me some This debori nire ehapeau possesses pinched crown with centre dent featuring one and half inch brim triinand nest for that slim look Bicirrie indirstryo iy1Will Show Goods In Trade Crusade Barrie industry will move in to Toronto this Monday for rtwodayrsession In support of Premier John Roberts recently Instituted buy Ontario goods program The twoday show on Monday and Tuesday Is being called The Manufacturers Opportun ity Show Folir Barrie industries De Vilblss imperialEastman Unl versal Cooler and West Bend have made arrangements to share booth at the show in the Royal York Hotel Canadian General Electric has arranged to have booth of its own at the show Dnrrtes industrial CommisA sioner May says that the show will give out only Barrie industry an opportunity to dis play its wares but also other leading manufacturers from throughout the province will be on display Ontario Economics Minister Robert Macaulay has said that Dairies OfCanadd Present Concert The Davies oi Canada sing lng group in Barrie have re vcracd the pattern oi many top flight entertainers who at tnlned lame in Janada and then left for the United States Having made to United States tours the Davies are planning lhreemonth tour of Ontario to begin shortly after the New Year The Davies will hold con cert in the auditorium of Dorrie District North Collegiate Nov is beginning at our part The concert is sponsored by North Collegiate This distinguished group oi artists is fliiCflMdiDii and all members oi one family The three vocalists sister and two brothers are under the direction oi their mother who has been responsible for all their vocal training Will iam ifaloolm Davie husband of the musical director and fa ther of the three singers is ad Vance agent and business man ager oi the troupe Vera Henderson Davic stud ied extensively in Conndii rind the United States and no for several years In company with Store Entered During Night Almost ttoo wns stolen train the promises oi the lied and White Store on Einivnles iiioin street in the early hours at the Morning rnld iilmvnio Ioitco Chlri Horace iiwctl Chicl Ewell Investlrnling the hrrnkin until it court not be determined if anything else was Itotrii Apparently the thieves broke into the tiers tiy nrnosh log small window at tho hock oi the store The theft was discovch owner Ernie ltrown shortly It ter he opened his store this morning Fire Destroys innislil Home Fire gutted now IllitiAlii mtlorn rousing H000 iloiiinga shortly after thn mntrnctnr it Filtirr iiml Icit It rrady Ior lniiiirdtiiti ocniponcy ttiiirsilny nlzht tiiiioiii Jriiku Toronto NIP or oi the coitorn iioit will his Toronto homo intivrwlng rrllrr man and was prrparlng to move to tlis iitilillll mttogo soon nmirinon Mtiitl the house nirriiit 000 pm raw Kmiihe ritliiilfl on rd the oi the nilivtinir and atoml imti ill Fire iiï¬rmttnrrit The lire tlcthmmt ratin gliirhml thr lillre helm the wall tall in rown AND courting omitor unnhlo to trace ilil Thls casudl but smart hat tester also centre dent with pinched crown and carries one and threequnr ter inch brim for the country eIub elegance he feels that the show will re suit in substantial orders for On tario manufacturers Iilost oi the major companies in Ontario many of Ihosethat use com ponent parts made in countries ouulde Canada are showing Also at the show Ontario manufacturers will display thousands of items which they now import and would like to have manufactured in Canada This show is actually only small part of the Ontario govi cmments Trade Crusade pro gram dealing in what the pro vince can do to increase man ufacturing and what the pro vince can do to increase ex ports Mr Macaulay states that the government Is undertaking massive pmgramto lnlorrn and mobilize the people otOntario In support oi Canadian indus try and to acquaint them with iith the opportunity and per sonal responsibility In creating greater prosperity her iumiiy hashecn touring these countries The vocalists repertoire ii not restricted to any one type oi music They perform Hilli Iy well in opera and comedy songs One critic said They make the classics popular and popu lar music classic They are oitcri asked which one is the oldest and who is married Relics Davie says Mother married and she Li the oldc Allmembers oi the group are Dorrie residents Ilftd Nelle was born here The coming concert will In the third in Barrie In the last three years The troupe has given radio pcrlormances in Barrie Oril iin london Woodstock Sifnt find and Wingham Tax Notice To Dead Man AGASSIZ ILC CPIOnce it your the assessor for Kent municipality sends no envelope to Agassiz post alllcc for ii ninn long dead who last called tor his mnii horn 75 years ago The result in two more yeora will he to erase rpm the tax roll the numo oi the Agosnlr lamlly which once owned the property on which this village stands so miles cont oi Vane corner The rniciope