hank oi Munimi The Bunk Monireni declared quarier dividend oi 47 cent per if horn pill on cxim dividend 21 cents per share both nblo on Dec to shore gx oden of moid Ocl 3L Pra iouaiy the Bank paid in quar riy dividend oi 15 cent per Ali hnra piux an extra oi 25 cent er Limo This incrunm the in am 1205 per thorn lo 11175 arel Luke Power Corer inn Lid Tho ComYnny doclnb quarterly div dcnd oi 20 cm per common share pin extra oi ccnu hnih my biv on Dec 11 lo marrhoid Ioirccorchcil ihillxr cam lhn indicnlcd annuni Min duel Lid Nci incomu lhu nine monilu untied Scpii um nmaunicd lo 12120900 50 nor more In compared iii no Income oi MONO TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE 07 no or onlhl ended $ch ml John Labll Ltd Thu Com nyhu purchmd or an un ulmd price Buvnrhm Rm Yi mil and Ill nuarlnlcd In Ink mnnulnclurlnu company ndcn ovum but both 1f Johnl Nuwloundlnnd noyll Inn Cundu 11m uynl Hunk drclmd qunllcr dividend ton pu Illll un In our dlvldend ol holy yum lmpnlnl on LImIM Nol In mug nlnc month Ind SepL so Im nmnunled in 100000 or per mm Al unplml wllh MI Income ul 0001000 nr or cur mndln vuImlllul yeah man My Mlnlu Ilm Co In NH innom lb nlno manlM Inded 59M MI nlmunhd In NU50 um per ghm mmpnr with MI lnmme nf lflu nr Ina per 51mm lnr In nruwmdlnl palm 1m yrnr Domlnlun In Ami hcmltnl UN lo Huran and 0d ll lmvloully hl nnk pnld Immerly dlvld of 65 mull var Ihm plul yur um um ol cm Ihnn 11n lncrcnm cnlcd dlvldmd mlo in ma Alma lnchlrllnl 1er mm prevlmu annual la yuralnsand result Ingg ml haa samew at ham eieji Improvements being Iin criakenmxdh 7th Line oi Issalrom Highway 09 to Side ad 109 nl Essa Nevmheless the levelling widening and gra elsnrtacing ol lhi eightmile aeolian of inwnship rnad isexa peeled Via be compleied within Dirac weeks depending an the wnnlhen ll The commLiar Levelling 7o ynrds oi iiil waninkcn by Haiiahan Construction Ciareby anifacl or hauling nl 10000 nrdauf graval iii was let in nilyCnnsiiuoiion Holland Cen or at $18000 An additional 15000wiil be spent by the nwnshlp Essa inr installation oi euivana icncing and next ear lnr ihe application of our inches ni crushed gravel mums nnsmams Abrasive snnd if slinch he lubrication of all mnchln ry xevernl ilmes daily to re enz sand enierlng bear gl nd hydraulic cylinders Under Holly Consirudivn from in II imch are bringing ad mean that each maper emh muvcr could make only three trips an hour But the sandsllt has good mm acllon qualiï¬es You can ex anything In road build DIFFICULT SECTION One of the most dimcull sec in IS now being encountered when Moot cut 15 being nndmnt the creek between Sidcmads 10 and 15 when sanhAmavers sink up to their lees In the sandsill Mr Hal 3th nys this Imublg develop in By BRIAN BAKER Averu stark mm Bluh Prelerrld And Slack Common Yndullnlh anl Hlllllllul Summit lat lhl Wllk mammt 25 mm Hsz um DUNLOP IT BULLETIN BRIEFS MIN Riki 50 Mwlnwdl Pulmme fll Mlï¬nu Ilrkk mm need th Mark Tm Ind Jqu nlumo uh ulnul am 3000 1h lllllnn Erich Co ml under their all which uplred 0d TM nu than Ml lm um mm mm mm mm mm lum mum nl by snow mam uulhnrlml um nulllandlnl Mncmlllln Bloedel And Pul Ill lelled Ncl lucumo tor lhl nine month ended Scpl mounted to mmmM ur 117 por mm cnmpnnd wllh m1 lnmmu 9470005 or emu par sham or lhI conenmndlnl perlod In yon The Cumpnnf daclnrod In m1 ulnr qunery dlvldoml may share lulu In um ulvldend ul mm ptr Ihnru both mum on Dcc In mum holder man Nov LIII your lho Compnny pald In um dlvldwd 01 Null In Jun and mm In Dmmhnr WI Thu mural Inland numluly dlvlun at 20 null per mm payublo unJnnum ahurelmldrn nl man no Imlmr hlhln lncmm lhe 1n dluled Inmul dlvldrnd mo In can per Ilun mm In prov mun nu 00 mm per nhnr Mclnlyn lolfllphle Mine lenrd Net Income or he nlno month cndtd Sept 50 Ml amoupttdlo 