Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Nov 1962, p. 5

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Fuss Over Fuzz If Settled with shave Hm Vbnn tn Han In Thirteenyear oId Albert Relish og Winnipeg traded two we or the life of hl nineyear old sister Marda fieqshe was éaught under imi Limbo d1 lead but Watch Your Weight Debunksv Fads IustCGLTntCaloriesw lhnl wry night umpl cullonl not In nml Hm pulknl musan 11mm to nml dvnlh Inr hm dayn finally pulled Ihmuxh Wm UN palnl Mm juxl lvmlnn mu nut nmmmllcluufl 1111 In poulblu hurt in who In In my Mwuwr nu mmnllan nccmnry7JUHT INQUIR 1N0 low dorm In lhll own lho kc mllllnnalru nlry pcr arm rm awful la opurnllons lvo alien wnmlcrcd all llvcsc opcrnllom are neccnuury Sev aml momhn ago mud of our wna mshcd In tho luuspllnl with severe nbdnmlnnl nnlns Thu daclor removed her nlvpcndix lhnl vrry nlzm nmmmlm In an am Please dont print my nnmu inlllnls clly or MD uml have uny ane know wrote lhln lcltcr Dznr Chnfll canl In any than Irom the nlclum hut plum dant 5ch he hny Ill take your word for ha Incl 3m Andy doesnt have much llmrd cxporls lvu consulted any In Hm boy shave It will do wonders or Ms marnlo and wvnl hufl an one bit MEDICAL lACTR Illa dad keeps telllng Andy lhnt Ihnvlng nuisance and utter he one mm hell ind no Inn at all The boy 15 unconvinced This gem lo be well an Issue nmund lhe house that we have decided to wriIL to you and let you same It am sending Andys plc What do yuu lhink1CIMOS UNLIMITED Dear Ann Lanam our son findy not Quito 14 years old has been nagging hlsvlnlher for six months He Wants to shave Honestly Ann Ihere is nothing than to shave Hu would only cut Mmsc TORONTOThe best sclh 1315 of lgqoks this manth shows An Answer ANN LANDERS THURSDAY NOVEMBER pmq Adullu 50 Cum Shadow 25 Conn BARRIE AND DISTRICT ASSOCIATION FOR RETARDED CHILDREN By ALAN McPHEIlSON Speclll to The narrle Examiner Dlmtlor Ken Hoilrr KING EDWARD LADIES CHQI 11x The dado my mhclhcr nn nccrmry Aml BARRIE CITY CONCERT BAND For Shulmod Worlullop Bqulanjund Pmonlld By Dlrcclor Jenn Dolmen WC filan Inylnr CK Hmllo flARRlE NORTH COLLEGIATE BENEFIT CONCERT in tho upcm very SAVED HIS SISTERS LIFE my mm In lhu bone when It mm In necro nrlnl dullu but rolusc to do Jnnllorn work It nhvlonl um Lnndm that you Imvu llu been monetarySEAT Ollrn COHMIH wllh expert below ulvlnz an unmet In use nxkrd Earl 01 my lccro Inrlu would wnsh desk lap ur mmc ML 1hrvcnlct unnnlmoul yu Any nfiicv wénhy 9mm llama hnl jnnflon who me In nncr hours Io do lip mnlnm ll Iho cleanup cry Incompclcnl hm pcoplu should ho molluch by people who am do the Job To expch sccmlnry dual Mld desks laurlnurndlngh my wine mm you have nuvrr been In mrnlmy IIll cmyloy night You an Show me seen lary who has now wnslmd dcsklap or moved Inn and Ill show you mighty poor cm ploym WIll Im an extent secretary who In considch lop In my lleld 11mm nevu washcd deskrlop or moved umnull furlhcrmorn never Th committee of pathologist and other speciniisi examine lhe rcmovcd issue and deter mine whcihcr ihc operniiun wul essenllai No human is inlaiilbia but if doctor chalk up two or hm unnecessary apcrniianl he will he dmppcd irom lhe hospital sinii Dear Ann Lnndc wlsh In challenge your uply he acc rclnry who mscnlcd hclng asked lo do jaqlgar work lnmlly has Hue right call In consulting physician they want m0 Lona nplplnq osp am unlml by he American Medical Associa llon and the American College at Surgeons hnvo an exam llgxinu called The fissua cqyihmce sugpnmnmn wnnK theres tiny booklet in more lhgp 17000 Ontario homm will soon go Into seem prlnfing and it could be an answer to one of the countrys most pmssing problemseat mgl This is called Watch Your string boxcar that startiad to move In Winnipeg railway yards Ila pm hi loot on the rail or leverage as he