WE JGreenland Has No Iail Cells Chamber at Commerce reprew untatives elected otiicinls nnd interested business ottlclnls imm throughout Simeue County are Lilnvited to be at Barries City Hall tonight to discuss the tablishment at reliiner service with Canadian National Raii way tor the Georgian Bay reg iont Last June the Calllnuwood Clamber oi Commerce passed ya motion urging the CNR ta establish passenger commu yter service between Meaiotd Barrie and Mania and also Orillia Graven Bruce bridge and liuntsvillct Since that time the idea luu drown to the stage whereE Wynntz vloeprealdent ONE agreed to held meeting by twccn the railway and the in lcrested communities The Inlkl will get underway at nvcrnmcnl research cam Ixnm nlnz lhu lslnndn criminal law sungcskd Grecnlnnds Jaw Ihnuld gradually be Judge Archibald McGilvery Carter of Qrillig is slwwn COPENIIAGEN lfleulcm arccnlnnd Dcmriuikl inland calony the Amie coun try wilhaut prisons and lhcrc am no plans In build any Hut lhu present Grunklnd rlc 531 system whlch pmvidu Inch punishmnnls hclnn sentenced Io education Inr crime has no 5urvhcd wllhaul alu lsm mm It was lmroduccd In 934v Railiner Service ng Be Discussed At The City Hall Anhnlm AMIIM Miami ï¬ll Alnmmlum Alhuu nu Mu Nu nu can Imp In for 11mm ranmu mm in nlllllllll on ranmu rmmkl In on Cnlurv Pawn ran Mln Fm Con hp Cumum In My Cm nnlln Cnmv um Cm Du cmn flnd um Human Mlnu lumnn ruconmmn tcLbe In Mum VI MDII Acnvl Irocll In Illhum mu mpmmv human lth ImWJONII HI AVIIMI lMullllh nun mm down In mlmm dawn J1 TOIGNN MI Nul MIX Md nnwn 11 Mn Inn on an MuV down Mm In flu mm In mum Illlllfllll VIIIth ll rm ms hymn ll Mt when use an at 1M mm but lfllh milermuns PHONE NUMBERS EOE EMERGENCY CM hilt IA Ilfll Iunlnchl rollco IA um Ilu Dummm IA MIII mm th lInpIII PA lvlfll ï¬iDAYs STOCK PRICES Cnmpllul Ily Flynn ll Dunlnn SI ml GIVING blmmm AmiMI and Im rum nole mm 41 low iii4 Ina FAMILY PLEASED WITH NEW IUDGE no In In nu mm Noun Damv Mam Dom nu Iawu Iludn yum um mam um 11ml on 110 15 IW Inmm No Inln Nlmx Inhwav rm 1m club Ah Alan raw lllv Mn Nuunh nun MIle Gunn lllllln Analan lnlldn Alumnu Muny In mmn mun INDUSTRIAL Shut the decision to pmcecd last June the Collingwood Cham ber has lentou petitions talk lng oncammunlfles to endorse the proposall Thls has been dam In no pbr cm at the cases and the move has rccclved nddltlonl backlnglmm Jnycee and Slur c0727 CountyCagn Mayor Les Cooke name who giving ull support to he pmai any that the Idea has led patentla and ha gellnlte plan In Q10 The mayor ls urging that In many Interested clllaens In par lible should attend lhc meeting ï¬Evcry year mllllom are be Ing spent on roads that wa dant even wanl ln trawl on but In Iervlce like this could have untold Importance lo those people who would use It and hellcve lhalthere would be may lha mayor Iald sworn 1h yesterday aliennoon lzr Blair Judge Cafler and the county court house Randy Examiner Phat It Kim Mn Car brought mnra into line with nish Iyfleml Including prllons but added that the time not yet than or this Greenhnd wllh us largcly Eskimo populaflon the upon uninhhu dilfcrcnl mclll Il mozpmn from mm but changes have come Ilnce mo when he Bland uan lhan an Exklmo reserve was lhmwn open the world nu move brought lndmlry ram and cammma In Green land but ll nho braughl crime Greenland cammunlllca am beginning In have problems wlth juvenile delinquents and lhc In lroducllon or nulamohllu he made whole new category crlmu poulble for example drunk drlvlnx Vn phon Ill um nv mm unwul lamIn Anny ll DONALD nmm PA 66085 ANDERSON Allle Nor 0M N0 lnnn Cam Mr run rum Tum In Tnd Nllflflflh Nulon mumm ummam 9841 mun non nnuul Il IAN wt ALLISTON Fire destrnyed two burns contnlning huyh grain and Implement on ma arm 01 HUplon her In night Mr Upton laid the In um ed nbaul 1015 