36003 Yer lhumnl Eofrmnred with ml Mama at 01993111 or an cent per mm or lhs carmpondinl purlad 1nd year Damn Ptlmlenm lemd Net Income for tha nlno manlhl end ed Sepl 30 1902 mnounlcd to 510051 or 59 com pcr sham and cash flow In In ccnll per Ihm Bl compared wllh net In coma 019367115 or 26 cent per mm and cum Ilow ll com per shnra or lhe nlnu mamhl mdcd Sept ml Cn Lid Domininn fir and Chemical Con um announced ii inland to muka an oiinr to acquire this eniire capiini slack oi iicndon Pnper Vark C04 le ni Snndcrinnd England in exchange or 240000 Domlnr common xhnre ilcndnn Pnpnr opernicl lwapnpcr mndiine mili mnkinx wide vnriely oi iine siniioncry and printing pnpcrn iinscd on he currcni price oi Dom Tan mon 316 can oi ihn acqulilinn wouid ha 300000 Lake St Clalr Lake Erie trama Laku llnron Lake On arln reglans Windsor London Toronto Hamilton Cloudy with one or two light showers today and llkrly period at llght raln or snow lonlgllt Sunday mainly cloudy not much changn in temperature Winds east tn northeast 10 to 20 Georgian Bay Algoma re gions Saul Sle Marie Mainly cloudy May with one or lwa llghl snowllurries Sunday me cloudy not much change lemperalurewinds can In nmhgast 10 20 Hallhurtan mglnn Mainly cloudy today and Sunday pe riod of light nnuw tonight not much change In temperature Winds east to northeast 10 to 20 Ihe comp mi section of the 7th Line plus three mare section an Conwa gIons ands amounting tn dial of 11 miles according to road supervisor Louis lnlax Angus Essa To will have compleled its most exten sive roadlmprcvement pro gram so In Synopsis The arctic high pressure urea over Northern Ontario ls moving swiftly olirio the east and low now moving lnlo Munilobn threatens snow or parts of northweslcm 0n mrlo Sundny Northeast winds and cloudy skies an upecicd to persist over soulhém Ontario today wlih low light showers Cool and partly cloudy weather is forecast or Sunday uqu Ier Mr ITuax explain that the plan and has been to build theirrmads up little by Little according Ohe muney avail Clarence Ciark RR Angus gravel checker said that two concession of the road item 69 highway to Siderned iohnve completed besides another sec lion just south of Sid mad The deepest roadieu is bout 42 feet he Mid fTha new width oi the her in 66 ieet ram lenee tn ience Ali fence on land bought by the town ship or widening purposes are replacedlby the township but where knees remain in lheir original position these are tee pi by the owner grave from pig onlilve larrï¬ of Willie ï¬nally an th at mm LuluI Pam amp WEATHER FORECAST yur Mo Good Gmmlnn Hay whllefllh brought 55 cum lnku lroul can lb En vnrlcd mm 60 unll med for ulrn Imo lxolllnu lnwl told uulckhr at an cont lb wlth mum thickens nl 45 ccnll lb Ham bnklnn lnrludcd Inns buns hll mm mkm plea lnnzo and mmll dam cookie elc lol llcd Rood Included honordim 004 or mid hm nlllll murmnlndon mumwm or bouquou 3115 mm bum Good hnnd mm Includinl baby mm Imalm nun hom Mwll doll clolhu ru lanabln Squash Acmnflng In no use oIlmd were caullllaucr pur lnlpx unurds Applol Included Mch Cortland at null ban cenlljm Busincls wu ah1y brink at tho llrmerl market this mom tng with good choice pm dune at excellent quallty Fob atom sold for 55 cent bu 10 lbs cents or $150 bngt Turnip to null brunch menu 29 tontl qt Cabbage In red white my or 19 cents Knlo Io cents bunch Heels 15 cenu qt and 35 cunts bus Carrots lbs 19 cent to centl bu Good Cooking onion sold well It lb ts cent and In 20 lb but 00celrry bundles 1n cenll cost To INanAsE WOODSTOCK CF The Province oi Ontario will require $450000000 or education com pared with this years budget of smooomo by 1967 Ontario Agriculture Minister Stewart Friday aid the Oxtord County School Trustee and Ratepay crs Association Inmlllon St