33 31mpbnmgr Lake Ontarln negion Clnugy xwllh occasional drizzle today Extensive In near the lake not much change in temperature Cloudy tonight and Thursday Winds light today west 15 Thursday Lake Erie region Windsor Cloudy with few sunny inter vnls today and Thunday nal much change in emperalum Wlnds nonhwest 15 Lake Huron Ioulhml Geor ginn Bay Nlagarn muons Lon don Hamilton Tomnlu Cloudy Mth shower today and Thur wday not chug Forecasts iséued by the Tar jonln weather office at aJn Synopsh Dull pklcs prevail over most oLOnturiu this morn 1lng Dump weather aunci fated with lowpressure sys stcm which has been almost sta tionary over the Great Lakes during thétnight it ts expected 30 move slowly eastward which will probably result In nlnw tmprovernent In Ontarios weather way by comparison elh Jen Ethics know of no oth 2r way to sell olhu than by campariumJ He said the facts never hurt anybody ll course we just dagilrbarzejn and Icll aman lhe prqdrqcl he buyéfl worlm less You do attempt la get him clam hr In wuutlrd by hln lulan wurlm Ind pre ICMM wllh Inhlnl enr and pen ml WM Gunnrr will wlll he IlcuIl lu gel up much mumlnl and luv ya la wk 41 Ilurdtn ram Ml hnme ln Allmnn 1qu ha IBM he wtvulrl probably mma ncmslnmrd In II No nch he mm nppmlnlu wlnylnz It hnma llrn hllmrdy wmhnr mndc drlvlnl dilllcuil pracllcal demonstrations 11 used tapeslromlhreedlller In countries and compared llem to hls companys pro duels The differences were Ir 1er visible particularly the unbreakable tape lie himself managed to break by simply dmpplng it onthe floor But he noted these lar elgn producls are belng Impro cd and with every Improve Mr Glll la vrlrrnn ball Wmhl Wm He served over Icnl 41min the llrsl war In the nrllllnm rising Imm lhu rnukl la cnplnhwy As An nrlillcry man he Innk pflrl mnny ml wnrx Harem Imllu thn Wnrld Wm cammunrcd hu rdnlnul Illa Icrvicl hll llmr Hm HUM ml by lhu mnrhlslnn wm Squndmn Lander Hallhurlon northern Geor lan Bay muons Cloudy with nccasionul drizzle today Cloudy tonight nnd Thursdny little huge in temperature wind linhl Algoma Sank Sic Maxi rc zlona Cloudy with sunny Interval Indny Cloudy with ac casional showers Ionlghl Ind lhursdny Timagam Cochrnnch White River rcgluns North Bay Sud bury Cloudy wiUI lnlcrmluenl ughl Imw lllllu change In lem pcralure Wind northerly lo record or long mvice wu comvlcled at Camp harden RCAF Slnllnn yulnrdny whcn IL Hlll chmI mm In Dz pnrlmcnl Nathan Dclnncc nmr tomplcunu nlmonl 42 ycnrx service Gunner Glll he known In hll many lrlmdx commenc ad work at nanlun In Jnnunm ml am wllh lhc exception Hit mm he mm nrmr ca arm durln Vurld Wm 1m wnxkrd lhcre mnllmh nusjy Pcralure Wmds horlEGILst to bout their ovm products and sell them ILla had lo tell what prod Is More so is hard in lleve whn you lee abgul one problem lacing Candinn employer today is imparting of god This was expressed last II by Rnherl Haunk vim prcsldent and general manage the Lufkin Rule Co le4 ol anie at the Kinsmen club regulpr dinner and business Gunner Gill Ends Service other peoblc think of Import as lwway mean he said We think of It 03 hen way street Impals come mm CanadaY our money gnu over there and our work Aeria heraaye 100151 or gob BUDGET MIAN Joan arrlclr JulL 3115015115 PERMANENTS 199 mm Avian OPEN EVENINHS rmmn Mu An In Tho nummr Mum WEATHER FORECAST Femail Tempermm Lo mm um nunsy Windsnr 32 St Thoma 32 London 32 Kitchenar 31 Winghnm 31 Hamilton 35 St Catharine 35 Tanmlo 33 Peterbomuxh 32 Trenton Killulan C12 Muskoka 31 North Bay no Sudbury so Enrllnn Kapuskaslng 30 White River 30 Muasonee Timmln no Sum Ste Mari 35 IX 42 42 02 45 45 40 35 18 35 Mount FomL two other way be men llancd dealt with halter scr vlcegwhere Canadians should cancernlhemselves and slncer It things Camgdign W5 0n