Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Dec 1954, p. 15

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45 Ax flaw Vespra Council School Trustees Get Acclamation CanUnucd lrom page ninc totally rural at urban with tmn endous develupmcm building Ind asscsmcm may llnze luu nun enough In cover He spoke yuung man buying mu Ind he lound that Ihe Innual tax was 3420 The load all back upon the land owner Each new famlly should cover the cost in pmpurliun The tawnsmp has other areas where lhere Is movan population and consequent 19w laxation such as Camp Bordon OIlIce work Is also tremenduus along these lines wm Cut Assessment Chairman Cumming lnlcrjccled lhat he annexalhn the land taken over by Barrie Id cut mun um some 5154000 nfl the assessment roll at Vespxu water can be sup pHcd or Cundlcs he stated Ihny would stay th he Dwnshlp Th was nnuthcr cl lhc nnw problems culling ofl continues it may be necessary In amalgamalc Ihn lown ships or mutual support Rczve mculng Reeve Roy Hickllng thank every one Including council clerk and axhvrs wn uwnship duly and claim cd that was pleasure tn wnrk wilh them Ho 8150 manlioncd that George Jnhnswn MPP or Sim coc Centre had been of great as sislancc nol only as members at the hnusc but as chalrmun he Barrie and District Collegiate In slllulfl Dnard and has Iakcn much responsmmy from lhn school hoard Hurricane Hazel Cost from $70 000 in $75000 and work will have in be continued In the spring Genr glan my and pans Onlarin have been consldcrcd as dcvaslalcd area and assistance may be secured nm assisted lhnmwnshlp will require mnrc debentures Pressure on he Dcparlmcnl National Dn fence bmughl $30000 ngm nsphah surlacc meant $71050 Gravel must be dragged every second day and the lop dressing Is aclually more economical Sunlal Willa The Reeve luuchcd un another item ln the budget Snclnl welfare and Ellumcralcd cases where large amilics located numde the lawns because cheaper living have hrough loose parcnml conlrol and management or thmugh uHIcr caus es income wards of the lawn hlpl One Inmlly night was brok nn up and the chlldrcn in care UK the Chlldrcns Md Sociclyl Mr llickllng cummcnlcd lhal lhc house was ronsldcrnd In be not fm habilallon and he wandered be hlnd ll all ll lhc lmlo rod school huusc 1nd nccd ol somcmmg more In UIL currlculum somclhlm to give slabillly the parents and as mnscqutnl herllagc for the chlld rcn apart ram lhn three Rs nrld lhl dlsClpllnc 01 school routine The consequent cxpunsc upnn lhe lownrhlp save lhosu chlldrcn mount tnnsidurabln sum bu lhcy Cuuld nul be 1011 WIN the patch nnLl he hupld 1qu the faster par cnls would see that the crooked twlu will grow slrnlghl SchuDl mniculum shuuld inc1udc soma Ihlng on rrlluluux lralnlnu nnd on Um holler way OI livllu um mud uuxc nu cum wmpumu was wrll suppurlld Ihv uumu no 1qu sury about vcry unusqu service in mom suuy which unnlhcr weaker wus ummm ln mm as up um um kccpm or me weaker he had mouunu mum Scrk Mummy NLvvc chkllng rmmnrnlod nm or 22 yvnrx mm lncn mm lnsl lnwmhlp dullvs hm mo mulqu munlcw mt mm mm llm Cunncll hmluhl nup purlan him for Wardrnxlllp mxl ycur would brlnx um hunur luwnshlp TIE ABRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY DECEMBER lnmln llnwnry mum lhwmy drxmly mun yluw Um dllhxrm mum wu mum lllmd lmy hm wunm nuuuxh nu mm Inn wr were mu nmn huhnmlz lhnn many 01h rm ImI rrmud many lhlnzs Ever Hear About Tuxs mmzmmmzn lull mmulmlnlImmlIllemhlumlc mmum In Hum pulwlnl mnhl Ill mmhmljnly In duh flyln mar wlull ulllnl Iluuulh flu dumb llu them zven the fiery lha he had been uvxng The counIy hurlch had been cumhinl up up Murh hu barn done or those who annot hell lhemmlvu An Increase In cuumy respomlbllily hn called or new wln on the Caumy Cour Ham whlth will be announccd Dr Jan uary Th am of $150000 will Lvr paid at in three year The Conn Jul II crowded wuh over lufl inmntu where ncconunudallon wn first Inunded or 25 to SD Salark here are up und also com Chlldrcnx Aid lakkng mot house is needed or their re qulrcmenu Simcoc Manor Coll are up Recmatlnn ls cosung more also lh Health Unfl The CNIE liked $15500 or lhelr wondcrIul buflding Kn the spring ampaign and the speaker was present or the turning of lhc Hrsl wu Over alcxpcndflum 1953 was $685220 and1954 3am be $722674 Smeoc Manor overcmwded Thar ls feeling that as he narth and lhc County is French speak lng then should be another home Jor the 5ng In that area