Former Quiz Kids Leadiflormal Lives AutoPart WPldiis caruners jury in Barrie ruled yesterday that miscahr lallon an the part James Ross Magic 19 hi Bala caus ed the Oct 14 accident on ngh way 400 that resulted in the death of Ernest Cook7l Creemore The liveman jury disctnscd that the accident occurred at about Bpm IirHenths of mile south Highway 27 an the north lane of Highway 400 Mr Cook was the passenger in car driven by his nine Miss Ada Marie Middlcbrnnk also of Creemorc iossmu msaaamb Jnnn mm 11 pmlcumnnl Ilium Mu plnnlsl In New Vork Illll mm In lunch wllh Mum DI the aid ï¬ningJunk Lucnl Jun men In irrmlmy Gmnrd Darrow clnsnlcnl dlsc Jockey In Wulflnglun slate lllchnnl llHn urmrrly with lho ILS mm drpnrlmrnl Cynlhlu Kllm Musnwlln nnd mther ol lllrco rmldrnn TORONTO CmRndlo lil lcnm 20 yum ago who prc dined spectacular ï¬xture or the Quiz Kids are hkaly In he dlsnppolnlcd hen they hear Whnl mm ho nriglnnll ha In any 1Area MPsr Hail During llw Ihnwl lJynnr hm hm wrravnlmul 300 klxln rm ll Hanm mny 11mm uvrr his mum Irnulnm Jmm nmunu lhml And whlln Ilw ha nun on In mnkr cmrr In nlrr mnmrnl me Indn IMI Illll hm mlwmbmd Quit Kld Nam 11 0ch lumrd an to he lnlhxru rmlrno hut nrl lhrr dlrl nuy run In no Um world an Hm will My lyran mwer Huber Smith Slmcce th Gordon Mkcn Parry Sound Muskokn and Dr Rynnni Simon East 11 pulnlcd nut that lhu new order in council could hnvu sllmulnling ï¬led on scvnrnl xupplim nulo puns In the men OTTAWA Special Three Conservative members pnrlIaA man today hailed lhu federal gavnmmcm dcclslun on lhc Im portation nulumnlic transmiv Ilons and auto englncs an nouncm in the Commons Mon day by Finance Minister GMEo Nowlm lnr n3 know most lhcm Just led ormnl chx my Juan IHI mp who poured on lhu ï¬rst Qulz Khs prumnm madam Jun 711 1ND and Wm an and all or he um lhrru yum unlll Idle ruched lh ngu limll 10 MI at when he was learning to drive he had ten dency In weave on the mad when he watched the while hne and so on the advice relnllva he developed Ihehnbit of Iouklng malght ahead on the road During the queslinning of wit nessei by Assistant Crown At mmey John Murphy Mn Mag le admitted that he could have develupcd dlsregard ax the centre whlte line JAMIE IllLDEBRAND gracinusly accepts donatian mm Nita Matthews 162 Blame Misddldulation We Buy and Soll nARRIE STAMP com STORE STAMPS COINS n3 know most led ormnl chx IHI mp who lhg ï¬rst 09 Kh 11 nunda Ind Vhilo Windsor hm bun nd ucnlina mulng up crown wr pomllnn In mnnurnclurn mm mlulunl In Canada lhln wnl not Um nmwnr ML Smllh aaldl Ha Imllcwn lucrnllvcs ullcml hy Hm unvnrnmtnl move are 1m wny nl mlvlm lho lmputl rmblrm nnd nl lhn lama ma wiping lu wulelo man John Iar Cnnndlnnl The Bune MP Enid Um he gnvcrnmcm dcclxlon to stlmulnlu Ihu uxpurtof mum Cnnudinnl mndc nuto pm condition Ior tho mnllnucd cnlry of American made lmmmlsiom and same rpeclnl engines would be boos to all lndustrlc In buslnm mm mnulnclurrrn have Vindsor ln Itcch ycnrn nnd lmvn sclllcd In lhu Slmcun and Muskokn arm nml clwwllcro In lhu province Mr Smilh suId Ihal another Barrie IIrm Mnnsflcld Rubber wha manuIacluru cur and truck Hm would not dIrchIy beneï¬t as auto tlrcs nah Included In he Us parts sol out In lhe anlcr In councll He noted Ihnl lecrul Paul Marlin who rcprcscnlu tho nuto cfly nl Windsor had been 1m cnmuslnsllc and nllribuud lhl la the Inc lhpl mnny he vng Among the companlu In the auto parts business are De Vil bls Barrie which make spray palm equipment or cars imperial Eastman Barri makersnx brass illlngs Can ndlnn Nameplate of Midland makers of chrome trim Cun adian