Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Nov 1962, p. 8

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TYPE MAY NEED OIEIMHON LONDON MP Slllllnl 1M0 Mum INN mo drlur uxlmuly Injured In ml lnl Am ultl Wnlnwlny mlllul have la lune nnallwr on nullnn lo allmlrlnle Ilu can Lawn lsion nut Innom mum on on In In mkx an um ear duck ll nlmultl ho qullo Inlomllng in nee what llrown can lurn up thh your and ncxl but It would be ml vlsahln not to sell tho man shorl So one can rnnlly sun why llmwn Is allllnf In lhs duglmuso and will have In qullc nullllng in coma nul In one place His record In xllll lar super lor nllwrs but In the past few yum has been nllp plng Conch iirown ml out An urgfcni all to iho iiiin nosnia Viking for lie return of ohn Funnnn 04 205 nun rookie out of icxnx chlcm Funnnn was oiiia nmi by line Viking ur mum use but his con tract wnaul iu ninrl uniil i003 Minnrsola ngrcctl to in iirownn retain Furnmna acrvlcu or lilo mi of iim year in their illi willi Sleelm the other tiny Nlnowald ruilered shoulder nepnrallon and irectured collar bone which will sideline him for the remainder oi lhe regular schedule Browns iinlshed lhe me with Frank Rynn at the hilt but lhe win was large result oi ihe rushing oi workhorse Jim Brown Nlnowskl on the other hand nflcrfieallng tho Giants in Clevelands opener completely loll nparL He couldnt find the target and his bad pnsslng lent Browns lumbllng downwards In Mills first two am with tho Liam the or mcr Penn Stale hero lrcd eight touchdown passes tour game The previous year Mitchell wasnt of much valué to the Browns for number oireasons mainly afaultdt Paul Browns strategy Brown insisted Mitchell stay running back while Bobby whined abant playing on the outside where could catch law passes Mitchell made it known to Brown time and again hat he wanted out but the latter was looking for bargain With the Washington deal he figured hed struck pay dirt This wasnt bad enough tho PlumNlnowskl dcni came right back lo hil coach Brown in the kisser Brown pointh out that Plum leagueleader in passing or two sirai hi years couldnt fire the long ball and was also taut on third downloss situations Added to that was Pums continual downgrading at Brown calling every play from the bench Coach Brown on the lookout for anolher quarter back hooked up wllh Dclmll and made deal lor Nln owskl The fans howled blue murder in Cleveland and Detroit nllkc but to no avnll llillchell free as bird teamed up with sophomore Norm Snead to give Washington the necessary onetwo gunch the club so badl neededl Week after week need passed and Mitchel caught for touchdowns and wins Washington was undefeated until last week when whipped 4034 by New York Glanls But not be fore Snead sent Mitchell scamperlng for louehdown of 44 and 80 yards There is no doubt the GreenBay boys hold com plete mastery over the Westeljn Football Conference in the NFL Last week thgy turned back the luckless Balti more Colts 176 to remain the only undefeated and un tied squad in both East and West divisions Washin ton agreed to turn over thedraft rights to Davis lh exc ange for Mitchell rookie Leroy Jackson and probably bit of cash Brown jumped and the deal was made After all visions of Davis in the same back fleld withone Jimmy Brown the man who set all the records Davls broke at Syracuse was enough to drive Paul Brownmad Before Davis could climb to Cleveland uniform he developed form of leu emlai blood disorder which has kept him out of the lineup ever since in the interim Brown had traded fullback Tommy Watkins to Detroit and once again had to turn to Jimmy Brown to carry the load Ignoring the absence of ailstar everything Paul Homing the Packers held Johnnyflnitas and company to two field goalsloff the toeoi Dick BIelski otherwise exhibiting tight steady defence Bart Starr tossed 25yard scoring pass to Ron Kramer and then Jim Tay lor bulled 37 yards for the second