JEWELH VANISII MINIIOLA NY AlLan Ill ullmnltd to he unrlh H75 000 vmldwd durhul lhe week end mm Hm Long lennd mm Wlllinm Mark Jr n2 Mullonlnwn polka Inld nm dly Wlllnnk In hair to Ill Jan Lnuuhlln nul Inn lunc wnl In Maryland wlu MI wm ldr lhu weekend on mm Mm PHOTOGRAPHY Srumo ercphalo Getting Accusmmcd ha ha hllh Illa MISS Damlnian ol Mnr1mo Lemon lunllvllle Ontperches on on In Toronto Inlemnllam II Airport at Mnllnn Ont wnillnz kt plum Hut will whisk her all lo London Ennlnnd when Iholl mm mm Cnnadn in ha Mlu would huuly cnnlcsl mp PnL ES COWPER Noryis 83173 Noti Intéresf RH Labor Lawyer Quits Or Not canlahor lawyer Welshman Ian qull the federal marine ln qulry Wednesday charging that the Sealarers lnlematlonal Un don of North Amerlca has been brejudgcd belere all evlv dance was presented The Delta attorney who had been asslstlng lawyers gr he SIU of Cnnadn said he would not return to the federal hear Christmas Portraits Only You awry nix overlooking the St All Salnh Day Nov lemme Christians of the Inevitabla but certain Pm ence of parexmh of Mania 19pm fleunhmmfm MONTREAL CP nowi DREAM ALONG WITH HER Lavérencé LazTbï¬Sï¬ï¬ï¬f Amer ings belore MrNJusllce Norrlsl There was no lndlcatlnn lhat lawyer for the SW at Cam ada would also withdraw Mr Hansons complaint that scrics of comment on lhe welght at testimony has placed my cllent In the pasltlan bean Irejudged In regard to many of the mnnerom charges made durlng Ill bean lngs brought speedyre spouse Rlver nearQuLbec Cicy no ï¬eld of he deadme calm waiting room or Judgment Day Nov In Quo hec Is religious east day known La louxaim CF Wimphotn me LAc 1011 Quebec City daily imam sic towards cash in amuzenny promm bu been hutwodago xyde The government recenuy moved special llvapemen Im port xurcharlu on some 5250 000000 lmpoflIeboulone lwelflh the total at lmpom Blinded by he Marianasand said that other would be re moved as man udrcnm damn my Repayment was announ Wednesday ol hall the $350le 000 In us dnllarawfllidtalllnjed cl currency swap nit State and Erlllelr central bankd The Bank of Canada sdld $125000000was repeld lo the Federal Reserve Bunk In New ank and $50000000 In the Bank England The new move slznals fur lner rollback ol the emergency measure announced June 24 lo elem crlllcal druln at foreign exchange remm and to bob er conï¬dence In the pegged Exflhange rule on he Canndlan nr swun men has started rayhlg at some of tho internnluna debts Incurred Ian fluna In its emer gency pmgmm than to bolster the Canadian dollart mum nomination Wedntsday the two major par ties had each entered full slate of 95 candidates Quebecs third party lAbflon mun luv emc tmj and Im not dadred It unpportlor enhar um Liberal or Unlon Nationals provincial parflex 1139th gnpas GbVtlyBeVaning To Back Its Debt To US Britain mm mu step ed up his appeal Social Crgétwmpporlen lorhalp his pa The ledenl Social Credit p2rty is not co eating the eke um um 01 punuc opinion pomp Ho nIIo um Wednesday populndon would act rid of the Quebec Upper Houu If tried in nlnck the expgaprlnlIan rlvate power compnnier lol nwjnl lepral victory In the Nov pmvhclnl Human The leernl govzrnmcnt called the snap vol to get clear mandate from the people to can over the hydroelectric llrnu Meanwhile Unlnn Nntlonale Le Johnson In govern