ZED CHANNEL YLIfIIlM LONDON llloulml Btllllh Em un Mum um um naw canIm dull mvlto 11mm lulu Comet II Ilnm mmllhlmhauv 30mm will luv lnnrlon Ill pm and pm nnrl lHlfI mu so mlnulu lalrr um chnlnlm mm yll hr lioalm wm MIL flobhlnl Ir and Mn Robbin Jr 1m lhtmo al mullnx wu Alrlcullun wllh flu can mm Mn Campbell Mn In mlrrmn paper on my Alrlculhm Mm Gritth mm on uhhvtmanl day on hrlu lIn MImL Oclobcr media of lb shlnly My Women mu held Al Hm hum of Mn Priulcl wllh ll member Inlllflfl ha Ilnll cull WM 15qu man nu lllndlnl commuter port in WI Mn Gaul Blmkmn or ledhn lnduflrlm In Mchclmn Iva houuhold Mn Ind Mn Ilau nu hint on fnlfllul Elullnn Early Days In Agriculture Theme 0f Shanty Bay Meeting Masqucmdc Dance Pnriy um held by King Edward Home And School Imoclnflon member In cclchrnle Hull owacn Dnnu prim wm won by Mr and Mn Sm uni31mm and Mr and Mn Elmer llubburl Prlxc wen given or costume lo Mu Aimom tho but dru Ind womnn numll much flu but ï¬rmed mm Com uuuh mp 16 Winning mm Included Mr and inf thl In The annual general meeting of theCam Borden Stntion Hospital llary was held in gflle library of the Alexander jDunn School The President Mrs Wilkinson was in tho chair and welcnmed new members Major Doyle Com mending Otticer ol the Station Hospital was introduced lle ithnnked the women or their work during the past year and pramised fullest cooperation oi the Hospital Stair The President reparted that during the year tho Auxiliary had provided games jigsaw puza Latex etc to the valua at $50 library eart had been built and made the round oi tho award stocked with supply of joovels pocket book and mag azines on loan tothe patients climax to the years work IMrr Wilkinson was proud to announce that new portable jllV not had been purchnsed by ulho Auxiliary for use at hosi pint patients Mrs Goodey cart con vener reported tho in the last six months the tort had mode the round oi tho words on 67 days involving the assistance £184 hder me Sewing Convener Mrs anall reportcd that nlne ladies met at the hospital at two ham and month and that 35Hospifct1 AuXilary EIMakePreSentatidh LINEFORMS TO THE REE Mrmhern Im uktd In bran 0M Jewelery Ind old nylonl roll call or nut menMnL Mm £13m Iubbon and art work was done by Don Keel tr llclreshmcnl mmrnm were Mn CHHord Git And Mn Don Mc Donauzh aulxlcd by hm Orwr Pmldenl the nmcv Inllon Mn Charm Spear ln Handing ha line ha hum tabla in Jim Kenny allowed by NIH Kay Hobln Ion Gary nmum Mn My Imp Ind Mr Ahlrop Gladys Pcrkln Dcmranns Invch nl Mr and The slate of oflicerxfor tho camlng year In as lallows pre sldcnl Mrs Hilton ï¬rst vicepresident Mrs McKay second vicepresident Ms Pmumoe Record In secretary Mn Mc Leod Correspondan Secretary Mu millage Trans er Fiugemld Mrs Wilkinson mngxaiulnicd the new cxccllliva and in the abscnca oi Mm Hilton Mrs McKny dosed ha maxing Mrs WE Sulï¬nrland Spec lal Services Convener repmed Ihat decoration and apples had been provided to pullout at llnlloween and at Christmas we had been decornlgd and small present given In each pa ien and the nurse on duty cuts THE CANADIAN SAVE THE CHILDREN FUND In onto Iglln Selllng CHRISTMAS CARDS Please Call Mrs Wllgar PA 83176 INFANT SCHOOL EDMONTON CF Under licensing regulation passed by an orderlnAcouncfl of flu berta government klndergnflcn curriculum must provldu gradual educnllunal lrlmlllnn mm home to lCthl