Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Nov 1962, p. 4

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LE Detroit Free Press Algerias new freedom took an trlp the lotalllarlan cleaners when con niving Vice Premier Ahmed Ben Bellas crew prepared st 01 unopposed fcan dldales or the National Assembl Ev en then he was nerveiis and the eleet AHMED THE FIXER her gShouldijBig swings a31CISEedE Because Of Exténf MW EIIML nfma Iv lmlv mum MI Aulhnlflld new rll loI om uwm AM In pawn of Dull mam AM tummy Hnlmm an mm nunnu mum mu 0mm mm um um um uuu mu lvunan nunm unuu pm lxuan lullu runm mm mm L11 mum Imam In In may by unit um Im Mr 19 mu In up Wlll um um mu mm mug amm firm you mum mu OWN you II human mm IIfiVfinfiflfmfim 6mm in new vimu nu cmm mm Nunle Mm Indium Tm mumn rm Am Inmu ltlmmum Barrie ExmnIner Oct 27 1032 Cam Irnl Roller Comnulleeyplanncd commun Ily camper In each of six wnrds of town In ru so funds or work In heIp unem loyed Mnnnblock Idea In he used each householder one hourl work per week Guelph nnd New York men to be lrIctI Ier manslaughter In Supreme 30an here IoIlnwlng Inlal motor nchdcnIs In county Crown AI Iornuy Evans KC wnn suing Dr Aldugh OrIIlIn fur 310000 Jenn Sarjeanl Isabel MeQnay and MH dretl Jahmlon wnn WCIU vssny prIm eat BCI Dr Herban Ar Bruce To rnnlo nppnlnlcd Lleulcnnnmnvenmr Onlnrln by IrInm Mlnlaler II II Men non of nnnrln James II VllnIIuy nppoInIed nrgnnlnl tnlller Street Un Ilcd Church eomlng Imm GnlI Ind BIIIIUDIIL prevlously nt leerpnol Iing JD YEARS AGO INTOWN This pieoccupaiibn with and pre judgment bf the bigness of business is unfortunate forCanada in many respeqts ig overnment underfildngs fiéimplyr coul ntsurviye internationally the Canadian tendency to prefer the small to the big in mat ters of business is also injurious Not in frequently even major Canadian corpor atlons discover to their sorrow that they have been beaten out of one or another export order by vastly largcr foreign competitorsor consortium of compet itorswho becausemisize or financial Simcoe County Council did the right thing in abiding by its bylaw and al lowing Stevenson Memorial Hospital the full amount of grant $784963 to which it was entitled This was only in line withwhat had already been granted to several other municipalities natably Coyjngwood nnd flewmnrget Finance committee of County Council1 ever on the alert to save taxpayer money and for which lt ls to be rammended as Ion as the reason valld wantedvAlllgt on get only $345483 This was recom mended because the Alliston hospital has an endowment mm the estate of Loblaw The feeling was that Alliston did not need all that mqneyfron the county Thé Mllston hospxtaY board took exce llonuto thlsjland 59 stgongly that wecks speclal meeting in Barrie was Frompted allow all councillors to hear he ar uments and decide The board claim that Alliston taxpayers had can When Senator Wallace McCutcheun washrought into the Dlefenbnker cab binet armlnlster without portfolio the mm was decried in some clrclesas scheme to introduce blgu busineaa nklng and methods into government The inference of course is that hurt nessif big is bad and that Senator McCutcheon as the pro rietor of the pro verbial corner candy are would beac ceptable cabinet timber where Senator McCutcheon as manager at some of Can adas largest and most successful corpor ations is not As jay as ihe domestic economy conceinedthé Glassco Commission has just revealed thg staggering cost to the taxpayer of the absence of big busi nessapproach in We conduct of govern ment business In fact the Commission commented tariiy