Anln Lamp of Bram bridge and Crawlnrd Mnnufw luring of Cofllngwncd manulan Iurm of nuln seat covers When lhe mlshap happened the Mlddlcbronk car went to tha right at the road rolled over and ended up on its wheels facing past It wnsv Roth wreck Mr Cook was nnsl sengcr In the rent seal the Mlddlchrgnh car nndhls sm arLMiss Myrtle Cook nlsna Crcemure was in the back seal Miss huh still in Bar rie Rayal Victnrhi Hospital covcming mm injurics She was unable to leslfly The investigating owner was Canst Hedrich ol the OPP who pmducud picture 01 what he established to he the marks made by the two cars He was unable however The accident accuned when Mr Magie tried to pass the small Middlcbrook vehicle which wag travelling at nhaut is miica per hour according to testimahy Mr Maxie testiï¬ed that the Middlehmok vehicle went over the white line and that his right rant bumper crashed inta the left rear hum per of the Middlebrunk car inmon Street for UNICEF blitz across Barrie and Can during Inst nights Hallowaen 8de FflnflflJflflfllk anE ROSE GASOLINESFUEL OILS ChlrnKoChd llohle nu plnnlil nml llngrr wlm at on llmu plnyul with Hm Grnyu Cnsn 1mm orclmslrn of hum nllnck MonlrtnIDn Mirnlmm Ucr mvllch 79 lormcr mum In nlllc Uplvrrnflyunl NW nynrmlmu drpnrlmvnl nl WI nlptu Comm llmpilnl Clnrlnnnlluury Joell 07 Nullonnl Baseball 141mm um vlro or 21 years nmndon MamMm Mlnnle Dlnsdain TI mother of North crn Mlnln Mlnlsler wmm Ulnsdnlo Dr MHCKUIZIE chancel lor the Univeuily will pre xldc nnd Dunlnn presl dent and vimchnnccllnr will act drcxs the Iludcnll and gunsls Mr nlgclow mended Applchy College In Oukvflle and Ncpenn High School Ollnwn when ha obtained his Scnlnr Mnlrlculn tinnï¬uorewmlnz loCnrlclanh 15an rid of slydy After hearing an autopsy statement that Mr Cook sl tercd whlplash injury Dr Frank Shannon the coroner explained that this httppéns when sudden jolt pushes the body onward The body then stops and the neck and head has the tendency to keep 50 ing giving rise to the term thplnsh The jurors were Ernest Watts George Young Wllllnm Lillle Stanley King famman and Barry Clark John Edward Blgelaw son of Lt Col Blgclow and Mn Elgclow of Shanty Bay will resolve hls bachelor ml degree today at Carleton Unl vcrsltyu second all convocation No In among 58 sludcnla who will rccclvo hnchelon and may ler degree 1110 cvcnlng cere mony ln nddlllon ll scholar ships fellowships nwnnl nnd prlzca will be presented to slu denl currently lnAcnurso at tho Unlvcrsilyl Jng at abnut 60 miles per hour decided to pass the Mlddle brook car and was about to pags when the accident accur Both drivers testiï¬ed that no alcohol was Involved and that bath vehides were ingood op eralingï¬ondjï¬au The jurors were Ernest gauge Young Wllllnm to establish point of Impact on the mud Consl Hcdrich testiï¬ed that although It was dark here Wgs good visibility and tha road was dry Réceijres Degree From Carleton By THE CANADIAN PRESS Mn Mnnlg id fie was drlv DEATHS llw lho magma nvnNmm Lay Regders MeetHere Unrrln Cfly Cancun Hum Ar wclnliun will present Musl cnl Evening at Narlh Colleglnlo auditorium lhll evening at tight oclock In Show will culum ho band and he 1an Edward Ladlu Chnlr communion service will fol low wllh Archdeacan Read Rev Dyer and Rev Rid del In charge Archdpacon Read will deliver the sermon business meeung wlll be held The agenda lncludes el ection of ollicm adopllnn ol the mnsUlullon and dlscusslon and ndapllon of lay maders qualifying course of study At noon the luncheon addreé will be delivered by James Pop plelon Ills topic will he Gods Answer To