Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Nov 1962, p. 16

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if E7 Aw ii IMUI IIMIAL MAM VATICAN IITV lllmtml thp rullrrlm Nnnl up nub ml lhe Vallcnn pm Mike Tuesday luv lulu elfm Mamm mmmmmullnl Wk rmmrniul rnunrn In rludlu one rlmwlnl lnpp lnhu We mommy hlnhopt Mm mwim rm All nflwu mu Tulnl Mann Impod MINI Na 1H WIVM lnuvhvm MM anIlHI $01 mm lfllal MM KIN IMI IMI Unltnl Mn HI JLI lnllnl Khmlnm Iv Tlmlr Hulurx In Mr flu Jummrymmml Mrindl um yen and lust mllumu dallnu Win an eye to the nld Unl vcrnily Avenue Armories being am down as par he wha hllilalion of downtown Tonmlo IMr Ryan cndorscsa meLropoH lan council proposiLion that new armoriex be bull In Ihe Mnsu Park hnmsing redevelopment arsa In eastcenlra Taranto 1hr impnrl slvltm lw My dcullnv In he rlnhl mnnllu Mil In mulmm mm Ilvlluln duwn nix prr lrnL Thur vrw Imv pull nnlm 111 prr rml MIN Mur unmmnwalllu munlrlm 177 urr rrnl III Hm US MNI III Irr ml nlh Mllrr mum Ilemll ln Ill US in J1m lmryvmzunl won 22 Mr Lrnl ham at Inst yrnr Ilxpnrti In Elllnln mun nu nnc per TM Invl err wrrc pcrrmllnn Io cllnrs ul In Um unmuvw Wlflllll runnlllrx um 11 nll ollwr munlrlls mluvllxm 1hr Cummnn IJIlkll The clulnmunlh Irndo HulkIt excm hllmrll avrr cxpmu ol 01100900 was In mulrnxl to Indus 320100000 year Muller In unusl lnsl yrur hm was IJIM000 nur plux CflNTIM HTROM For he clxhl mnnxhl Jnn unryAuuusl xpnm rose to 31130500000 up 1M per cm mm 33733000000 In IBM Inl pom mlvunccd by 1M per cent £050000 1mm $17Zu Angml cxpoxt of $553500000 were up 65 per rent from $521 500000 your Earlicr hunk malnly to minorrent gain In 1ch In the U4 Tho mnnlhn lmporlx roan 64 per can In 921300000 mm 90000000 wilh gain In purchasu mm all men zxcrplnrllaln But report loday by the D1 minlon Bureau of Slnlislicl showed v5 sales were vir lually lhe only mom pain In this years trad picugun Expo la Bnmln have been harcly haldInI lheir own whlla salt elsewhere have fallen mmpnrcd with laslycar mum CWWith export Ialu la um Unich Slalcs boom Ing Canada rolled up 332 500000 trade surplus In August lrlmmlnz the deficit or he first duh month the your to Noam But 01 the 20000000 acres of Canada that 13 cultivated he an 5000000 acres are margi nal lands hat muse heanhmak or any farmer Irying to them profilnbly On Ihe olhcr hnnd then are pockets of good zyngdwq prSSIBLE Mr Ryan jdea Na he ad mits could he carnal tremea Ho has no lhought of Ignflng he whqle me Cana Shlcld to flu Prams prov But leVeS that buildan armories undargmund would be good Idea Trpr could train on the mound level over lhe Bungle during line weather andfllndonrs under gmund during slormsTho ann Dries would alsv be available bomb and fallout shelters August Sees Trade Surplus The Idea were embodwd in questions Mr Ryan published tn Wednesday House of mom order paper They will be called or npfles from the gov Immenl next week ELECTED IN JUNE Mr Ryan lawyer Méran of many local political cam palgm in Toronto was first elected lo the Commons last June Since the Commons Seb Iion started Sept 27 he has beenpeppexjing the gmfernmm with questionx about local Tm onlo and more particularly lSpndina qonsllluency pm ems One thing he wants is com mitment 1mm he government on what it Intends to do about he need lor public fallout shelj crs OHAWA CHNothing is so mm day tn June unlea It Is really fresh Idea In PalIla maul Fledgling MP Perry Ilynn Toronw Spndinn has come up with won them and ask ing thrinvernmznt what il anything it In doing about them germ1 Why not use toms of the rich topsoil mind In lama par of Lhe rocky Lau renugn Shield to lmpmve lha Bandy plains nLnther pads of Canada using unemployed un skilled gbor tn do mejolgfl New MP LQVdiCéS TWO Fresh Ideas 17111 11 IT re unemployed workers he says could be given job moving rich forest loam for instance from he Huanvlue on area In the vi dmty of Camp Burden lesg than 100 miles south n1 Hum Vville Good highways and main line railway tracks already link the two rich soil In mggéd father that ml be utilized If it mid be Yflllflfl HEM All IN 515 0111 17119 1151311 512 WISl 5111 lullrad Illa 145 BRADFORD