that private business operated in the sameingfficlent mgnngr Right Thing Fbr Alliston The Barrie Examiner Published py Cyadlan Ngweapaperslmmitxe 216 Bayfield StrutBarrie Ontarld wxwa11spubusher mum Slaight mvmxsmfl 151mbJ my shin OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE ue benllng lmdlnnl 74 llonlena lwn lnnx Cnblo And lnrlrlxlye led scorers For Celer Kluge Den Wlllson wna top nnlper lh brune Cnvnlln oml ln the net llCl lunlor nml men or lonlbnll tenmx couched by ll Cockburn Imd blx mlvnnlnue over others ln Georglln lley loop ln klcklng nl lllll Hero and Gordon ArmsIron Chesler lemon formerly of llnrrle llell Telephone one lluyee nl Sudbury sullrrul broken eye by falling lnlo clevnlor pll lll wanlu Club llzurle observed mm In nlvernury wllh lllllllll party In Mannnla llall lresltlenl Ernlo llynn presldod There were 01 ncllvo members nml lllreo honorary llownrrl Fell enumlclctl mm your an secrcLar of club In bat llml more lbnn 1000 plnls of mllk had been nuppllcd la children by club lllemben elclub In 1032 lnclmled Normln Clnrko llexllo Cbllllck Ollvor Cun erun Hob llod ea Dr lllll Lllllo llu llowmnn Gnnnn lleeve Robert fimlh llnrry Smllh Truman Wnunms Funk Cunrllln leorge brown Alex Cocklnlm lllll Crnlz Frank lelngxlon Alherl Not all Alnnm Mulmllan Cecll Nnrria WA llnrlrld Slowul Page lllll Spur llnl Ind filmplnn Wlflnm Want and Warden of Simon County In 1014 died suddenly Joserh McCulloy princlpal of Pickerle Co loge nddrcsy ed moulan 1n Slrou Hall nusplccs In nlsnl Tnxea Rcducllon League Camp Harden Flynn wan seventh straight gmno 111 unly pg anrquq Len Industry in Europe it should he noted has always hada strong tendencyto wards cartelization And while the Com mon Market has established prohibition and deterrents against someforrns of cor orate togetherness the effect certain has not prevented big business in Europe from growing still bigger As tariff wall between the six come tumbling down and the lutemalmarket available to CdmmonMarket manulao turers expands many European firms are tending to become still larger and more powerful through the natural prcesr of competition mergers and the survival of the fittest In so doing they are at course also hecomlng more formidable rOmpctilors for Canadian manufactur ers in Canadian markets and elsewhere tributed their assessed amount to the county and were entitled to the some per centage hospital funds that was grant ed to all others In his presentation to council on Monday John Bowelman lawyer member of the Ailiston hospiinl board pointed to the relatively small size of the town fiopulntion around 3000 reason why people could not assume an extra burden particularly when the has lslurgelynsed lay people from land llnrr Travers of Barrle organ lzcd group 51 hunters to eliminate wolves Irom Mlncalng Swamp No on luplnu qundrupcd was even smelled let alone seen nn Exnmlncgrcporlcy wrolq may ps The endowment of $502000 was most welcome but the county grant was fully needed to complete the new hospital building and assure meeting operating £05315 oifrsome time We fail to see the moral reasoning at those opposed to the Amston grant Al llston pmd Its full share towards other hos ltals in the past and therewas de Iinl legal amount comln back when the time was ready which right now ion was delayed hom September to next Thursday Stlll fearlul lest he be next haltsale Ben Bella last week Chang ed more than 50 names on the ballot All 01 which shows againas in Ghana Indo nesln and elsewherethat national Inde pendence nndylreedom of Ihn people do not necessarily go together iniénufactixfelifigéods