OTTAWA CI Newlyap puinlnd members of he Senale were pidumd Vcdncsilay as orbilal bodies soul lhc up per chamber In slug the praises at Prime Minlsler chrcnbaker Scunlur Sallcr Hnydnn Jntarln called the new suns mrsalcllnskl man BARRIE 15 Conn min nlubhshcd pa niinn at 1035 ml cloud ninv they lhcn luokrd duwn mm lhnl lnlly omincncv and told us he wmlcrs at the world so Mr as Caman mnecmcd Hm lecml sunnlnr uhlcd lln was rspuiully cr ml maiden speeches dcflrucLhy scnnlnn Grnllfln OIcnry pres ldcnl lhc luwn Journul Al Ilsnr Gmmrl nullbnnl llreclor he szrrssm onsrrvnlive party and Hau MuCul chum minimr Mlhnul purltnllo and fnrmrr Tumnln Inwinrsb mun HCE MINT GROUP The wow 1m mum IMI lama ml anl sum Hm launn nmln II mum Small mme rumhl gam ml mu Hw nlmL mmlni In her lmunm Mk1 ml on Ih mm In mhln nar llwlcn mnwl Tumnln pnrllnpanl in nnmnmus Those smnlurs 1an seven haw hncn nppoinlcd so far this year by he xuvmmonlnol mu 0th Inslcr than anything ever has at Cape Cnnavcml Their serum duly was mm out In Canadians lhnx uhmhet lhoy ed il or ml and whch Ihcy lmliere It or not my are having the has time DI all heir lives now see lhal he Imam prime mlnislu is pm on the highest prdnslnl that human In genuiw cnud possibly com slmcl Minor Incidents Plague Strathroy New Senators 30rbita1Bodies Put PM On Highest Pedestal Gordon Sclwuud dcmonslialcs where the propeller was shear ed all an lhls laIool dutbonrd 9m Year No 155 For Examiner Wanl Ads Tele phone PA 324 The telephone number to can for the Business or Editorial new is PA $6537 ol iTeIephqnes In Knmlmqn pullu ul nml lllrmrn mp mm rEkI lemh III In mob nl nvmu LL In WIN Immm dln Um mud wllln fl hum Nullvlwpcn vlutmcu nInuk mu NM mm IKE lo Vnnrnmrr Nmkmlr nl Imm Ing mu mu up nn llw 1mm nmula Illnhuy mnr Now men righl mllM mm um 11 haikuInn Vancnmvrr pvlm Irmk hull Innmln mu lwwilthrtl mm mm In 10an Ind Mum AI lthmulblaml llnllml milllld Ilnllumnrlv ylmmmu Ilxlihtl llmlu nlllml Inum In lrml no In Knm lmIpI MC and Kllllllnurruhiln lmmhrv ul lmm mm In lmur nl mnnkdm ml mmmp Ilm IGAyrnrde tnmplulnml llml Mi shlrl wu rlppcd hy nnnlhtr youth nnrr lvm cm MIan In umklm Mo nl lurs day nluhln II will lllv only rrpomd nmum Ilnl mm mm mv mn llnrd In cnslumnl ynunnslrrn amply wlmh Mediation cllorls prowl lrull Icsx mil lllc slriko called by 7110 VNmernrkNcwxpuprrï¬uild lllrmlcnul to nunml lhu ulhcr major dailies In lhil rily EMOMQ The Guild NIan IslI In In deadlock over mum wilh nll vi the pubknllm lms vnwm 11an each lhc newspapers one by one it rm mllnmtnl ll rtnthul and ll pirde The New nn um lnml jr VI 154 11 JV deuv if gusngj 51 Try es 13 Lv3filfj YORK AmThe Dniiy Hues circulatinn news While Sonnlur Hayden al lacked the governmum in lhc Rod Chamber Works hllnlsnr Eullwmwng Inc Common mmmrnnorals were shnwinn no sense proportion lhclr nccusalions ngainsl lhe adminislrmiun Hobgoblins Ghosts Witches No Just Gangs Of Pranksters ypo or armory altered by hp fledgling Conservative senA amrinl mm was nol enough and me had to he an nllcmpl tn dale lacl accused