Robqu Douglas Chaymunrwn upuzedat St Paul Church lunday Gndparenls were Bill r0rd Gordan Randy and Bzuy ihapman Mn Parker Kelcev unmanned upwardol 20 guest after lb service Mrrand MI 105 Cochran at ended the Christening at Bret nn Richard Ruby St Thom Angllgan Chgc 1355 Mcconmsljmi 37 MRS ALLEN MILLER Frank Elphlck was XIV erlch lnst week with her middamm Annette mam tabla In very III In London he Mn Arthur Dobsnn enjnyed by My gnu ghe my ï¬cuRmal Society Wednesday Ind spent Friday with friend lnSlay1p You aux Mm Ind III Chiller Nun wnnmr5purll chennnn fln Ind Hm nu Unlauchlblu cm Na wmher Spam New Mom They Wm Nal mum ramm Nnvnmzn IBM 15 1010 lzn Plumn Goad Momlnl SIIIdIo Plfl New 110 It Rnanl mmum Mame madly Ollnk lanlll Ynufll Tn Thirty 5mm Illll Pony Pmy Rum Dulll and Mn Parker Kelce Mm BobChapman and Do Ill drove to Femborough 11er lay to vlmMrs Frank Kal my and family Kennelh Mlller was In Tor onto over he weekend and at tended he Maple Leaf New York Rangers am Saturday nlzhL FRIDAY NOVIMBIE 100 Mm Ill 2m TIIUMIMY Manual PINan Id my gun yo IA 10 7111 to loo no 1010 IN nu 1110 ma Lumun To summon Luci BIU Ink Pm Show CTV Now Crro Spam Ntlwark Metro vau Ind Pllrrl ISan Shaw Um Nut ulhlr CTV Crro spam nu Nuwark 1110 Mom Navu Ind Wan ll Pllrrl ISan Shaw nun Novmnln Huhu mmn Slnu KEEP INFORMED MI and Mrs Jack Himnx ©Sï¬ Thuuundl Illllnul mum on Jack Dunn lalmllhunouumovm night mm lav them dc umy mamm up In My IHI lnulc Inllllon gamed by many allhn Inm In Clnldlnn ufllo lady Kup Inlovmd with chk DunnIt you clam mum mm IIAMM AM con mu no Dellvmd on THERE IS NO CHAROI FOR THI EFRVICI nm 10 JACK BENNETT TELEVISION PROGRAMS Islon hero DIIVIYOUMILP CAM AND TRUCK UTOPIA KNOCK CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU CKVR CHANNELQ BARRIE VALLEY TAXI PA 82433 number from herolltlnd ed medal cementum servlcull Ivy Sunday nnd wen very happy to us may harm mig Islen at the garishflmv Am old and Mn Wilkinwn Rev 11 and Mn Dunn Ind um lIy Revj Abbey and at Ind Joanhe Scarboroughiwtfa with Mt and ME Jlik EIUI or the myriad Mr Ind Mu Hector Tumbull 5pm Sunday with Jrlendl 1n Bgter ï¬ngwood Mlu Sharon Peamn Mill loll went few day In wuk with her sister Mn Willard Damon Mr and Mn Hufllll went turday with Mend hp Gull Mrs Milton Bowlex Ind dau ghtcrs of Endford spent law day with her plunu Ind managements Mr and Mn Jascp Vernon and Jana Mr and Mn ElmerSmith ol Norval visited rim and Mn R9 Smith on Sqnday VMIDH recently with Mr and MmJMk Pulley wen Mr nnd Mn Art Homn Summervllle Mr and Mn Harm 5W Cook 101 100 00 IL 111 ATU loo moo IMO Looka In Conlllcl Em Up honam nanny Punch ma Johnny snow Jlm Column Wm Mum NI Ind Wuflur Pkm llflun Ilaur 1m NOV Cmoon nny Mall Puunu anh Mlflan an Klnl Implum Illm hathll Tom Cdn no roomll Wrulllnl Wuon mm Elam llu Auden Purimnun ICAPVI If Nlmq Wllh Md Mme lel Elurll at In Wuk Jo nny DIV um mum mm Amwlrlfll lank Kurt In low mu 00 ILII Mr and Mn Carmen Pulley MRI BOWDEN flu Vin la Tombflonl Tannery Nun Wanner mm Dr Kfldfll 9mm Mon NW1 Wuth lnurCnlluhll Pant Darling Klnlh Ir Can Run Emmy Teen Tum Icy Robln mum To mm mm Gun wm mm NHL Hock Julie mm Unmuma CEO TV Nll mum Nun cm My mmur NH you mm mm mu mum TORONTO HOLLOWS Paolblll haueu to ihuWMS Ivy Presbyter ian church Tuesday 091 23 with 10 preuni Maaiing was mmd ivy Mn Nellon read in Scrivim mm Plagan mm from Darthy Dougln oi Poms was read Trewu ern mm was read by Mn chk Cochrano 01500 wan sun in dental Fund and ihanknim in wan $9500 It wu decided in cater to Corpuniers Union Dec Mn Gardan Cachnna lava talk on missionary work and Evangei Hui or which 500 wal given Mrl Hol unh read Why believe in Mission Mn Carrulherl rend hmni much time for Roma Mission or Church exten aion Mrs Gordon Cochrm geview the study book Lunch was served with Jim Lorne Camilth Bulging the hqï¬igu urch Ivy wann buly placean Sunday Oct 20 when Mend and nalghhan came mm and wide to join with the coagulation 1n elcbrallng the churchs one hundredth nnnlvmary The at Luv Snell MA PhD DD Coadjlm of 1hr onto