IN INDEPENDENT mover Serving THE TOWN OF BARBIE AND COUNTY OF SIMOOE Since 1864 90th YearNo 136 Minnied Ml ciao IIlI lll on Mt ome omnmult omn Oniy Two Elections Cilizens Band Scottish Note For Sunday Eve in iuulbnll thty talk with ad mirnlillll Ii triple threat For inslnllco halitiack who can run kick p155 Barrie Cltizons Bands conduct int dun Juc MCNuiilie rind Allie Shepherd htivecumc up with triple threat ior Sundry even Ings concert in The nuxy Theatre Firsl selections by the Orlllia Chapter cl Barber Shop Quartet singers no volEes directed by liar old Dempsey SLLmTd selection by Barrie Pipe Hand Third Scottish vocnlrr by James Sinclair All this in lid diticn in propelm nt marches ovrrlures anti hymns by the band listlit iheA cntirn prnglnln has been planned with Seutllsh flavor The cllairlllizn till be John Mllchi mm is substituting for Scot who will be out ill town This prellllscs to be one oi the ulcst enjoyable programs ever presenter In ii No admis charge cullcclion to help the blind buy music and unilurnls BDClEntiories Allision Board Action Re Buses Dorrie District Collegiate Board at the regular meeting Nov lll inelruetvll the smuttry to iDl wtrd the following moiion lll onlfixio Dcparlmcnt nl llighwu Tlldl the Minister ll Highneys be requested to consider an ulllondmunt to the Highway Trai llc AL whereby no following vell iclu can pass school bus while the schnul bus is stopped on highway or road Iur lne purpose or receiving or diicharglnl pass curlers This lnlluwul similar action taken Ity lIIL llmld of Hunting Mlmnridl lliuil Sclltitil ii Allistun and lulucst that it In undulluti liy Barrio Elected Illslrlet ircsldtnl lilllttpill ll Bowman was cunnrnlnlnlnl on his election In the prnunnuy ul District No iuzinllurs Federation Mr Bow man was urunlttl days Imr oi nbsencctu ntturnl an executive meeting ill Tortilla the Ontario litudmuslers Association ArnIyilLAF Must Pay F62 The slcriinry iltS lnIltrucitd to utlvlsu Camp Iiorltrn sellml board and the ltCItl nl ulnar that lNTLI ITS itir Cost of rdurlitlon for pupils ullllnllpr Ilnnlt Collegiate are not paid ilylcc ifl Ilirll tilut rucll pupils iroln lllvsc stntlulls vltii nul be remitted lur lllln culn lllcnclnn Jim Iilll TEICIRII Conlflrnrt iicle Ilu Iuliulr Illu Irilicilllil Ill lllvilinu liu Stctlliddry Srllml rlnrllm Cullicrllilc or the liiilil llltrllrlil in 155 ii lliiIle Vtr MORE MONEY SPENT IN BARRIE 0N AUTOMOIIVE EQUIPMENT lHAN FOOD SURVEY REVEAIS ulpulln lit The lenlnilnrl Nllw Ytiitil NOV 224mm lnunuy ll ulnlnl lll IL lur nnln Ilmlll nulrnluul llnnl lur lulnl Allplutililllil II null unlui lvily null lli In llln illlll rv Ili hilll4r put lItiV runt nml til llul uIInl lilbkillltx lllnl ulnlllllmy lllplplt Ill lllll Fillltl ululll ltIi Illil mnllll lllqu Inn ppl ul llIl lpllur Illu lqu lIII lnuullhl lnlt lll lull llllu Illlllr Illlltlll lllpy llnllIlli in nl illi nprlnllllll IIIlillt pl prnplu In all purl pl lnnnllll lllil lln Illlllml linlll Ill rll In littllllllulttt rnllllnutlli lIi illllll llllulllttli ll rlllI volume in min lll ttNti¢llI lllllll uvrr Ilil llrillrlll yin llflliumlt Iin II ltlilt ul llIV lull IpIIllr lllIl Itillltlll1 ll wrll nlluvu IIII pmpprllup illylllHi ill iIiillIlllllilvl pquumr nurlulir III lllil Iluluiu lull INIll nut rul llll lru Vliill llllillill In ll vilIIllr Ill nwlunu unu eI llllil