pm He war not the arm at hallme and laid he had no Idea haw ll mnet Ono barn was lull hay the nlher partly llllcd and both con tained implements Mr Upton said implement destroyed were combine seed drlllhay My and mm machinewn Fire Destroys implement And Barns The Allislon lire deï¬Ã©mï¬cnt was called but Irrlved no Int wddo Any good Mr Uplan 5a He nld the harm were nut wired or eleclrlclty and he had In Idea how the In lumecL He could give no Umtun the extent Nu damage but said he would probably hnva In idea later May Nellher lhe Mllslon fire chlcl nor the Allisum Ontario Provlm clll Poll wm available for comment SEAT BELTS ARE UNSAFE VANCOUVER CPDAn ex pen Iald Wednesday auto mnhllc lea hells mnnulac tured In Canada up In cw weeks nun did not meet lalely lesll Desmund Dymond4 manag ing englncu tar thu emul catlan department at the CA nadlnn Standard Aucclntlnn mid In an interview at lcnxt three an uh cturm hnvz ratéght tthr belt up to unn 005T CARGO HATE CHANDLER Arlx CPIJIM unrldl major alrllnu unread Wednudny la mlu lll mm mm but loll mm or rrduc llonl on canIn route And Mn Iloml nu nuw In to ba In mm or Kw ycm ram mil ms Vllfl unrtrd on lnfllc tonlmnra mo Internallmm Mr Tumpm AI mllllan Fault dlscovcrcd by mgl hem lncludc bell lup voudto gale all up 10 mud mm rlpped apnrl ll 3700 unds buckle ex vloded Into Ihrnpncl under IImllnr My name buckle plnl nr lprin wore ucu Hwy underlain wchmng mapped floor hnrdwlre bolu popped oul or nnchar poinu wcbhlnz ware In nhrnslon mu ur Will cm by anchor plum mld CSA hm no lulcd any United 5qu manurncr turcd beltL THY EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE IA mu The CS nonvpmm ur xanlmllan lhnl lull mnlarlal And cqulvmcnl ur lnduury 1H PARKDME Pixc 9r EatMitzi Sherry mm 004wa Try It Mali lullkamnSv and Ndwmlylg mm Mn tinge 1m llnllmvll llnl ll Mlï¬mu Youve never tasted dry sherry so dry as the new HALLMARK 13 SW if hisLaudleqég olgyer la bpen the Barrieï¬ammnnlty Concert min or 193143 at Noah pnqiiprlugm Thin brilliant pinnlsl ram Montreal who it only 25 wiil no dam rank among the few top pianists in the world within law yuan Technicaiiy he Jim complain mastery over ha keyboard but impre than that with his exquilite singin ions and tremendous cresccn 05 he carricshis audience wherever he wishes Dpenlng with Schubertl 1m rmmptu in Fin Major Tur ni immediately heiij his sudz imceenchnnted as he musically painted icture at light and shadow Bectimven San aia was perhaps the piece de reï¬nance at line eveningihu writcr remember Homzitz his teacher piayin thisma wot at Mnmy all Last night Turini recreated the lame magic in the quiet Iecond movement that Horowitz creat Alter lhe Cï¬opln Schema wlth lu glittering rum and oroux mm which concluded the ï¬rst hall the program Bgnaldlurinl waxbrww back several llmel Lo ackmwlcdge OTTAWA CP Immigra tion Canada in the 11m ulna manlhs 1961 mowed an tn crease or the Hm tlma Ilnce nerrpmiux style might be considered little too articu Arrivals in the nine month rose slightly to 56568 from 56 168 in the correapnnding period year ago The isslfllimg 121 milralion Increased was in nxmonth perod enda June 30 1960 when il me in 590 from 51039 year erelierl However the law oi imml nation to date this year il well heidw all pollwar years since 1047 whim arrivals totalled 64 127 mw expemd that lo ui Immigration this yenr will be only Illzhtly higher than in years 7158 Hiya Canada Immigration Shows First Increase Since 1960 Figures for lhe llrsi nine monlhlnoi 1062 also show that immigranil irorn Britain con tinue to outnumberihosa irom Italy Arrival imm Brilaln lo llillcd 11I7 ln Iha period up from 9559 year ago while newcomer from Italy declined Synupliu narihcriy flaw prcvniil nvcr mast oi Oninrin ihil morning iemperaiuru nu nni very coid Iinde lhe Iir hm circuinicd