mlm and 1h Ainnirmm11r yMHIM MANIan Me MW lmnnr IM um nrmhmary he mmmG mam llnIL nlulrh will he ulrlvrnted nul Vadrmdny MGMOW MlFlflwf KnltloM KWHH defllw Ik nounml last or an old HIAHHH by Kmnlm IMdm mlay wn 1mm 1M hmvn at wmln Pravda and dommrxn mm am llw Amnirm Th lIyenrnld mmlml mute Ilw 401 ANOHLICS IuHHEIMVI MI lennl cnmpnlm mnnaxrr Imam In mopo Inlmgo AnlI IImI Democrat Am IurImuIy mIIIIing menu In an mm In nIIomIr lenn mm Nrnm mnI chhh Mm 1m dim ImeI by Imuwrnl Imlm ll Ibo laIMI In mlu nI legal ndirvm HIM hum mndo IIw ruurtmom In InnqunnIgmllIncmnd In aIIInrnIIn ImImImI nnIIlIrnI cam mlzn Im cnv mar Pietro Berton Back With Magazine The arms were flown mm Franklurthywm Germany nnd marked lhu anrt Am erlcnn mllllnry nlrlm bolslcr Indian ones which or the first lmc this week movud lo we olfcnvlva 1n the undeclared hnrdcr wnr Commnndinx the lllphls wna BrlgnGnn Robert Foreman nl lhu Unllcd Sinks Mr Force 1601 Mr himsan Slnllan In France Ho old rcpofluu Calculm Dum Dum Airport Ihnl1ha lho longest nlr 1m over by US plums km mum hull nro from New Jor ncy and um rcmnlmkr mm Cnllfamln HOLLYWOOD MUAdm Mnn 1M4 hut man wilh mm In ho movies nho lulmsvl In lhe nhmmu mummy nluM In wllu Sue nml mid Iln wnn lmllnu nmund will his gun mIIec Ion when mm Mm wrnl all Thu wound In not mloul IIIo mm was Mcnllln revolrn ll happennl lmldu much In Mulrbnn ka mm 111 Mar lnkrn hMpHnl TOIIONN llm Mm rhle columnld nnd numlnlu odltnr nmmtn Sun Ionvlnï¬ Hm nrvnmxwr and rclnmlnl lo MarkMn anmlno Mr norm wu mnnnzlnu Illur of he mnzmlnu lyolnm jalnlnz 11w Man He now lwmmn mMerllnu ulnar of Mnrlmln nlryvr zlrm me pan of my on Mr mum snld Frldny nlgm Itll hr ulnmnr Wm Ive wrillen or 111 mm 1le hr unflmml mumw NEW DELHI Rowan11 linl land of American arms for India arrived in Calcunaby alr today amid big military bullde by Indian and Chinese Communist omendigging In or long wlntcr struggle along the 250qu Himalnyan bor dcx Two American 135 trans pons landed In Calcutta wllh anlommlc rifles mortars anu pcrsonnel min and nlhcr equlpmenl plum urn dun lo nrrlvo In Cnlculln every lhmc hours Ml nphlx In 125m MilkMIan mnlmu mvoscd on hlxu or anon lnvmr Auhur Mnloncy said Friday Mnrkla wlm ndmIllcd mum ulno Hm wm unluwa arlzkmlly yum by Mauls trnlc flipper ulzclow Stalinist Restored To Favor 98 Yehr No 257 Brsonist Gets Reduced Sentence Alan Ladd Wounds Himself Democrats Smearing Nixon Viscount Lindley son of Princess Margaret and Lord anwdvn is shown at home In Kensthn Palace Lon don in this picture released Arms For India Arrive FromUS Telxomogmnmxa yum Alln Balm Roboxru wm For Examiner VanLAdz Tele JPWM PA Hm The telephona numbeafh call the Business mwmalbem is mum NEWS BRIEFS 011 Telephdnég BIRTHDAY PORTRAIT WASHINGTON CP US cluclion forecasters viewing pmspcclu In Tuesdnya congres sional cleciions sugzcai Damn unis likely will retain comm oi Countess wllh cw shill in sircngih but may lake beating mm ilcpubllcnns in key bullies or fluid Kovernonhlps The bl puzzler ha Impact Pruldcnl Kennedys mud hum dung of hu Cubnn crisis will hnvo on lhu elcclornlc WWII uro mlxcd widespread opin Ion In lhnl ll wlll hclp lhnw n1 rcudy In power and lhosu who value slmnz nullCommunist LcnUmcil Among the weapnns in he nix1m will be mountain bowl zen offered lo the Indlan Army mm US Wan were due to ho rusth Immediately In the run was consignment cl Brillsh arm that mind earl lcr In the week uch with payload of about 40900 nomads 115 Election Is Expected To Keep Democrats In Control waa mien Wthepoys In connection with his firs We 12d Tye PW er sodety phofiagiapher berm th marriage AP Wimphoto UIMWA 1GP