Brine Toronto Peterborqush Trenton Klllnloe Muskokn Nonh Bay Sudhury Earllan Knpuskasing Mile River Moasonce Snult Ste Marla Forcest Temptnluru Low Ionlght high Sunday Windsor 30 SL lhomas Landon Kitchener Haunt Forest Jinglhnm SE$ ver regmn Sunny nnd continuing cold wday In creasing cloudiness and not quite as cold Sunday Occa sional snow late Sunday Winds light today suumwgs 10 lo 10 Sunday An important even in Essa Township will take place at pm Nov when the Roads Deparunentl new garage and workshop on the comer ol Slde road 15 and Concesslan west at Thornton will be otliclnlly openecl Tlmagaml Cachrane raginris North Bay Sudhury Sunny with cloudy periods and con unuing mld today and Sunday northeast 15 DIAMOND RI 151GB He points outthat once this lmpmvedmada are hardtopp ed as many already are wint er snoweaslly Iweup off the auxlace and ummer malnlen am is cum Limos nil and no further majur cqnslmclinn is required we put the crushed gra vel on Immediately would simply be punched Into the sub in More It had chance In wttle Byallqwlng annlher your to pass utter waxpply the crushed gravel maximum cumpaclion has has taken ylnceA is lmpoflant whenyyou are xmsidexing paving mesa mdz We usually allow up by paving these improved mg wkhin two yeanfl able for that purpose Firsttha rand are hum up as above After his settled over win er thalawnflnpapplies four inqh layer crushed gravel Dunlap llnd Run mm Wllh WEAR SECURITY BOND II Your Hunum FABMERS MARKET Our llmmkn umsusaaassuaï¬gussss The Ipnkesmln declined to elaborate mylnx only Ihnl the tank expcclcd Hm IllCC on In bnynnd ha trndl llnnnl humnnlurlln ncllvillol MI Inslllullon nut In flu Icrior Inhml pctcu and he pupunnnn Illocled by lhu blockade cnmmlllo ll wmm lo lend HA 1004 0mm In In United NI llonl on the upreu condlllnn Mt Ithm Inlmstgl pmlu spokesman told reporter lhl allSwlu humnnfllrlnn or lnnlminn Icndlnu ll lormcr pmldcnt Pun Hunger In New York mccl wlth UN Acting Sucrclnry Gnncrul 11mm flcuucr wynnrold lormcr Swim mlnlslcr In Home wll lam hue curly nut wctk GENEVA AP Tho lnlcr Mllonul Rad Crosl Committee lormllly docinrcd 1h wllllnx nos ladny lo help aupervlsn dlnmunlllng Soviet rocket and ham on Cuba all pup Mn agree Congruiuiaiions to Squadron Leader Dave Reid Scout Master First Edgar lmap who has Joined the district mm as district scoutcrr SL Reid will supervise scouting activities Edgar Crown Hill and Shanty Bay DINNER That unidentiï¬ed scout mop nnd hum station lhal also part lclpntcd In the WoerJumboree onIbeMr two week ago wal tha Sevenlh flarrle SA Egamlhu stiuguiémr Dlslrlcz Commlssioncr Ma 03ch extend hls sincere welcome la Ihe KumpcnfLll DI trict Scouts to the First Ghen el Troop recently armed The troop is sponsored by the Plna Grove Home and Schml Assadatton Scout master 15 Couture and Assistant is Jack Tracy CONGRATULATIONS Father and son dinner meeting will be held or the Sceond Allandale 11er this Wednesday at the Burton vAveri ue United Church The dinner gets underway at 610 pm IDENTIFY TROOP Said Willing To Supervise Dismantling SCOUTING AROUND Edwmi Canmica 25 mo kie member lrish eques ulan team elem jump rid FREE ELECTRIC BLANKET VDisdoVér Tidop In Ham Session ran agnom They were successIuI In con Iacllng Jamboree IaIIan VE SWSB In OIInwn well an VEaYG Mr Innes In Barr He 9nd vanau other stations Both Fourth Barrie and Sev nnlh Barrie troop ed heir cerllflcnle of panlcianon this week from the World Scout Bureau In Ounwar PUBLICITY Sid Kudish has been appoinb cd public rcialiam man or he Kempenieii District Boy Scoulsi Any information for this cniumn can either be called in In Mr Troop uslng the lacihlies of ham operator HaroldRae Barrio Terrace wilh call let lcn VEEEPR Scouts 1m look part were Brinn Bowles Ruben Caner Frank