them nl rclusing lo ccngnlzc nll evidence of Ca nadmn ccnnnmlc wallbeing major business concerns said the ground rules of lhe Senate sccm lo have how compluely scrapped Paper Strikes Might Spread II Tl ANAIIIAN Ill which bvcnlually tinned ovu lnst night In Kcmpcnlclx Hay Prank Harrcll age 344 Napier 15 missing and pre pullu ulllmn In wlml ullll NllLl III luvlnb um um MIMI Hmnrn dlwuml wnmnn cmhlng lhvriuzh 1le whulnw and mum man uMl Mlmk Fltu Ilnlrk ll lcul hm In lnrlu mnlm In ulna III In me Inner Iuwn mm mm Wm lion law hnulnn ledlvm an hour In Irnk ll nne ufll Imnlwl In mum uhlrh mu llnlluurrll IHxIlrll In IIIl Un lmm IIIMI of lnprlsnll mumI nl nu nu Mr rah llrrn In hnllmm Hum mum at 000 who my nrmlml Hunlrml mm at Inllcmlnl as tthlrrII In Munro lauded by an lhr rllynmnin Ilml lul nm HMhéllhul llluSluF dcnl Cuunull Mbilmlcs an um suitable dccibion we wlll lnku lurllmr ncllun which wlll Involva gm llnplirnlluan IIlcrulurc sudnnls slncdhr loduys alngim iod Saw The Queen in he inlcrcsl 01 no lakim action Mulch may jcupnr dim nny Mlllcmcnl II me set Ions prublcm Narlh Collegiate sludcnls who Tor lwn days rcluscd to stand during lhe playing 01 God Save The Queen stand will the rest In student body today Ken Courlisi spckcéjnnn or hea ginwn gmnpissued1hu allowing slalomcril to TheEx nmincr his nncrnoan CunImnlcd wilh Um ullimn mm slanding far 60 Save The Quccn nr he suspended from school fnr hc minimum of wu weeks we lhcrclmc will retrain ram remaining smiled during the sinulng ul God Snve The Queen We will alum unlil aurh llmu as Student Council ï¬nishes lak lng up he qucsllnn and prlnciple lnvulvcd in the protest and lag Islalcs suilnble concilinlnry scl llcmcnl grievances Involved RINGS DOORBELL RECEIVES RING Studerits Stand Await Decision School Council iflhu Accndcnt Tm olhci men were saved by Ins glinlklng Central Collegiate slu en smiled drbwhed as arcsult VINNHIJG CPI54mm your lrltkarlrtfllcr rc cclrrd 8300 heal mm Mn mnhm on lnwnen Today Mu umnhera nflmd nwnrd lur lhu mum nl hcr lllnmnml mm Sim snld ll nppmnlly xllplml mt rum whllu flu mu dropping nndy lulu lug lmld mll hy um or thlldun Mm crime In hrr Ilrmr thm mu IIHI hlu mlliluly rummnmlrn lndn or he llrll In Ill mw rapadly an IE fume mInNzr Nu actually had IhOan mm In flu but mm Mn ulnrn 1m hman llhlln mum and hurt hurl 11w 12yearold pvlum mlnIL lunk uver lhn drlrnm min Itlry hlmsoll annuulny and drumlrd Mmmn NV 1mm at Inclalr In llw urnmlnvy pm at mlnlxlrr ut IIIIIIIU umlllc Inn mnmuslialnu Wnlnwlay ul Illa In NH Hrllvl HIV lha lndlnll lfnmnumlu will In plulrsl nanlnsl lhhwe nnrm Ilnn MEETS IIINKHAIJ NEW DELHI AI India hunlul nmrc rclnhnccmcnln In Ila nunhrrn ImnlcnI Iovlny uluro Inn lull In ll Innkclnml wnr with Communhl Chlnn nnlh 1ch worn pvrparlnu tar In new mm chlan alum HI Imalnynn lmnlrr Thu lhlnrw nm rxpcrlnd In sum luv dnm mm hnwmr llcd ham lulu India mm Al Hwy Mlmkml kl 20 All Nrw mun newlxmprrl lmlny Imiulll lrhno Miniskr eruuo drnuMwn of nthMo Mlnlslrr hrklmn Mum ml ntw xlunamI wrrn mmlo llml Mum ha mum lmm