Dblnlnlu mvrrscnunn 130000 And hunlm mllflcd he Nnxli hillun Friday or lhu lawd cussed Cnnmllnn Wlldlllu Fad trnllun lhe unme llmn III II dllth nlu llml buck nl rrlllrx who MM lhu lulrrnllnn wl Almply be nnrmw mu mm mcn and lullllcdzu mn 1hr crllltlsm umw hum lhu Amlulum Rmlrly ul nnmla and Unlruslly ul Tun In 7min uruluwr Ilr lymlzu IImluIL Tim Amlulmn Svrlcly mm ulul In blld conmullau uh Friday In elomm la mu lanmA that upmxlmven thruld nlra he rKlrly and altar tw lallml flmupn mun repre unlnllnn an the lrdmllan Innuurugmlmlipm lnul Murmuy VInnl Hm fuuntlrrl yulrllc Itlnlrml nllircr nnld he now amuu welA rum Um nummrl any run INVIUMI urgnnhnllon whnlm lmnllrdly Inslchd It Inï¬vlnu at nur nc mmpllsllmml Hwy thunk nl trEln vnlo wllhu slnke In lhla oilyear me me 19 of the 100 Sennw seals all 435 was In lhu Hausa Roprescntnllvoa 35 at tho so 31qu govcmorshlp and long stuln lcglslnllvu nnd ether posh The nrcsldonla own ouryear lerm nnly hall llnlahcd but nhnrp dmp In Dcmucmllc Parly EIlLlIElh nnd mpnlnrlly muld crlpplo hls Influence In Congress and hurt llls chances or smnd term In 1904 Ther prlzc fluhler wasnt hnvlnu cclnculnr luck In Icnd Inn of opponcnll attack In Incl he lacked prcfly dd or the whole nlInll Meetings 01 the General A9 semblys main poflflqlicnm mlllee were ndlnumed Friday night until Monday hut consul tations contlnued during the weekend In an nflempl to ï¬nd coherence In wildly confused situation Shun mow punchul mnrvd hla cxclltd mnnngrr mm ha tumor The th mnnngnd to mnvm xls lmltmd Hp laugh to ro on You dont we any of mum pm me do nun The Canadian proposal now envisages an inierim arrange ment limited in time suspend ing all undergraund tests ii comprehensive ireaiy is not reached hyihe Soviet Union the United States and Britain before Jan UNITED NATIONS CHA Canadian effort on meet the de mands nonaligned countries for total nucleartest cutoff by Jan appeared headed for Mind support In the United Na OJ5 89m Jim Burns Cn nadinn disamament delegate Issued revised amendment Friday incorporating some ideas put forward principally byGhann and also by Mndm Eagcar 9nd Mnuritanlu Wildlife Group Ratiï¬es Charter Canadas Plan Gets Support FELT BOXED IN BY BOX CARS Bellqsgld he WM heath lng homo izlloc drinking When he ound Illa lrelght train In rout of hlm he separated coupling be tween two can nndwalknd thfwghz med $15 and éostiprxiy becausé ha becama Impa Uqtuwflh gltmliht my policeman waiting on the alher side thirch him with inlerierigg with no usro al thu railway FORT WILLIAM UP HERES ONE This hmuulll lhu resents nwmm mnnlh eml Eran dllmunllna 75000000 mu nwlnu mm Um Ahmmmu Imrmwlm Ilnnu In llm Juno emergency lhu mcrm worn higher lhnn Hm pmlous punk 521106004009 ynnr nun Thll II In c0nmsl he law uolnl of numu QI00000000 June when he mwrmmwnl Announced In cmrrgcucy mo gum In min and mvrm lwmonlmtu mm exchnnxu vwrvu InIL DAMASCUS MP Revalu llonary Yemen massed land sea and air forces ugnlnsl Saudi Arabia luday The Egypt backcd republican governmem talked grlmly of showdown with its mannrchlshnclghbor Sann mile in Yuma rc mula capital quumd lenders at he wdnycld rovolullanm rc zlme In stormy challenges to Snudl Amblan King Sand and Jordanian King Hussein wam hug lhc armor ol Imminent lncks by land sea and nlr forces It royallsl mflllnry for mm across Ihu Arahlun border conllnuc OTTAWA CP An en caumglnn rim In Cnnndna on cum exchange reserves during October hm pushed um govern ment clam Ilcclalnn on when lo dlsmnnllu lhu nuslcrlly menxum Import nurchnnzu In pnrllculnrhmwn up In um Jupe ï¬nancial emergency An lncrenw of $100000000 In Hm mom In