Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Dec 1954, p. 7

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gm fimpmaw DUIWIL WAQ Well it may have been Joke to Mr Scrooge but you can bet your life Mrs Cralchll didnt 5th her sides laughing when presented with turkey twice 1hc size ot Tiny Tlm to prepare or dinner Uta nfiernoon parchlarly JTlh the kind of kitchen she had to work lnr when he iraxclbh Ebenuer Scnmze became rcmrmcd char acter ho cerlalhly didnt dn things by halves On that memorable Christmas morning wth he dls patched the boy In Lhe Poullcr crs or the Turkey he is reported as hAving said mnanthe 5pm inK hls sldés with laughter Ill send to nab Cralchils Ru shank know who sends it Is twice the size 01 Tmy Tim Joe Mme never made such joke as sending it to Hubs will be Mrs Craichils Chrislmas Crisis Warning in Canadian Houseinives 7113735an mmnnm 01404233 Wummmmmqnw 53fidénnflafiaafincaninfluxasuxflxvninnxi3559fiaxsdnfixnxnéui 55am E552 flow was no pinnncd kitchcn HOMELY HUMOR Im sending new to Dunls Shemd or somu lumbar In hplld hallsc like It hem You WI llml Jud lhe thin Ml Wfllllll Hmth hvr hlmwll In our flock of hllh qunllly tlrnl clan wurlulmp lonlu Evrry mm love we rqulpprxl wntkulmp no cull In How whllr nupplln are um and Ira um mum 1le mm who IN IT lllMHlIll Bull Planing Mill Limited 60 BAYFIELD 5T Why Not TOOLS for he MAN ABOUT THE HOUSE Drlve ouf town or qulckcr service or phone collect Slrnud 56n22 MUM South Baffle on Hwy ll iDENIS SHERRI Limited PAINSWICK This course would navcr have occurred to die rejoicing Mr Scroagn so rcccnlly rclqascd from the horrors 01 his Christina Eve drums But It caminly would uccur to the average house wlfu and according lb hc Gm ndlan lnslllulc 01 Plumbing and Hunting there are stllI lhousands of mm in Canada today In whom he proparatlon or the Christmas Feast is more nlan ardm man nlvasurc nut £th Is no lnngor necessary not at least ma rmlly le 0dan kitchen whcrn ovcrylmmz has been properly planned to make cooking even nvnry as we know it today and the pre paratiun that Chnstmu men must have been nlmost as much of nlghlmare mher as Mr Scrooge capers with the Christ mas Spirits were him And ll ynu llki It In Slmcue Counly and want build hume hesure In tonsil Den Shana II lalnswlck Yul wlll save money and re ceive good servlcc IKRRIE laborsaving kitchen rcqulrcs both rnsnarch and xhaughl Sn tar as research is cnnccmcd there are plenty home building mnnaznex which feature kitchen layouts and plumbing cunlrnctnrs always have variety of pamphlds on the sub icct Allhescnm packed full 01 good ldoas ln kllchcn layouts that wlll save time and wnrk and make llfe allogothcr much more plea nL The lrlck ls glcfim lhe ones hnl car be adapted to your nwn kit chen and lhat wlll take care of your own lndlvldual problems Just the same hem are cartaln ucflnilc haslcs that should be taken care of to ensure success and the Canndian Insututc Plumbing and Rating alters these suggcsllrms to be borne In mind when plnnning the rcmodclled kltchcn First of all since the kitchen sink is many the cpntrc olnll operations ollhcr In preparing food or cooking cleaning up after it washing ndd linens or cleaning the kilthn ilan carLlul cholcc Many cider Muses have the advanlage tum large kuchcn which gives the planner plcnly mom in whichlo do miremodem To plan really th meal as msy as posible The bhnncd kflchen now taken or granted In new housci but rcplnnning kitchen In an elder type house Is not only possible Lu much less dillicull and cos xhan mos people Im aginh PHONE 2496 Then 3510 Iha sink itself varicly 01 models are now being oiicrod in bflih single and duuble units Perhaps me most popular tnr general use is the double sink or which one is Lacey tub 01 course mixer auto with swivel mp which will provide water In any required icmpcmturc to either sink or tub is going to save plenty of lime and imubic on Chrisimas Day or any nkher day of the year Incidentally an innlvn lion mat has been widely acclnim An msy way In keep lcavrs