pulled her clear and awheeiran When you peruse poLMoca 105 squash 47 mmflnku ULWM Inward £3 per slim hamburger mm mm veal 131 bed hem 115 liver mu kklney 115 and down lhc line or average meals you dont Md any drug All you nmd pencil and II your lam mad me or 1400 ul orlu iur hm mum ymnru In huainm wilhom Inman nlckcl ALL THE VITAMINS For In dimmm did d1 dple he luvcrnmm loo uh lhcr nnd nlso 11m Mela Imk Int carlnbydrnm Iron Vfln Illbollmln Nlntln The bwkm WI have mue appeal to addislx became pmflxcs the bum coMenLynlh fids phras lhe M2151qu Way To keep updated the De pamncnl Health adopts sort of chain loner bookm scr vleo nnd when you finish study ing Watch Your Weight and you want In with It you can obtaln Nuirlenl anuu Sam Comm Foods This HM cvéang mm banana as calmlos to navy beggs at whnpaInx 7151 nml Vi mln HIM rcpnso In mry Muir ynh ml Not content wllh Vim fling mhlu Olflclals at the depadmcnl esllmate that Onlano rcsldmu spend upwards of $3000000 every year looking lot the per fect flat when little common sense plus the booklet achievu 01151130 pgmosgplno oust Gavmmcnt exports claim that overwelmt persons should ndom new pauem eat Ing The perfect goal should be heaqul food In the cor mct algflcquanll Hm lhrm Sumo Mu paradoxlcal For Minna nn nvcrnzn drlaLoL aw mmle numumuua mbliohed by the 0mm Dar maximum or Health and the mate debunker ol Iaddis Watch Yuur Welsh vhw fad diets us an cmMIoMI lease and brie inlumpllon to your mun Mung habits KEEP GOING WE 8th axeuirymromnké the bobkjet more nmaqive It costs distributivfl of this inr formativq plece Hemline has been uccesslnl Ihat 20000 more copies will go 0mg the presses early in FOOD Rama WaldlYmr Veimk1he result of long research by food scientist and nutriem special and Ms simplicity will pro hnbly cause it to be lgnomd in many households over his mes The lnlury was nt discovemi unul hu moth er 4ka his shoe Here Ilas shown with nurse Ann Churchill kn DMIdren Hom lal CP Wireng ADMISSION 75 PER PERSON Nu mm hm rmnlllrd mlmh Every Friday Saturday Night FRIDAY NIGHT yak er RAVENS mm wllh mulnllnz Mina mhlu Ibo laqu IN the lfmplnllonn nnd wnlnmu Mum besidn DANCING IOOF HAll OllIER ST SATURDAY NIGHT GIB WILEY mxm nmcmn nilwiay Symon 33 direcfly in all cars and bedeflvered to ally of duflnallon In record Norman Wiliouxhby and Run nid Fax came in the meeting in mint about watt draining down on their pm rty Mr Wliioughby claimed nt hin well was polluted and his septic tank bchi put out vi action Ivy ihi wntnr which hnd come down that my since tho bridge had been opened on the 10th line and ditch opened dawn part way hir Fox mid his greenhouse wan being iiomicd underneath in Mid he had been given price oi 00 by Donald Benity to continue the ditch past his property hut this had not hm done They tail that they Humid not be icit to lnho the watcr mm the north pm this hum icl which come down mm an int thu new Ichooi ml the mud lhcm Mm mmlodgh described he 45mm as one at themastllabz and Mr Kcyu Lhnl he should consult wllh lhe Depart ment engineer More My decli lnn was made on fills nmy var lcd In nmounll mm nearly 315000 to just under $10000 Three rcpmscntnllvu 01 firms were present uncluding Counclli Ior Goorlo List ol Beclun mmn counsa It also involvesLhe abandon ment OVER period of tlme of Lhewelshmgof newspapeu ey mm at the post olflce steplhat will um um holly ands of manhours and which 1a the same llme WELBaVL publishers many hours lSnJhe livery ol lhelr periodicals In some cases newspapers handled in fluuway will nava wen Leach tug yostpflice b31115 wen teach the st ollice build ing They will dellvered d1 resuy WIFE MW We with bld of $12106610 Engin eer in charge for Ike township is Stewart Kaye Aisodnmsoll Orfllla and Mr Keycr was pre rent at the meeting whlch 31 located the work to the Bramp