over he Narlh Minn iic nnd lile water of iiudsan Bay and Jamel Bay which are reinilveiy wnrm All his season Iircnglhcning oi the nonh criy law may bring in air oi more nrcllc naiuru Friday nlghi to 10139 mi mm Farecnsll Issued by ht Tot anlo wcnlhcr oflicc al am Lnka SI Clnlr Lake Erie Luke Onlarln mzlanl Windsor Hnmlllon Claudy wilh wring periofll today Not me chnnae In lempcrnlure Frldny vnrlabie cloudnm wllhrrlhaw In Ihe Into ntlernaan or eveninl Wludl nonhuly 10 la 15 Tumulu Cluudy wllh lunny perlodl today Chance of light drlula curly lhll mamlnL Not much hnnuc ln lbmpcrnhlm Xddny varlnmn clnudlnm wllh mawcrl In tho late afternoon or cvanlnx Ind norlhcrly 10 la Sumhrrn Gwrulnn any Lake Humn Nlnnnm reglum Lon dun Mainly cloudy wllh law lam Ahowrrl Iuduy Nal much chnnge In ltmpnrnlurc Pme rlaudy aninlll Friday vurlnhlo claudln wllh lhflwfll In ha In Innann or tvcnlnl Wlndl northmy 10 lo Narlbun Georninn llny Hull Imuun alum Cluudy with law wuny pcrladl today Fax gulch early thI mornlnl Nal much HIM lemperulun Fully Handy lonlahl Frldny mnlnly claim with Ibowm or lnawflurrlu In Um Inla Illfl noon Ind cvcnlnl Wlndl noxthr WEATHER FORECAST WINES llMIIEO Aï¬dienéé felt that Ihe French cum Ier wouid have wnnled 12 nrlly and more one arm and color flha Rachmaninofl Prelude were studies inrcolor contrast Even the opening Prallldejn sharp mlmrhad frames under the capsule finger oi lhlLyoungylmglgl heaï¬ Rwonald Tux1m urn youni man It will be interesting yvatch him during the next fey ea me orlhe gilgflllimlflk igiogs 01 uxsy pna Dlree competitions ol Lint concluded 4h pmmm The vain Qubiiee was ardelight oz hear The romanllc Un Solplm The Sigh was brilliantly per formed bul could luvs been more unlimeniai Thaliamyoua Mephisto Waltz II the plum performed il lived up its program nolu Turlnil inleï¬ mention was ï¬lled wiflrex citement and beautyi Tile tre mende edmicai dliflcniilet lhla piece seemed to be non exlitenl ills conclusion oi this brilliant masterpiece he received an ovation imm his delighted audiean He played as enmm Chopin Elude in take his pincewamï¬z thz art is our lme MURIEL Prior lo 1958 British Irma grnnu headed the me How ever In that year and also In 1959 mo and 1961 Italian armed thaJArzen group newcomer ILEEPEB This Ircnd wnl reverted In March of 11 year and 2x rIInmIgranu tom the UnIlcd State were In IhIrd place at ant2upiuahlly from 3734 In the Int nIm month oI ml 05 arrivals hm remained nanInt or Int Iew years ArrIvaIs Irom Germany were In Ionrth place In the nIne meal at 4415 Ihay wen I01 lowed by L714 Imm Grnece 2259 Imm Portugal and ram France Immigration ham Europe in he nine months rose to 11021 from 40819 women irom Mricn Inclined 891 mm 700 while than mm the Middle Em me H863 mm Arrivah mm Iladecii ed to 1113 romJL And In mm South America en lo 701 erly Incrminzlu 10 Friday afternoon Forum Tempeflluru Um lonllhl Illnl Frldly Windsor SI Them 25 London so Kilchcner 30 Winghum 32 llnmlllan Catharine 31 Tamnlo 35 Pelerbomuz 23 Trenton 15 Klanloe 25 Muskokn 25 flog Buy 15 15 33 Eurllun 20 Kapuskmlnl 237 nor Whllu Rlvcr 25 30 Moolonce 73 Saul 5k Mar Jo suuuuuuaaggssu With Natural EVE nAvxn suns BONN Reuters Channel lar Adenauers West German Envmmenl May need pot OHAWA CP 2Amflwmtx temp being made In ï¬nd way around the perennial par llamcnlnry issue of divorce re gablo inlormanll laid chncs ny 700 Divorce Bills Expected Appear Before Parliament volvns removing mm the Com mans the nnnunl flood of bills necking dlvorcc mldentl Quebec and Newfoundland he only province withan pmvln clal divorce court Nlchalas Mandxluk PCMur qucflu gave he Common mm the new man lhl week when he asked that thc Cam mona postponc ncllun an 05 db vqgcpbllll unlll could makn FMZPEFK jqmy ML Mndliuk understood to be plannlna anroductlon bill lo rcIlcvc