cuntoirin ii inn notice tor Jamis linrwcll Agni Ilr accoan son at Cool howls Nunn Agontr pioneer irttlcr for whom the village was named it concerns thine ncra parcel oi land out at the village on which the CHI oncrr mnlntolncd to turn its trains around The CIIt recently gave up the load and it returned to the tax mil in the name of it originnl ownar Iilri stints waund iip ycnra ago and tire heirs is following provirirlnl low Iiy sending the Inn notice to tho iwnrrat mt oliteo If the lam roiitlniin uirrnlil ior llirco yenrl Iho iliilil wil be sold to recover them SPRUCE CHRISTMAS TREES WANTED With or Phone BRAUNS nunsrnv Ilil James itl Non HAMILTON thTAltIII iiniae Iii7AM umomwmmunuu War Museum to which the gen To Tiger Dunlap run cmst smith Issemlcilcis crown plndled trout and one and three eighlhs lndlibrlrri This sporty style is ï¬nished in brushed wool with fancy bandp Vespra Legion Plan Hold Service Saturday Nov 10 Vespra Branch lit oi the Royal Canadian Legion will holdilemembrance Day servic es onSaturday Nov to In the Stall Roomof the Department at Lands and Forests Midhurst at 10 am it will be conducted by the Archdeacon Gilbert Lightboum oi Barrie At 1040 pm accompanied by members oi the Township Coun cil Boy scam Girl Guides and fraternal orders headed by Pipe Mayor Thomas Kerr and the Barrie Pipe Band they will move to the Cenotaph in Spring water Park where the laying of wreaths and reading of the honor roll will take place Alt er two minutes oi silence the pipes will sound the lament The officers oi Vespra Branch invite veterans and their friends BiiCDdliIi5 service During the period Nov to 20 the Simcoe County Museum which is located on iiighway 26 adjacent to Springwator Park wilLbave adisplay ol First War relics with th as sistance oi the Camp Borden oral public are invited The next meeting oi Vesprn Branch will be held Wednesday Nov commencing at pm Final preparations for Poppy Day will be discussed dock Is Tribute By Iii COLLINS recently published book The Tiger at Canada West by II Graham should be oi some interest of those who are interested to the history of Sim coe County it In about thelife oi Dr William Tiger Dun lap who played large part In the settlement of Ontario The sobrlnuet Tiger was earned In india where the cinder was noted tiger hunter ilo clinic to the Canada as an army doctor and was under fire at the bloody brittle oi Lundys Lane during the War OI 1812 After the war he was in charge of the opening oi the Pcnetnnguisheno Boa on carly military fur traders and colonization road which cut ac ross Simcoe County from Kem pcnlclt Day to the Military and Naval boss at Penrtan gulshcne Evcntuaiiy he became an im partant man In the Canada Company company whose task was to bring out settlers from the Old Country Dunlap was responsible for settlement around Coderich in the ant lluron Tract at over million acres and he did his tub with remarkable vigor Wiren that area oi Upper Cane min was settled and the land clcarcd Tiger was elected to arllnmcnt However he hurt een ll backwoodsinnn too long and its was not able to adjust to the clionging conditions iirenluntly ho was relegated Norm THEth CLUBFestive circteemwnwlï¬iaonehod half ind brim lnbruslied woolmix GétsAop¢intment Norman nun Sherman 202 Kempenielt Drive has been appointed Commissioner of Oaths and member at the Supreme Court of Ontario by the Lieutenant Governor of Out ario iiirSheIsweli is the owner oi the firmNorman Shels well Real Estate and Mortg age Broker lie Is prominent Canadian businessman and is president of provincial Financial Corporation limited charter member at tile Board at Direetors and member oi the executive committee oi Great Lakes Commercial and HoldingCorparnItoa Limited director of AngloP sat Corporate Holdings Limited member of the public holding company Fiscal investments Limited and is Chalrmsnof the Board at Directors one servo Acceptance Company Li mitcd Mr Sheiswell Is fellow of the College of Industrial Man agement and Engineeringon Birmingham England and is fellow of the Royal Common wealth Society and secretary of TENSIONLESSENS SitDowners Wont GiveUp The sitdawners at Barrie District North Collegiate outllnv ed their position to the press yesterday alter theistudenta council stated that it do piores the lad that our school has recently received such wide publicity as result oi the tactics at minority group who in their real may have over looked the adverse effects of their activities on their schools oiiicials their school their city their fellow students and per haps themselves While we may be arm the etic to and understanding ol the private opinions of the group members we cannot condone any activity which to terleres in any way with the elliclcnt management at the school or the education at its students ilicrcfora we wish It clear ly understood that we do not wish to be associated with any campaign or movcmcnt