dedicated memorial and lave very inlereallnl sermon Former recto Rev you Schnmheg Can pmJnJhe scale and iCana mm Read Barrie and Ram Downer Dunlrann and our pman rumorI Rev Harper Memorial plac ed In ha church bymembcrl the congregation were guest book and shell cuntenary plaque out nova war and baptismnl dlell litany desk and xiy mum maon ï¬iisman in Henry an spent Wednesday in Town CENTENNIAL 61 Toronto Mr gnii Mri All Bowdan Kavcn 4nd Kim Mldhural were visitor on sun dlyfl Mr and Mn Bowdenl 0PMan landMn oI ppadcn Th rtnl Inst panncrshlp III kuII In nrrlvlng nl mund lnm contram Tha hanusel or Ilnml are large enough to ade qumly reward nmn In thIa hnnd Irnm Ium mulch cmalnly warrant grnnd mm In club The phnnce oI lalng down pracIIcally nIL Ye II II Inc lhnI anly Imnll per cenlnxe oI pInycrI wouId mach bIngnlu The NorthSoth cant in lhe smnd Ilnm n4 lame per hapl mlzhl In em reach Imnll 11am bidding shown occurred ll lha llnt Inble Mlcr North 11111 hurt and South two cluhl North Jumped lo thm din was won uou Hz DAILY CROSSWORD dun 21 Du mlddlu ID flu munnary lo 1715mm In mu Wild drum Mllifannte l1 Mumf North dealer Boll tides vulnerable Blow chum iilumh Oood lMIku mlund run hum um Mmla mu ILLIII poet Mullnrl ll mamt dqguul monk CONTRACT BRIDGE uolu Ax ï¬AJBL mm 348 99 1523293 ammfl Ill sum ZWUG Illsck 01er llfajocum ay JAY 95cm My mum pin Eweum later WW5 the cum ol the pasnoo yam rand In ilon sale Yarso cent lapapy Then few more memorial to be gledlcaged at date Maia thy chufch Elm were carpet fortha maximum and chok mnuet new tile floor and hovpewlnnd knulerl IB mvaled Mn Eaten Dam urge asket mum com mentn al Fundlcyl Flnrll helped to decorate church Many thank 10 Dnnlvlhdlu and TV service or Ihe Hie at the loud lyekm and also or taping the complau exvice which wlfl be played It ht er date After nervlca lunch was Ianed to all and ha ald as member Mn bennax cut the annjvemry cake Wu day that will live In memoriu or yearskto come my lhls church live In relu brnle another hundnd yelp 04 flurry 80 047an unit The youna People here are re minded ma movie Oil Town USA lo ba shown at Codrlng ton School Ban1e Saturday evening Nov unponsored by the Christian Youth Fellowship Mll Harold Pemon olAI llston vmled herulster Mn Elvin Pearson hem last Friday Herman Jennntt Banlo and Mr and Mn lemon Donna and Vanna men 1m weekend with Mr and Mrs Ms Mew 01 rim Frank Mr and Mn Paul Priest and Mrs Martin Gel Birds had shuffvhll during tha weekend with Mr and Mn Jan nelt and family Mrï¬lvd Pmssar MChuichill and Mn Hartley Evan Bradlurd andWenley Hind Cankstown have been here with lhelr mother Mn Frank Kindle or than my Mom aha 1mm far Singhamplon to men lhe BLONDIE winter with her dauzhlu and sonInlaw Mr and Mn John Kuwk 315mm 5636 3023ng nnbbrufltlm The Innunl meeting or ar ranlemcnt for thll yoarl all canvass of the BIbleSocMy was held at Vernon Jenmltll TuEsday evenlng 911fm Week minds The Jump1h was mrcly Justiï¬ed by lb lavor able club Norths hand rm greatly In value once club wu discovered and he wanted In Identify not only Mn allAround vnhlu buk Alw whera his Ilrcnglh lay noun Soulh Jumped In our head to thaw the hum ï¬lm but might llnvo been wiser to make wnillnu bid me hear or our clubs to when Nanh was heading North couldnt do more than Jump to nix clubl llcklnl lhq inurmedhlc card In hum and clubs South passed but he shouldnt have Ha had clear cul men bld Holding the KQ M111 Vllfll nulls ha Ihouid have realized Hull North couldnt hnve spade lam nr he wouldnt have been an to Jump ha bld ding mu SouLh shoulrf hnva shown more AMI In paflnorl blddinn lha mend Iablu ha rand IHam wn ruched 1n lhla huh DH The hm Ipldc bld mowed Hrmound control lpndes mm hnvlnz lenlnllvcly been agreed upon rump Saul didnt know Naflhl plum but leaped to ï¬x club In encour ngc Haven In um North had been lupprculna club North wu plcuud to Imp lhl challmu Tomorrow fha nmrlarclnl twoMd THORNTON new Nammuster No ab 11 THANK ME Auk ALL VOLIRE whims TENPERcENT INTEREST sul mm ul THILP HER twwvwm 1mm