Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Nov 1954, p. 7

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um anvvm Hhumd hum MAIIHmIIu Mm thr my pm mm Imnunu cum HIP RIVII Mu mmmu mm mm lnrmr mm Ian hum1y HIILZLHHIAIIIMN In MIK Juan Hnlulv ml Hva Hrhlwr Mm Roxy Theatre GRANADA THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY DUNLOP ST EAST LAST SHOWING TONIGHT WEDNESDAY SPECIAL TREAT WALT DISNEYS 25 MINUTE MUSICAL COMEDY CAIlTfllIN PECOS BILL STAAHINC ROY ROGERS WIIIl TRIGGER and SONS OF THE PIONEERS THE MOST DANGEROUS scENEs or DESTRUCTION EVER FILMEDN LAST TIMES TONIGHLWEDNE$DAY nlynlmln Ilulflllu Vulvm Ithmml Hllu Ilulvl Mun in THE GLASS WALL 2nd Hit JOHN IRELAND in THE 49th MAN For Movlo MonvaoRound Tune in CKB at 540 pm daily DALSTON THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY INSUKANCE AGENCY Tl IE HOME OF GOOD INSURANCE SINCE 1899 HOUSE OF HIIS ilRST WITH THE BEST IN BARRIE MALCOMSONS ROBERT TAYLOR JANET LEIGH GEORGE RAéjr CONTINUOUS SHOWS SATURDAY 230 pm CONTINUOUS SATURDAY 230 pm VITTORIO GASSMAN GLORIA GRAHAME in ROGUE COP ADVENTiIRE AND ROMANCE IN IHE JUNGLES CEYLONI EVENING SHOWS AT 655 AND pm PLUS NEWS AND CARTOON ADULT ENTERTAINMENT wuv lnlllKll fhullh nu Ldluday Mr IHHI Mr IIvln Wlmlrr KNHMVIHC wrnv wkrnd Vll4rn wllh Mm llumly Wallnll mu Nuxmun viillvvl Ilvwh Ill Mllln 1m Wtdursduy Inn wcrk 11 um lur thllnl nwl Mu lmny ruw mammu Wluuvluln rumr Iry ELIZABETH WEDJL DANA ANDREWS WRENCH ENTERTAINMENT PHONE 3735 ma llalJuu UIMul In mm Hun wmhllnn 11er nmc and Hum llw urrkrml wnh In Duuyn nxhr Mun Handy uml uUIrr lrlnllvri numh um um Hm In anm mandn wmk llumrlll mum MulmlrM mu mm yaylnl mm mm nml lulnlnl mu mqu lur MI nuku lunl ml Lurk Hummwr IUIIA and In mum UIMYIU Ilnl on FM day HIM nan an Cmul mm mm Mr Mum Every Thur 815 MAlmm nmu MUMMSTHIL unmm BARRIE BAND 55 III will cltplmnn unripeid Of the total $34267090 was in death buncm paymumu and 3136 83200 was in payme ls to living pniicyholdars The ivlng henc nu which nccmmlnd Dr nanny 82 oltokal payments included 322181000 under manned endow ments $3040000 disability pa menu 319431001 annuity pay meniS $50577000 policy cash sut nndcr values paid out amt 57300 in dividenls iu policyhoid VWlves um Clllldrcu Lead life Coinphnies Oyet $221 Million Cénadian Families WRONTO NOV IiiCanadian milkswarn paid $22099000 their life inlumnce companies In the first nine month at the your an increase at $24491000 over paymenu In the corresponding porind 1953 the Canadian Lila insurance Otticers Association to pnrls 12 On Males Tu mudy the degree to which the death buncflls cuvcr amlly needs me Assqciallun analyzed neatly 7000 dcalh clalms paid on in one month IL was lound that nearly 72 of the claims were an male policyhuldcrs In the case of ordinary insurance only the dcalh claims on males were over Wk the Dial Applying the pcrccnlagcs to thl nInv mumh claflmsH would lmfl calc that the 50840 total death claims some 41000 for 571531000 were on male policyholders 01 he 23053 ordinary pulley death claims nppmxxmmely 2140 my nvcr 3569000 wcre on male pul Icy holders mum cmcncc 01 the tummy coverage was uund in lhc Ind hill in 74 all dvaih claims the beneficiaries were wives chilflrcn or estates with 23 being nlhcr rcinlivcs In the cusu oi ntdinnry insurance only the lumen nclnrins wen wivvs ciliilircn or cslilllts with lW bring ulhcr rel nlivcs This wuuld indicate mat of lilc 50010 ticMI claims in lile Iirsl Him munlils of he yuur wives children or cslalcx wLIc beneficiaries in nbuut 42000 of the casts receiving Over $00000000 01 the benefit puymcnls OK the 23 05 urdinary policy mum some 10700 showed viv cilildrcn nsialcs as buncficinncs lhcir be ems Dialling murc than $4300 ThLsc ngurcs cluarly show lhnl lhe greater part or Insurance ruprusunls vuunery famin pro lucllon cslnbllshud by me chic Income producer to provide at 1am same degree at income