Oclobur dupllo ncl nulllow of $10000000 from special lrnnsncllnns wml reported Friday Ivy Flnnncu Mlnlnler Nawlan Mmuly Um anvrrnlnrnl lmn lnIl muuru lrnm Ihu Unllcll hlnlnl umurnmtnl In an llrm cum dnlo lnr rmllng Illu 1m pull Iurdlmzen levlcd rm naml umnnmo lmpml lnule 11w gommncnh whlrh lmrd mrrlmmm on almul mmlwelllh Ibo lulnl lu mld MIMI hasnl gum lvcyund llw pmmhn Hml llryll In maul n1 Man nu lmnllllk Ycinenl vlco promlef and foreign mlnhlcr Abdul Rnh 11m hum man In mine In litnew cllrrrnl ueh lug llrurrnl Agme Irnl km Tall and Tmlc llecld Inn wlthIr tn mu hunnda wnlm lvnm mm Ham urchmau known ml the umm mm mm In malnlnln mm lmrlnm In llmlng Im nur hmge mmul In Huh Flililfl IIUIHHUHI Exchange Reserves Reach Peak Closer To Ending Austerity rwo hummus of the In ternational Committee of the International Red buss dis ctm the possibility of Red Omss going into Cuba to vcrl the rmwval of Soviet mis YémenvIIQOPSiRéqdy Sctudi Arabia Warned rip anaï¬a53drdy Ndygmbu = 11 Local Weafllelf Mail claw Mmfsnoivflu ï¬estoday and Sundaylml on arnlght 20 High mu mm Sand and Hussein have chum pinned ihc cause he do lhronfld and or lime Ihaughl dead Yemeni king the 35year 91d Imam Mohammad AIBndr providing him with military support in his campaign ioppic he rcvoluiionary regime The royalisix cinlm victories in Northern Yemen man AlABnydnny churxed that 5000 Arabian nnd Jordanian mops had lrlcd Ia Invnds Ye men In the last two days In xcglme was acting now only In scljdcfnncg he spld unydnny and he govern ment armlnl had started marching lo Ihu north and the navy wan ulllng northward In mm into lama Icnvy 1m aum In lhu monUu nhcml In cluding ycarcnd paymcnl ol lnlcmst and dividends to for Mun Invoslou and he lcnsonnl dropIn export cumin rcsull 1m mm Um cloning of nnlew Ian on lhn Grnal Lnkos Llrflcgfnlslpncuung lhgyldqvelop alles from the Island Daft to tight Pime Jequler Dele gate of tho lntmmflonal Committee who Inspected prisons In Cuba In 1959 Han Cogslu Leggl Counsgl to uni Intelmanual Commluca Dcu in Nu Dunnerch rm ud Mama la UII Comm he Red Sea from Ihu modem port oi iiudeidn The Yemeni air force believed inciuding Soviet buiii iighim provided by the United Arab Republic wn ordered at lho randy Bay dnny said cvou emuy Premier Ab dulluh Sana leader at tho Help ember coup dcm against lhc Mmz mld hls brmcd tum warn ready to lunch the ag Krcssorl nn unlorgcllnhlu Icy OWAWA CP Thu Rov cmmnnl nppulnkd hrcclmnn man commission Frldny In In mllunlo mnrlno pllalnze prom Ioml nnd Transport Mlnlslcr Dulce anld II should complain Ila work In one yqqr Mr nlccr lald rrmrlm nller nnnaunclng lurmnllon lhe cammlnlan In lhu Comr mom lhn he hope It will Ind lnrmuln lo nvold Iuluru ably plumV nlrlku Involving pilots and rellnvo lhu Frcssum 0x4 Med on Mm by loll and NIH owner nrbllm In thclr dll pulu TOMMY TURNS TO THE COMMONS Govt To Study Pilot Problem 1n Genevafand Henrik Beer Scum General the ngua of Jed Crest Soda desmlcy are attending the 7th lulu America Comr PU WWB Wnephnm and wmumiahl Rog urn Work Mon MA WASHINGTON AP Pres ldent Kennedy wan reported ready today lo enter Into spe cial International Inspectlpn ur rangemenls to clear shlps tthrough the us naval block ade and thus apparently speed 3130 pl Sovjel missiles mm An agreement calling for this international Red Cm loln spect Cuba bound ship ior arms could clear away the 115 roadblock antilmsien the arrival ni Soviet shipping to pick up the missiles and Lake than home United Nations sources reported such an agreeu men waxrnear Kennedy said in twominute television and radio broadcast Fflday night that aerial phaiw graphs