Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Nov 1962, p. 11

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gugbn Nov wouh Mrs Than Duckwarlh John Duckwarth and Mr and Mn Oscar Llnlan attended the synernl in Toronto Tuudny Oct 30 There wll be Remembrance Day service Sunday Nov 11 11 am In Angus United church by the pastor RovnA Willis short servlce and Inylng wreath at the Can otaph wllj che vlacg Thomas Duckworth had great surprise Friday aflernaan Oct 26 When hay was in his lnrdcn he picked seven henu flM biz ripa raspberries and there was hlg bunch of lrecn ones Sympathy Is cxlanded to Mn Lloyd Duckwonh and lamily and relatives In the aud pqfllig 1on Duck war In Taraliio Eundnyrocl Nunders Duck By ms nucxwomn KEEP INFORMED 1355 Shiv mi Mn IJow 15 SM 21 Nun Mav Homily Duth nlu mum N0an 923832288 amm um 17 count amoun mm Him Country mum rm roomn a1 Lmem mun Clllunl Innm 51mm page In 513 yqyzmun buxlnm lo 17 um 10h Hulkm WIlll MI mm mm hlnlnl mull dolmmhamlnldllllnc llvavokcmlltommmdl nllmllanflabbemvuln luvonlnnhonlaomylm ollmlnynwovldmw mm min mom pl humlnvl Mm hlm ll pm and Mann Huang Sutuulm 50 Ind 550 ll nur rm nu nal mlud by pm DRIVEYOUR CAR AND TRUCKS ammo mun Anon And to mu mumu Yul mm IHERI IS NO CHARGE FOR 1H SERVICE rmem Good Monan 54mm hm listen here dolillh II hath nm In Country Clllndll NIL Foolblll Lumen NM Clllunl Farm Hylnl 1mm luv ll TD Bel lluhhuk mum Romm cxm uv cum caorv Wuum mm Jlm Calm How lumen um um BOB HESKETH rung xlnlfll er Govt an nanny Tun 11m Th 5100 NI Well Ham ll Illllhlfllu llohln Hnnu Tn Tell Th Truth In Gun Wlll Tnvnl NHL Hocky lulu Spam Unllmllul TV pnihy in extended to ME Boxnll In the plw TELEVISION PROGRAMS CARRIER MISS YOU VALLEY TAXI CFTO CHANNEL ANGUS CKVRCHANNELS BARRIE ¢£W PA 82433 mm mm nu rm Trum crv Nun rrra spam work mm nan 1m mun 1mm TUIIDAV Novmnnn umm than nun Kiddo KimMI NU nonmu nun r1 Ind luv IN Cum Thu Human HO Ilurnl hull You 103 IlWl In Canine MUI EEET mo 00 In £2 68 583333338233 rr999IFIPPflrh yum Tm mun Goad Momlnl gm Pmy Rom Room Pupey Pm Noamy new an Handlva With MIMI Nlunnll School Tuleclfl Lenn You now Thlrly Am An Nun wumr mm Wuan 1m cu Perry Mm mu Pm cmmnn Wm an an on can Nm um lparu um UJ mum damn bibgfébfi in 1000 mum mm Iurl Jubllu D0 Dlnny Than Shaw IJO Arthur Eodllfl Show no Felllvll 1100 CBC TV News 1115 Wlllhlf 011 lel Dummy 9121 mpg 319mm An tuning unlock In Ilh Ilevln of world maul neoplu 5W TWHAM In crm mm llAllIl Hm l1llflll mum In In Win ulna Mmumnm 1144 WATCH Mr and Mn Albert McCul llgh Jr and Blues went me weekengd with Mrs McGuIllzhs pm Mr and Mn Vi car Dundalk Mrs Robert McCulllgh Cam Bordtn visited lut week wit yr and Mn Albert McCulllsh mo Mrand Mrs WDuck with Misses Barbara IndEr rm and Brian Cnmtron mam den the centennial Emma Guihrio Unmd Church Sunday Oct 23 Mru George Bridge and lam lly Lenny span Sunday Oct 26 with Mr Ind Mm Gordonv Bush in 05 Mrs Emlls mother Mrs Robert Dadawell The un eral wan Wednesday Oct mm Jennettl Funeral Home to Anxul Unlan Cemetery ur Vlcl conducted by luv Willis ilk Ind Mrs Game Firm er Ind Dabble upen¢ Sunday Oct 23 with mud In Tov nn nm Geaige Brawn rammed Praiuflrflnauuy V13 Hz wr no lpum Ml Vlmly lhll Mum Nm m1 wmhu Ill Illnon Ilaur ITORONTO Noanau It Mom mmw summm rmndly mm WW3 sh fl le Th til Sponsored by Church Vo mans lnsliluln Hue hooked rug course wnl decldedly succcsl Mrs llannld Allan In NH Jnck Cnnslublo efllcicnlly ln structed Inder mo cam munlly who mm to try their hand 01 run maklnl The first day OCL Zl lmlrucuon wm xlvcn lnpruparing burlap mak lng pnllcrn chvoalnz mnlcrinls calnr um dyclnn nntl 1mm Um hurlnp In lhe name The mend day 0L1 Instruct Ian on huw In Cul mulerinl clean the rug mum nnd 1n Ill the hacking In nmuncln llnn lhelr llml and cum Dtputy mun mm In flu community alien en pnssnd quielly In the elrly evening he younfier one In cnsfifln made elr usual nqd recelved lrcnu min Tllman has re lurned home after spending month with her nephew Ind nlccc Mr and Mn Dale Mill orE Pelerbom ivnli Burkavhnl been npmlnl ed cmmktr ol tho curllnl fink Iur ha camlng uuwn nyu counsz Dy MR5 PEDSSER Ladle ol lhelucal curlan club will meet Tuudny evenlnl In the curllng rlnk rank plans for the season Mrs Cyrll Spenu pmldent wlll be ln chama or lhn meallng Schuul chlldrcn Cherry Creek nnd Filth Llnu puhllc schuuls had lllulr