pin llln Hullllllll III on lillrltlnn Ilillltli Illlill tlrlpllnlll pl IIvIllr nlul lllnlllnlly up lililrl pl guptl llnlrl vrill Inlnllllu lnltillll litilll ii Illu inn Ill Ilalllt hit nun Kllriil inl lllllil It illll lrpnlllllulru wnI nuiul in In glmly clplrl lplnl lulu lruI nun tllll llnul rilull Ill llln IIIWII wllllll illti ohm Vill ulna nl turn In It yrnr Il cirllllilllrl lovlllnllly with lllr prlur ylilrl tunmm it we llivnlml ill in Mill lllli pl rvtry Itlllllt vi lrlnll lunlnm rm numuunururwnmluulam luS WOItSliIl Worden Smith Campbell was pre sented with wrist watch from the members and officials of Simcoe County Council at the morning sitting of coun ell here on Wednesday This will be the last session lit which His Worship will preside during his present term of oiilcc end the appreciation of council lor the work he had done during the year was expressed to Worden Comp bell by Reevc Roy Hickling Vespro seen at left The presentation of the gilt was made by Reeve Welter Mid Couhty Council Back Emms On Sunday Hockey Further commendation oi ll nd taken Ily Coach liap mm In flllid to Sun day hockey mm It the Thurs dAy mornibl union ol Simeon Cnuniy Council Members of council had re celtedln IIIvllIllon to lo nightn pm trriouyl and thanks to Mr Emms inr his generosity were expressed by Worden Smith eanlphril ltecve Alired Cut icn clung raid that they all kllEW lhc stand lion Emms had taken on Sunday hockey think Ille Inllrc council are not only proud to line such wonderiul hockey tum In the centre oi the counly but they are Ilsa pruuli ui nutII an outstanding mmrcr he said Council ills remarks came during de bate on motion which if carried out would have considcrboic oiilcl on the operation or counci unions in thertuture The motion which Wnl Intru duced by ilucve Fisher Guntnn oi Mcdunlt was that the Warden home committee of six Includ Ing himself to considur and milk rccanmciidallons to the January swsim on the advisability of changing the rouutlc oi the rill unryscrinn ot county council ilceve Gullitm nld llc lull heard that other aiilllclln operated iii illclllly ill rlgllrli In their Juli llnry Mlllills wiltII the main bus lnces wus usually the considera ion of requests tor urollis What he iilKi In mind was that Council would lliLLi iur three or our ililys In January IIniI llnn nu lunrn letting the Illnlnce tlllll mltltc ritul with III rennetlr nnli illlil blilllz ill report Ill them in council Wiillli would he re rnirll to unplnvu or reject the approved end the use cl the col legiate building was aulhorizcd Thain Guild Aiilllltu Barrie Theatre Guild thanktd the Board or allowing the group In nillllntl with the Night Classes iiLititiICO was made to some dil llrulllls the Guild had to lace li would to flflmnimvtlfliltln rehears nis rind iiilfllivlri mlmnunne County Grant itir ilendlil Iisxisllllti rnplrln ITIITII tu urge liitlll picnset this would be nirp itlliidltl Ilt Ullltilllililti ltei ll unllllt iilr lur ulnllly iI lnl uI llnlllly That in me llnlplnt nl lll lllililii ii is ulIy ll Iltlllr pl rtllillg up tylllulliIItl lit lawsh nch lln lltlllltl nun ilIIlIit lll llll January liï¬flilll lhp Iluwu lliill Iruuilllrk pl irillin llti lllly were ull Ill rulnl Iy rnumll ln rm IIIL lullllly llllllwyl AI ll mum lllliltlit lli rlllli lll llitl iullllli Ii lutlllr llllll cult lll kttll