re placement for Ills dependents he Assuclnliun commented That hare Is an urgent mod for such prulccliun is IurUIcr shuwn by me Incl lhal every vlghlh dean claim under 11 policy In tom luss than years Tnc great bulk at claim 15 nund all In age groups where most pmons nre marrlcd and have amin rcspun slblhllus In mm in Hie claims lhc pollnylmldcrs wcn 33 or older at lian deulh all During ch Ilqu Mm IL luddiamL Dania went WW days wth herdaugh ter Mn JUSljlh Pm and family whlle Mr lmddlwn was nway on In sumcsslul deer hunt near Parry Sound Mr and Mrs DUI Tilluy Tu mmo Even the weekend wuh Mr and Mrs Harold Knowles and Inmfily Barrie Lions Charter Night Enioyable at Owdfssa Lodge With 52 Members andGuests The annual Chumr Nluhl he Lions Club lurxlc wnx mm on Thurs Iy Nuv Ownhsu Lodge nu Cmmmcnm up MIIchuy uml proved my cujuyublu rvuul rm lln 52 Linux ml luva wlm ullendrxl all mm by mulux In pleasant lull wannar mm wuu wld hy vmmmt MuuAlllry Tln 1mm ml clm of picking my munlll mllmm Iv Swu Ln ml lmul nlyh nwnkv nu dull bulk Lth vux hmlnm usuuL lm nu ummm um muublr mmld wumm vvrn wrnl lurk In mumlw um mu um wcnl lumw mly mm wnv mu hy MuuAlllry llu mm ml ch of mm tlnl mllUIIH Iv SW 1le Hludcnl Tenth no The nudcnl mumw mm Tu llr hm mum mmlc mm hump hm 760mm rum zwmm vau wrun LtAmnuu NHIIMM llAllILi I4 lYImVHlllIXLi WILVIIHWAIU EMMA WAIIIZ Vllll IUVIZIIMH UIH Olu ST PAULS FIHHAHM pm WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 24 I954 COULDNOTTAWASAGA VALLEY DAMAGEIN HURRIEANE HAZEL BEEN REDUCED BY OED PLAN recent slury in The Farmers Advuculc and Countryman tell river authority whichhm an and lu flooding that or ars lack heavy all of prop LXly dqmnge We have some such authorities in Ontario not as large or eostiy but they are doing an emclcnt job as may be seen mm the re cords oi the flooding averted in the vnlicys in which they are op crating Nut uniy this but thou snnds acres at land have been replaced intu productive utate since the work conservation authorities has begunt Early Discussion Back in June 1948 the first re quest or an authority to have Luntroi over the Nottawnsaga Vai lcy was requested It came from muuieiprtiitlcs arnund Mono and Muimut townshlm There were out suiilcient at the first meetinl to make quurum so this meet ing was postponed It was again called in June 1952 and held In Dnrrie At this meeting all the muxrxcipniitic which were named in the Valley nuihoritywcrepre sent Except Flos inciud mm hglmuuri and Miss Dr GUNS Tumntn Farm Iarum Cummzncu Farm Forum commenced the new season n1 Mn zmd Mrs Sch arl McWMrlcrs second mccunu IL Mr and Mn Cyril MacDon alds The group Is anxious tn have new members For uther hummaUan Contact Mrs MC Whlxhfl 3105 Townlhlp Aixifinn Amu Tuwmmp Cmmurc Melanc Hum Townshlp Mona Tuwns Collcgc were at Hulls schu last wcfk They vldrrl by mm Hank luvnrllc mmlc MN Sluyunu durinu IHILI whith billed In 730 luv gum Inn uuuwul Inspir Mlnu hum IH mldul novell ul clmcululc wllh Cu Allcr IHqur uuuukrr WI lusl Imlul unmr mu Gnrmr wlm Ix 1m IIIlrIunUuflfll Cunn rHlur 11le DIWLWr ul Hm Cun mlhlll Ahvmlullml UK Llunl Clulm II lnl cunlml Hm hlstory he Lhlll Hutu lb lnwpllun wlllch hl ulmxl Mlmlll MW yum IHUY lhu luumllml In IDJL when Hvluy Mvhmm Hug Imm annulus uluxmlly wm Um mu IImthm ml lw Wm mmuhu by Hm me IInnk Iluhmu llulu um um Umlcx lllrmlrrlx mu the club mu Ilmlu wm mm bu prmnl lnr nu mummy mm nu wnr HIM Ichndml pnnuvn lur mm Mmmm wvlq nm mm In lln AlllKfltIH Ilulcl lhrll llm muu mm In mu nu mm Imm In lhr Inn 1mm llluck mul nuw he WNqu luck wtlh llnny mumn cullIN nm ummunlly Ilmlw mu nuunml MW and lllllHUK hnvo lmu hrld um um um ycur Iu mm mm um has um um uulnlnnd nu mm In rluh mum nvh $1000 Himd or mnlr lhnll mm nu numuul my ulvvn Ivy any mm Mqu Club In Lnnmln Mm Frullhy mu cluugn wol mm mm In all ml mm nlm punchlwa Hm mu dmumu mm and round whth xuunllnl uul lhu Wrnlwt Lluu um kumimu