Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 Oct 1962, p. 16

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TifibfiND SIMCOE meeting oi Cooksluwn W05 mens lnslltute wlll be held Thursday evening at the lawn hall with Mrs ll Lundvn con vener The luplc will be Hlstarl cal Research Mntlo Our herlt ago from the past our respon sibility for the lnture Roll call Name an early explorer The will he film Pioneer Vlllagn Hostesses Mrs Walker Mrs Donnell Mrs Fildcy Mn Vllllams Miss Slight Mts Fidler Mrs Pinkncy Mrs Marllngt Mrs Lundl By DAUREEN ANDERSON WOMENS msmuu HOME AND SCHOOL Thé Ocloher menllng of Essa Union No 5Hnme and School washold Tuesday evening Oct 15 with Mrs James McCague the new president in the chair The Ireasurers report was given MM 11 Taylor AMrs Blanchard thanked the commlt ten or cumin Ihe lenchers cnnvnnlinn Oct Im Invnlaliun was ruéeivcd mm Allislon Home and School Assucinlinu public and hlgh schnnh ullcnda meeting Banting Memorialhigh sdmn Dr Carman prulcssor of Psy chology at McMnster University 15 be the speaker discussing Aspbcts and Cuncopts In tellizcnce gallhfconwner Mm Ed npy called on her husband In gunqu bc 5p Links rlom Evans of Eradlnrd lrl Evans chase us his sublect Why should you have will lie slrcssml lha one of our duties as parent in having will wu that we would be 41le lo huh our children in the lulurc Mrs Edncy lhanked Mr Evans and gave him small gill The grade malhcrs served lflhch Thu banncr award was wrm by Mrs Murphys mum JOFFRE AVERALL Snlurday morning Oct Jul WEDNESDAY ocrbnxnu LEO 5mm mu 430 500 530 Mm 615 30 700 no 00 310 vm mm 105 1100 1115 1x40 Ilflnewlnn no as Don Thule nmla Huckleberry Hound Nlllun lamina Thne S00flu Newa thu Spam Thu Hlnlntonu The Story or In lnltrn My The son Panda Ben Cm Newxmllulne The Faun1V0 un cm le1 Warner 590m New ml Tlma Vmulnl nlunsnn Novénnm up rum ml min IFIR YOU MEET THE NICEST PEOPLE mu nllGAH mollyI Iha Huhhaul maluvlsl Ind In gal hum dlnmr wall hnml wllh anUtho llglvl numc willow WV ham hi vulmmluu Jnka Po and nlmnsuphknl mm mm Ucmnl Démy mom gaudhuumuud wow and cunhwou clmckh 11051130 Hominy lluuugh many and Saturday momluu 100 um lo noun COOKSTOWN ammo Mm Imml mu mm hu nu mlml run plme rhnnr AM on NI l1 lullnud Ta Yum llnmo THERE IS NO CHhRGE FOR THIS SERVICE Goad um swam mm Nm lump Room Popay mm Nonndly nepan mm Wuklkl wmmm Nllnml Schonl 1mm LonHI You Show TELEVISION PROGRAMS listen hero DRIVENOURSELF CARS AND fRUCKS CARRIER MISS YOU VAllEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE PA 82433 lre Avernll dlcdss resvlt heart candlflnn In Tqmnla Mr Averall was born April 14 1915 and was son the late Mr and Mrs Sachl Averall He attended the School for the Deal Bellevlllo and was member of the Evangical Church For Thc Deal hr laronloX Mr Averall had harboring business in Cookstpwu for many years Funeral scrvlce was held lrom Hughes Funeral Home Monday Oct wllh lnlcrment at Allislon Unldn Com or yr Pallbearers were Howard Lund Jack Ram say1ierh Harman Dermeu Arthur Glass and Elmer Wehbcr Mrs Emcc McLean lsvvlsiting ths week in Wyandolte Mich with her sister and brotherIn lay3 Mr sngMrs Mr and Mrs Pat Murphy of Toronto visited on Tuesdaywith the latters sister Mrs Norman Baker Mrs William McLean Tor onlals spending awcek with he M2 MERE The United Church towl supper has been postponed until Friday Nov LADIES CURLING MEETING Cooksiown Ladies Curling Club met Wednesday Ocfi 24 at tho curling rink President Elaine Gadsden presided Secretary Lucy Stein rend minutes at the spring meeting and