IIIHIIII ill lrliili Wlil gillml pm hi lI nily llnn wilrll lulule wlll Inilill llll illlltltll itlr illnululnlu lillll llulns llillii lll lhlllnln lllu Ilulnlllnn llI lin lllfllliilllt l0 IIIVIVlIuiIil Hill Home Ill Illiiilliil Ill be Williilllllll lilIlln lur ttu lnnllly lillvt JllIll Mrldnll llt Cllillliu llrunl mill lit ilnll innit lllliilill rllglzluulp In tho lluislnlllnl LUlll Illlltvt rpuplu pi ylnl nnu Iliii ll Iitlli Illl IIIlllIi llpun ill IIlll illlil lllll nlrlllllzly lp lulllull willy lluprlilhlll llllllu willl llllt Iinlllylll lll llilltl run punitive will llIlll lll npurnllnn tlmiil lmIlnn lllll llllln prlli ily unlniy llllnllll iw III In llrnw ilnllltlll llllll illl CillIi Illlll WIIilii why In lllnililln mllllullminilllnr Irralllllla IlIl prplrlllrlllu wllllll llllllil Ill lllaili In In nmllt buy It tnll won that tiny mum Inllin In Iltmlllllrllvhilnll illl uh llinlr llllllt Il yulllnlu rtllllllllllvl wmlill ll lllmllicr II III ilti Nit unllmlItl itrnve ltlwlrr llnwll lll illitilll linio mill it appeared to him ill or run in prwl up In lllllll tpnlnu nlnl sinllui willing ntlpnl rlllllllvll Illl ilrtlllly This was nil nliur nilui nl flIIlNl Ilylnp illIiIr lll ulllrllll llIrIlllllllliinlv lllni vnrnly lltil lllilrllitr IlllIlx nppllllpmi Ill lllr nllrwy tilllilllll 311mm ill lIn ylnr lllilliiliii livo lttil lll tilI lilllll llllilllr lll willieI rrillllti illillltim Innlullulll nnpplllw llnllpl nlnl lllu ilkl lllil siliullrt llnlnllllllllll in lllm tIili illlllllmv Il illug lltlll lrllllt lll rum nr lwu ttllll lilllllilllllill Special Santu Claus Shopping Edition Today llill Iiilii AIIIIIIII mini IIunu ululuplnr riillltlll ylltt Irlitul Ily Ilir Llutrlliirr pill the mullmuull ul mml IImI mun Iplun In lruuyu IutII In Ilnlnln 1n llIlI lulnphle mu iultllo lul tIllIImu lulur ltrrIlllI lllr pprmh ul uruu lhul uppu In II uclle ThuMum lll iIIInIIIn ui rpurmrm tnuulll nun Inn runlIl Ivlli Illlnll IIIImlnIlI pl yuuu Ind iii In llurlil in wllll lllldlilhnul Ill rpnlat llitlll piriiiru that Tm him It pmi nu pmau ly lunmlner nlut nhnlumy rm wvuqunumm Uhrdarri Smi liExamimzr BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA FRIDAY NOVEMBER 26 I954 Possible Warden dieton Flos atrlght In thnnlclhgtoouncii Walden Comp bell said that the wholeheur ted support he had received from the councillors had done much to case his burden during the year Reierring to the county oiiicials and stalls he sold that they were doing wondertul Job of work in looking otter the interests of the coupty He would long cherish the gilt and the good fellowship he had round in council mung he iidm it seems silly to me tor grown men to nrgucogolhst recommendation that would make ior more etilclent odmin lstrutton within the county stated Reeve Mcrvyn Gurdlner Orillta at Thursday afternoons sitting oi Simcoe County raving money somebody else EUK zested that they erect new building take over new roads or put an additions to exillliiu bulld lngs That Is the way me it he remarked in answer to sullestion which had been mode tilt too much power might be given to corn miitces Wnrdm Smith Camp bell will more was no question oi council losing power in thin way Some of the manners level we Eliflllld ti into thesti things Iiiilu Inurr rind see where this momy iii piling he hlfltld Nitre nrcre llllmls come In hrrc in