initiat ch by this group We tnist that lmm now on all at us may devote our ata tcntion and our entire school time to the Important task oi furthering our education In ii statement to the press Fluill DAMAGE SUIT ilii0XI Miss tAliA Uni versity of Mission pi student from nearby linndr ro Mira to minor post as Iupcrinlcne it 0000 dnmaiu Iuii lrl of tho anhlna Ca notilero dent of the Lathine Canal Here the builder at in nation old and neglected died but ill trody wns returned to Goilorirh the Inca he loved for burial ger Dtinioil doctor sold ier story teller servnnt of the Queen one ol the many man and women ihu helped to change Canada train it IIIIIiI oi itiiiliYldNil itliIAIiIINti illiFINlttlthlt UPHOLSTERING rum FOAM will illlill EVERY Jim tAIt llt TODAY Barrie Tent Cr Awning Ii lylirld It no skin day against who directed enrolment at Na gro at the university The stu4 dent Cyril Funeco ir charged he was deprived oi his constitu federal ultielrill tlnnal rights at tmrdoin of speech and lrcrdcm oi assem bly lip asked doctoroiury judgment 0000 in damages and main Products PERFECTED rnnrnaircnr Made of agllon aka features wool ear flaps in sense checlr Sheiswell NORMAN sunnswnni the Kiwanis Club oi Kempcn felt Bay and immediatepast president oi the Barrie Chapt er of SPEBSQSA Mr Shelsweii is married to the former Shirley Wilson oi Tomato and they have two sons David and Peter Mr Shelswelt was born and raised in Oro Township last night spokesmen for the students who had been throat cned with suspension if they did not stand up for singing oi God Save the Queen said Although we are again standing for God Save the Queen we still feel that Mr Brydges principal is wrong in announcing It as the national anthem Wa stood under threat at suspension Intend to pur sue an acceptable solution as strongly as ever We ieci that in on issue concerning clash oi personal opinion it was totally unjust lor Mr dges and the Depart ment Education to use sus pension as weapon to iurtlier ia side of the question There is very simple way out of this The proper and less cantr0 vcrstai way at introducing this anthem is as God Save the Queen it il merely ii matter of accepted protocol DEATHS it TIIE CANADIAN PRESS Boston Dr Godfrey law ail Cabot lot founder and pros idcnt oi the Cabot Corporation Boulder Colo Mrl lior cnca Carpenter Ill mother oi United States nstronoiit Mal mlm Scott Carpenter tiridbury David iiningar iii ycar old tencher second vIccprcrldrnt of the Ontario Secondary tichool Teachers Federation and commander during the Second World War of tho bnult Ste Mario and Sulthury lleglmcnt Bernie Jamel llnrr all onetime mayor of Saints that are by research by performance HHHDIHH Oil Comlflll Itliitlilfl UJHITE ROSE GASOLINES iFllEl OILS ornancarï¬ Also made of admittanned wt red check wont Charmin Thanks Werkers Willard Kinzie United Appeai campaign chairman has then ked the appeal campaign work are for their hard work and will ingnesa in making the cam paign success in letter addressed to All Barrie United at Cam pslga Workers cabinet mcmb era divisional leaders captains and volunteer workers Mr Kin zlo said May express to you sin cere thank you for the diligent and enthusiastic elioli put for ward by you to make this years Barrie United Appeal such an outstanding success am especially grateful for ithe willing response which received from all workers at the time when we were defin itely lagging behind in results was amazed how willing ly you renpproached those dif ficult ealls This was no easy lanai knew from the calls made mysallayet you tactitrtiy revin lted these people and the re ilillts weremost gratifying over You performed exceedingly well The City of Barrie and District is indeed fortunate to have citizens such as yourself Restaurant Meet lit Gravenhurst Lloyd McDougati president iloliday Branch CRA of Lake View Dairy Dar ls attending lourday seminar for top miinagemeat in the food scr vlcs industry at the Muskoka Sands Inn Gravcnhurst This is the second annual lecture andI study course sponsored by the Canadian Restaurant Associa tion tor its members in cast em Canada as part of the Associations educational pro gram Faculty for the seminar is headed by the dean of Food Service Management Seminars on the North American coatin ent Travis Elliott at Texarir aria Texas and Includes Geo rge Bedeii oi the National Rer taurnnt Assncanon in Chicago Dr Lendni Iiotachevnr of hitch igan State University East Lansing Dr Sartaln of Southern Methodist University Dallas Texas and David Task er of CDC Toronto Owners and top management attending the Seminnraro from Vancouvorr Winni cg 5t Slep hcn Nil licnnoxv llc IQ 0t lawn icterborough London Windsor Kitchener onto and other Ontario locations FUND NEARR TARGET TORONTO tCliUnitrd Ap peat fund miners in Toronto closed their 1002 campaign Fri day 0205 rhort oi the 397 ooo nlricctlvc llowclct cam inihn Chairman