Hm Elml rnllvcly ImIAwmlrm IHIuludxm Tums which has hm rmn whining ur Mtnoun mnuval mid llw mluldrrx lnlluro cmrml all mum at lchnrr Imlmllna mnll OITAWA CP pulillcal xlorm brewing over the Ca nudlnn unvrrnmcnls dcclsinn lo cut Colnmho nlnn allucmians In he current ml by 11me mm mm An nppnslflnn outcry ngnins Hm proposed slush hns been partially muled thus by he nulsc nvcrridlnx issuca an the Cuban trlsls llnwuvcr lnlnrmcxl nhsoncrs prcdlcl IlInl ll wlll be given lull =RenevxiéBitjcktutdeTw CnStro Stubborn warshipsresumed lilelr arms blackade of Cuba at dawn hr day and air survelllanee was or dered renewed ailer Premier Fidel Castro evidently relused In agree In United Nations in spccliun of Soviet missile willi drewals rum Ihe Caribbean is land US official probably wanted to verify with aerial pholns report by Thank UN actlng secretarygeneral that all Rus sian missiles wnuld be disman lled by Friday and removed from Cuba soon allerwnrd Than said he was reliath ln formed Wednesday in Havana Illa Ihls wuuld be dnnc But the White House Wedney day night announced the re sumpdan or he blockade alter President Kennedy revlewed lhc situauanwflh lhe Nallannl Segurily Cqunpil Presidential press sccrclary Pierre Snlingerwns vague Just when aerial surveiflauce was resume after In whom break Apparently this wan intended The blacked wus suspcndcd for lwu days at Thnnls rcquns while negolminns Thank and Caslm were under Thats camwork Dad You worry nboul hm and Ill worry why Im ml more popular with the girls DATE UNSIECIFIED Son lrn worrying ahaut lhe low grades you are making in youL sludics schooj Menon Demotion Hailed In India Bmlo pnfarlé 9mm Thdrxdly Novahbnplywn Govt Proposes To Cut Aid To Colombo Plan vgsnluawou mpf us gflï¬ï¬‚ï¬SONE ONEKISDROWNED cxpmsslnn when lho ancrn mnnls 196M mending Ls mnlu came up or dchnlo lulu In the pnrliumcnlnry mum Spukesmcn nr all time up pnsmnrrparucsnnvu Inmch lllclr dissullslnctlnn wkh Illa Imposnl cul 53500000 oul at Canndnx canlrihullvn lo he plnn or ccunomlc Icwlunmtnl OI Soulhmsl Asln Ruvlml mlmnlos Introduced by Hmmcu Millislnr Nowlnn 11mlan Ilumlly mlh lllo mill if lrn Ulllrlnl wulcn mm Mum unulxl have nu min In pmcunn Ilrmx mm lhu Unilul 5mm llrllnln or Innndn TEimpusiiion oi the blucknde may serve in prod Castrn His foaldragging on UN inspection ihas injected min oi uncer tainty in proqeedings which had seemed to be moving smoothly since Sunday when Snviet Pre mier Khrushchev agreed to dis manllc the base and bring home his missiles to avoid tipping ulf Cuban enli aircmtt batteries that red on unarmcd US recunnaissance planes at the height of Ihe crisis lust Mendy The um event in Havana may have prompted Kennedy to call nfl press conlcrcncc urig ï¬nally set fur may until Lhe slluatlon is clariï¬ed 1962 zc lnr physics was awarded today to Soviet scientist Lev Davidavlc Landau whose probes inln the myslc ties the unlversn helped pave he way fur me launching at the Soviet spulniks The 1962 prize fur dmmlslry went in we sclcnllsls =3 Cnm bridge