treasurer Mildred lialhert reported it was decided the last Saturday in February would be the Ladies open honsplcll Committees were appointed as iollows bonsniei committee isobei Rowe and Mary Brown social committee Muriel Carr JeanJiughes and Susan Stein ways and means committee Muriel Smith Dor een McKay Milder Reive and ironic Realu social committee assistants Edith Wheeler and Myra Tiliin property commit tee Alice Baker Mary Chnntier and Barbara Edncy member ship committee Barbara Van domain Wilda Albeit Mildred Halhort Jean Hughes Dolores Fiidey and Alice Baker 350 Ml Mn 530 Lao 101 am 000 1000 mm ll 15 MA lea 1mm 5mm mu Pavel51 hm mule anxll Yul Belt Jun And he Chantal New wmnu Spam Chryrnnu Thu Defend rhyme The Unlnucnnbm CBC New Wulhnr spam New Mom They Ware ND Dhldcd himm Nnvmum 1000 10 man 1155 Qflparfiauwnuuu Eggazzszzsssgzsz Tut huem Good MumIEl sum mu Nam Romper mmm Pnpeyel rum Noun Rupurl mm nmmm Mlsltmun rllmdly mm 1mm Ymml Tm may surlcn mu rnpm rm mm Ink Lan Su Tombflnnn Tenllury Nm mum 5P0 Dr Klldnre Connlry loednun Tm Tommy Amhwsn Srnlll um Journey ennqu cm rv Nm mm AYaunlllnhud Ina nun um um IIIM Inn um I1 Illa wann nnnnzn walnmu quwa Inn In Law lln Spam mu Nlu 7m mmh Tm Mrnlrl no Andy Wlllllml Hle can wm Tu no mu unmy lols ouhlnar Marlmun mm crv Nwl ms 010 Spam In Nelunrl 10 Mom le and mum Mo llnu Ixan llqu Ian an hm In nan CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO By ALLAN NGRAM Sainrduy whiiq cloudy appeared in indicate that we might beiree oi precipitn ion ior that day in any user Talking nboulpur surroundings being in the now he is not ahirays one hundrad per cent such0n Friday morning going sauih on Highway 400 lherewns large area tram CDokslown ciavcrieai to nbnui Metropolitan Turonio limits in which inches of snow had lniien not ton long previously and at ha time there was none here The coun lryside was beautiful winter scene We wqre all spin10 learn lhnt Inns nucnssary or Mrs Rebecca Mooney to return to the Royal Victorla Hospital the beginning be weak marma lion Saturday am is that sat lsiacloryyrngrcss 1139an mnde RETURNS To Mu Olliers ran the Sick list have been Mr and Mrs Earl Bowen the latter am sick visiting chain man Mrs Bela Juhnsnn has also been under the weather and no doubt this inclumency has accnunted or cansldernble de Kroc oi illness II here are any nlher claws which have not come to hur allenllon they are also wished speedy recoverx Understand Mr Maura of vSoulhview mad who has been In Tornnlo hos pital or long him is home for couple week andwlll than relum or lurlhcr treat ment Mrs Carl Murshallcaflcd on Mrs Harold Dollery summer resident at present contlncdla Norma General Hospital RECENT VISITORS Recent vlsilurs wilh Mr and Mrs Lawric Harkei and heir daughlcr Elalne were Mr nnd Mrs Allan Hum 01 Lelhhridgc Alberta and Ion former school chums Mrs marker Mrs Frank Owens and Mrs Irma Dicko Lucky Lake Saskalchc wan accn 1e by their 011an lendJack hearts Lets say youre dcclnror nl lhrcc nvlmmn and W951 land the jack ol hcurls You cuunl your lrlcks and Are you have men hem Theres poisl hilin he made um divldcd In whlch cnsc yau would have an clgmh and Hm club Inv use mlghl wurk In which cum you would have nlnlh Inch However lhcse posslMllllu lhuugh real um no nu pruml ing as ha chance developln lwn lrlckl In diamonds ivyorc nu oul lhe Me and mu ne aldcs llm lpndu am going In hrtnk lmd lhc club lncm ls x0 lnx lu sucmd lhtrol 1m hurry nbrmx an lhnm ycl Alncn DAILY CROSSWORD MINIITS POINT Soulh dealer Neither Side vulnerable 4K9 liufiui MM mum