ViiWhat mnnutirc turlng In Canada characterizedby laigenumbepof smafl firms towardsxfiaunes ii béuhd to Becohio an increasingy heavy liability The rapid glzowlhand expénsibn of the Euragean Common Market poses for mida le threat and challénge for Canndn in this respect hospital ls lurgelyused by eople from Qen gnd theAneIghg Atown resources were able tomfferbetter pdc or terms Indeed number of Can adlan ecbnomlsts malntaln that one oi the significant factors res anallqu for £139 coungryja popr shquygflntheoxgon With the free world funvlng steadily to wards consolidation into large regiqngi frade Iggoupsfl gndnbvlqcs ibis tepdency Stakes Thu rbeneflHotha caunlrlea tama pm in the Ichnme and to ma tAenchen who took advpntage It Thin year new type oi tea cher exchange ll being devel oped by tile BrlLlslI minlalry oi education ii in hoped lo have it in operation our year And when it bezia lo lunciioa Mad emoiselle irom Paris Senor and SeamHa mm Madrid Herr from Vienna and Fraulein irom West Germany will be coming to Lon don lo lake over class in the London secondary achoois Each oi them will ho leaching his or her own language boys and girls already learning French Gemlea or Spanida awapamo mas Job wllh them In lllln nnw lypc cl leuclxcr axe chnnlzo wlll bu number ol len chm mm the londan ucond try Ichoahlhcy wlll bu ulvcn an mu exchange pollllons In school In France Germany Spnln and Auxlrln And lhelr lulu lhcre wlll bu tho lonchlnx lo mu Don and girl or lhm counlrlel Enzllnh language and lllcrlluu For 11 Burl Examiner LONDON For many years now there has been Intern of Ruchcr ucbnnm within the Commonwealth In whlch Can ldl has lakennn Impmam part Many hundreds of Canadian ten chm have mm year teaching in Britain while British teacher haw exchanged places wim them In taboo In Canada In man men years the schema hubecn guarded lug mylde There are apccln rtqulrc menu huwnvcr helm Icnchm an be ncrcplcd hr lhls special type of uchnnn Thu lenchcn whn wlah in Ink ndvnnlnxo his lnltrrhnngc Ichtmu with rnnllncnlnl lcnchm musl he undunlc wilh lplcllllll nlnnd In In lho humming thn country in whlth lhcy hope In leach or ytnrN9rry1nllythcm NUMBENS HXPEIHH Ipokménimlni Mnrlnn Cauan Council whlrh upon Md exdmnguwwllh utNewizgalqmmydm II in upfir no Ilmlt nl 05 lo npnllcnnu nyM MdNflRE 1100 any fullan caneiqnndenl REPORT FROM ILK Broaden Teacher Exchange Plans Mama the new light tdéiéinTuE Ihh light smoolh flavour of Mamcn um wlll loll you II 0M Nu wovldl nut mml Summallow dllllncllvoly dry flllnn mo uhlon In mm drinks why not drink something youll tally like KENNEDY DOCTRINE Dear Slr In Hm Board of Dlreclars mccllnn Inn eveninx lormnl mnlinn oi congrululnlinm and nurcclnllon wn passed lnr die Unflcd Appeal Board under Pre xldcmrflaracc Pratt nnd1hu Campaign Cnblntl nnd wnrknrs cgpnhb ledllzy IWlllnrd Km We conzrntulnlu lhcm be cnuac II In an accompllahmnnl ol very Imnrclslvu and mutll needed Impnrlnmc nnd lhnnk them became it nuw nllnwl lhc YM YVCA nnd nlxhl oUI or nxcnclu lo npply lhemtelm llurmmhout the next year the drmnndlnl ask of xelllnl lull mine or lhn luppofl whlch lug bun men cxlrn wulmul hnnh In All the veep ln nnnlo and beyond who rcxfiundm no lam lully meet need 01 ha linuedullppeulAxfnglcn Alw uvallahle in London lea chm are singleIona nppnlnl menu In Germany There Is really no limit me possihxlmcs of the scheme London County Council prepared la consider nppllcallam ram London lan chm desirous of mapping Job with teacher In cannula alber than thou named above ume Iru uy mmuu lhn7uuh hithly Iutcmint apvrui Flnilly wllh Buthmwnrmlh Ind nlhmlnm would