Euxand whose wurk unfolded sacral In the human hlmd Dr Jnhn andvry chr drew rindDr Max Ferdifmnd Pcrulz Lhnm he unsssmzc for their studies ni glubulï¬r pnr leins Landau 54 is one ol lle law Jews uualn high place in Soricl science lie was awnrded in 319656 physics prim Inr his plantain Ihcorics for com flagscd luallcn especially liquid IInIrmHnK sawmills 00 happy hunch nl luhhlmy Huh Ilmwn lady lo un Inn loul and ml lurmne Disabled Landau Wins Prize STOCKHOLM AP The Thin mintMon 0mm purl he nnvummums uvernll drive In mlnw uxprndllum um erchy hm dawn the budget nry delicil One pnlnl Clnllhlhllod Ivy 11i lics In their allnrk an the nov cmmrnl mopasnl ls hnl lhr Io anopillbx of mm fllnuhl not have sulrrr he mnuqumcu If Innmhlx xlo mcxliu mmunylc Kihulllon Thu hall 11 qumml up hy All Mn1n Lihlml lnltlan ln rrlic ll nmllnhle Um lhu nov rlumrnln luvrlun Hulky slmuld he Imlnmulnnllw In nunInn Um pmblml llmmstlc mulrr My ll slmulll 1mm Imlruhlu rrlnnrlulwnh 1n aIInIIII illl he Marina um Illul um un Ilrnluvclopul counlllu lasl nmnlh placed he Colombo plan nllnlmcnl 1500900 In lhv current ï¬scal year nldinx next Munch mmpnml with $30000000 in ma pmious sev cxul mu Tu mnslnhlts Michael Kiss 21 and Gary Lock 22 and Sheldon Jay 10 Kirkland Lake walked Inlwa hunllng rcsvrt on Kcmr xuml Lake nine miles mm here Since Suï¬duy llfc ndbcé slendiFworklng lheirwny cash ward in driving snow storm marchinn ahead search par ll rrghing lye arenlor lhgm Theyre in bcllur we Ihnn some of he Hui searching lnr lhcm one at he searchers said Three moose hunters missing since Sunday walked out oi rug gcd snow covered bushland ncar here loday strong mi in high spirits dcspiic almost our days and three nights in rm ingicnpcmlurcï¬wiihoui vised lallmum nllhl hum Um Three Hunters Return Safely KIRKLAND LAKE CPI Il WITCHING TOM VARLEY Results Thrrc WE WILL co Police hmt had Llimcully In csmhlishlnx haw long Hm men wm In lhc rigid water but mmc reports my it could have hotn lor more than lwo murs mm man the man were riding in was nu Hool uulbozml cab in cruiscr powered by 40 hnrscpour melon Accurdlnx lo golice Ihr in ddcnl ommrd Anllfllhlll Mu pm nu mm wzru rmML ME nm Mm 5MP nI llw hay nur shore Tommm when he MM Alruck some lhnu The lmputl Ms lluul llml Um mum hullmn of 1m power lul mum mu Luna nil in hiding the ulnlerL Sunn urn nhl mlwc Hwy ernwml rlly Iml mu tabinlyvr law nluce lht 11 am lnday lhrcc scuba divers mm Camp Harden ar rived to asxisl in he search Mr Harm ls survlml by daughter In Toronto and his falhcr Normnn nnrrlc This was to have born he lnxt ham ride lemon or In Snider ml More bl mm pm In winkr alumna thIlKE IINH Police say lhal there is lillle doubt lira uilhoul he dioxï¬ of l7yearold Tum Varley grade 13 student at Central the Mrs drowning tragedy in many years in the inner bay would have occurred Ii was douhuul lhut survivors cling in in the trail could have held an or mnnhlongarrJme lulu pernlurc the air was In hr mid305 when lhn cries ma men were heard on share at llincls Polnl hy group of