the aspect annex1W he said How can person who say may Canadndbe slnure whnnhe drï¬Ã©i nund Tug for eign made car He 11 three ways In which Canadian manufacturer could combat Import problems First and lorcmcst better pmmol Ions julflic relullom and ad l3 mvile iou WHITE SUGAR 39° ORANGES 69 COTTAGE noLstsv POT MAST 49 STEAK$ TURKEÂ¥ 43 BACON 59 SUNKIST LEAN BONELESS GOLDEN VALLEY FINE GRANULATED PEAMEALED FRESH KILLED EVISCERATED 5H LB AVERAGE SIRLOIN WING TBONE FOOD MARKET l6 DUNlOP EAST BARRIE xBIIEHLERS THURSDAY SPECIALS ROBERT HAUCK PRICES IN EFFECT FROM lm to pm THURSDAY ONLY lo annslrale He said pmnu can belead ers in education in aching Immune manners cod hab llx sellcontrol Ind host of oLher things bad to living In closinm he saidMWe as lruslees teacher Ind ratepayA en should Join associations and paflldpale thereby Nutri bnflng to we hammen cation as wholev f6 Bx Reitéï¬iiiyers InTheSchdols Every conï¬nunlty should by dllplaying constructiva in terest in education persuade ï¬ts best Ivaflnble ciï¬ms take mm at trustees To nerve whoo trustee to make lubstanflal wnlrihw Mon Mr Lacljmce Add Duly well uuzhl enthusias tic And dedicated teachers can ensure the reaï¬wtion of our childrenl Ideals attributed the lira in pupils mind to the spark of In Imst mated by the teacher Many the pmblems fac lnz us today are not the result of our allure ln past years but ralher of the sclenlilic mecrhraglulygdecial mucus esmcenlly imposed upon us The klme ln whlch we live d2 funds that we glvz maximum development Io every individ ual at every level He stressed leadership was not just momon of mini ten education chairmen 01 School board and presiding grs 91 VFKEIAZAIEMLIILJB hmxoflotwflnteflenl principals leacherl Jami all ratepayers Mr Lachance said everyone at the meeting last night has responsibility in trying to an swer this and other questions He Inked flown we to ind ms in education that would lend formupurpbse and arder In our lives We are mnvlnced 3f the nend to adjustounelvu In new Ideasfl reception anddlnmr was held last night or ï¬ll teacher andtrustees of the BarrieSep Irate School Enard at Knight 01 Cnlumhus Hall Van Berczy Street Chairman or Ihe Iboal Lachance wasapcaker He saldrThm in evidence at mumum and meetings of the communityvladug tactical problems involving ruse of school accommodations flood teachers nmlmoney His theme waslheh are not enough of the trustee and ratepayers participating mucha they would IQ mm lngs and contemces Igoard Reg 110er was driving friends car from Gall to Perry Snund ryjnurxd lumulL Highway 10 tribal 15 how theé wound up on the Edgar NI Under couslderable debate durlng the casgwy the extent of the effectiveness orthc brakes of the Min receipt was lntfoducca 53 vldence ahawtnx that Lbrake cylinder was fixed In Conkstown on Oct igPiglflarelessiDrivingw The Lalemenl told how 110er had seen the cyclists at the bottom of MI He said after car had passed the lbulhs going north he preparedm pass the two cyclists at eed he estimated mbg 59 mJngL ï¬wmr nï¬emrm Y7 he applied his brakesrand Ihe boy turned to look back The boy apphrcntly from said 110er during testimonyA The crown presented Rnyleu atutement in its ease and def lance attorney objected to neshonIn the second pnrtmf te statement which he felt Wu quullonzinvittng an expression an opiniun on the p23 of the cenng yuan CYCLIST WHS KILLED Peter Rayle 19 01 Gallwhu was driving the car which struck and caused the death at ll earold cyclist John Sanford 0c pleaded not guilty to charge 01 careless driving in Magistrates Conrl yesterday helm Magistrate Fetter The Na whlch lasted Almost three hours was tentatively id laymen to Nov eence nuamey for Mr Royle is 1300 of Kit chener Assislanlmen At torny is Jghn Murphy mer testiï¬ed hat