Cane Itllan Mealing Sandy Mnaling Albert names and George Deforestg Kidlsh PA reportu The mam Revemnd WHI Inm RDIJCIK Columnn wlll law at Trlnlly Parish Hall Auduorlum Mnndny at pm Ha la the ï¬rst 1n scrlu of our Ipcnkm on Child lnnlty In Todayn World ll lop ll Cuntmnllng the Cu Iurnl Challtnlu BARRIE UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP HUNDAY 00 YMYWCA SCHOOL OF RELIGION no Nu MODERN MEDICINE And llnw bhIII lny Put It IILHNKAIIN Ilfl mg An Phafl on way winning the Pmnsylvanla Na tional Trophy at the National rnrlnmminan SPEAKER GENERAL Snlu Ind Suvlu H7 Dunlop 5L Eu WHEN YOU PURCHASE NEW EPLETTS ELECTRIC AUIONMTIC HIGH SPEED Low AI inc mu mm mm DRYER er Representing Btudo Jnycm was past pron on Chuck Vadzc Guest speaker was Rev Churchcr St Mallhlu Anxllcnn Church are representing the low cu this weekend at the Presidents and VlcePcsldcnla ConIBrcnco being held In Sudbury Presl dnnt Din Brnuhwaflc and vice rrcsldcnu Sld Taylor and Char os Surgcnor chl yesterday In ake part In he wordny mcct ng INDUCTION Thy Cnldwnter Junar Cham bero Commerce Induclcd ï¬ve of new member dln Mr meeting huld Inst nlght at he United Church In Cnldwnb FOURTH LAIKGEHT Thu Sasknschcwnn nlvar fourth inmost In Cnnï¬dn low 1205 miles from the cnnlern flockle to Lake Vinnlpou LOCAL GENERAL AT CONFERENCE mrcu members he Barrio Junior Chamber of Commerce Ottawa llwyer Sam Berger said yesterday he will be candidate tn Ottawas Dec mnyerntly election The torm cr pmstdcnt the Eastern Football Canterenca and 0t lnwu Rough Elders was de Ieatcd by incumbent Mayor Chartotte Whttton in 1960 ICP Wrcptmto Show in New Yorks adisbu Square Garden yesa lcrday mp Wirepnoxm $71 I250 KlEER PAK Get In Th Snlnn CHALLENGES $157 FREEZER FOODS PA MISOI FOOD And ELECTRlC PA 664 QUEBECICP Desplle Real Caouelles annuunccd in tention to keep his party out of the Quebec elullon Nov 10 So cial Credit remains quesllnn mark in the campaign Promlcr Juan mane has Inld his nrgumem an lndl anun Ihnt Mr Johnson In ugalnsl cxpmprlallon but will mu nut and any lu The club has no olllclnl rec ognition In fuel the rules stats that members elected to Par liament must be present unless excused by Parllament Itself These rules are rarely en lorced Jln prevlons Parliaments the club had semloflldal recogni tion In the act that gentlemenq Agreements were made between government and npposltlnn par ties tllnt vltal matters would not by debated or vote called onMdndnyr or Frldayxl How will the mm than 500 000 Quebccers whovoled Social Credit In the federal election last June us their ballots pro vlncIullyY Mr Caoueue Lhe panya de puty national leader and L5 colorful kingpln in Quebec has not publlcly given the and either Ihe lecrnl or lha Union Nnuouale parlics He has said Social Crcdlters are free to slur port the candidate of lheir choice The Union Nationale as party has not commiued it self ollher or or against the governments plan to cxpmprl nkc Union Nullonnlc Lender Daniel Johnson hnl promised to exproprlnle two small compam In In Gaspo and Ablllhl re gions and hold referendum on lhe nlncflolhnrs next your He as Sal Ihe cost of expm prinllon might be much $1ooomooo or much more than the gavornmcnls csflmnu reooooo000ooo mnd no tolerance ta lho So clnl Crcdlt vale Mr Jnhmon hn bum wooing ll especially In rum rIdlnxs whlch helpud relum 25 chlnl Cred mem OIIAWACP The Thfl club seems be flourishing again atm slow start thls parliamentary sesslnn It drew oval 100 member away from the House Com Tong Fridaya It did on Mon Membership MP5 whn llva conveniently close enongh to Ottawa It be able to taken long weekend at home spend ing only maxdaytmlhursdny in Ottawa hence the vcluh name However he hassaid he opposed to cxpmprlnllon ol Quebecs 11 private power mm panicshe