ton firm ten percent marked chains accompanied all the blds er Imdern or the culvert and bridge needed In the con rtnrctian were opened Seven firm tendered but some of them Mt nut r5 at the III pipes In new system taspeed up the handling newmapmal 10 major offices which involves lentual abandonment olwelgh humans PostmasterGem anal Faircloygh sald Wednes vlradiflonalg newapnpefl have been elivered by the publiihwtqmtbe post office when they Were weighed sorted and sent on lhelryay mils Involvedllremendom bulk and volume and created huge boulmzcl in lane such as Tomnln wheq mall ledlllons the metropolitan dnllies ar rived at postal weigh scales for lmmadlalu handllng Mrs Fall dough saidln tall lo the Womens Preu Cluhol tawa Th new slemiwolves gl the pub hexl records to Irrive at the mount of st aguame paldrnnd veyi yin lheserecntds through post ol floe audit well 91ny report by outslde audll exudes such as the Audlt Bureau Clmula mum wllh nu Haiti lng over 3212000 and 1m uc cessful tender by the firm ol whlshy hm calorlu whllo piece Imk pln 395 calories TM maku tho cholco nlmplo or mm mm mlly mm omml Ihelr wayle The three and half miles of n2wmadwh1m uobecm slructed on the yes shit Innslil betwcgn gowme done as development road with funds prnvlded by the De purtment of Highways broughl twenty blds or the Lenders 09°99 111 281 medal Aiywny this booklet now And mnlu It the most pawl 01 What anon tho wasv¢ry gm ass am whim is bcmg INNISPIL NOTES Developmént Mad Brings Twenty Bids MODERN DANCING mlmhmenl BM mm DROWNING few hundred feel Imm our sham iour ind airmicd for their lives in the chilly wnicrs oi the My last night whm lheir bani struck sand but and sank Cries were heard at Buysinirl bulge and Tim Vnrlcy high ldiool 1nd son the propridor went out in mwbun un nxcd bring bail rm them clinginx in bi banL in tin mennilmn hil iniher phoned Inc poiico who wzm on hand la bring Um survivor io sham One oihcr occule of mo bani ii prcaumcd drowned nnd poilm an 5U search this water or no body It was very fortunle or the sunVon lhni Tom Vnrley hcnrd their trim most oi the promo nInnK um silage worn inside an it win niicr Im ol copy ol the 11min Gmllc or January 1m hm cnmo into our powwow nm wax wmkly paper pdnlml In Bunlo with lhe banner mollu ol Tho welfare n1 lhe poo lo Um luprcma law nm lowing cm In mulcr ho hum OTTAWACPEA mémher of the RCMPs centyal huregu far counterfeit said Wednesday that he circulation counter ten Canadlan bank notu shvws nu signs 01 decreasing Corporal JamesNIsberoI the RCMPI cdme detection labor alary old of Forensic Science that mum Ierleillnl first becampmmmm prohlcm In Canadmin March 1959 with the appearance in quanllly of phvney $10 bill HEAVEN Some dimion was given tho beaver uiiuntlon and the trapping oi these when two parties come to ask about authority totrap these animals which are causing floodan in some parts of the township After some discussion motion was nsscd thatDon Fischer of no Ewart be commended to the Department at Land and Foer or lie enso to In all the oiicnding heaven land owners ap pmve Leo Gibbon oiiemi to blow out the beam dnm but it was pointod out that they must be icil intact until he minmix are removed LOCAL MAIIERS 1m Wx°iilm°g 335 mm don find hischnrgu or this were paid or by the township Back about filienn yemago the whale drain came up for em Iidmuon and those who were Included as beneficiaries mm the work lei the cost too high and it lei lilroughi Council hand ed the maucr over in Mr Wil am Alnsieylhe present engin Efialpndnv mist boyulir male glnglng manna Rlch udHWhn iq wing Amer can audiences In the Cincinn Scope and Technicolnr inusl in Wonderhll To Be poses with Sényn No Dégiéésé In Phoney Bills ©©EEN B©£PEER um mm um 10 the Maos sentralvhnrenu The31000 cunntedei bills in clude 19 dmerent