kc In addition to this swap scheme there an other oppor tunlllea or Enxllxh leachcrl l0 leach ln Eurnpe There are as llslanlshlpl Ivallnble 1n Bclgium Inly5wltcrlnnd an mum as me ceGer Spain andVAusuIa or museth arealreadyteacmng buzwho wish specialize in madam languages Those lnklng part have to give Normal convcb cation clams sinlug the nuw exchange scheme laid Service In school abroad Is not only valulble lo the tea chm themselch In broadening their uperlence but also to ulr puplysmhen Iggy rehufn We aim we wuibéquue rush of applicant or these exchange posiflonl ad 417 LETTERS TO EDITOR Mvaer the Mn Sigma PM Bnnxlly wlsh lo txlend lhclr humer lhunkl to All lho flood mph who donated rum mnxe or lholr lulu on Salurdny October at much npprrglmed 1101 MM cury Ilcm MI When the chip Ire dawn it the dcpnnmcnl that hnl most hunk Tho Bnmu Examincr lo do with Ihu prolecllnn the or the ongolng coverage of lho libcrliu and privilege whlch Appeal and lhc yurAround mp am lhn meal our Iynlcm pm hey Ive la arm government sadnlhrmcnuannl cuucnunmlw In um admlnlmntor ha and wcllarc work In Danlo and law um be or ho police and mum ind 13 Unkfld AFN genzrully Um unrdian he nzcnclcs Th0 YvM YWCIL Inw ll dram lhc MW law for will continue try lhow Il hn leulllnlm and to com DDTCCMON EV mndcfl liderahle drum lnIerprcll It In prnzrnm and urvlm mu mmm Ygun gluggrcly And while he hhs ndvlsm Dear Slr CZECHS ENTERTAINED MOSCOW AmSoviet PH micr Khrushchev talked 1er dny with vixiling Communm party dclngallun by Czechoslovak Presidcnl Anlnnln Navolny lhe 5031 new agency Tax reported Khmsh chev unva Kremlin dlnner for the vlsllm Wu nllcndcd by most of lha Savlcl party presid lum and Foreign hllnlstnr An drel Gromyka thy rcpnn laid SSA disaslcr In the Na mine Sprlnzbill NSv took 39 lives Nov 1962 British Investigators nn nounced It had been proven as conclusively as poulble wlthout bodlcs that Adel HJUcr was dead 17 years ago todayin 1915 It was lound Ihe Null dlclalar had died April 301945 in ht chancellery bunker in Bar lln as the city was overrun by Alllcd cream The quiry mparted was not positlva whether Hitler dled by Ms own hand or was executed on Ill own com mand The body had been burned In gasoline pyre Vsovcrcrlgn Pr mmunfioul lnmn lquccn Victoria was Tom IN HISTORY Slncmly Ynurl Rnndm illlllnnd luhurlly rnnvcner Mth lh Thnplcr illumil It 1355 Exnrullvonlrrclar YM YWCA roYotmiaow HEALTH And while he has ndvlml areal den or discretion and power vested In lhe attorney nncml IlmsclL an nulls enough Io break iot amocrncy provldu check whereby on man cnnl dominnlo he Iylum nut rnnuah ul ul Ian sublan llnlly NEED JUHTICE could be In mod hlndl Now II III nun hm not the with Ilon Fred Cm In 01L mm mil mm porlrolln Romlnl goud nllumcyvxnntrnl uv qulm runny nllrlhum Ihnuld good mar Do yau smoke or due ypur husband lull1y taunt study yawn people showed that 41 percent of boys and 37 per cent ulrlumnke both their par ent du If only mm mm smokes WI 37 and 29 per cent nallher parent smokel 19 Ind ll per cent Klnd at loided question mnm bu are are levaral 1ch reuonltor up smoking Thla doesnt legm tnhava much influence on yqunzpeapla bmm middle age mu rm of lung cancer mm Inch long yay all hay wan lollmokc now they want to smoke now They have scant interest In what mlght be the consequences 40 yearslater And why do they want 10 make new Because it leema izrown up or becauu every body else duet or even In cause Ihelr parenlx do so they talie or grgnled Three 01 Iha most crillcal de purlments of Kovernmcnl today are Involved All havu mnjnr policy prob lem canlrnntlng them And ail are