Issuc on which the Liberal government culled snap elccuun NDT IO MITTED in purely informal club but some gt it vitalleamrel cap be Hated as ihes Purposes Elihu1A lo get away irpm it all in Ottawm or I9 crowd as much privaie business or political handshak ing into weaken as pqgsible Fees Paid to th rraflwayx air lines or gas and ollvcom page 19 gansparta Schgds Remain QueStiori Mdik Flaurishingï¬dfctiï¬ Tm 1min km unu wrolu hm Innll Imd mp my memory lrrm llrmgmbrmu WMI ll pl clllmed jml or lhll purww Ihnt my new row In ant Imm my he km awn la mar who muan no ml Iml Hu lwnrnu lulu Ihmuxh Ilwlr Ilcrlllm mm lholr melmry and my mm Jud will hlmllo In hum ol nll mm ovmwhcm ll IM love at peace IIII Um mm In lied mm the Inmaan ol lho lava 01 um ml unIII kmmma ml mm mm bewm lhs hlnqdnmn my Inn ml of III Hulk and He mu rblun lur Iver and Ever Mayor Cooke hy vlnuc at rmlullon of lho ouncfl nl Um Clly of Harrie lo hereby proclllm week Novcmlwr lo II 1901 In Remembrance Week In an Clly nl Harrle Furiylour year on Nov ll 1m 1100 hon mo word wm mum by wellknown Canadian padre since Hut nwnmhh day or Gllly Um day and In hour hu been 111 Mm Mn km nlnco Mon rhlnnd mm Armllllm In llamvmhrnnu 0m Hm bmkm dcnd om lhu lrmrhu Ind 1m HURICI God mu out Ccan Flu Woe It Ibo nnuonl vr men who In lhelr mm or IRWIN lmnk lhnl Ilml nnlor of GM CM Flrul PROCLAMATION REMEMBRANCE WEEK COOKF anqr On Monday 911 week 11qu everrdurlng 1m dnfly question period when Interestin Com mans affairs In hlzlrenounhko annual any MPln hawkian at the House vï¬ggre were 104 Bragg seats HEALTH HILL Cuundlaua Ipcnd nn uvernxu 8100 or more annually on health urvlce or every man warnnn 01 child llnwever new purl founded after the campalxn 1w zan In lhe Inn week 01 Sep tember LAcllan valnclnle lmd ll candldalu campaigning lend her Parliament lrom Que bee last June In Bouyn Mr Caoueuel home town Mr Johnson de scribed the Social Credl deputy leader man with heart on whom he could count or co lnborallon In carrying out he Union Nationalel economic program NLHhcr the Social Credit nor the NDP parties had candl date he race when nomina Ilons closed last Wednesday with both the bend and Un Ion aninnnle parllcs entering full Hale at 95 candidaln Mr Caoucue has made no comment bulyurller this week he Issued clear statement chat Social Credit no party In the elecllon campaign and warned organizer ngalnsl puhllclky that would and to show hls party support em He issutd the warning in statement that said Liberal ar gunizers intended to use phov tngrnph of him shaking hands with Mr Lesagc publicity materials The photograph was taken in Mr Caoucttel bomb town at Rcuyn whnn lhu two met in television station stu dio or separate urogrnmx My Caouptte said hls party woï¬id ébénk in against cmL lnin provincial politicians alter the election But with mlnorily govern men In pownrand ear that combined vote of the oppoflflon against It mlght at any llrnn force another menu elecllon the TuesdaymThursday Club Med hard times the outset the current union MPI Werent Anxiouiw to he awayr from the Commons on nnyren son empty seats Frlday compiled by Him repprters looking down on ma unaplhere were 113 vacant seam To be sure some were empty because three parliamen lnry association meeting an currently making orsoou to meet ouufla Ugo country By partle the vacant seat on Monday werezs of the 116 Consetvauvei 50 of the 100 le erals 12 the Soda Cre dit membersand 12 of th then New Demozrndv Party members Soda Credit Leader Thumnson was In West ern Canada and ND Leader Douglas was nut Intmduced In the Common until Friday Friday the vacant scan nnlegi we mgam 36 Friday thevucnt counted were Conservatlw Liberal 55 500131 Credit NDP seven clan vaIlncmre candldalu campaigning nnllcxproprlnllon plut