without in lrlnglng the provindfl Grade program Dlrcctnn Mm JnckL Harm moxi Mrs Charles Hurubese Mrs Kcmey Ice and Match Convmm Mm Gordon Miller OoOonvem Mm Don Homer nonspdol Convena Mu Wiblimb Soda Con Sealed It the head Able wen members of the hemuvo In cluding Pm president Mn Moo Prtsldcnl Mm Vern flee prmidenl Mrs Robert Peacock second vlcevpmldenl Mrs John Ouxh secretary 11 Helen Treasurer Mrs Imm nmï¬ Mra Hugh Gibson and bu Mela commMee Inuxed do mlla Tho head tabla wgl med wllha naralnrmngemenl olfyellow and bronza mnnu and gladlafl nrrnnged In pumpkin JankaLantern contain One hundred and lhlrtynm ladle Manda lhe opening din ï¬er Ike Ladies Section of the Curling club mix wan Um Ian zest attendance Illa club In aver had 1100 Hon so Dunlap Li Mflsl our mud ulocuon mm the comic lo the nrloul muran nl Chrlslmnl speaker slatadlhal ona out every10 Canadians has to spend mm time In Lilon pllal for mental illness and 35 per cent of this papulallnn nul fer ram at someflma duh Sng Lime Mn ogmeunpna Mrn Hnrry Nutter were in charge the program Bruce Owen pm sldenl the Ban1 Associa tion or 11ml Health spoke to the group on the important 01 mental heaflh Opening Dinner or Barrie Club Attended By 131 Women Curlers Thu October meeting of The Ladle Auxlliary la the KIW nnls Club ofBarrIe was held 111 the Commuan Home EMental Health TapicOf Speaker Mr Divan toldo the history WEAYMOUTH Venn Mm Hugh Gibson Co Conver Mn Jack Bullet Evyts 1ymk Cor M11 Dave Smith Emphnls was placed on the educallon of the public to aa oept mental illness an air we and to help those suflw in from poor mental health so the assistance they mum the Menu Health Associa tion and outlined the alms and work of the local unlt The importance olearly treatment tn mantal lllnesl Wu Med by the maï¬a 7550 ï¬wyhnvo tinu children Hm of Toronto ma suqu nndyfommy It homa Amon thejmla fluent at the sun vemry party were Flnnla Mr And Mu Denny Curler Mr IndrMflHlNld Maxr Mmth Phllllpn Mr Ind Mn Jog Curler and Ian Dough Mm Nana Hodaaan Mr Ind Mn Char ea Babett mn Mlas Pearl Shephard Mr And Mm Jack Lenï¬ux Mr and Mn Allen Lennox Mr and Mn Dalton Lennox Mr and Mn Lemma MILMA Vau ghn Mr And Mm Arthur Cul sun Mn Sidney stark Mlu Nlncy Star and and Mn Ms Sudan other outofcfly guests wane mt mm Tom ontn Moom Hallburton Colllngwood Flml Park and North Bay An am he celabnllon ym held In gnu homo ï¬erg lnd Mrs= William 11le CW mill Rodd lollmdal on £16 00 onion of thalr mm weddlnl Annivmlry flu coup wewmanied at the hum of the bridemaml Arum Mr Ind Mn mil of Floral Plrk on 0d 21 Mr Tho brido It the er mu Jenn lbwm of Ton Minnan mum in PERMANENTS SPECIAL nvss BEKGEY SHOPPE wont coll you lnymluu Do lnvuflulln Wu Invlh you to COME IN LOOK AROUND COMPARE You wlll Ind only tho FINEST QUAL ITY NINonIlly IdvnrHud BRAND NAMES Crodlt mm an In Ir nngud II lnw BANK INTEREST RATES We carry only NATIONALLY KNOWN BRAND NAMESIhus my for you to compm prim and you can be aure that when you buy from 11 YOU WILL BUY AT WHOLESALE or near wholesala As property owners we hava no rout to pay We have no salaries to ply Wo have no aalesmena commlsslona to In We buy in volume coogerativelz at discount Erlcus The benefits this extremely low overhead creates an pissed along dlrectly to you we consumer HERE IS WHY Mm unful numh and lnvuilqaï¬lon WI LEVITS WHOLESALE we CAN SELL ku WHOLESALE omumur