Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Nov 1962, p. 14

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BRlfiTQWS of Dania linnzcr your lnhh young lrlnh prlrnl in wry IllIlLull lhlnk lhnl the council would do nnylhlnu In drop hem pmmlm ll ll Ml nnly qurxllun church lnw ImIon Ulvlnu law upon Ihen mhzhl he mm nIM lull rnnnnl An Amcrlmn hlnlmr would no lm hll nurprml he mamr tame up Thin In 11 Mar lune In so many mixed fnlhullc Irnlrslnuk mnrrlngcs In 11m Slum llul any clmngn made in Hm wnnkl no be In lhg usonllnh mmpling iiicd lio mnn Calhnliv uplninn gnve this divided verdict in American expcrl cnnnn lnw 11mm is some llkclihnoil line whole question will he nlrcd IE council and that he coun ell inihm will we insi lxaw lur ilwm mixhl in relaxation for lmiim llllllhlrill rciniians with ihlnk snmrlhin might be firm it ll nlvng these Ml Call your licensed llumMng Mvchnnlml Ionlmrlur who MHa inslnlln and uunmnlm lmulay Emit PA mm rIumMn and nun lellnl wmm my mun Olhcr Calhnlfc source rwum chnnm as unlikely even lhc npnroxlmuloly 2700 Inlhm fllvc lho ssuc full dusa dchnlu flqALIFlED OPINION Snmn Catholic soulcu cxpccl the lnw lo come under study by lhenomnn Catholic ccumunlcn council nuw in session here They conccdu lhc pnsslbllily Ith changes or some caslng he posillon may occur Thu pmmiscs or gunrnnlecx as they are sumctimc called M5 rpqulrcgl writing The rulinz has produced on he ndmlsslon of both Roman Cnlholic and Pmlnslnm authori llos Elmmy eve of wndding quarrels painful snul search Ing and long wrangle over childrcns cducnuum The law rcqulrc he now Catholic party in marriage In relmln mm influnncing the Ilglous 11011215 Ihn Roman tholh partner and la bring up the children In the Cnfluallc Iailh mono Nu X061 15 the ruling at Roman Catholic on mLxcd marriages ROME AWIn the volumes canon law lining he shelves of may Roman libraries No 1061 represents source of grievance to Prpkcslant society Dr lelolt assoclale proics 501 of zuolagy said he 15 d15 lurhcd by he narrowncss or the present cancepk of the organ lzaliun to he set up by tho fish and game organizauons of seven provinces TORONTO CF The basis of prnposed Canadian wiidliie federation to be armed at tawa this week was criticized Thursday by Dr Dnuglns Pim lnlt wildlife and resources spe cialist the University of Tor onio Marriage Laws May Comé Uncier Catholic Study lit The Council One of the basic reasons why the administration has no inten tion or publishing this first Khrushchev letter is com mm that 11 might bowed by the Cnmmunlsl flit wing the old hardline Stalinists against Mr Khrushchev at Ihls still dun Eeraus time of tension fFor that reason It wlll not be published in lhe lumseeuhln luture ll ever It now bears lep secrel label Asdeserlhed by one wellglnlormed source it caused surprise hero bordering on dlsbelicfl It revealed the Sr vlet leader in an unnatural ever excitement and dlsmayover thepmspecl that President Ken nedys hard determinelinn to dismantle the mlssllebase ln Cuba mlght actually lead the worldand the USSrRlnlu nuclear war Prof Criticizes Wildlife Group Washington dispatch by Rnwlandfifivans Jr any the Oct 26 letter according to several officials hen who hnvn studied it set new high in 5mm lional contenL The slow pon llnues NEW YORK AP Soviet Premier Khrushchevs unpub lished lather last Friday night to President Kennedy was tha product of man in high state of ngllution overwrought by the prospect alnmlc wnr lha New York Herald Tribune says Russian Note OVerwought By JOHN GALE COAST TO COAST FOR SAVINGS AND SERVICE Noi 1061 has been in thumb ulc book of the church slnne he sweeping rccudiiicalion oi canun iaw carried out In 191MB Same nxpcrls in the field said the church previously relied more on in moral understand ing with he nunCalholic yinl ner than on written promiscsi BE ON HAND FOR THE FUN STEDMAN 5° to 51 STORE An Irish canon lnw expert If law that can be changed an ecclesinsuml law The fundamental ongnlIon ln safe guard Ihe religion and Illa con sclenJce of Ihe Caghollc faith wum um mu omen ways He did no specify which ways What Is this Word The key lnw he first flung mon Uuned In his section To the writer of the psalm thla mean Gods moral law embodled Gods revelation of Himself to man is the subject oi Psalm 19 This revelation is duaL The first part of the psalm deals with liis revelation through noiureihe wondrous world in which we live The second part beginning with the assigned verse seven deals with His revelation oi llim it thxgtgghjllngd sulphur Psalm 19711 33340 Act 52638 II Tim nthy 5144 11 Peter llE2l fly SPEER JONES The Bible In addition to leach lng ur the Important things about God and His world in lorms us about the Scriptures themselves The basic belie in volved here is whether or not God has spoken to man and if so in what way STEDMAN 5°tow$1°0 STORE RESIDENTS OF God ReVéqlSjHimself ThrOugh Nature Wbrd Not lung afler Christs