Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 Oct 1962, p. 7

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VAHP mam Every day each us face risks invulved In the daily busi ness of living Even the lowly turtlemust stick out his neck he 15 to make progress CyRE FOR CREDIT pro 15 puaslhlmy rccolvlng same In lcrcsllnn new mm nla lnlcrcsllmz communimfinnx generally r95 nu nnmumv MILK Ubli OWN Annunl wr cnplln cuvmmu Inn fluid mllk nml hulm do mnml In Cnnndn lllwtrn m5 and mm but lncrcnml Inr chmw llm Imdu donnrlmrnl In lomml¥nhn IL Mnlhcmn Al lmm 1qule mm mm pound In mm or Huld nlk nnd lmm Ml mums In or hullcr ullllo Inmnnnu In pound mm or chm mo momnv janes clllltl mm lhls day will he cudnuwl wllh IIIHII muhl llanm mm vcrnumlly nud llne mon loyalty Homnnru uml mumch Hum have llclllll Mmlmx luring lho ncxl year Inn with Ipcdnl cm Ehnalu on ma months Drum cr June and Aununl Avoid spcrulnllun nnd or xlmvn gancr during Nnvcmbrr Mnrrh and me Parwnnl rclnllnnshlm nlm ulny nn lmpurlnm rule In your In In Dcccmhcr us well In In the period lmlum my and Scpxunbcr mm wnuld be wlso In nulnmn nur circle ntqunlnlunnra Jum nlncc lhry cnuld pmrn Invnlunhlc In bnlh ynur wclnl nml vaslnonn llln KMTHINHH lellrd Dunlap IL your birthday your chart lndlcnlcs lhnl your occupational and limmciul pros pect should be hellar now than they have been or some time past and mm It you mobilize your Mlnrls In In ndvnnmxzc llnd nsprcls hrglnning In mhl Drmnbor nml continuing unmosl or the nnxl 12 manllu you should find your rflnlrn In no ahnpo hclnrc your next blrlhdny rolls umumlr wnslc llmc an non cssnnflals durlng Thursdays early hours The nspccls then will be hi ly pmplllous nr gelling ng lhings done an makelhc noslrof hem rgn Immunow Dear Doth Ferry Since Caln slewAbel man has been laced wllh this elhlcal dilemma ll boils down lo the simple pro goslllon Should volunteer to elp my bmlher at the risk ol endangering myself say yes TMs Is the undnmcnlal concept olbramerlyfllovc Manwannot safely ignore the lndignilies and lldusllces about him or the film saying his own skin Deur Mollie you dont cure him before mnrriage lhc prob 1cm will be an active volcnnu alter mnrriagecruptlng perin Its no lhe money care about Ann 11 lbe idea hat he dnesnt seevanylhlng wrong In largetling in pay hls debts Im sure if he does this with me he must do it with others This is bad for persons credit and It also hints his repulallon lln makes good money but he does not know when it goes How can helmMame ly fianm ls wonderful but he has bad habit and dont know how to cure him Ha borrows 310s and 320s and forgets to pay me back Im nu when it comes to details and keep track of vcrylhlng He owes me $140 THE STARS SAY Wanted go to the 3515 tance of the victim but my wife hung on to my arms and leaded wilhme to stay out In few minutes the police nrrived Now Im ho certain did the right lhlng Perhaps should have bmken away mm my wile and at least attempted to help the boy My wife insists should not have be involved Sha claims mans first duty ls Io his wife and famlly ItVLMdAbe came seriously Injured nr crip plean that fight she poinlcd out It would have pmduwd real grownms for her and Ihe ch11 ren We both agrna huh quasllan mommy involved We vould like ynur opinion Dohhs Ferry NY PERSONALIZED Christmas Cards out Ann Landau Lnsljnighl while waklng gown the street my wife and Ir saw grnup at genAagers appear nut of whue and suddenlyaaltuck nnA other yonlh They beat and kicked him unmcrdfully Thl was done wflhaut provocation nearly as we could determine Mom ReéponéibilitY To TakeThé Risk By ESTRELLITA nml lllNLm RT MIT REFRIGERATORFREEZER TOTAL REFRIGERATOR NIKON HUNT ll PORTAELE TVs HuhIlla unrnlrrl Mulllplu Unll lnrluflrd Only 1062 mmlrl llifll anun HIETNUI0IH 015 AIMHIIM GENERAL ELI HG 23 TV CONSOLE mum Mnrlrl Munr ELECTROHOME STEPEO Aholher