William Currie told on organircrs luncheon moprip operations may boost the Mill in the objective NOTICE TO All MOTORISTS iaikliig to piniilhltnl on any aiml or lieute vantr In the dy hi or rte iretwrvit the hours oi am to om from Ninriiitror to any to incilttnte mow moor oi All Initiation may receive parking tickets or be town oil the street allowance ammonia ttly Cloth run UMBRELLA Not of no years ego buttha style of 1957 Mens dries in hats certainly change This hat featinas nthloin brim good emughfor rain pmlcctlom Is Nov and the Changing World is thethemeot CRXI adas 31st National Hi Club Week to be held in Toronto and Ottawa Nov 10 15 From Vancouver Island to Newfoundland and from as far south as New Mexico 140 club members from 16 to 21 will leave their home farms to be guests of the Canadian Conde on Clubs Speeial speakers will be Dr weeds Hamper Bay Search Search for the body of Frank Darrell 34 of Napier street who disappeared into Kempen felt Day Wednesday night was called off yesterday when Scu hn rllvera rwere ttnnbie to scs in the murky water Divers on the scene oi the drowning on the south share at the hay opposite the Canadian National Railway roondhouse said the dull cloudy weather prevented light showing down into the weeds Tho weeds which are as high as 12 feet were so thick div lei equipment buflmncflinns About rrildaflerhoon when It was found they eould not use dragging lines it was decided to halt the search US Helicopter Nailed By Beds SAIGON tAPiA US Army sergeant flying as crew mem ber on an escort helicopter was hit by Communist gunfire today and died beforereaching Sal gon Tho sergeant was aboard one of five US Army turbine powi crcrt iiUiA escort helicopters Armed with rockets and ma chine guns thcso helicopters are used to protect lightly armed troopcanylng helicvp tors from ground lire The helicopter was hit 00 miles southqu at here near the Mekong illvcr delta town of Vinh long ilcavy ground iiro met the at tacking helicopters when they arrlvcd for an operation this morning large Viet Cong unit wos believed Involved Tho or eratlon was ii continuation ol ii sweep started Wednesday after the vial Cong nearly pier rnn an outpost in the urea Government forces scored mniar victory Wednesday in fighting oil the Communist oot alanght and air strikes took heavy toll of the enemy Gov crnmenl losses also were large howcvcr Ontario llydru iirc lions overntn Iilli permrrl lionlo Ontario Area office of Ontario it THE VOLGA BOATMAN For real warmth on cold days this imitation lamb is just the thing In all sizes and in gray and black clue Weeki Tyler Professor of Pay etiology Brandon College don Manitoba Carl V055 rai iereeinchief of the National For the iith successive year delegation from the United States willtake part Eight all memheis and one extension leader will represent the states at Missouri Vemient New Hampshire Minnesota Mississ lppl New Mexico Louisiana and Oregon In exchange National dele gatian of 10 4H members re presents Canada each year at the National Club Confer enee in Washington DC 0a the flnalday Nov 15 GovernorGeneral rgcs Vanier and Madame Vauier will receive members at Ridea Hall Primaitiinislerlohn Die fenliaker will receive them at the Parliament Buildings They will also be guests of the Canada Department of Ag rlcultura et luncheon tn the Chateau Laurier iiotel James Itiooro It is oil Manager said To be select ed for this allexpense trip is the goal at every Ml menlb er it Is an award trip for high achievement Besides the group discussion periods under Dr Tylers dirv ection delegates will be anten tnincd at banquets attend professional hockey game and visit Niagara Fallsthe Royal Agricultural Winter Fair and the Royal Ontario Museum CANADiAN INVESTORS British Guianaa 2400000 ions annual bauxite production is ob tinned largely through Canadian investment compare Puritan iNSURANCE Designed To Your Situation PLUS ECONOMY You phone Ill see you At Your llama oiiiinmi ANDERSON General insurance Agency DONALD HTIIEET PA 66085 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS tTiiL lliirrlc Public Utilities Commission ttitti liiu loaned to announce that it fourlay course on fiiiulmiiciitalo and regular Ilia Installation at ELIiClItIC Ciihli RT Ill iING will be held in the stall room of the luIiltc Utilities Coiiiinliistiin In In fletri Street Barrio on Nov it Nov 15 Nov and Nov 29 i002 The hours oi the course will be from 000 am to 430 pm each day The course will be conducted by Ilcntliig Association of Ontario niu fut coriipletloii it will lend to the thIiiIiCRlIOII as an authorized installing contractor for cacti quell the Electric upon success Registration fee of $2000 per person Include lunch on it of the four tinytt as well no the Electric tleatlng Associations manual Application formii are available item the Mill who at 50 Collier street PUBLIC UTILITIES WMMisSTON 0f the City oi Ionic