touchdown before afield goal rounded out their scoring Although Paul Browns charges walked all over Pittsburg Steelers to the tune of 4114 on Sunday hop es of their capturing first place In the East are rather dim Unless Brown can come through with miracle of some sort his oftseason trades will keep the Browns out of the title picture Paul master taciiciari in the past has been érit iclzed for unloading Milt Plum and Bobby Mitchell to Detroit and Washington respectively Mitchell tanner University of Illinoi5 star is tearing up the record bgnkx with his passcatching anticg Plnmi with free hand to call the plays for the Lions haé been the main reason Detroit is riding right behind Green Bay Actually one cant blame Brown too much forhis bartering once the facts as they were last year are closely considered Here he had golden opportun fly to obtaln Ernie Davis Syracuse star halfback from Washington The Redsklns cellardwellers of year ago had the draft rights to Dyavls but there wasnt real liltno much one man could do to help the fallerlng Red ns Wiih the lone exception of Detroit Lions hanging on the passing arm ol Milt Plum and the fingertip receiving of Terry Barr the Packers are home and cooledmut in the Western Division race GreenBay will in all probability discourage Lions and reserve gheir customary seat in the National Football Leagve ma BROWN IN THE nogHouss Two thlnggrare certaln lntheNaljonal Football Leaguew one is the Green Bay Packers and the sgcbnd Is the fact that Paul Brownot the Cleveland Browns goofed 2mm mmn mum By JERRY GLADMAN WANT REPLACEMENT MINNEAPOLIS lMI Illn mall film an dlckuln with munqu Worth an lunar cn Almllllon vlau Van WVIL of IN Iutlc com hum whlrh lm bun llTfiNWd ham Twinn lnrm nyllrm fihmy omHum 1km Arm dimlar many Top prlcc of $35000 wul puld by he Eula mum at Kitch cner Ont or Eaulu Amhra Whlrh mu consigned by Arm nlronz nrnlhm ol Brnmplun Ont Seventeen yrnrllnxs can Ilunul by Armslmnz brought 0131 317 Charlie or Inrmer New York Yankee numcldcr re calm $80000 for In yenrlinn hm MI arm Frcdcrlck Md lncludlnl on 0000 Inr earlan bought by Dan Hull Ilachultr NY The 221 mum and pnccrl In on the block brought lulu of £907350 on average 103 eachthe Iccnnd highest mcr IKQ or um day In the anlcl hlslnry The record lhhdday avenge WA 589 In 1959 Hen was Ceulrnla golden op pnrlunlty to get back Into the game but once again they failed to cash InDBth faded back found Edwards Itandlng all alone on lhe Barrie gnnl ling and lofted pass which dropped In to Edwards waiting arms Glen Bell kicked the cnnver and or xllin moved up 130 Flva yearling laid for more than 30000 and 12 um fur marl lhnn 810000 The 310 entry lee ol last year was raised to $25 or each of the lnur learns quarter lbc i100 Mal will be used at thean trophiestwhlch will he nwnrdedb the most valuable playcr top nectar and mm valuable 10511 Why dol lar will go lo the top Ieam in Ihe league and he mmalnder to he runnerup HARRISBURG PIL AP Cholcc lots yearling brought near record hlgh prices at tho Slandardhwd lulu Vcdnexdny Its especially so In hockey Bay City Falcbm cnnfinned their slrenxlh there Inst night gllh QR lignlpg gonlkendexf mm the nignlng gonlkender Don Rich and centreman Al Smith Bath were outstanding per former an Inn Masons club Th Barrie club had already closed the gap In goal with the earlier signing at JahnRald Tho Industrial Hockeylame has made number at chanzes in In 196263 constitution tn hopes of Improving the organization Stream dawn he middle in of prime Importance in almost any spurt Unlorlunntely 16mm visltors the touchdown wuv called back In he 10 yard line on pen alty where they were prpmptly lElven In addllional 10 or mk ng Qumerback Nnrm palm and and Daryl Lllllmp cllcked or two quick majors to put Drillln seniors in mm Kicker Glen Bell managed only one can vert out the two Attempts iew plays Ialer Babb com bined with Ellie fur pass nndrun play coming 