says he woman speaks first because she should have Ihc prcmgnlive In ignore man ifshe doesnt want In recognize him Whalaboul lhISYJuanlla Dcar luanlln According The Book lhe woman should speak first hut this is me of hose fine polnls whlch means little When friends meet the one who recognizes lhc olher first lusually speaks irsband his is as it should bev mum nmcrmc WRlNGER WASHERS HIMILHJTI WRINGER WASHER wmx rum is there 1111661 etiquette re garding who speaks firstthe man or thewoman friend of mine insists that the man should speak first She says this rule goébiick to MidVidurian days when women were suppost to be retiring Dear Ann Im an adult who should knaw the answer lb this simple gugslionlts su simple Im ashamed loask anyanefor fem lhey will mink have flippegl nmcnm Ellxcnuc 30 RANGE DELUXE Ngxt ask for list of his debts and sum 10 pay them You sound ukelhe has thing hat ever happened La him hdpe he appreciates you doll £319an Pom AUTOMATIC DRYER dically and serious munglei Ask your fiance to give you hls chem and sygges he live on an allowance When money disappears lnlnfilhlfin air it means them is no budgeting and bar mwing Is iycvilnble GIBSON RANGE AUTOMATIC WASHER GENERAL ELECTRIC GENERAL PEPMMSFNTS 599 Jammzeh bhmfiEfiéEé PREINVENTORY CLEARANCE EPLETTS ELECTRIC OPEN avm Gs may PA 14661 DAYS ONLY THURS FRI SAT SAVE UP TO 30 upuam ml 7A5 For The 91 VII EPlETTS ELECTRIC Ilh Rolllssrrla Salk and Saryko anul ch medns meet he lhc other firstand lrom Im $19995 There will be lucky draw every haur urfln variety 01 prizes and anyone desires tickecs for the special draws these wil be gn sale the door Admissinn ls ree and there Is plenty of parking space nnd one can visualize he meetings of manyx old and congenial friends In this carnival atmos phere The wnmen have been working conscientiously for months to ma items that will be dlflerenl and will please the eye and purse of the public The Allistnn Arbna will be picture flalr and festivity with various atlrpqtians or young and oldJand some of Ike most interesting articles for halu ahat have been seegl fur many ayl dp everyone sit up all take notice Such is the casein Alliston at he present llme with the amount ment ahuge autumn Carou sel under the auspices of the Stevenson Mem 11 1105111131 Auxlllary to take place on Fri day October 19 Iron pm to 10 pm The pmceedswill go laward he Stevenson Memorial Build 1ng1und or the new hospital whlc his badly heeded In South Simcoe County ffillistbfifibéfifmfixifiérii HOIdAfiWmh CaIbUSel Today By MABEL mm When more than hundréd women get lhclr heniis logelher and zan gomqlliipg new as In an imaginary walk through BEAUTY SALON Dunlap PA 64711 Wllh anhlnl Trade Phone at Appointment COCKTAXL SHAMPOO PERMS 550 $159 $10995 $389 $489 $379 SPECIKEI RUBYS $229 $229 $229 $139 $119 mu 350 the Arerm an is what we unId 1113 lunchbcolh 15h fiend for the children plenty me baking jellies pickles and candy novelty bgothn knitted goods linens apmns and chlldre rages Whal else boo peclnl fell bag deslgned or bowling one shuns Christmas decorations and dolls clothes Havs ovaer heard at Kissing bal There will one al the Gamma lrsl qualfly In heman and Imuumm nmdm Immh an umy lulr litamt lully Alwr film ll LADIES BLOUSE CLEARANCE Vllllu Wovens Pnnls Eh VALUE T0 MIKMHJ REDUCED Elmllc or 1mm log wmm nnd ohm HMl UEUALLY 39c rn styles To $100 $200 and $300 vm mxlal pmnaapleutcd bodice and Mm All nm qunmy whlh nnd mlors Siz us 34 343 36 Funnuly 895 LADIES In wool jersey double knit DRASTIC wools rayun Jersey wool bouélc cm Several smart styles to chomc fmm Excel REDUCHONS lent range of calm Regular Ioli muffin $17 LADIES 100 NYLON TRICOT SLIPS SKIRTS sums sums etc lADIESREADYTOWEAR CLEARING AT 12 PRICE In band or elastic leg styles dainlly lace rimmed Wth or paste colors Snamlou Mlno Mosh Nylonl Girls one Nuééftyrlfigm Elastic