Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 Oct 1962, p. 19

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in lilmvm Hnlu filaMu IM mmvnln THURSDAY NOV pm than Imlurinz uwrlnl umk Ind min Mlllc m1 Mimi will lho rogulnr MI Man nod Ille Mlle lmo nlundy hm malnwl Mm mu hloml Smrtlmm lmlll mm My amwilml hm Mu lullVI msimd lor Ma Mle UM ol Mun In Clan In rmd lmll llm In mum on 11m dny ml ulrm Mn ruillo TOWNSHIP OF ESSA Volers Us 1002 List of Vonr or 1061 was posted In lhh emu Odobcr 25th 1062 Mum ll may be checked for mom or nmlssions duer Ngulnrr baldness hours We call on n11 voters govern them XlnnAIyn 13 AUCTION SALES TORONTO CPI Big Ben wasalllla last Tuesday in sounding ll pm chimes over the traffic noise in downtown Toronto was 1150 condemned 1n duskladnwn silence by cily bylaw DATED Ill llama lhix lint day October 1M1 hy SMITH AND MrLEAN 20 me SUM 11mm ulnrlm Soildlorl or he vpllrnnl TAKE NOTICE lhal olodo mlr Human Shloknlko pmcnlly mldlnu nl ILCJLF Slnllon Cnmp Borden In the County of simm lmncllnm imam mild Wmlvy Noknlkn will Apply before In Honour Judge llnrvlc hamler nl the Court own in We fly All Ilnrrlr Onlurin mrulny he day of Druth nl Inn oclock In he Inrrxum lu rhnngu MA muno lo Ronald wry filaknlka orblds Dig Bens calibre 21m pm 1ch nlghlsn weak and alter an Thursdays and Fr da shopplnz nights IN THE MATTER OF The Change of Name Act 1000 1150 Cha Icr 4n and an cndmuntst crew ML fiELL cm Municipal Building Bum OnL prom lncnl part of Visit urllnln weak bld by he British Trnvnl As xoclatlon to lure more Tamman Iuns the Old Country Alter an nstcnlallous opening Mun dny the luslivllles llmmmd dawn mcsgay Oncni mus popular ca lures IL publicity cumpul red doubledeck Lon an transport bus which gau ircc mmlnuio rid around lhc ciiy Mnndny Wus out of uciinn Tuesday it return to iis un ll lEGAL NOTICES But hererwus nolhing to bu dorm align lhyhy nn nml At 253 pm hrce loudspeak er strung an buildlngs ahove the street crackledand banmcd out jhree magnificent prema ture chimesrecordings the London original The null however was rem cdled for Big ans pm porn romance Wayne RudyJZZ London Ont displnyq corn bmoms yhldn ho manulactuma hla Big Ben Chimes Across Toronto AUCTION SALE gssnIED ADVERTISING NOW IS THE DAYFOR ALI GOOD BBOOMS Ill III WWW Ilrulvmunm yrnrnld hurhrn nl NIl uurm fillmlrrlhl rmnln wan mmmvl Hulls mllxllc lmy Tumlny All Ier Mnmhml nlwnlluu In law vlnn lmyllal Mnmlny AUCTION SALE Saturday qu IO pm Alum NMHIV LUSH IM ll oncmlnn Runnf unlu Tmmhly mllu nmh NM Humth mnm AUCTION EA of farm rtmk lnurlmwnl ha rnln Mm Mul mm lmuwlmhl Hum Tum ran Nu 1mm ho hum mill JIZIIHY UIIUIIIJN Avlvflonm JENNY COUGIILIN Auctlmun Alldiunmu rrnmxks Anyone Inlurtslml In good hrmlln dork Wnuld ho wail advised In nurnd wIe GEORGE SPEAHIN MI 77 anccxsion Tlny Tnumhln 05 mlle nunh Hlahwuy 17 on Frcuthl mu uxlhclly known In he lrrlmnll Flcnch Furm Dispmnl nl calmml and mule Buford nfllc The Hsl lmhuhx rnwn cnlvu Irllrn Inn and own not SIUCMII Trnm MISS FLORENCE HUGHES Cluppmon sum Barrio AUCTION SALE Houwhold Fumiluro including dishes Imi dinn Allvcrwnm and garden tools Term mh No rrwnn In tho mmer has given up house kccpin And Imm or Ifllc JERH OUGHLIN 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Saturday November pn1 sharp Canada gum neighbar has been shondmngod lhe hlAInlernl bargnlnlnc tnhlg he unlrl In spccch In lhn Cnnndlan Club OTTAWA CP Gram Mc Conncme president Cnnndlnn chific Alrlhlcs said Tuesday ha