Button is not well gaccd for connections by lrain or us Penclang hull new hospital and uttered the 01d bulldng 10 the county or home More time Is being given to con sldcrallan the alter Thu 10m Concession has been dcvnlnpcd by road linking Mine flu and Camp Borden mad made possible through gram secured by the cumts 01 George John swn MPP Donald Bell Dunnld Bull spoke ha combo with lhc Municipal Board early in the year on work ln terms he lure regarding laying oul ol sheds and subdivislans and the Tuwn Plannlng Board He claimed lhm Barrie will bea much butler lcwn because of that planning Needed Is subunban board houslng and zoning Huuslng suburban areas has rcvlved building bylaws and pus sibly panume building xnspcc Hun may be required wim build mg to standard The lfllh llne hill was rcmuvnd through the grant received with lid OI Mr Johnsiunl Sunnidalc Road was also lmpmvcd from he cemetery to Barrie limits Mr Bull also lnuchcd on the warble fly canlrul Vlller Forbes Walter Foxbes extended Ihanks 10 his backers IIc stifled Hm up to DEL 15 he minds were in good candilion just prior to Ihc Hood Hc thought that water supply should be made possible or Cun dles and 3150 recommended some thing be done on fire proluclion Evennl anls Everard Harris nummcnlcd ha 11 was he qumm numlnalion In some me He was grnlnlul in Mr Johnslnn or me new 10 line mad he first tn K0 Lhrauflh lhal suflion These roads must be kupl up In addlllnn to others In use and hcltcr roads assured He tfibugm um Ihc new bridge KINGSBEER IIEWIRY HMITEO gLYlNG cBOXlCAR um rcquhcd 1110 some 5M yIMI nch The haw trader ma do lnl nummory work evidently Educauun gm Luce proportion the um and the population Increase the taxes should come In pruxionibnntely Evcruil Conn thought inxu hi1 item Ind in hi opinion should be impaled an arm bulldinl Ind not on he ilnd which in the luai buxinm the lam had no pralle 1m Simca Manor and wax laid by nut than that he was zbd gel om Hnuihnl come and gene and therein till bridge or VMidhurst Lon ny llnal Reeve chkllng lave ctcdlt to junk Johnston or 100 per cent luppoll kncw that lhc cost fix the MI cuttlng was heavy but thr road llnk nghways and 26 and the glrls and boys of Mlncslng anz Srcnlcl wlll be able to meet Hazel caused wme $3000 1055 Ho hank lhe mad supervlsor fur uxlra vmk acne and especially um al fight when others were sleeping lc alsn recommended buildlng reA trlctlons and spoke of new bulld 1m bylaw The Munlclpnl Board will asslst with lhls Summit Ax Whrden Carman Dawncy approved what Had been done at Simcoe Manor 1nd spoke of lho erk required In hI building andth kitchen whlch was mndcrnlzcd and other work dune tclevlslun installed and in th opinlun of the County Council he place was 100 per cent better than three years ago He assured Rceva Inkling 01 Super In the Wardunshlp Mr Johnston spoke at the mth way advantages in Vespra and mat distance can be saved by the mm from Collingwond and Owen Sound to Highway 90 He spnkn of mad lhmugh the Minesing flats aim The Counly pay so per cent of bridge cnsls Some slighr contusion arose he said when Barrie wanted the war pass av Anne street but the De pargmum had Intended it We lmglon Suan They had hncn ask ed to change to Anne as leads other places Hc spoke of his seventh year on me EDCI Board which was arm hm InnaM AILNVI 30 WHO EAST RELIEF FOR Enron can gum um Hun Ind 5mm Cut My Bonus at confllcun lunc Uom 1h card may sponsored by the Home and School WM 110 largely attended as In prevluux yam but In enloylble llme Wu mm by more who Iutndcd on Fnldny evening Ptlu winners werele stall Ind Mc bachlln wllh Mrs Downernu Hall recelvlnl cowllions Mrs Hmdcmm Km Con nell and Han Stall were u=d for lane hands wilh the laltcr wln nlnz on lucky number Door prlm went to Mrs Holmes Ind Ken Donnell Dulclau lunch was acivcd Prlle Winnln Emy Cangraflllatluns tn UomLhy Hand on her primwinning essay on Weeds which re icd nL Junxy cémpcuilun Dor mhy attended dinner at Barrie Last week and accuolnd her swam Th Lat Inn anker Sincere sympathy the cum munity is extended in Mrs Harm Dckkcr and family All Evcrcfl or Ed in 1048 as dlslrict He was also chairman or the past two years In 1950 they had 791 students and his yearY Accommodation is sumcientdnr one ycgr more oply Shop work Is an the Curriculum now also dnmcsuc science and ag rlcullurc The band and glue club are outstanding Night classes nrr being held and there £5 no chnrgc or