and 01h rash out of mo gutters Ink soclinn or wire Insch crooning and mil lnlo cyl ndcr the same dlnmcm we 1mm Fnslcn It in II shan wlm few plcccs wlrc and men place In the nuuur No OUIIX fawning rcqulxcd and If bocomrs nncrmry In cl the uuuvr or one reason or other he srrmnlnn can be mm mm nul Roll of Wire Screening Will Keep Gum Clear or nurse the kitchen should be well llghttd with In separate Ugh over tho sink must And dont forget mm the usefulness at the sink depends almost entirely upon constant supply 01 really hal water With all the appliances the house that use hot water those days automatic washer nul umauc dryer shuwcrs and shower rahlncls dishwashtrs and often nn cxlra bathroom ltl difficull for water heaters that war tn stnllcd many yuars ago to kcrp up with the demand made on them Sn when plannlnzmc new lul chcn he sure that an adequate water hunter ts lncludtd kitchen dmlflnpd 10 make ihc preparalion or anyxhlnl from snack banqunl usy was sure ly beyond Ihc wlldbsL dream of uur pnor Mrs Crntchil Du In the modem Canadianrhouscwfle can be Indeed dream tame rue That boy or girl your In grade school wlll he hippy to get Ihese readilymade burlboards or rlslmas Nut only that but the uni wlll fill Ihe blll WM give our ynungstér ram Stung warks opl bulb of the sink sell and its loan Inn is lmpnrlant If ssible ll should be near wind and alrly big window or pretercnce So much llme ls 5mm mu slnk that It ls psychologically good to have bflght prospect look out ca he mrncmbxe Tm spray nozzle For washing dishes sprayclcaninK lettuce and olhcr vegetables labursnver de luxe Blackbqards Easy to Make Gifts F6 Boyor Girl This Christnfias Bel boards can be cut from Shop 54 Sophia Ru I93 Hayfield SQ Dependable Eleclricul Work For Xndunmnl wlrlnx napalr Work Llllltlng leluru ltrnldcnllnl Ind OIL BURNERS SALES SERVICE PHONE 3230 WALLWIN ELECTRICAL CONTRHCTORS Auinomzm Sula cull WAX mzrrm TIIAN nnEAHl Pm Wu mum pnnmml um nrlltlrs much 00 win mmnl Um mun rusUnu find mu an mmy all or zrcnw NARRow FLOORING HAS ADVANTAGES For bonny nnd llllrncflvlntsl he use lrlllh nllhu mnku ymnlblz lllcmlJnl nI Hm mlurnl nrlnllln rnlnr This 1mm down um dark or llnhl nmrkmux SOKIIIHIHN lertd In vldrr llllxn or any hardwood nmr Thl narrow widths of hardwood 1001le have xmrrnl prncllnal Id wnaxn Fnr Instance um 15 mm Into wldlh nmkru Ham and nmunm Hour In whlch cxmnth and sminkuuc wlll be nrunalblr Acumuymc ml change so lllllu In wxam Hm llle xxmcc bolwcm pmulmny noullglblr In Impuly mm floor here Is made nch flr plywood and ll rugged construcllon planned or plenty of up and down over he ypgm Qulckly cm the dlmcmlnns can be filled cvcnng will also help make hanging wash on the line 105 at mm and cleaning mm plans easier The Inc hut Junior mlghl find the cuokluar hnndle to reach WHh one amund shouldnt deter ynu rum having the mun me hnusc mnkl one furyou one sanded panel ll Inch fir plmnod First our the pupil Inlo two pieces each tech One plow nasz he wan blackboard The ensellbuard is made by cul lirig the second piece in half and Joining the 1m smuons with pair at fiat bun hinges Thread card through the sec tions as indicated andknoi it an llhni he butioms ol the hoards um 30 inches apari whcn separaind Ono con primer and coal at blnckhoaxd pain will finish the job Sand the plywood surface belorc applyingprim nnd again lightly befurc applying tm spc 211 blackboard paint Twa places at Inch lumber will make ledge on both black boards Inslead or purchaslng black board palm you can mix good flnlsh enough or Ill smaller board with pint of methylated splrlls ounces shellac few cents wnrth lamp blackvtwu Junccs or pumlbe 1nd two nunccs at ruttcmslnna Mix thoroughly 1nd apply over sanded primer mm Increase the lngrudiunls proparlionatuly to cover both bpards nr tar extracoals Kitchen Foot Sfool 0f Fir Plywood Simple to Build 0WD lrom one mm In As shown Ilw park and mulled In an Wlth house Ms tyne lhc cholce cl exterior Inlsh really dc pend upun your preference Should you decldc upon shln 21w cxmrlorpand