Junuury rind dont know anything about linen and um sure that 15 per cull lll council dont know think runny nl the mCIanm dunl know whetilir some Ui tllsse gmni errmumsiry or not Mun tlme II Ilcudui to Cfllihldtr JIlIll and our muhl be done by the illlullcc wuuultlur winlwouln Ulqn urinx unit rtfllinmlnllallullb lnu lure council without UH attire council Illlililllt to IIIMIIIM them Im would he one wily oi uluellnn uu clllicllun ul NMIII who my that we ï¬lxlid our money loll treliy IlI lllidtli think lllnl nruly ul llu ltvlilc will not Inr ltnllli wulllrl lln llllllu tullle with in lll what they Rlt from in IlIIl wn ilqlll illlllw flint lilv IlillUull tOlIillHllill Uil colll Ask Assessment Manual for All Municipalities lilllvllll lo eilullmlc wlul Ilml millrnl In lllnlruo ouniy pm It numiler Nlmmctuunly lounrll Million hn Intuit ill Ihtun to prllvllic liut In In Irwnult nuIIuII he nude rnnl pullluy lor um ln lll Itlulilrt Ililiu lll lilo pvuvlm Ihll Irrumrllendnllnn wII mlllollml III port of the fqlnilrliinll pr urnmull rnmmlllcn Illth IvII lhpwvrll II will ly ulnmunl Ilun lll lily council III the pmrnt limo mm mlInltlrulltle me sillilvrlli In IIInull ilom oihfln lll routInd In Ilia lrwi oi the rummllue run two Iii dillonll chum shot In plo vllulnl lnnlnmrnt Id lu IIiIllnn In Wovllll puimirl Tenor In nupirlm m4 dir nt rumI1 useIn IM to With III III WHOM of mi pmpfliy In only IlIIII he nmrvird Ind tinted by minty lawn Closer Supervision ill Grants Reason Behind Count oveITo KI um nanny Inistration mittec to bring in he recommend ntionson this suggestion was our cier by substantial maturity vcte vTb Céuniy Council Ask Report On Penetang Home sunan County Councils home tor the aged committed has been naked to bring in report to the January session LIi council on IT nurnbcr or diilerent points in can nodlion wtlh theold Pmclanli Hospital which wu olinred ID the county for use ill home tor the Ind Ehrlicr this week council decid ed that they would take no option III the present time on the bile the bill hmpltnl which was made by the Pentium llusllltul Dormi itceve JulIIl Small pi illuln In lruitittii Illollun tliill thJ llliliill be lliitlfltl to the lllIInI lilr illt nuld Ctllnlniitll or ililil lilVLlil innitull HKflrtlliifl tilt ndvslilllilty Ii nccnllllllu the oilvr vi the iul olullu iiltdiplitll iiullrd In turn over in tho county the Ilii illlvllliifl Ilulpllul to be lli nr Ilunlc illr illl Mimi llll ctllllillltlre lllis INLII blNcIIA imliy lulull lll mm tilt the lui lnwlllu points it lililtiitllt lli inltli in he liliitl in llii tlillily lIil Clllri ili liii litillillnll lti thin 50 rIIltkIILT Cutlhl be ncculnllluilnlvdi Llll Tillllmxllllllle ml ill ll new lillllllliltt ilir IO riï¬likllli iilld IIL iiilLIlIillly ill the lllrlllll rilo lil the Inlvilnlllllly ll cinnlnlnl illi other mpy The lrrrllullpp to rent lp lllu mutant llilqulill limlril Taken After Hit by Car 0n Bradford St lzulry JIIIIIIINIII pl 10 lull llill Hillvi will lnhrtl ill Ililyll Vlclurln Ilnnpllri yrnirliluy wliil lulurlr ilr vrrrlvrll wlun nillllh try If llll linilllllill Hillvi ltir yulnlp Imy mrlvrll lulul ull nIlll ilotiilrul iii ltivillllliiu lu ptlliu tnppn lulu the ppm llrlvril Ily Ilunu Innpinup Ilrlltflll MINI llil tnly lll ur III VON CAMPAIGN TOTAL $2600 wul iiiliily Von rumpI rllnlmlun Illlnnlllcoll lllII