new Canadians whosmdy Eng llsh Barrio is gains ahead at desA pcmlc me Nothing 13 more ex pensive than Ignorance washls summary chmpbeIL Eaikcs Assnssnrn rc pucd lu Mr Coutts suggesuuh re garding the tax on land that he had lollnwcd the Government As cssmnnt Act throughout in all at his computations BURNS Ml mn This has been busy booming ya in Cnnndm cnnnk of Nova Scolias 12er Annunl Slulcmcnl shows it The Sum Incnl shows the Ilnnks nascts soaring nvcr lhc billiondollnr Hunk the fits timen pmud ncw rccmd achieved lxccuusc Cnnudu Inn has hm Mord ycur in so nnmy wuys This milc sumc is jusx one mole rcflccliml of he cunltibullml lhc Hunk of Nova Stalin is making mmlrds Cunudinn proglcss yuur progress llchind lhc figurcs of the Slntcmcnl you cnh mm IIUW lhc lhmk has hccn called upon lu help you save bcrmw build Imsincssca cxpnnd nr nmdcrnilo factorial dlill fur nil mine for llltlflll lay new mndwnys up new nilwnys lho thousand and one enterprises llIII nlrcnglhcn and enrich our Canadian way of life ch Bank is me with funds will expat cuumcl WIICICVCI men me at work xclming the wealth of Cunndu nnluml mourns in hydrnclcclrlc uhcmcs in scicnlilic lcscuxch in the conalxuclion ol 123rd Annual Statement mun had CUITAI PHDUP 3150000047 Ilunn m4 rm rm hnh mu rmxmm mulidu mm mm ASSELS mlhnlum mm 1m ml Hng 04 mm mi ulnm nu Inn uwmn um duonull Im plomwll mme 01an In um nmpuuu mi Iuml uptrmnlll Ihnl punmn munlthympany emumu mm 17 mm at Warm Imxu lm mmu um ma mJ GENERAL OFFICES TORONTO CANADA llmuhl anvII Call 1011 CUM HIJI MAMACAN KENELIE 1R1 WWI4 ML lW find unnulu In THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Condensed Slalcmcnt at 31 October 1954 the madden pining husband and mhcr ThuDeluxe mnuly wen omel uddtnu hum been employed on the non Wll Linn illm Approxuhie Sermon Hevl ShillonlJn In approp riate Icrmcll in the urn Sunday Advent armed that in our prcmraliom or Chrislmu nu lo ncgiccl io prepar ourselvn tar he true spirit Christmas Mrs Milne Weston and Mn sum contribuied the duct Whls paring Hopc Przplre School Concert Acomxnlilec lrom Home ad Schcnl is wnrkinl with the local anchors and the music suyclvisor Mr McKclvey in he fircpnratiun of school conccrl M15 MBHIB Boyd spam weekend with hm parcnls Mr Mm Lesllg laud ycalaid in Rex Burr and children Oshawa spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Swanson and Mn Alden Hugh Baxter wen guests at and Mrs Clam Halbqn cn lay Mr and rs we Whine ud Billy or WcsLun were guests NHL AIIIIIORMED 1250000017 Exmblitlud 1872 11 HIGH STREET ORNAMENTAL PORCH RAILINGS Free EstlmMeS WE WILL GLADLY CALL AT YOUR HOME BARBIE IBIIN WQBKS CRYDBIV 10 61mm at smmo ammm 51m REST CUMNT 5000000 HUI RIM TillWIN lW MK IL 17 lllllSL um mm an JIELIWM STEEL FOR SALE 12155906 mnmmg 7mm Mum ImmJu 171mm 9411010 the TWO eathércraft Classps Commence ln Simc0e County The Slmcoe Counly Am Ind Cram Axsocmlan ha helped 10 provide orunlution Ind tnxlruc non for two leathercran chm um tauon Elmvale and one Wang Bench Mn Pnlmcr Burn tenchan the cllu Eimvile which held In the new high Ichnol in that dlshch This lmup has been mecunz film the be glnnlnfl October and mama her are now working on their thlra project Mn Hum RH Barrie Is he instructnr im the Mn and Mrs Wood at the weekend Mr and Mn Lemon or Mark dnle and Mrs Marion McFadden Fleshcrton vIchd Mr and Mrs Marion McFadden Fltshcrton visflcd Mr and MB Marvin Hand vn WWW Mr and Mrs Flank Crlag and Gany 01 AULSlon spam Sunday Mr and Mrs chnsans PHONE 5046 hospitals wcllarc ccnlrcssclrool1 in commcrcc bollr export and import in industry bollr large and small ercrcvcr lhc Bank can help you to grcalcr employ mcnl more extensive productivity and an everhigh standard of living 11m llank of Nova Scolia is your parlncr In helping Canada grow yesterday today and lnmorrow You can obtain your frcc copy or The Banks annual report from your nearest branch of The Bank Wang Beach clan the comw munny unite whxm go under way In Wednudly waning Elch rnup will Mule 12 lesson The Best In The Low Priced Field 55 channel duor Busineis Seam Frnlxhl heater and licence extra Your Chev 01d 65 COLLIER ST 233 BRADFORD ST MNGEBFIELD MOTORS DEAL WITH THE LEADER DEAL WITH LIMITED Olds Cadillac Chev Truck Dealer USED CAR DIVISION The Caunly Art and Cnfll Also dnuon iubxxdlzlnl than clum partnot Hg wlarlgot e142po Ham thauuhoul the thnty s2077 DIAL 2437 DIAL 498

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