Alter the MI Collier PA 64481 on Klnai of 12m 1mm Kind Impqued Chem E0 Klndl Imparled Jim Chucnlnlu Calm Etc Ry Bread and French Putl Bnnlel Flu Enrapun DELICATESSEN BARRIE DELICATESSEN now OPEN MQQFLI Brouminta the witness hex qr testimony was lzvyeeroid Glerle Sunrerd the dead beyl sister Allerlhe wax questhn TEdmténSlVéthflfï¬gï¬mfF Foster on the Importance and gravity of swearing on the bible she stated the had heard nothingi The first thing she saw was her brother going over the top at car She said she saw hlmJylnton the eutatdeol the mud This lubstgnllated lhi very faint ukld mark presumed in have keen made by the car in Its effort to brake The skid marks on the road were appnjr xlmnlely 98 fee lens and wheel marks cuntlnued on 1n the ditch Strewn along thewest aide oi the mad In succession wax The theedameter was not working said the Corporal But estimated the speed to be between Wand 55 mph couldnt sllde wheel when Implied the brakes Upon each apphcatlan the car wheeled to tht Ielt Cpl Kellug the DPP ht ï¬ner who wilted lnvullgatinz ofï¬cer CnnaL Ed lelollp teati fled he hld taken the car out mad test that name an cyllndcrwas mm you had 10 pump the brake onpé and il worked The vehicle is egqu pcd with mwer braku Luxmy Wally Dglvlwmwwod WALK ER by Carolyn Revem lot emu wool Edged with bullion hinge Twï¬n double bed she In unth or um whllm Silhmnln closely Mod chu nillc mood with on allova wavy muum Smavt hinge Him llnhhu loo Twin of dcubk bud mm Chain 04 postal colon and whm 1ï¬ey Became eligible Zupnn cnmpleling 15 years service n23 01400 steelworkul are aflecLed In Vancouver ï¬rms and more man 31000 ulhm in Canada 1he United State and juertm Rico Mon those quality Hi basic wan of Jinan hour Tradesman earn slightly morn and machinists get He among 40 mploycel granled threeAmanlh pnid holl day this year under an agree ment between the compmy and the Unit Steelworker of Nowadaymlhe grand tour Ivaflablo to people Ilka Tam Brnnsmn l1 awarker at the American Can Cnmpany plant In Vancouver Steelerlief Given Three Months Off VANCOUVER CPLA cen tury mnnzyed Bullish gen try Aethelr was an the long EandjourfLnt Euruye the youn Ipdn right mi 1m and right show Shortly after the trial began an adjournment culled to that descriptive mm showing various dlatnuces jc ould be drawn to enable Mngistnte Foster to better acquaint him sellvwllh given testimony 50 DUNLOP STREET EAST ShapMng quid and mwnlml on Wallnl Nan Arrmml I51 698 Rf 791 Conn RIM Con HI mmm mm Efllllvln Fllcwbndu Im on ram mnmrznmmn wznxzsmv TODAYS STOCK VPBICES Aluminium Alblrll ï¬ll Au mL nu Auu sun mm 01 mm nk mu hx grmum Harry Smelhurst will repre sen Baxlg Bnrhershnpper at theVlall convention to be held In lhev Ruyal quk Hotel To Attend Convention Fathom Motgan Jones TaHy pattern In Mn or double bed um Pun whit Avisco Hobs pasul ground Rounded cumeu bullion hinge new geometric dcxlqn For an by Macon 1mm In MCI of flip colon so by Md than Double bed Ilu nowJON sziroan AuxAst lndultfllb up lull up 17 Ullllllu up tggnflm nab lxchANul anLx Indulmm cum dawn 11 Mellll up JD on qompllzd by Flynn punlop Batu Mlnll Kflï¬Afldlflr Lama Human Mum mu 0mm oflhllh nu su Dam roux mm mm mm ma an Pawzr Kudzu Emu Hm slddlky Home up INDUSTRIAL MINING pmlridayi man from each chlpier in Ontario will attend the House ni Delegates which is in eiiec nominniing coni miiiee Membership in the Barrie chapter is plcklng up but the last meeklng Ihey were strapped for lenoz 11V 1le l1 mi saw Lak Dunn 12w Rla Alum ï¬ner Gnrdon Stub Rock UnIINl 011 wnrny wmuy Non UM NG mm corny Mcln rm mm mm Pell Pam PAP pm my one NIL Gu Ralhmlnx Ru am SII Shin Slmpmnl smunnn Sibel of Can Turban lnnc mm Im r1 Tuna mum in wumcm NIIMIUI Eulogy wom npss llJNl IIJNI fl Ml Rag I1 Burris no 1055 $13