Huuuh 1m 11 mauled ll Klng nmnhnr In In val Hllnhl imuhlml Man lolly up rhwr ll LIlU Ill 37 film mmml nnd ummd mum mnod mm Ippl ALImule 1th 91 311001 K73 Baum mouthed DOWN hr Mumbl xo luobla rm IndJAn wood plenum mnenm ID Coal millll 11 ACROSS Tull Fallow mm P151 pmboncll Plan of mar111p lllghur Weep mum Pnsi Wui CONTRACT BRIDGE Nomu Alums vAuz 9109 +143 EAST 411002 V813 CABS I5 105 SOUTH North Rm ms Jain Palzmll mam uvu 15 Jun Ellllu ILBHIouI ll In my flmudn Denim Clutlnul Blind 7111er turnan or IIprIlM mllan By JAY BECKER 11 Friday night very env joyahle Halluwecn masqueradu dance he Rusidrms Assad ration was held In tho Pine Room Bnyrlalrr Lodge wllh some 60 persons présent Muslc wal lumlshed by day Wllllnmson Award or best masquerade at llre for gents went to Bill Ed rel as Babyloy andlor lies Indy Teresa Coyle an Head Spot Danca No Leo mart and Barbara Mc Leod No Mral House and Carl Mrshall No Pat Ed sell and Frank Varley Judging was by Bay Wllllnmson del ulclous luncheon was served un der preparnllon of Mrs Florence Varley rummn NEWS mamamm Domthy Larson from the same place Verne Larson and three guns were also in this party Eon KmkerloLFnlrvIew Ave has been enjoylnz week hnllday on account of absence nn hulldays lg the uorthcounlry particular 01 general mecllng will he reported in next weekl column as well Teen Club gatherings you can ind hut out later jus1 as well us now So you win the 1an hearts wllh lhe queen play spade In lhe am and lead law diamond You hope that EnsL plays law and Wes wins the tick with the ace klmz that happens youn an Easy Slrccl uccnusc regardless of what West hon rclums you can force nutvlho remaining high dlnmund to as sure In tricks Unfartunnlnly East Is snmrH enough In put up he use when you end the diamond 1mm dum my and lurlhennarc In return Jack of clubs You had hoped but this wouldnt happen whlch t1 wns one at the masons ynu led dlnmonds from dummys hand Instead of your own Hnwnvcr did Dr Mnysll Williams of Kun sas City visited her ulster and brotherMaw Mr and Mrs Kearns during the past week Miss Mable Wilcox of Taramo vlsiled ML and Mrs Elwood Nipynl Wednesday Mrs Lacey and Mr and Mrs Bmce Chapman Toronto visited at the home Mr and Mrs EHL D51 or Sunduy Mr afid MMIH Piers spent nxcsday In Tumult You cnnl uHord la lincssu the queen so ynu play lhc ucc Th reason for refusing Ihc finesse mm Ens In hc kingV at clubs nolhlng um dclca you 11 you play lhn ace whllu ll WM ho the king mu could mud In lhll hund would be dcrcnlcd hy club return uncr you lust ynur qurcurlyflgn Hug an you play dlumund Imd xlncu Vul hn lhn klnz you make mnlrucL Ynur quch club 15 ml subject In ul lnck with Wu load Whal em ho mums nIlcr lnklng he klnu dlnmonds you Me sum him lvlcks Mrai CT Super ripen ha weekend with friend in Shel burnt Mr and MIL Crunslon spun Sunday wuh rolatlve In Calcdnn East Calcdnn East Mr and Mm Stephens Diane and Doug Toronto were guests Mr and Mrs Carloon onSuffday Mm 7L bbmioll of 01mm ville spent the past week with Mr and Mrs MoIfalL ll nu lLOon ulnar Inquln About mer Holm Wk ll mcluoll lalern Church penon 1qu Tomarmwx Shun hlddlnl for 11m nlindu BEETONJ clam 31 Innnu 39 HIV nle llrud mm mlk mm MN Pmiwu Hm am ummm if GOPfl IN mm min Pmmtu mu MAW HEJ€Eif mum fiarovzkcoNIIozm Aug rr aged amps our in mania mmmmwénniismx oc ma MEJIS ARI JOINUIS us 10 570 THE wuss Me EXPch 7o GEI we we on we r221 Nag1 wllOWTIEVVE SOFA USE TRICKS NIDIDO MNNTRENFIW Am fifiifiéfl UH YOU QME NEH NW WKK EM ITO SOME WENMNT mg

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