llIlillillII thI Moi nulptil trim tile floor llIMllllllll him In town Ind Jim tenchll lIIII um pl 1031 It nmlltlur tli rmvnnerl luv Hill In tltlltllfll Illrichttlrm cuu Mimin oowmg NominationMeetIng GREER WILL BE MAYOR CONTEST FOR REEVE WARD SUBJECT To QUALIFICATION Eldon Greer the reeve in Barrles 1954 TownCOuncll will be the towns chic magistrate next year andR subject to qualiï¬cation it looks as It Barrie will have one oi the quiet est elections in many yeors There are only two possible elections reptile position at Reeve nnd tor the two aldermoriic seats inward two where dark horse Ernest Petrimouhéfhds been nomin uted to run against the sitting members Williams An nlccliun is possible or the position oi rceve Nominntcd In Iile post were Glrdwood the deputy recve in this ynri mun cil Alderman Williams and cxMayor Lyme Hart At the ratepayers meeting which followed the nomination meeting in the DDCI auditorium last night however Ald Williams said that he would not run against Mr Girdwoed Until the position is finally known at the quaiiiylng dmdlinc ii pm this cvlrnlng it looks on paper as it there will be straight light tor the rceveship iloiwmn Mr Girdwood and Mr art The nomination meeting was one one of the quietest in Dorrie5 municipal history ovcr Ihout 10 years and only around 100 people were present in the nudier Alli Kinzie is theuiiew depiuy reeVB by ncclomation Gordon MCTtIrk wciiknown local lawyer rlcclved In acclnma tion as alderman to ward one Aid Kelsey vms reciected to the other sent in this ward by acclamation in ward three Arthur Morrowl ml the teaching stall at the Dame District Collegiate inflllutc re ceived an occlomatlon as oldennan in word three as did sitting mem ber Robert Golds In ward iour Aid Ii Paddi son and Aid Mllils each re ceived acclumtiou ior another Iann in otllce Lapel Badges To BeWomCouniy Council Sessions have been here or Iyur Ind there In Itlli people in council tint dont know ted Deputy Item rum mbrtck Ortliil lit tbe con cluding Ilttlnl oi Bimbo Cann Iy Counqu hero on Ibnndny fllcmnrm Ill rutrment tollowed motion by him tint llptl bad Iel idcufltyln the wearer be tuned to Ill member ooum oil to be worn during council mlionl Imllxo the In lots of people who come here you Alter yeIr Ind they know everyone but new member coming into county council nndr lt illilcutt to know whom evcryonl II leelbIdge IInTIIIr to thou worn It con venllonI would help Ioivn Illa problem Council Ipprnvcd the molIolL Byron and Ward five saw Aid Mrs Hamilton ond Aid lLnMlcnlc returned by ncclunlnunn Lester Cooku received no ar clomntion to word six as did Frank Johnston who was last in wunnil asoidebnlan in 1953 Hut Robertson chairman at the MIC was also given an ac ciamntion to return to the Com mission The three members the Barrie Public School Board Mrs Clcnl moml norm alelgmvc and John Dobson all received oc eiamatlons tor anottlcr twoyear term Speeches by lundiditu wiii be cnnhlncd In Mondays issue vi The narrlu Emincr All BRADFORD rosrs FILLED ACCLAMATIQN ltEIIVIi ARTHUR EVANS oi Bradlord has been returned to otiice by orcicmution Although nine candidates were nominated iorlllle our seats on the village councilby qiioliiying limo last night live had dropped out leaving the remoining inur witlijccinmetlons Mn Moribrct Fullis Herbert iIyior Henry Coll icy end It Davey