youngsters on ilallnnecn rounds Throughout the night clly police wnduclcd dragging op cmllons in an cm In find the body shore pa ml is work Inu la see it anything can be spelch guflh man diéap pcarcd into the water and is lac lived dmwn ed as Barrie City Police conllnue In conduct an intensive search to day Pre umIcI dealt run Barrett Anna Napier SL Saved were Bruce Hayes of Cookslown Roger Newtnn 38 cum Hanimam Al Snider 40 of 110 Vancouver Snider 617140 SL awner of the boat NEARFREEZING The liminzcmlvhegdadzm lion Central Coilegiaic stu dent has been credited with saving the lives of Ihrpe Barrie are1 men who clung to the side an uverlurncd boat in Inner Kcmpcnfelt Buy last night in near freezing weather =Batzi=MenÂ¥Glin zl3o30attJ ForTWO HOurs In Chill Water No Moi Thu par Capyylré Pug Whm iv ollu found Snillrr ml Her Um drum nflr rescue ll WM curly nub mcruzd has linen luwl Irmuxm lnla shun nml unnam The rch huiuz Mrluully Innmmd hy he mmhllnu ol hu lmtlmn lmlrr hny In many plum mkx am In CHII rum while in unr mu wndl nlr ulnwhm The mu mle 1mm linen MI l0 I0 lid 70 nnxl may nnd Cum Scl ml Morknd Ilmuuhom lho nluhl In an mm la 1de mma nuc oi DamIts body Many mrmhm he fnrcc undu IoliLv llilf HI Tudllrhufll Indruullon Mm hflLk nn Ihl lnku this mnmlng marching or he minim mun One of tho mm was evcn4u ally able la muster enough slrengllnla pull himself lnla Ihc Mu but the other were an weak that all llILY could do wan cling lo the side When he lmal ï¬nally reached share police had arrived lmm lnnislil township and he two men were pulled from he wal er and rushed lo hospital Two at hem Worn lalcr relcusgd following lrcalnwnl or shock and cxmmrc Mr Snldor is still in Royal Vldarin Hospital EUR HpMnES Consl Non may the nar ric Police mlimmcs that almul an hour flamed from the limo cries are In heard unli like men were evrnlunliy brought only shore by lhe qulclflhlnkinx Varley rymnlh CONVINCED from Vnrley however wal convinced the slary Ho dragged small rowing boat 60 1ch to thewalers edge and launched his own search in me pitch black nlghl Rmmznizing the nuan attempting to brim the nearly frozen men into the fly mwinz cmll Varlcy instructed hem In hang unto the dc whlle he ruwtdbackiib iwrc Hérhqd to raw nearly 300 yams Ila evenually heard the criu for hclp and found the men clinging to he nearly sub merged boat All were non swimmers Their cries Were eventual heard and headed by Barry Helmcr of InnisliI Lownship who abandoned his Halloween Inn to summon help When he arrived lhequme 91 Frank Varlcy Bayshirmwm the Van vs were quihz sképjical abnuc his story assuming that Hallowzon trick was in the making The our men clung tn the ovortumed boat and ï¬laer shoutingilurhcki The boat mus havelbecn somo dislanco oilshore Imagflayslairs Lodge wellknawn Barrie landmark Their cries Were eventual and hue by Barry madman movgd mt batkdtr raw Police lee that lheboal must have been lowered to such an extem at Hue back that under cam in through Mo wells eventually causing the craft to llp mg Rammm WW