DISTRIBUTORS havl ruched dollnlln conclullon PHONE PA 8230 FOR AN EVENING APPOINTMENT LEVITS WHOLESALE SPECIALNGTICE emblem FURNITURE RUGS FURNISHINGS APPLIANCES Compare Bofom You Buy DISTRIBUTORS llMITED awer was hurled by Mn Robert Hodge of Sophia Street West in honor Min Frances Foster November brideeled Way MIer The Mm was mm by her dauzhlerlnlaw Mrs Dale Hod 82L Amnnllhe guests at the event were Mrs Charles Sasq Thé nroblem oi Chrmmu am Ihopplnz will be simpliï¬ed by attending glue Christmas flea to lieheld at SLAildlEWl Pm bylerlan Church Nov ram 230 in pm Under the nu picex at the Womenl Amm ilan groups ihe event will lea iuro bake tubinglpmn bar tilt and delicatessen tablet AFTERNOON MEETING Ailernoon lea was urvedhy membefl oi ihe Barrie Gall and Country Club iollowlng the meeting oi the simmeCounty Ladle Goli Aasoclailm Thev meeting was held at lb home ol Mm Carl Nnrth Pnrl Road onlnle ny Pre aidan at IE tea tabla wax Mrs Terry Harm president of the Barrie Gall and Country Club Tea hostesses were Mrs Lave Mrsl Andy Slovak Ion Mrs Webb Mrs Ideson Mrs Peacock 2nd Bass chkling Arrange ment were completed for all 1963 couniy 201 day and he Simone County ourn men whlcl will bb held ln Orlllia Election ai oiilceru followed wilhMn Bev Hewitt of 0ril lln eluted presldenl and Mrs Corby Walla alsooi Orillla secretaryligasureli cgtmms my Com rm Notes In Intended to cuvér ha unml mm llh ol the dly Ind dllfrm weddings dummies hlthdnyI brim pnllu ma comm Mue plum visitor and tmellmï¬lraJII mm of lateral la the wamenreld an of lllpifl Your help In myvlylnzlhh mm will be repay Ipprgchlgfl Featurbis Imu bedmomx and extra washmom mm mm Exclusive Barrie mung 31900 Dawn CONSIRUCTION COMPANY LTD Exclmlv Agnn Carson EA 431 FABULOUS NEW HOME French Provinciél Styling mm mm or Mom PA 591 PEOPLEJlflNDEPLACES llgnod SAM CHESINE or nur whdmlo Mm Oo yhu H10 MORRIS CAI BROADEN lme QUEBEC CHEileen to day In Quebec horplm mm mm unlca will navel1mm zency me or Incident victan and mlnarnurgery Thu 1de Manual comm wlll add In el flmated 51500000 to the present annual expenditures of $175000 000 on hospital insurance Que bec and Ottawa will 5pm uMu hm mm Me me Avanua returned lav the city may me holiday at ammo ï¬rher somhflflmg nu er an Zimmerman and family of St George Mrs Tony Em Mn Elm Me Donald Mu scum Rum Mn Fred Andaman Mn Pop ten mother of tho hrldweclx Mn Robert Gibbon Mm Rob ert Powell Mn John Eorylluk Mu Thomu Hockey Mm Rol nnd noom Inmfly ammoon ta wu held In honor mm Fade the home the bride roamw dew parwh BIL In Mn Roland Dohwn of Codrlnzton street on sundly fluxnoon Appmxlmntély yloinemhyerl 01 the Mulhollandam1y wm ml It the event BEAUTY SALON Ill Dunlap PA M731 Sï¬ï¬ï¬pï¬ 35 Phone Apï¬ommm PERMS 550 To 1250 SPECIAL RUBYS 350 ll DUNLOP IT QUALITY HARDWARE NOW IS THE TIME TO LAY AWAY For CHRISTMAS Stop In thiiweekend and see the wide and complete line of Sunbeam Appliances Wonderful Ideas for Christmas Gift Giving Dont forget the Free DoNuts See the new MumCooker in action It 599k Chickens Roasts Cakes Casseroles etc One of the handiest cooking utensilsyou can have around 1he homel MULTlCOOKER ponuls WIN TRIP TO MEXICO 0R $I00000 YOU CANT BEAT ROBINSONS HARDWARE FOR PERSONALIZED SERVICE AT NO EXTRA CHARGE Sue Demonstration Of The New Robinsolis Hardware SAT NOV 930 am to 530 pm MADE IN THEINEW suNmM pm me PA M43