Itrthur Spence roceivcd lie clnmallon tor the rent on the Poly lie Utilities Commission and the three rule on the Public School liuord were Iiso ï¬lled by Icclnm alien to Thomas Gardiner Dr Gilbert liluilwell and Mrs ll Yoomom MONOAY WEDNESDAY and FitIDAY single copy 28 PagesFour Sections Everything Ready For Santa Claus Parade Tomorrow With final preparoiions all tom plcie the annual Santa CLIus par Ide which will go through Barrie tomorrow morning has every indi cation of being bigger and more elaborate show than in past years Santa end all the wonderful llgum 1mm Fairyland will be taking part in the parade which is sponsored by the Barrie Chum bcr at Commerce withthe sup port oi the merchant land busi nessmen oi the town is rillst The ioilowing are the ilouis which will be in thc pamdc Mother Goose the Three Pigs Ind theflig Bad Well the Old Wo man in the Shoe Red Riding Hood iiutralIiIIIbDub Three Merl In Tub Cinderella and Prince Charming the Clown float Old King Colcand the Three Fiddlers Piston Peter Pumpkin Eater Goldieloeks and the Three Bears Hansel and Gretel Mary Mary QuiteContmry lllDiddle Diddle the Cat and the Fiddle iiumpty Dumpty and all the Kings Men the Snow Queen and or course Santa Claus and his eight reindeer total of 16 floats And oi course iiierewiil be plenty of music provided by an Army Band trom Camp Borden by the Dorrie Cliiznns Bond and the Barrie Pipe Band Many others will add to the colorful spectacle the drum mas jorcttcs Santas helpers the Jazz Mounties girl pogo and gondol icrs Also adding to the merri merit villi be lhi funmaking clowns mm the Barrie World CGK find Route The parade will move of from the Barrie Fair Grounds at 10 am travelling east of Essa Road north on Bradlord Street casl on Dunlop Street north on Muicasier Street west on Collier continulng lion Ross Street south on Parkside Drive wait on Dunlop Street to the Arena Grounds to the ice Pri nce where the youngsters will meet same in person one lflkymflgt the dir tcrent poms along the route are loliawsz Essa Road and Dmi ierd Street ititlnm Eradiord Strch and Dunlap Street 1035 am the Five Points lulio am the Town liaii 1045 mm Queens Park II um arriving at the Arena at it am in immendolu amount of pion ning hardwork and excellent co opemliup bdwccnthuscorzonizlnl the parade hI one to make this ycurs palado one at the ilnest ever held Special praise is due to Mrs Reg Wclham wile ot the secrth manogcr the Chamber oi Cam mcrcc who has played tin import ant part in the complex Irronxo menu Foil TIIE KNIGHT OUT it the man at him top at your Christrnne lint steps out formally on occasion hed oporccialc IT smnrt new wt 01 matched dress zliirt Iludu rind cull links or one oi the poplnr cummcrtiunde ew Theatre Guild Production introduces Talent Of Note To Local Stage Two More Nights By JANE iIiNllli Hitmin Hull Writer The little Theatre lillltlI third llruduullun litre We Come Gnth Inn illillli Killfl IlIli Ilnllnnly Itlmlirullul bllullt lIJIHLiiy IIthtiI Inuvlng dry trill in Ill Enl llsll iltflllly lllII Ilptllrd Wellllu Tiny vvellllll lit 5t Jtlreulln Itluil lurlllul Mlvll to intro tlco ill llnrric Rilillrlirtt iwu Ilr cumu IiiiImI will Mr Hill in rilllvrll llll local hiuttl We irlcr in lvtrr Nliy liiii Hlnll iiflylltl both wlwlli luwv iIIll ulnrilirlnbie cxllciirntc in llrmll nilrl and lllilerl