mast cripplan weakness 1n Canadas nlr pollcy concerns nir la and from the Unlwd States Brllish master chef Bcnnigg will light the in lanight under hmpwnd ox to be hBP Kgmcued or civic dinncr nlurs ny emu Toronlunians aam pled Irnc English tea local Ken merchants slow and nt tendcd conlinuous showan Bring travel films Canada Planes ShortChanged Co ney lawn crlur Altle Hm ward 42 9H his ncwaho lcrlng our around Taronlo slrents andlook his bellloo miles south was London Onlrfor Visit Lnndan Eng celebrallohs hm lamllinr roule Friday and Sa urge London Onl plant In he background is an experimen tal crap corn trom whlch ln he let nae we have AUCTION SALE FridayNov 130 sharp Aummxm lar ur It was an nsleundlng lactf that no Canadian or us alr carrier was allowed la operate directly between Montreal and Chlcugo although three onlgn HuesFrench German and tu llnnwcro permlltcd to carry Cnnndlnn and Amcrlcun passen Km between ht3 two cltles EA SNOWSUITS Most lransborder flighlx be tween Canada and the US we tmundcd 21x15 semis hrMi dcr forcing the harassed pas senger la change airlines or air crnll to reach his dcsllnakion no3 alr agrenmm with he Uannd UllSis working serious hardships and fruslrafluns on Mer passengers as well as dwnrling the Iuglcal develop menlol our air transport in4 duslry he added Mr Rudy hopes mmc day to manufacture his brooms CP Photo plum film In Cnmpnn Min CHINA GIFTS mlr MIN 895 49c SPECIAL WHILE THEY lAST PW Pam md hotter rnh mm mm now Im only got low 14 mm In Irnml tommug Snlol SLASHERS pmce ONLY Ladm mu film MNmN SWEATERS Ulflrrmt ulnu Cnmxmnv linyn mt Mul fiamymre Al CO Spenker Lambert began his lpcakershlp by collldlng daily with oppnslllon MP over lhelr verbnlnuerlc cablnel minis OTFAWA CP Speaker Marcel Lamhens campai get MPs In and the es marev driclly in LCnmmnns daily quesllnn periodsecm to be paying on in fewer and briefer oral questions But Igvalsu nppnnruo b21011 Vlrihuflng to polenuul record number written question AL ready these questions exceed th nunber lubmitled In the whale vlous session whale of the previous session and seem Cfllfllll goat lo the by me mar 11 600 which Is remem bered as top or wriflen quas llans In past cslluns The Onlnrlo government and It econnmlcs mlnlsler Han Rub Macnulay said hleiday the IDE hasoulhnnked Illa bankers ln caullan and de scribed the agencys operations as meagre paltry andflassly Inadequate Leas lhnnn week ago he ex ecullve councll ol the Canadian Chamber 01 Commerce sug gested that the IDB would he gmdatartlng palm or spa clel review anovernmanl li nanclel opurallans to ellmlnnte those In areas already servedl by private business LqeueAccouNTS Earlier this year one finance company lnduslria Accept ance Corporation complalngd vigorausly that the 1131 has The itan commission an banking gnrliinance has heard summwiinessei call lhe DB innxard whiiarolhcrs say it is campeiing uniairiy with private enlerprise which can do ihg sage iqb Lambert Reduces Oral Queries Eggs Record Written QueStions OHAWA CF The lndusA trial Development Bank has been gang in crossfire of confllcflng complaint éboul 11 operations federal agency In the field of Imnllthuslness llance 399 CAPS 99c 7141M Comm nl lmnmml Inrm nlllhlnnlhm mxumm 111 UNDERWEAR Mrnl ltnmnnl 11mmn BLANKEYS 549 195 From a6ominulc aycrugc In the iist few weeks of the ses sionp the oral qucsliun pcrlud has dwindled In between flu and lo minutes my mm ADS MP5 seem to hava got his messagevnfler his ruling were