the Commons and Sanalc hnvlng to nus each divorce measure lndlvidually Eroccdnrc which has bean lacked lucLessfully by New Demncrnllc MPs Arnnld mm Ind Frank Hnwmdl Tha hlockndn by the New Democrats In all dlvnrcc mm unpnsscd when Iarllamenl was dlssolvcd lust Aprll The lwu NDP members are Ilghling remnvo dlvorcu lrom purllu EFWY W501 Innl 31 party Trlnlly Guild Rev Howden at Thnmhill facesgcoalitiOn Split trod mas the 305 hllIs plus new mm ï¬led lincc lhcn moan mm 700 or more will cnmo bolero Pmlln mcnt lhls zcsslou But my mvu lllllc chnnce pamzc whlle the New Democrnls mnlnlaln as they haw mld they wlll lhcif ploccxlurfll blocllmde Mr Men has rcInlmduccd blll In lhu Exchequer Cowl of Canada lllu Jurhdlclhm lo dlnwlve marriage Qua bc and Newtnundlnnd dcnll Renewing acquaintance at You wilh preylou elicits in Still aihlecaalilian nplit in the aim linuan uma over charm that the new magazine Der Spleze pullflslygd day New Wail zang Slammberger member oi the minority Free Democra tic party partner in the cabinet handed in his resignation Wed ncsday apparently hecause he was not Informed in advance police raid on the magnzinel oiiiceund the arm oi iis nuir inner and lhree nanmembers Adenxucr who head the Chrisiilm Democratic majority group in Ihe cabinet was ex pected to nay Friday whether he would accept Slammbergerl relignaiiun government spokesman said Ihe minister who iaiicd to in arm Slammbergcr oi the aclian against the magazine was Chrinlinn Demncrnl M4E°14WW99 Ipnkelmnn for the Free Democrats laid the party wanted me responslble mlnlxtcr named but observers daubled lhcy would arc Ihuwdwn with Adenaucr ependcnt Hamburg Die Welt mid In an cdxwrlaxiflt thn circumstances or Iht acllnn against Der Spiech prnmpl the justice mlnlxlcr lo submit hIl rcsinnnlion cum glyadaw Church during the time the guild was lormeti Above Ire WANT MINISTER NAMEQ on lhe paliucnl lendushh in mm the danger of caallllon trisin can no luanr be dis mlmdf The pnpcrl Bonn comspand on said ll Slnmmbcrccr an lllc nomnmcnl me our other Free Dcmacrnl mlnlslen 1n lho cabinet also wnuld mlgn mm and 0013 Mm Ur dcr home arm on pulpiclon Der Splczela publllher nnd mm senior mu members were immediately alter the raidsom memwu plated up In Spnln and lourlh memhcr of lhe am wal unwed after MI voluntary Iurn from Aumnlln Ml wein charï¬cii ally obtnlnlng and mm secrets with Illu publishlnz of héwflng gupplied slale Yak rel lo the lnfluenflal flne in The chargu against Der Sp Eel arose from an Oct 10 ar ucle which Included may were NATO exercise Fal lexB Der Spiegel concluded Wes Germanys arm Israel were totally unprepare ur war DPA report2d NATO supreme commander Gen Lauris Nor slad wrote Adennuor asking him in do his best to preventpub Mention of delencc secrets er Richard Thomas surgeoli aboard lhe liner Empress England says ho may be LII anly man in he warld tn hnv he signature of mad Mantra neurosurgeon Dr Wilder Pa ï¬eld an hislvucdnnlion certil cum mam rw41 Seymqu and Archdaacon Read on his lell Ex The Britishborn Dr mom who cnme In Canada in wan checking lhe vaccinaxlon cerlincale or hls ships person He one day at sea vhcn bait covered his own vaccination was aulduled airliner Photo Penï¬eld Gives Doctor Vaccine MONTREAL lCPDDr IM Under these clrcumalnncns customary ï¬nd phyil ciun umonz lhe passengers and ask 19 do gm We had ichï¬Ã©lh aboard so asde hlm to do me lhe tuvur lie took ll very seriously and scrubbcd up as though pkvpnr Inguinr major neqrqsmjgcry very proud Iu have his an my vaccination ccrlmculc ll mus be the only one llkc In In world new jammz Um ocean Ilntr he was medical olIicer lhe Fort Saskatchewan lull and general practilloncr In Calgary LHKEVIEW DOZEN 36c 0m Donn 35 2nd1 Donn Id SUPER MILK BAR TODAYV and FRIDAY COOKIE SALE LAKEVIEW surea MILK BAR PA 85151