made Thursday show that the Russians are tearing down their missile bases in Cuba The governments conclusions on he pholazraphlc evidence lm laid are The Soviet min nlla base an being dismantled heir missiles and related equlp men are being mud and the fixed Installations at these sites But lha president said the light 05 Mn and air surveil lance oi Cub will be main lalned until iaiixiaclory inter nalionni inspection procedures um substituted or until the mm to peace posed by these plienflvmfleapnm in zone ihe Same lime he indi cated Ulaflnilud States in dy to cnnsider various may oi inspection This suggested in broadening As to means oi the requirement he had laid down in UN inspecliun and veriiicn tian IMVANA Reflex Pre mlLr Fidel Castro and Soviet Flrsl Deputy Premier Anuln Mlkoynn lodny were holding their second round of opium Inlkn unthn Cubuncrlsll and tho CubanHuman afllnncc Mlkoynn flew Into annnn Friday nlghl from New York for whnl was ofllclnlly dc scrlhcd an vlslt In exchnnxo vluWI wllh the bearded mm ieudcr and was me the Mr Tho nulhnrlmlvo Cuhnn com mcnlntor Luh Gomcl Vnnguo man aald lnn Iclevlslnn brand cusl Idler Mlkoynnl mlvnl that his hulk wllh Cnslra would prulmhly bcnln lhll very nlgh Th Invnnn press had bccn nlnflnu dawn the vllt and do volnl In blunt Imadllncl Ia For wilh nirwnrm emhrï¬Ã©o mm Cunm mood Ml Kilnkm mm In mm mm mum Imrwm whoa Mam In Mahmud mm lamb mptnammwoÂ¥ Kennédy Will Spéed Removal Sovief Missiles FromCuba Castro Mikoyan Continue To Talk While the quarantine re I5Moro Thap per CopyLHPlau mame cloudy wlfl isnowfllmn ï¬estoday and Sunday IN ram no High Iommvw 37 Far mu summary tannin mam mains in effect we are hopeful ihnt adequate procedures can he developed or international inspection oi CubaAbound car goesihc president said Thov international Committee of the Red Cross in our view would be an appropriate ageni in this mntier In New York UN spake mnn said pie Russian wvuld have In send ships Cuba to haul the missiles away He Umaled it wnuld take about 10 days for Ike vessels to steam In the Caribbean island Washington lnlormanla sald the presldenls approving refu ence to lnspchon by the Inter nallannl Red Cross could help salve the problem of gcling the vessels lhruughlhq US naval blackada MAY BE COMPROMISE Cuban Prtme Minister Fidel Castro disclosed Thursday night that Russia suggested lts ship be inspected by Red Cress rep resentative lnstead of by US naval officers manning the blockade Thus the various dc vclopments suggested com pmmlse was in the making in handle the immedlaio problem ethxettlngwthe missiles out ni ll 1125 and Soviet olflclab were reported to be near an agree ment at the pulled mum on £31sz to permit lnlmw Iana1 Red Cmsrt lnspect Cubabound ships Hawever tho fresldml spoke of the need or nlemauonnl In sputum in broader conlexl He emphasized that the chic US concern Verification or removal 01 all otIcndve wen pom 1mm Cuban lerï¬tvry uvlek Premier Khrushchev had hem out of the headline for several days but pnperl xnvo plenty space CusAma Thursday night speech rcIusInu any lnlernnllnnul Inspection on ho withdrawal of Soviet mls llles and rcnfllrmlng Ilendshlp wlth Russin All IInvnnn newspnprrl printed pictures Cnslro In an nppnrnnl nllcmvl Io hclv him mum pmllgc observer cal he lost Ulmuuh Khrushchev decision to null Russlnn mi Inc an al Cuba Communist Chinese support for Cuba on em nu an York Fr dny Mlkoynn unld Rusqu bucked Cnslrnl Ivepoint plan for Cubnn atmrlly whlch Mik nynn called In Just pro an One of Ceron minlu cnl for the withdrawal 1y the United Slum mm It nnvnl bnsu nl Gunnlnnnma In Cuba