serlcsfof aka bunkv unlesu The nativity at lhlsvpnrlim Inr type 01 crimlnaL endeavor shows no ilgns decreaslng cm lebot said Cpl Nisbet said 51ml coun lemming remains unchecked It can scriouklylundermlne flle ccguomy lhg ngllu afltirtmimk an wlth yalue of $0906 nvé been tuymgdnvei in IDCAL mamas Last Thursday was Little Christmas Day Miss King oi Parkdale visited friends in town TLen nm was elected Reeve at Essa by majority at 210veeruif IaOrolimrnas Drury had majority of over Fletcher flev erend Valentine spent Sunday with Jan Cross Peel street John Smith oi Sundridao visited with his lather Wm Smith in town Mr and Mrs Strathy 5spenlia3iewzdayiilastweekfin Tomnta Mr Thomas Sideworth isvnaw owner ol the Dominion Bakery lately thepmpertyoi Brown Messrs Dyment and Wm Moore attended the Board of hada dinner infloron to The result oi the vote or Trustee lar St Andrews Ward gave dias Croalot ardudames Serosso 46 am 0M John Pmllian on his his birthday Richard Graham do My reeve oi Ftoa is auto indisposcd Dr ll Home dentist is retiring and Dr lich ardsonnis taking overhlsfpac ticeAnurnbcr oi mariners have not paidthnlr subscription to the Gazette oi onodoliar Miss Wialemute retired mis sionary from Japan spoke at tho Collier St Methodist Church Thu Elisabeth Street itietho dist Chumh were holding sleigh ridulpnrty to Strand the sleigh ieavtng at pm on Thursday Phelps Sherlli advertised tho sale at assets of Midland hotelkoeper whichhad been seized ior debts George Sneath Clerk at Vcspru advertised new road survey in the towns ship to ho approved by that corporation across let it It by law was passed to support the notice Wilmat secretary oi the Simmo Agricultural Soc iety advertised tho meeting to elect oiiicm iar tho coming year was James Hastings liar bour Mills was visith his sis ler Mrs Thomas Smith last week The names oi many mer chants such as Ottan Bros anti Scott Coal Company am all wolirknown in the city at VCounltrlell it ed Slates bank notes had 3150 appeared In Canada in dangerous num bers since 195 slamming we queen in ha mm which will be shown in Barrie at thefioxyflheatre on Tuesday Nov and Wedy ncsday Nam Vlfiere will also be AileySchool mnfinces Cpnieau Sdnxa porfirgyaua fimce thag Teenago Novelty Candlelight bowllnx each Friday nlnhl Spoclnl price Game Bowlan pins hnmbumcr ml colleo or only 100 Pr Du Hwy 90 ll Anlul Automallc Ilall ANGUS nowL TAKEOUT onumsa P5502131 i3 KiNNYSGARDENS OTTAWA CmCuban buyers have defaulled In paymems on Canadian goods to the Extent war the Crawnmwned Export Cmditansumnce Corporation hns paid claims totallipg 3275 000111 the last we years Senate committee was told Wednesdny result the Export Cred Ls Insurance Corporation nawa days wasvjnsuxing practically no new husmcsszwith Cuba In 1960 hadrhnndled transactions worthmhout $2000000 or 16 per cent pLCnnadas mm trade with Cuba In that year Carpalalign President Hugh Allken snId Canadian exnon wrs have found It too risky to do business with Cuba except on strictly cash basis Mr Allken testified before ha Senate banking and commerce oommitloc as it sludiedmhgnd menu to the ExportCtedils In Tiadé Wham For Cash Oily khfHifififfiifiiflhfififlfififiémifii JASON ROBARDS Jfl DEAN STOCKWELL In Eugene 0Neflls ILQNGVDAYS JOURNEY lNTONIGHT CHINESE ll CANADIAN PREMIERE WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 7th AlL SDlD DDT DELICIOUS FAST DELIVERY 79 bunlnp sfiwm MORE TRAVELLER Thenumbcr nf persahlvlslt ing or passing mrough Yup llavia T956321 per centlrbo lween 955 and 196 In 3243529 sunning Aclp Thbse wduld ddu hle lhn curpcrnllons liability under its insurance confracls to 00000009 7320090000 and aulhmizg the chrporatlon to accept promisory nptes directly lmmJoreign buyers IMPERIAL NOW SHOWING if

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