hie Nuclear Age In the afternoon Eddies will be dollverud by rchdea can Ongley His topic will be The Lay Reader The inronw Diucesan lay Readers Association will hold its annual canienance Saturday at Trinity Anglican Church Collier Street The Rolenfthe Lay Rem er is lb theme the con terence scheduled Io get pndei way at am The itcvercnd John ii Rid dul has been elected president at the Kiwanil Club oi Harrie for 196 by ncciamntian lie is an army veteran and presently is rectar oi St Giles Anglican Church Mr iiiridei has been viccpresitlcnt ha club or tho past two year and prinr to that served as dir ccior and committee chair man iiu wiii succeed mm Stephan nu pruidcnl nt Um end at this year JULIE GRISDALE years mm Mrs Siephenéon 96 old wonders what Its all Gmm Street 10011113 on is about as sin Kill ntrnnmrnlvm AHN I70 Wellingnu Sum IQ Wu quubm mm mm Wuoq Gnntlelk Cumpnny ELECTED Thelmth AmtricnnOflCmnmnyLimited 0M ol limoulnlnmiing sumpInk in Cnnmlnmil and induslly Our Novem ber Review dimums the Company in gmwlh nml nunn qwaï¬ons Key ï¬nan tial unlinlia and upwdata optndng mulln inrlmkwl TIInSccuriiI1 Liflfmntniun divuniï¬nl 1m oi Gnvrmmrnl mul Municipal bonds and wlrclim Cmmmliun lmmln pm lcrml mu mmmqu slmm suitable or cmmn invulnmu wty out Raina and 57unlnel Li will Irv Immnlnl an qu1 ImIlul The British Americnn Company Limited DISCUSSION Thu hard of Dlrcdnrx and Hall of lho Chlldmnl Md Soc lely nml apeclal gucxts will llon nn Normal nncl my don nl lcnmnngu shcno Ilosp m1 Nov The mm Ing Ml Include Is our ma munds nnd pnnol dlscus xlon ol mulllpmblcm lum ILY The speech said um British Kovnmmvnl vlewcd with grave cnnwrn he Introduction ol Ienslva missiles Into 01h But the British gnvemment was glad to learn that those missile am be dlxmnnlled under tho aumean of he Unlwd Nquns in tho ludlnnChlncso border flaming tho 5ch said he government fuly support In dlns dcdslon lo detmd her HWImnllcm LONDON Reuters new session of the British Parliu ment opened today with ï¬rm dednralinn read by Queen Eiiz nbcth expressing British support for Indias struggle to resist the Invasion of Indian territory by Chinese armies Tho traditiunniv speech Dom the throne written far the gum by the ubinet outlined the govemmentl legislativa plunsJoLlhBch suntan bfliflk Jiline Cuhan sunny as did the address lo Pa lla mcnt Inst week which formally ended the lust legisanvn 55 51am Brydgcs princlpal said today hnve only one comment to make There were no suspensions his maming ANTHEM Sludenli spearheading the pm test which began earlier this week had ashcd Mr Bridges Ttllngs appeared to he back tn normal this morning at Nnrth Colteginte where yesterday ap prqximntely 100 students Mus ed to stand during the singing of the Queen because it was announced as the nnliannlnn them Queen Opens New Session 1mm Mrs Si an 13521993 Sushensions Over Sitdown Issue Gumnlnd In wrlllng and hehryhukad to mom your complm ulllhcllon Humor lorloul new kind of Iluplng comfort in Oh ellnow Sadly Pomm pudlu now no yaw Sully Dulorl Eva Snl Poclurlpodle purchlud hum ry yAuflwrlmi Dnlor II Burton secretary of tho Calleglata Board told The Ex aminer yesterday of the pm wsad Mum Temper flared at student council meeting to which ha press was invited at North 001 Icglamyesterday as each fac ed In get lL point acmss One student suld North Col legiate gelling bad reputa tion because advnrse press and radio publldty He tried to have moliun passed to get together and slap the had publicityi Them appeared to be considerable support or Iha Idea Yesterday abnu mu dawners were threatch