannons Irnmnlng wall and E5 21 Theta ligurcs lherelore sug gest hat Mr Caouene is run Ing ahead or his pady in pop ularily and also that the 806m Credit wave mounllnl In Quebec THE MAN AND 7m mm repanclu between leader and his puny are con mon In umnng populnï¬ly pomlu We see It for example In the latest rating Prim Minluer Dleltnhaker and 1h Conservatlve party While up pan or the party his dropped up voter In every three al Thule limes Indiuto the knflmdza of bllanpe now gov erning our odernl polltlcl with the Cnnservntlves lormlnz the hunt party In our Home Common yet lacking In over all mulorlty lleher Smith the Progressive Conservative MP from Barrie has just polnted out nnother Indication of this narrow bnlnnce very low votes transferred to the Con servative candidates In Ontari In the June polling would have Elven Ihlt party ma arlly in the House Slmllnrly would not have needed mm number vote rtrategtcally pieced In Quebec In have given the ub eral party tho largest number cl tents the Home Far they am In Ilkr flu Huh do mind the lhlnsu II null but they um II Ill Splrlt lhe Man the Spirit flnmnn £15 Whnl cnï¬llu our dupe lcnllnn dlsplnys ha Iplrltual Inns of nut llm CLOSE MARGIN WEMBLEY Middicsex Wem hicy Libnrniu nre Juhiinm nlfl winning their um for Wank biey byeiccuon for the iiilddiasex Counly Council link it was close thing The Liberal but the Tory by two vol liter twu remunu BIBLE THOUGHT 1H