60 yards 0n the next scrlmmaze hall back Wayng Gondchlld buried over for the scare It was bad day sllaraund lar Barri Cenhyal high school foolblll teams yesterday It Cen lrnl where they braved the cold to lake on Oylllls Parks Juniors and senlarszi In the agents lhe seniors lulled Intake advamuse of numerous Orlllln penalties and last IN The Iunlom exhlbiting sloppy pass defence were defeated 157 in ageme which carried into darkness Close To Record At Yearling Sale Industrial HackefiSts Make Changes In Its Constitution Contracts Signed By Smith Rich Annlher mam chnng will be BédtfiCetittcilifiés llnylll mm Mrrlmlu HARDWARE 1mm rim MM EFT YOU BUY an Our 11m Dllplny ll MVMIH MARLIN KUGEII wmcuzsmn Mnmzna nmIMrroN and Other MANY PRETAX PRICES ALLANDALI HUNTERS GUNS The league cxccullve consists ol pmsidcnt Vin Gibbons mru luv Don Sheppard and relate IIIchic Ab Bowenr Team rtprc senlnllve are Jck Valr of 00 Grill Ron Bertram of Bertram and Son Joe Marley Sex lona Sheet Metal and Hunting and Chuck Reader of Univrnnl Cooler Thu league II hoping to take cure of some of In cost by holding drawn and sponsoring dances The loop will olflclnlly open lhu lawn nxosdny night at nun flu Arena at 715 Bartram will lake on Unlvcrsnl ln lhe Hm mm and 00 firm will mml Salon 1n lhn sccund $60 bond to be pulup by any teamreglslerlng protest the money refunded ahould the learn 13 MUM No pluyixflmlfli allowgio pllIy In two league at the 5am me Should player drop on and hen Inler wish to slxn up min hewlll reprelem two players on the same roster Also should he wlsh lo rzlum he must sign wilh the team he leIL Although hel been lha sub nature or two seasons Eeid value In ynqqzsllonable John wlll be between the pipe Ramonraw night at Barrie Arena when the Falcon has the Brampton junior club in an exhibition cantest large dairy farmer doel everymlng extremgly well Berna MnKnIzht Gill Eflord Brady Rich ardsonuR Wm Cameron Wilson Kelcey Fra lick Cook Chglsllanmn Bum Lees JlmBad Iey Jon Moore BvReynnIds Emmet Travail IL Lun ll Norm Dabbs Rick Volllck Gerald Shaw Lewls Oat way Allan Scott Wayne Good chlld George Helm Murray Ball Bob Brown Steve Kilcllem Glen Bell John Leroux Gard Pye Bab McQuay Fred Ed wilds Doug Shaw Dan Sloult Bob Daan Al Lawrence Ed Lloyd Tom Parry Rns Phelps guy nutnler Daryll Lllllcrap Cam Campbell Tho signing at Smith assures ha club of one 11 mt Ihe leagues top cenlreman In all rognd perlarrpqr Once slain penalty can own wh Ell hurts on Qhalr own goal in whererlheyhad Barrie slapped on thirddown and gave the hometownboya possesslanl One may Inter Banla entered the scaring cnlumn Jim Hadley crashing Jhmugh Ilia llnegThe convertku block Another Orllllnmenelty gave Bmle possession the ball on Its nwn 10yard unefirbut the locals nailed tn move the ball In two plays The thlrd down kick was blacked behind the goal line andOrllliaxrBah Dean lell on he hall to touchdown The convict wasno goodmnd the count remained at unlll the line whistle ENJOY THE LHWTIEHR WHISKY Chevrenls 50M parkamed clghl seasons with Boston Bruin before being sent back In minnr prdesslnnnl ranks He played or Los Angclcs Dlndu of lhe Western Hockey League Insl suusan scoring 22 goals Chevron was sent hm mm Snn Franclsco Scle lhc VIIL wllh whnm he worked out hi all WINDSUR 0m CPIWindi sor nulidogs of he Ontario Hockey Association Senior league announced Wednesday night Ihe signing Real Chavv reliis former Nnilonnl Hockey Lengun iefl winger The Bulldogs nlsn announced lhnl Jenn Mnrc Assclln goal am far Woodstock Alh lcllu nil scnwn hns Ilnncd Windsor playing cant Veteran Wlllle Marshall scored the clincher for 2h Bean 415 of Ihe llnal Ile rlod3napplng In when he lired hard shat past Amer lcans gqalic Dan Simmons My ron Slnnklewlcz scared lnli an open net at 1937 to wrap up he maxlug Vhlle Mayer was lurnlng aside 33 shots Barons goalie Les Elnklny made only save but two ix51 period goal dld the damage Fred