it ill their wtrli lllritilly Inlnly pllrirnyalr ul tw nlllll but willie clcrllylllull with Ilorticlllillui bcIlt lliIi II Cockney llilIViltK lllllll Nut tht they wine the only guoli lcrlornlrrl In tho filly Tit cut II IIIIiInIIlliy ureirlll Inn Iplrl irvlll certain luck tri lini inl in roverIdiiilcult rerun Illlll perilou limitlime in the winni Action that may llnvl llrnn tltn rrtull ul llighily Wonk illlrcliilll llil perilllllllllm IllIlnlIllll the IIIEII Iilndlllll IITI lll lll lilllvl WII It Will lunllcli lIITl lnli lirln W0 fume tainttin In all rxtrllmi clrilleiiy lilli the uti ill llV illibitlrtti Milt wrll II lieuvii lwllullnllcr Tllrlr pm Iltl blcomrl illllirmbly mi when Ii romeo to the lilliIMI wliileli iinu Ind IllI Iiluetur rail in high ly trlllllnblillll un on well on tile nmunlllnm oi the outerm an In want The III Iuiid hu Ill mom hit Ind IllI pilllilo II lnnhlnl ivrwtd Iu more at the mnv mm It talented mun later on lil till mm Meanwhile If is still IIillt to rev tiIII Dillll IIIii llrmlticilotl vi Ilil War The plny will be given it ullru Illill lllurlll prriormnnco loniullt Ind Illlnnrruw rwlllnil luni we Iugllui Um visit to St Joseph oltilrr night will be Illtvlt rrerd lIIIt Th0 curtain rim lit 10 oclock NapiIIIUrIkd Humor The lllilFllcl play in much to rrrlllillnnmt ii In the wily oi wiin miter run Illihllilclictl humor that in perinvoll tutk Itlill lurih ill might monitor by the lIyorI ill ilrrlllne played by iiicell llnlluclt nill yuully MINI will ill All rxtrrlilcly ultrnclive Initiltion In IIII llny merely tvnm thIl lllllltt lll view II Ii Iumowhn Iiislllivnlllngv particularly In the lung iillllll mom with llowud llnrey lltitll0 lll lack ul props blli llll rllrlrl llor IIIbe will with mine lll the Ilian plutonium Iil kit that ll VIIIIII lItIIicrIllln III the lllli tw inn ItMulll lll lllulalli til hor In on lllIolIlIn rule Iypn nt Iltllnil Illr which nun mun tinlllnllly Auiilll For use gm Illl llltl lur re nloriubic rhlnbviy mun lll Ilrr Ir lllllllllli rumili III rent out Ill mullinx IIIII oymruiilnl IIIII Illiler lllinrlulls inric rrluinllp Jenn imllo In tho Ills Ill litn Brynn Cockney lri lriruri mini mu ennn oi the piece from III InIrIan Ii the null lll Act II Illrlolllng dumb lull hill to titI Iprwmnuin Inolor ll Ind later In nutrile llII oi mln Itlire IweIIidrt um Mir oi lull Ilium mu tumn ploy hrr uir to the mun to me thm vleuei Tim Lott Column Spirit Of Christmas lly NCOlrV TAYLOR Chrllimll III nllprnatlllnr Iml III is itllllll nt tilti Iiulu lll year one IIIyI to notice rtlillll llnlluwlnn mu Ill mvplo who lyriitl lllili Ilvtn being so bllry the ntlliillll III cloak of irullllun IN tryuiril Ilin IIIIrtrvntilln my lip wr Illnlutc Ilrllunln up norrim Tim losilvc Illlrit nmul lr uni lullunrlrly molt pl itll ll lII in mm lul llln lull lllnl llintI lll ll ï¬llultltl he Tlln Inull Inr nl twillnurn In nupcrallpll wliil tiin lilwu lurltllnnh Illil Inulllmurn will thrill int yonllrrirlr willi Iiwir onlllll Ciliil pllrmlu lnunulpw In liolrit Thle will he llIInlI llul rlownl the IIIIILII not All Iiln wullllerlili pNypIo Will It will In llllllr llumlwlleli olrllrlllrlll mlwnll no In our lllle prpplr flul INN il VIM trflIIIllI Ii llill luly who II nut rum to Its Illnli ill on the Illnwlltir lomntmw mtilflllll Inliuhlnn with III the other children Turn In pm tllrun NEH