sustained by 87Cllypleunqurgnpl 03er bw are asking fewer quesllons and placing mare of lhcm in wrillen form an the order paper as sug gcsled by the Speaker lerere stucklirmly tofaalricl Interpretation of the rules sometimes ruling out 01 order more quesllnnsmau were an swernd verbally Sb fur llxére has him no pub4 lic Meme theJDE sub overstepped Its uriginnl nub llans 1112 company said it had laét$1300000 lnestabflshed ac counls to DB and another 100000 inpmspcclive business uQN ROBERT MACAULAY PHONE PA its 71 fUIifdii Thll II wonderlul buy Ind uullanv lime 09 mn your Chrlumu Shoprhgl Chou lrnm Sirlpu Solldn Pullrm Pllm Ind Pllllyll Plnln or Buuon down call REG 795 5mm PANT SET MURDERING PRICES SWEAT film flfl Awuml mm mm Al mm flnalnn The SlASHER Murduling price may not be the correct phrase IM SLAUGHTER ING PRICESI want you to check those advenisnd items carefully com parofihamwith any olharstova andlhcn come here and buy what you want hom THE SLASHERI $499 L99 259 flnyn Ag menls reached he coulerence generally cover Ihe twweur period from April Approval uemec struc IurEs to drum up more business araund he wurld was unn nounced nmsdby at the close at livevwcnk canierence of Ihe International Air Transport As sucintlnnl CHANDLERAfiL CWThe worlds major scheduled air line wllI try low group fares and rolhcrrJourlzépromokmg dis coun instead or higher arcs la meet their cam lug requirements or the next two years proof that the IDB is not doing the job ex pected It lies in the act that nix other provinces have sat up their own funds or this purpose ML Macaulay did not refily directly Howevfir he noted at 119 Onlnrjnl government nuwi nsidering In establishment 0L Eel opmcnl fund for small businesses in which case inlerext rates probably would be slightly higher lhan lhosa avalluble elsgwller Mr itwould In reasnnahle or the ID to lend 61 per cent it someone alseywns prepared Io make the an arming per cank Co hams BranI Vancouver Investmentj dealeraald Tuesday lh mahi djflicully seem lo be varying interpretations ob lhe banks purpnse ln lending money33 heme saysthat ls othetfwise not availah1e on Irensanahle terms and conditions unuuggfi However the commlgsian ls believed to have this aubjecl on Ihc azcnduor closed hearing nday or emu permgal bankcrj Graham Tawm ixgovernm Jamcs Coyne me the com mlssivners lgst week also rln privatefl wm Hm mg To Aid Airlines hnynqqu bmcum sidlarygof the Bank Canada Gnvernur LouixRasmlnsky wllL wear hl IDB hnt when he apn pears belure the commissvllm Mxt Janug SPORT SHIRTS DUNEI ST iQT9 SLASHER McGregor Forsythe SHOPPERS PARADISE HOME OF and Sergio Alduna we presiA den 01 Lan Chilean Airlines and chalrman oi the comer encc said much of ATVs new are structure based on he resulls 01 trying group fans on the North Atlantic runs lhis year Four persons were killed and four were injured when Ire desmyed4helnimvr gaualcd The nirlincsmnlyxonccssiun to economic pressures far are creases was dnéision that in silent boassl some roumfirip farts pylvc per copl mania Alkyd 31 1955 North Allénzir axrcemnnlsaxd subjécl lo tunher consideration with Scandinavia Certain routes in South Africa aim between Ihat alum mm wzfinzénAY APARTMENT Hons DESTROYED EMU the Belmont apartment block in dnwntnwn CnIgmy Mandnxz night Despile from real estate dove its owner sleadfasuy refused Io sethe building saying was her home vlrepholo HEATfllG FUELS Phdne PA 66531 COOD BARRIE

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