waist ln 50f nag prlnggd flannel flHllDRiNS wEKii Top quality cotton twill Plain or check patterns m1 0134 11c boxer walsl Colors la den charcoal or antelope Boys Boys Canadian Midi NED JEANS 116 Vuim 10 um Rack of Ludln Fall Wlnler DRESSES mun Ill mm lun wmundny ll nu mm Im am IRAYON IRICOT PANTIES High Quality BLEABANBESALE PYJAMAS PANTIES SPORTSWEAR SIZES 2H SIZES Mix SIZES 36 MUM Immm HOSIERY llNGERIE 494° There it HeaplllWyr dressed doll Illa the lucky winner will be able mglve to plavnlulta um zIrl at ChrLstmas time Further 20 ml the la on are planning enteminmenl should their pannu get fired at just wanderiug and shopping In dfébfinlnganuther lnlpr eating program is arranged and this include ladles quartet In the aflernoon there will he playlel and puppet shawby the pupils at St Pauls Separate Schoal folk dnnclng by the children of school age and sel ecflonsmf gwd music by the flaming Memorial High School Emir under the direction of Mrs McKelvcy xl°° USUALLY 3135 69 37 59 FAMOUS Tm Ilm rhuou lrom len ur kmhlo lml Hm qlmmy no mum Nrnlly mll cml mmcrl or mun UL Milo In lhlck 5115mm rilnin or urine uli quan lily Imoly rnifilwi nmkl mlm I0 10 ml 15 TERRY HAND TOWELS In mu wilh mumwifw an aim 51m USUALLY mm BATH SIZE In Acrlsuade 00 Acrllan Atrylle Beadlilully washable non allerglc last drying Lawns have elastic at waist will aide Ilmm arming at leg 001m of while ylnk lvd or buc Not all alm lil Priced Lo Clur all balms FITTED COTTON SHEETS lnfann Clearance 01 loomd In In fanls ildrena and ladim sizes £11k light blue md beige and ma bluev Not all sizes in all colors STAUFFER DOBBIE TERRY TOWELS ELECTRIC BLANKETS DISH CLOTHS VALUES 10 49 MEN BEDDING RECON Special Purclmse INFANTS WEAR Many tiny cunlribullom have alrbady been received from bus nes firms and merchants of the cummunity and the women of pc on Set 01751 Johns United Chmchan exhibition nigqum duping by line Aflisian Dane Group Scotch sung by Gordan Maiiian QC oi lienham and grand finale hyihe 1101 non Chair which itwcilknown or its fine music Besides All this there are sev eral games of chance and other Nuns of Interest lhrvughoul Che anmuseI and Hospital Auxlllary ladies Invite one and all to come and enjoy themselves and at the same Urge support udswonhy undertakmg Low Prices LEOTARDS 12 Price mmvm MIDSEA saw VALUES T0 1288 ETS NYLONYARN 88 100 CRIMP SET YARN The regularmeeflna of the auxiliary is thelhlrd Thursday analnoon of each month and any woman In theAcommunlty wish to 1011 is more than wel the AwtiJJaly afahobed1thal when thll event is nverlhey will he ab yifie alzreaydgal The present executive consists nix President Mrs Hampton VlcaPmldunt Walker Vowden Sanitary Mrs Bowermnn Commanding Secretary Mr Williams until muchngeded equlpment for the new hospital 1112 mm nxmmmg WEDNESDAY our 1952 MV Elrtlllnl lunn Colon SAVE YOURSELF 50 YD ll hull Cnlwu TI choou rum I01 mu vhoose fabric at like cotton Sever when ml lo choose from SAVE YOURSELF 39 YD mitt VElVETEEN 36 wldo Ideal for Akaling sklru sllms Sump Im em 5mm colon black mmlcr rust my bury coral Umllcd quantityl AN ENTIRE TABLE OF REMNANTS Clearing at 12 Price In variety of smart checks plaid and 5mm Excellmt range of Colors Rel him To 6150 LEADING MAKES first quality anth innykm or ny lon and wool Excel ienl range of colon Sim 101612 MENS DY Bayl Wovon Conan Clumm of Wall Known Brand Names long SlesverSEORT SHIRTS Top quaflty cotton fabrics in mm lo Clear quem prints etc Sizes 51 988 snor MANY MANY UNADVERIISED ITEMS mnodcnour ms STORE Ms BOYS WEAR long Sleeve SPORT SHIRTS PIECE GOODS DEPT 56 GLENELLA PLAIDS VALUESTO $600 SOCKS suui to so DUNLOP 51 EAST rAuom REMNANTS NOTIONS Big Values 59 In boll sized and madly qualifies wool and nylon sue Ich nyion In variety of sizes and colors BOYS 59 YD 149 wt SOCKS ANI 94 00 oo

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