death the Lords angel directed Phil ip desert in southern Palesllna there he found an in fluential Ethioplnn 01min reading the phophet Isaiah as he rode in his charm lOADS OF GRAND OPENING SPECIALS FREE GIFTS TO ALL WHILE THEY IMFI MODERN lUNCH COUNTER QUICK CONVENIENT SELFSERVICE FREE DRAW PRIZES DURING THE OPENING 500 FREE GOLDFISH FOR THE KIDDIES ACCOMPANIED BY PARENT The Bible GRAND OPENING BARRIE and DISTRICT PLAN ON ATTENDING THE COMING SOON BARRIE ONT lhlslnw or Biblical tenchlng il obeyed can revive ones soul make foolish man wise make his heart rejoice and his vision be enlightened it will en dure larever Psalm 1977 In Psalm 119 the Word of God tells us how we may the same time the psalm hints his law Is also an In strument or leaching man to know hIs own slnfulness and In fool the need of an ectual atonement Peluubels Select anes 411n burdensome and vexe Mgus resuming ofllberly but glorious rcflecflon of the hull ness at God deslgned to lend man in the way of Illa and peace chiefly In 1R first live banks of the EM deers no mean as CALL SAFE Inma The Bible sell tells us hat 11 study le revlve tha soul make thesimple wise relqlca the heart andfnnllghten the eyes Gods lawswfll endure suiPm 19711 min0 OF THE NEW Pinup 50mm ma ma 21w QUALITY FUEI CLEAN DEPENDABLE BRUCE ILLUSTRATED QSUNDAY SCHGOLrLnsson The brlcl passage ram Pauls second letter to Timothy is rlCh ln lnlarmntlan nbaut Gods Word All Scripture he says Is lnsplred of God that ls breathed by God Himsell Peter hears thls out ln the am verse at his second letter All the prophets spoke he says nut mm themselves but as Gods Holy Spirit moved them Thls ls the dlvlne arlgln nl the Scrip tures Paul also exhurts us to cling to these Scrlpturzs not merely as point at vlew but with our whole beingsAbide thou In the Scriptures he urgcsl Not onlynre they sacred but In them lies the road to the MS PLUMBING and HEATING PEEL 5T achieve obuflence tn Gods law we pray for Hls help We cannot do alone Call your licensed Plumbing Mcchanlcal Contractor who sells installs and guarantees Péler affirms the dlvlne ar Igln oUhe Scriptures by re calling thu expe rie forever and we must why for understandlnz and strength in follow humPam mm 11113540 PA 54911 nun mammalm Manou it The power of the Word ui God is painted up in an nctunl ex umpia in the passage from Acts Philip taught the eunuch about ChrisLsimply by reading with him the 53rd chapter 01 Isaiah The Word oi God here was sub iicientiy eloquent to prompt this pagan foreign stranger to ask Phigip to baptize him an th spo GOLDEN TEXT Teach ml0 Lord the way at Thy Mum and will keep It to II endPnlm 11913 Peter mminds that he and other apostles dId no report merely belle or musics but substnntlnlelhe Word God as actual witnesses la the trans ration of Christ More mundanely Paul llsk faurfold pmmableness In the Bibleor teaming or reproot for correction andnfor Instruc tion In righteousness dém which can save us lhroxvtgh mph Chrlsla lransllgurnllon whlch he witnessed wIlhJnmes and John They themselves hoard Gods voice then which con lirmcd Lha prophecies of the Old Testamentl Peter 116 lMCn liccnml Plumbing nml Mechanical Contractor Hes pfofmiunnl the only man fully qllnllllcil in select null lmlall plumbing nntl healing equip ment liccnusc lie sclla and mull1 he in in line unique pmitinn ollmiug able to lunmmra lmlll Illc prmluul aml wurkunmliiy Call liccmcd llulnblng and Hauling Contractor save you inlc and xuuucy only licensed PMC can sell install and guarantee Whatever your plumbing or beating needs By Mfied Buescher AMnnlan5lnmlnnl piumivinrl baiting air mmiiiioninq sold installed and guaranteed by professional your licensed PMC mm nu mum and naked hEhHJDJLbl the himActs 836 The puviar of therWurd Gad was such that the Ethi opian was Immediately conver ted As they passedhy some wnle Jataggfid 111 phaflol THE WORLD movns so no wax names STORAGE Now MV no ANNE 51 PA 61863 COOKE ButrMn Spinnsyra volunteer iiremnn and amateur piiut goes right on preaching He has an agreement with the fire brigade liin pulpit came before the pumper The Easioneduumd ciergy man whose ambition as ypuih was to become ibush FUEL use burrseaier Bellanca nir crait tnkeep track of his fari flung parish in this northwest AI 11 region PLvMumc rand Ehma was ll Mulcasler SL Preachér Pighisv Two Kinds Of Fire PEACE RIVER Alla When the fire alarm sounds during Sunday services at Pence River Baptist church the congregation looks expect nndyn Rev Douglas Spinney Call your Iiéensed Plumbing MechahicalContractor who sells lnstalls andguarantees mum MINER sminmv NW MENABB mv mam WANT ADS PHONE PA 34414 0ccnslonnuy hu makes trips lavI car hen driving In waods Sometimes when the 51 my little black beetle again through the bush may Just dont believe It he says jMpsfi of heir trans dsmigmit all fluke and highway construction warken

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