In need reorganizwm The declslom that are made and H10 cflccllvenus udmln drum in than department or the next whlla will ban 1m pnrlance or all What may wu upem MUCH POWER No Mlorncygcnemll dcpnflmtnl II great comb 79 WWW Den Dumber Flam v0 m0 manna or no Imo My lbymmld Ion maker lot He Nu march And an In develop hll body but ha lnhlu thin though mmulnr nnd dmnt thlnk his making an harm him now or later MII 38 11w anticancer organization hnvn bean waxing vixenmu ii not very lucceuiulwnr nualnn it aintin to the convinan sin Ilia clam maker havemany time much xilii oi 41an oi lynx cancer ATM years later still mire ollhem ale axrjgklnq Hg in or of Ihem will desperately wish they had not mud came but it Isnt easy 1n make them realm ths novf So what other reasons am there know doctors and other peaple who have quit client at an so and 66 not becauxu the cancer risk but for other tenant One flopped became chnngélivhat now may hzipbcn 10mm Momma MD QUEENS PARK HdvisgslBflggrflE Stop Smoking Now WRONth VAl result of AttorneyGeneral Is Key Minister Ily DON OllEARN He kncwmlhc mechanic 01 IRA mum and of justice But he did lrrnot Rlltdfl dmmluvl thew ijgll orJustlce HO at course In hi to had been prlnclpnlly company lawyer Ila dld not have that en unllll exverlenca ol acllnl ex lcmlvcly or ha delencn In crlmlnnl mnllm when nne hnl lo have or ncqulrn an Inn mp ol the Tllhll or ha Individual and tho ulhcr loundnllom an wtllgh aur 1le built Chrlxlllkuncu II lhl unmit 311mb credenlill In Chrll nn parslalent cm that kepi him 1mm gamut enough IICGPEMI olhu qult bmuu atlroubla wlgh erulaMon Your Ian ll mulntarmedin plain langun jun plain Wrong When he 9am think lmok lfllcnniiurm hlmnowar let It cunt wish hxdnL em Mam to make became ll wear easy when finally accepwd the at that uuzhl to quit did Den Dr Mamet II It normal or zlrl of Is to have parlad every two or three wzelu and or ll to last or two to two and halt weeks Should she 13 her doctor or will this fl nowMRS She Ihould lee her doctor this 15 excesalva Same lrrezu larltlu are qulte common when the menu are beginnlnm but usually in the directan at pnh longed lntervals instead 01 quent and long one lhl mt of hi often comets ltwl autamatully but ln todayl case invexllzatlon called or niacin Mr Casi wlll be what degree he has Justice Whn was new one could point oul In on Kelna Roberts could he Erlnclpnlly nmcialud wllh me of this Alton court bnckground the non and hml lung urinal It 1111mm It came duckrue Ind oouzh Interferel to real deem with Money at breathlnl It dull the tam for loud It Mum mm lmlll arm1n It qukkem the hurt me 125mm the teeth and mm the bmlh man had to nonImaken it became cancéfiM MJ ganglion in cysifir tumor involving tendon Its probablo Illa an in III or anmcllme aomerepenled drain or irrita llon causes it its quit com man it doesnt turn into can cer If It becomes annoying lhu nulullon is to have it removed which ll limp lurglul pro ceduxe 81 live He thouid have wide knowledge of he anLnll FQW ram company law to criminal Mad murals and the pauly 051 decision But above all he should have Igcep Ion Justke our palltlcn xyslnm be healthy Justice must be metedand he more sacred the mom healthy we He should have it quill umngly lawyer he has donu Io ol court woxk And It In In court that good Niameyzen crplrnre bred Denr Dr Molnar what in nnngllan My doctor says have one on my right wrlsland hat shouldbe removed but here in yo big hurry Haley It 715 caused byan injury Can It became momMRS MJ DEFENCE MAN BIBLE THOUGHT Mr Can helm cquippcd EB

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