usual llall oween partlns Wednesday al lemoan in DAILY CROSSWORD monlfl circuit mm mvinufio Em Haula 1er lhn nmday afternoon Nov II lha limo let for the next Wl meeting Mrs JohnDa Garter to ha hasten I7 15pr The Club New Flax Fruit Finn hzld their lelh muting Tuesday evening at 1h hogne of Shawn flanlns 11 mm 33 llPamlt my in Mn and Mrs Cllnehnwn Ind lamllfiv attended the won 511 nlvurury Guthrie United Church and afterwards warn guest of Mr and Mn Bartholomew of Guthrie Ind Mrnnd Mn Ivan Clark of Shany Mr and Mrs Ed Eula nnd Ann andMrs John Rule of Sunnldale Cornurs wen supper finest Sunday Mrs CJnrcnce Mum and boys Mr and Mrs Mel Sale Snnnidnle andMn wiz In Beelan were Sunday on with Mr and Mrs Harry Train Congralulativnx to Mr and Mn Earl Starling nee Doris Lester wlw were manled Sat urdny in Elmvull United church Mr and Mrs Amhlo Wunlesm Sharon Janet and Peter ripen the weekend at Trenton with Flight Sgt and Mn Wllrred Kenwell andlamfly muw Mrs Mllllgan enturtnlnad her unclmmd aunu Mr and Mn Frank Hamill nl Phelps rum and Mn John Hamill of Chlcagu who are leavlng Nov or visan Ireland other guests Included Mr and Mrs Jamel Graham of Toronto Mm Jan Gllchrlst MgLaxm flame Mn Fuller Wllwn Mnmflew warned homo after spehdinz week with her son and daugh urinlnw Mr and Mm Arno Wilton By mm mass Mr and Mrs Waller Hall Mum and Judy vlsned recentZ ly at Hohteiu with Mr nnd Mrs Lloyd Rawn Ind family mm my Monday 29 and eel lnl beuer Ltfland Mrs nqland SanderI and um Germ NB are vismpg or three wqekl with Mrs Slndm parents and Mn Wllflqm yldannr toolloch 330mg Imm Alllswn CHURCHILL NEW FLOS Mn ILAurn II Clan la Ileandlnnut mu 10 In lha mm of amuy Mm 33 In Ml ur mm lilélizhnn qmn ll Any lrult drink II Dutch Amth 1mm 80 Hard mum EM 111 uhtdultd to decidu noon whclhnr In rnnt Cnnndn waiver um would al low ha surcharge to rcmnln wllhoul rclanllon In In arm 21 hlnhcr mm by other mun an Amxfinm byjrlmc 32 cr Diolenbnker and Finnncl Mlnlslcr Nowlnn hnvs been llm llcd only lo the all mauled pmqu um the Import bnr rlm will he removed ll wan nl patslbln Canada ha not wanud In flrm cutnit duh on the lur chargm Imposed last June 74 In he ace of Iarelin ex change mm In order in em Cannda lmamnllannl nay mqnls problem Tho US unvernmenln re quest could hnva an Important bearinx on Canadas success In obtaining an Inlemnllaml waiver on lhu surcharges at the current Gcncvu mealng he General Agrccmen on Tarlfl and Twin MTMVk 0P The Cane dian government facing many American urging to set firm date or ending nw clnl Import surcharge impaled last June lnrunned Iourcu eald today Smclnlr Mm Mnnhall and Mn Spring all Tvmnto visited Mend here and amn dcd the cuchra the Commun My Hull Monday waning amnion mum High School commencement will he held next Nag 2nd Mr Srlgley of the Rural Hy dm will be guest Ipeaker the Nnvembpr meeting 124 Womens Institute Thprsday Nov at 513 Mrs Jack Reivo and Mn Wilflnm Kelly mvenera of Agriculture and Cnnndlun Industries will be in charge of Ihe pmtram Roll call to be Answered by Same thing manufactured In Canada and where Tel hostesses are Mrs Kelly Mrs Holve and Mrs Richardson le nrg wglco ONDIE Bl Govt Is Forged Tgfiadéurcharges Crawford Ellls lpenl the weekend In Guelph with his hm lhers Thoma Ind Wilmin Iis and nephew Earl mm um at a15pmGamelPIattof the Hobby Shop will be gnu spegk er Eveqogg welcome Mr and Mrs Taylor and family were in Gall Sunday vil ma Rh at ulnar Pineer Hnme and School maxing will be Noy 75 al1 MRS COLE Grenfelm Hamemnkinz dub Input the home Mn Jnck KamaSaturday Oct 20 at 134 pm with ulna girl pm sent Thin Emilee Featuring Fruit Pa Hum urc aldem and Mexeta Reta Har conducted busneu Plans were discussed or Achlevemunt Day Nov 17 Guthrie Cum munity Centre Dllcuulan Win an flourkhan of aplel planning menu um Incude mm and 19 preparnllan in making Inuit plat Miss Marilyn Holmes demonstrated making of mm p19 Next meeting my 25 nannlTmeya United Church Woman wm meet Wednesday Nov at pm at the home at Mrs ubaon ext Friday Nov 2nd Ma Ba115M111 Ih during wth um clmthelr knowledge qf hooking run the leaders were each presented Ula cup ahd saucer The class were hsld ram 10 am to mm In the Mud Chqrch Sunday School roam 190 mulling CHURCHILL GBENFEL Jam unoumu 4o rm Lampu mm our mvouau mfgw km if my

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