STREET vnmmfl HASIH HAIIIHES 0le fflHSWISH ML Herridge who llasvybecn Home leader or themld 03F groupand than at the NDP in the Commons mm the House Wednesday mat he is giving up his mmrow scat rtnDavld Lewls MP for ank 51mm Bul ML HenEdge Iiremaln ing as the MP for Knolenay West 011AWA JCP Home Villiethc honorabla member 101 Kootenay Vgslrwanls it known that he is sllIla New Democratic P731137 bimbo 76f Parliamgn and Intends Myer main so Giveé Upsiéat 13mBiminsIMPE He was cut all by Speéker DEAN MYERS MOTORS lTD The other Foamwhich fir Midge was no abls to put on he retard because Mr Lam Hnweyer Mr Hemdgc who Is 67 said he feels the job Khould lalHo ayqungcr man rn Lewis 58 wellknow la bnr lnwycr and nbllqual vice presid nt nEJheNDP was first clecle In file Commons last June nal leader Douglas lnrmcrpremier nl Saskatchewan expucts lo lake hls seal in the Commons Frldayl following his bynleclion vicbnry Thls dlsplaccsMr Hex7 ridge as House leader Under normal circunlgtanccshMr Her ridgemighl revert luheing de puly Hnuse leader as an elder slatasmen the party mca Mr Herrldge rose Wednesday to cnmplain about report that Bertie heads for 11019 This newspaper headlng nppcnrcd above story by The Canadian Press last week abnutMr Her ridges immineuL retirement frqrn urn House leadership from he HauseJeadcrshlp Mr Heyridge hadho cam plain ahaut the story But he tell the heading Inapcuralcly implied he was nolricmalfiing 1n therCommnnsq her mierrupléun 431th Mr Herridgo does n0 vbeiieve that two British Columbia mém hers should beieader and puiyéliause Jag aia par Mr Duugias aiecicdmt inuthe Bum yCoquillam byeleclion alter having hceu defeated in June by Conserva live Ken More in Regina his imme as pruvinciai premier PARISIENND SPORT COUIII nmwn ermine National Gallery Canada was warned that some pninlings In the WA lor Pr Chrysler Cvlleclion might be suspect hnt did not Investi gate the anLhentlcity pome of Ihe wnrks because Mn Chryslers lnlernaunnal reputa tion as wllndor This information Was given the Commonsr Wednesday by Frank McGee parliamentary secretary ulcillzmmhip Minis ler Bell who 15 responsible to Parliament for lhe gallerys up crallon was In reply10 ques Somé Are Susliédted was MrMche said Ihal in View of Mr Chryslers internauanai reputation as an art collaclnr1 no intensiveinvcstigalion into aqlhenliclty of the paintings CATCH DOUBLE The Jam wnrld tuna catch hasalmns dpuhlcd since 195111 nearly 1000000 tons Dr Chilles Camlurl Cana dlan artlst and director the Nallonal Gallery recelvcd lelephune call Aug 22 from Dr Evan ll Turnnr the Mont real Museum of Fine Arls dur lng whlnhgil waantimated that there mlghlilie doubt about he aulhenlicily of some he paintings liénsnbyiuuyh Mafsh NIagaraFalls Pontiacs new Dclcotron genome keepscharging your battery even whxle the on inc idlesgiving longer battery life You couidnthnt wider éhoice in engines Shown is one of the many powerful Pontiac V8s and theres new lightweight AstraSix lively and coonomxcal Every Pontiac has big big brakes to ensure quick positrvc stopping every time New safety and savings this year Just by backing you automatically adjust the hr cs People who know style say Pontiac has the most Good example Pontiacssmartnewoverandunder headlights flhey also make night dfiving safer easier by lighting more roadon high beam new alumimzed treatment pro vides extra protection against rust and corrosion makes Ponfiaqs mufller last and last and last Now Pontiac combines famous ZincOBond rust protection prqé pess with new method of greatly reducing rocker panel gorxqsion Waterentering the cowlaizintake flushes out corrosive elements following air dries the entire inude of the maker paneL PA 61885 GENERAL MOTORS VALUE the CBCadvfsed mm ccivcd 75 Icners an th calls favorabié in the mum and unlavprable grlgins jazz In New Orleans ion 0d 21 CBCpro gram appears 751mm evenly divided between expul sions favorable and unlawf able Farliamgnl was mad ngnésday Inga wrzuen ierly tabled Iui Jack Gadand LNilnsinll cm ms LHalpeuny 3516 hjm it CBCQueSf5Geis Raiséd Eiefiiowé minim qu uby mll

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