QUEBEC CF Premler ann Laure halac¢uml ula Union Nllaunla op IItlon of in ulng man an prop Vlntho gum at public um COMMERCIAL FOOD MART Plan your And money on new ENJOY THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE FOOD PLAN AVAILABLE ENJOY TOP QUALITY NAME BRAND HAVE TIME AND MONEY PUT THE SUPERMARKET IN YOUR OWN HOME our Freezer LOCALLY OWNED Ind OPERATED OFFER YOU THIS OPPORTUNITY TO Er WINTER IS COMING Phone PA ma winter load budul null am llme Zn III In advulna Inn WHY NOT Idcu Slut It lull $15600 wmiour xczï¬xï¬ the Bank Canada interest rate In ï¬ve per cent mm per tank where it was pegged June 24 There has been some specula llon that the government may aclkoan In and freeze nn sal ary Increases mm 60000 civil servants 1m last spring Vednesduys repayment of $175000000 to the 115 and Brit lsh central banks reduces to 76000000 the maunt awed mm the special borrowings made last June No payment has been made an 00000000 borrowed mm the Imam Ilonal Monetary Fund vuvcumll Mr Jnhrrsan mnda his Appeal to Seal Thai maï¬a havi been banned temporarily by tha Ba 31 Brandon Qavernan Union Nationale organizer or apparently persons using fictitious names made up the majority of the persona inter viewed for Ike programs adveh lisgg an impartial He 55ch his was done through taped Interview graphed by lInstltut de Rec arche et dOpinlonInc Bureau Ra searchxand Opinion Inc 01 ï¬mduétn on radio nation In Premlarv liaise made hhla wwlegt prfgganfa as ay raï¬hmm Am¢nl ha 25 Independent candidate II Marcel Chaput leader the Rammhlement Pam lIndependAnca Nationals Quebecs mostpublicized separ atist grnup Ho nmning In Mannea Emu5e HEATING FUELS Phone PA 6653i lured 1i iilhoujhkfl hudavn actmcaï¬Q would run 45 candl aes Thorn win tom of can dimelr two ewe thin In th 1060 elacuan BRAND FOOD BARRIE mum Allround elm mu5m Illlon Don not Inmfm with noun Il window opmllom plum 9x l9 duped shoot for nodrm plul cement lnmll in minum Complm not FROST SHIELD SET nemi ï¬lm In Aiméh it Ln Sam Ablflbl lawn in an 1m with heavy social Credit Hora aims June In federal 2er on CLEAR VISION BARRIE no DUNLOP ST wEsr mmaumxi MPH can cer authority mulled wednw Vday mat auntie amokennra more weepqu to lung can vcer Hidn moltsmokch but there still no evidencn that smoan nauwscahcer Dr Aleximdar Gilliam xislant chic ol Heldiinvuuga Np OffCéxicéi Ca Kldlllfll You lmuy Whmvu You Go TMI null Inmlh only under you hoodall you la la plug 1qu mull hydra oullnvllh lund mdlhnl bmuw our lhvou urn II In block him nlu my In mlnulu Io hm lmly IZvoh fwd BATTERY EHARGER ERMAFill MGRPOWER PK bull DnGiliLam testiï¬ed at do fema witnen or the Liuxei and mm Tobacco Company The company in bning sued by gun Piltchardh 64 of Pittsburgh win ciaiml making cmuemeid cigarette him iunz cur Mani orI tho ml Cnncer Institute madatha statement in deposition utvembflum the US 01mm CourL Mum3 on any lull In 51 It WI Inllblhn AM an man mum 975 Ethyloanlycal AT EXTRA SAVINGS In an llflld III POLAR BRAND Make your cu live one to dvao Plp it upat nxm minus thll wnokond Klf Include matched points huvy duly condom Ind db Ilaclric rotormm to moot the man rigid uqulnmunh IGNITION TUNEUP KIT osoucr AN EXTRA mom PRICES SHOWN ANTIFREEZE consmvmon up EliHo mu George DuVies 79 GAD QT 75 ANTI FREEZE 39 GAL QT 65