Mazur An nlher exBarmL gave Mayer the anly goal beheaded In the open lng period and Larry Leach connected lam or Insurance Plnylng against his former Cleveland mates Wednesday night Providence Reds goalie Gll Mayer Iumed In brilllnnl perfnrmance klcldng out 33 shuts51mm twice as runny as his opposite numberIa 24 American Hockey League shut out thenarons In the only nlher game played Védnosday nlxhl Hershey ral lied for two last period gnals md 42 triumph over Roches CL Gil Mayer Haunts Former Mates By Tim ASSOCIATED PRESS The defeat was lhé savenlh In row for Cleveland Bulldégs SiEfi Real Chevrefils Team éaplaln George Arm strong of the Ihmnlo Maple rLefars right whoops in mi LEAFS ARMSTRONG DRAWS FIRST BLOOD Lain in the lhlrd quarter Cen lml kicked off and Ron Pee ver moved In to ml the ti cclver In the and um giving Dame first pMnt 01 115 Jack Dulfy Look hundoll at the 55 and lumped dawn the field all theV wayJo ouch dnwn chk Wmemnn convch ed it and he score rend Orll H3 Barrie Confral Mi Jr and tried to on the opposiuon with the old alcopcr play mm worked Barrie kicked on deep It end Iona but lhe recelvex drop pad the baIL In the allowing aw seconds he pigskin travel ed from Ban18 hands to Orlllla hand and back and forth sexes Orfllla penaltles mov ed Central deep Into Orlllla ter ritory hut the hall time whistle klllcd the surge Paul Torrance put the visit nrs an lhe scare shut early in lhe game xcoollng amund he 11 and to go aver unmol meg The convert wasna good bright spot an lhe home town squad was Dempsey Snow Snnw bmka loose numerous Mme fur long wins and kepl the Barrie boys going Pour pm delunces cos Bar rieCanlrnl junlm win yes terday on their hams field xainst orillIn Park Time and again Orfllla receivers found themselves wlde open or pass as without aBarrladelenderln sigh and ramped la 157 Georgian Bay Secondary School Amalgam victory umph nl hi shot whip past Mgnlrenl Canadians In Cesare Manlago in um um Drgapped By Park HENRYVSVFINA llwy Mlle lmm Flclnry Tnlned MICE 21Hour Tuning Scnlcu Cull PA MS or MUFFLER SPECIAL 35 lullnlled General Inspection 700 Inmle REIfAIgz SPECIALISTS Barrie lom Hunter Pm Mc Dowell Dale Nceicy Ran liog gal1h Warren Law Joe Wil son Mike Harper Rick Davi Jerry Emms Brian Funecoi Jim Leighton Siephen Crows Bob Galamaga Wayne chhcii ie John Suiherland Al Eyers John Thompson Gard Carruiil eu Ran Pcever Ken Kramer Rich Dunn Gram Homer Tam Amuid Ken Foster Erniu Vnr but Rick Dunn couldnt make the fur turn and was stopped couple of yards short pay dlrt Finally Gard Canurban huucd over or Centrala touch doyvn Th convert was missed safely gave two more poinls and bxuughl lhq cou 1057 Harrie gavelt uni lry In the dying mlnute the game but just dldn have the guns LINEUPS pedod at an NHL win In Toronto last night Lean Ed Lineman 25 walls for FREE INSTALLATION FREE INSPECTION 15MINUTE SERVICE BACKED BY CNRYSLER NATIONAL WARRANTY CHRYCO ALLMAKE MUFFLERS INSTALLED ON All MAKES OF VEHICLES 75 BRADFORD 511 DARRIE 100K 05 SIGN FRENCH MOTORS SHDGKSANOIHER WHILEIlWMT SERVICE lNSMlllD FDR A5 0W F011 VHILPrUlWAll SERVICE CF SERVICE 790 mm mm 15 TORONTO CF Joseph Ryan 61 general manager of he Edmonton Eskimo unthaII club was convicted and fined 57$ here Wednesday an 1951 charge at ddvlng while im pnircd The trial was ddayed becauu Rygn Karmér resident of Tm nnto was in the Wen Hit law yer Fred Malone said that Ryan lesflléd his WM NC by anoiher as he was turning into driveway Drill Don Tapscon Dav Moon Ed CaDyre John Char les Ken ShamDon Moon John Martin Mike Deverell Pnul05chefski Bruce Duncan Doug Brown Rabin Mullin Ran Robinson Holger Jensen Hol Wyn Peters Frank Dabbs Ral raelc Cipnlla Dick Willem Henry Burton David Wylie Barry Evans George Thump sun Jnhn Goodchild Rick Ti Iin Dave Tilfin Dnvqrfflfliyn Jack Duffy gaul Torrencex Stave Boomer mhaundlha doesnt cémt DP ergpholu EACH FA M97

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