ll you bulld ln the suburbs or counhyv barn rod would be Excellent or lhe shln ulcswllh rlm of while on the blinds and doors Overall mm at The Appln lncludlnn me almath pnecnr gnrnga is no can Cubagc 01 house is 13600 feel cubanc at Ihc wing is 3000 leek Youll notd least an 2mm 19 you plan bund lhe Apple Pnuplu who like an Infurmal Pnuplu who like an Inlurmal slylc home such as The Apple 51 usually like spend time nuldunrs and lo cnlcrlain outside whenever pnlebIc during the war mer weather The yard In back or the wing can caelly be convul cd Into my plan outdoor livlnu arta Include fireplace in that you and your guest can have no fun wokan Your and on dnnrx Pu mm wlnr In your kuéhen lnxlmd lhv uunl whflc mack uhlln pink and pale urny can bu mmblncd lhfllrrly In kllthtll rlrcmalmn Column and rnhlncil could up pnmrd rhcny blnswm pink and wall Lnnmvllnl mlsl zmy Vhlln move Mnk mi rrlzcmlor can be nmnlul hy Mummy hlnck bawhmrd hrmk Ml nunk ml cllnlrx luck and wbllolclmkcd rurmns 20 In lh wlndow Closet space ls vrry mrdully planned in The Apple Two slurnge waif contain clams hllc htre she is large can close In lhc cmry mu good sllvu bronm 10501 In the kllchrn and spnclnus close In the ur lhcr 0nd the DH living room wnl Allhmlxh horn is no nguhr dlulug mum in The Apple flu unusually large living mom mnnmrc 10 131 can mully serve lwo purposes Thr lurUnr End llvmn mum make the Idea lnchnn fur ynur dlnlm rnum mulpmonl nul only his Combination of Colors Suggested for Kitchen Bum alung straight simple lincs with the 12 wing and iachcd garage providing Just an ough oi brcak In give dislinc live much to ihn house exterior The Apple has comfortable lniurior designed or iniurmai modern living Glaze Lenth Comfortable Informal Design IOUIPMENI Oulha mo authorlxcd ls Ium llnhllnt and Thin Llccnus The APPLE FEATURE HOME OF THE WEEK um 3000 Four Two Nine course you can use the breakfast nnnknpunlng all the from of the kitchen for must of your anlllics meals The laun dryutility room is very well lighted by three windows it Conn lnlns doors leading to both the Iron and back yards sum to Ihr basement lead down from thl utille mom area nearest to the kitchen but Its also well llghlcd and venti lalca by Ihc picture window and the mo casement wlndows lank lnu It nomhcdrooms In The Apple are located at he rllh rm 0L the house These mums are FOOT fll MARY 5T hulhor you an bulldinx new home or Lxlnt up ynur prcscnl llnclilm youll Ind we luv all It nuluhls you nqulra and ll rillll prices loo Chuck MI US or your needs Imam Anthracite Bllumlnuux Coal solvay Coke In Ind Sun Wood Clmdl Porllaml Cement Medusa Cemflll Tlmkfn Burn Fuel Hydrated Lime finder of PHI Morlzr Colon nahmind Tanlu Aluminum flnnllng om lnxllhflnn nalvmlmx llooflng ulll Up knollI 71 SW 80 Lmted ran unan pnlmlmx mumInn wm mama rIIylouuo mm ntnul anlpmmL Hue Ilmn Iml monry Ind In your Mom Mw buuly ma Iulr lumllh rqulpmtnl mnlnllll IM compute lutrucllnul CLARKE FLOOR SANDENG EQUIPMENT IIruld noon Yulr flhlnxln Alphall hlnxlu Ilool CnIUlIl 0y RENTAL PLAN INCLUDES EVERYTHING YOU NEED 1TH MW T0 IIEAUTIIYIIIOSIE OLD FLOORS IF YOU DO iT YOUR WITII CLARK 1100 SANDING EQUIIM PHONE YOUR nsssnvmons THE SARJEANT CO LIMITED iIuuuli good size and reap Iho bcnnflls of crass ventilation Place the heallng plant under the living mom In the basrmnnl The Apple The remaining basement can bc used or stor age or be conVErICd mm piny mom uluepfinls Available Complete plans and specifica llnns for Ihls hnusc and all other Home of the Week designs are avnllablu aLmodcmte cosl For plan prices write to the Home Bulldlng Edilor The Bar rie Examiner and Enclose self nddrcsscd stamped onvclopc Allow to 10 days reply JohnMann Producln Heron Anlhnclle llurnln Equipment Vllrllled Sewn llpe Held Tue Hand and Gravel HlNI nml Cedar Push Prod Frmn and in Maul nu Vnad Ialh LM mm ifpé Call Stoker Hard Wall Plasltm Hrlck like Brlck and Clay Hbra can yproc ulvnls Gypsum Lah an mm mm are Room xue PHONE 2N 22

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