with suspension if they tlnucd they prgtest The meeting broke up wilhau much belng nccnmpllshed In the way motion not to Introduce it né Canadas national anthem because Ca ads has no national anlhc afï¬nér 13110205 xzovmv GUARANTEE in Writing16 SSSGEE your domplete satisfaction Remember only dealers listed below can give you genuine Sealy Posturepedic quality with Sealys 20Year Factory Guarantee Now every Sealy Posturepedic purchased from anUh9riZ¢D99l9rJ gyaranteedfq2oyears= SEAlY MAï¬nass co Toronfo Ontario GUARANTEED FOR 20 YEARS far Sealy Mattress buyers HARRY OWE FURNITURE ADAMS FURNITURE llMlTED BARRIE FURNITURE llMITED 3m mail box 31mm Dunlap sï¬eeu was toppled early Ins evening Bu Oilï¬igvmll plcdure ap Dealed oceu Qut lnnlsfll way one mother 202 Dunlap Sum Won lEVlTS TRADING Halloéveen came and Went 1n Enrde William punch sar ious damage 29 personal pm penY Mom15L and pedestrians euly nus moming repent mm brokenv windows small grocery store on Owen Street butpolice reported no breakin 98 Dunlap 5mm Wm downer snld We had hoped there would no be any sus pensions but we were reluclnnl to order our child In comply willr lhe mllng We are happy zhai not Wary Since he swungwere all In classes none them could ho contacted tar cammenl However dlscusslon seemed to lndicale that the students coun dlr would condemn 1h actlon the slldawnera but wnuld uphold in principle the mnllvea behind he acllan Aimthur meeung will bé held Inter Inlhe week to further dls Ellis lhrtssue TheQueen issue Involves only North Coileglate At Central Collegiate neither Gad Save The Queen nor Canada 15 sung in part of class exercises Sam at the parentspontacted this morning after was learned there were no suspensions said my were rgfleved Egrly darkness set the young stersmf on their search for goodies about 430 pm And is lfhe custom of miilda of unity aces andjpractic as ally mum seekein ï¬lled iheir sacks bags baskets pockets and mouths Main gireeimerchanu were an in force todaycieaninz the soap writing from their with dpwa Raw unhappy cleanen wmobserved Parked cars amBLingiy caped iiilie nuisance such as 11va benl aeriaii etc nu minmflznmmn mash I7 Mulcumr 51m 33 Colllor Smut Cnnsl Mombnurquetlu the Barrie Detachment at the OFF lnvesllgated the accident Hecalled an ambulance and Dr Frank Shannan counw can oner Dr Shaman pronounced Mr Gordon dead the scene Provincial Pnllce are conun in withth crown awomcyl alike In Barrie today Io deler mine what action should be taken In the matter OPEN HOUSE The Home and School Aso ciation will hold an open home Monday following shvrt bus ness meeting at ans pm nal arrangement will be mud or Codflnglon Annual Fun Saturday Nov 75 The driver nf the car was Larry 01m 19 ol Wellington meet Harris Moulding in Pro vincinl Police Mr Gdrdnn had just delivered an nulnmobile lo the home of his dgughter Mrs Dorem1rederickjwho lives on the highwny and was returning walking wiLh the txniiic when the collision occurred For second time within the span three weeks yed eslrlan has been killud on Slip eoe Cmmly highway About pm yutenddyfllr vey Garden 52 Thornton was killed an Highway ha waxwalklug back to wlzshnp alter deflverlyz car lo daughter 53 Apparently someone 10 thc waygave unusual handout 7PM wrapped In wupn mprexenled the customary ples Small stones in klsl candy 311995va round Very hard chew lazalonl digest WM merchants nrecleanln melt ore wlndaws today In of mothersyin be mm in lair ¢Wi¢hinlymu 5135 as most goodleahat so into the 5115uwm 11 Ea 0m MiamiI Pedéslriaï¬j Meets Death On Highway N0 MDBNINU MCKACIII