wn tnllml nu Hm llmrr In drnmmlmlu lllv mm but llw mull nu ru nw luluI ST JOSEPHS AUDITOHIUM 930 1111 NOVEMBER 24252627 llllulnul ume 11 mm Mn Anthony Amino pmonhl In Here We Come Gathering ADULTS 135V flTUlDKNTS We woman lmn WolnudlyHNlnm Shut Iu Flood Mild IM 112 THE BARRIE THEATRE GUILD Mulmur Township and Sheihurné These above voted in favor the proposal The allowing municipalities were present and voted against the proposal Adlain Township Beeton Essa Township West Gwillimbury Township lnniefll Township Nottawasaga Township Ore Township Osprey Township Sunnidale Township Tecumselh Tuwnship Tottenham Vesprn Township and wasnga Beach Air staining mm voting were Stay ner nnd TOSSOlDntiO Township Since Hurricane Hazel has than the toil OI destructilm in this valr icy We can now see that it was the municipalities which voted down the proposal which haw been the greatest xuflerers there fore Ihey must be the most sus Ceplible to damage The wrist in crested municipalities behind the eflorl were those at the source the valley hack in the hills Mulmur nnd Mum They wanted to start conservation project which would tend to keep the waters and rnlnlnll on their lands It was too large project to be undertaken by Ihcm nlpne lmd they nsked nil in the valley to come in and conlrihute small amount annually In have tile wnrk duneinu careluliy planned and rezuinled manner The River vai iey authorities which allow the pravinelnl nnd edernl govern menls to have part in the caste seemed to be the best method nperalinur llnw Aulhnvlty Opcralu Drufly UH momod nnuncing ls nun lhu policy me omana guvcmmcnt al the preaan llmn fur laud comm grnlltu 37 per cent um costs 01 large proncl he Guvcrnmcnl 01 Can udn cuntribulc amlllar nmoum lonvlnfl 25 per cent be borne by the numorlly Under the Au Hm nulhurlly must charge Ila man In In munlclpullllfl which bumm rum lhc flood mnlrol scheme Fur xurvcyl and lurcllmmnry wurk he mm are conlrlbulcd up In 75 per Lvnl by provlncc Tllls Includtl rlver IllmncllnuV mrvvyt clc Whrrc rclurcsmlon In mu project the aulhurlly pm luch l0 hu munlrnmllllw LUn Thud In mum to me how my urujrcls hrw Me lnlsccllulltuus projects curried on much nu land use fludks mm parka clL On mm mm olhcr mulll when nu unwrunmfl My mm uuuun wllh Hm unnuuny dqnmllnn nu nuqu uncut luran mu yr Una Funds Thu lumh mm by the unm my me mmuy for mnmnmmlnn nunmxIs nxm nw Cnl mm Im numlnr nmnlrlunllltrn mm nu lluv pumlnllun only In lhu pm which In In vullry un wnumml wlIIth In Ilw mm The mnnulll nunu HILly ln Um mm llm mum lly wan lhr muulclpullly mm mm nunllnr Them nu mm mm lnnk llnqur mm In hrrn Ir=ml Ixullllmwd nu lulmlily dullnlh llllll1l 1le mumi Wllrll wv IIIIHIUHI llullnu Ill dnmugu whlch hm hlrn Wnllluhl Iu lu Hullnwiunun Ivy Whhll wl haw Ill be lmllll by Iw mun mllllll Hwnuvlvu nuul llu Immlur vnuwxly nwn NI wlul huvr hrru ulherl Iluuuonna lmu whlch wlll lakv mm In lrplnu we wumlrr In llmo lhullhl be In In nlklnn lllnl lhr Nullllwmuun anlry Imle hr nflnln mum ltvmlhrr and NM HIL pmpuly when In llw MN MW lhrlr lrplrltlllflllvm lllrlr llllllnl llmu In Iwhlml Ilojrcl whhh wl have In umwnllnu II lmlh lmlvrnl nml pmvlnrlll mum uwull hnrlnl by pmprr planulnn and Imvryn wlvlrh will rnulhln In lrmmnl Ihl run wth allowed lhuu rrlllfi vulkyu In Rey Sheffield Popular Man lh Barks Falls Area Nnnh flay Numel Dunks Fnlls rcslulnu like to CU Ilmul man wllh the wonder ul vnlc wlm louk up tenderly In Ihc chlurculun communlii back In 732 Thu they dcmlb Rcv Wlllrcd Shelllcld mlnlller UurklFnllI anlln Church Ordnlncd mlnlllnr Iwu ycuu an Mr Shemcldu ability to win Irlpnds Im emua hlm mm lncnl DUNK ln he whun who column Hulk 41 he nudul drum ynnny tel In mnucr hum cc lulu an uum rum Mr Sllvulclrl hill unznlztd ll Fellowship Gruup cu or Tm Mxrvry wnrk wlIth lliu hrcn lnno Ufltlllfr wllh all In lalm Inlnrnmhm uvullublc land ml be llm belch some Hie MN nu rrpl ur xlv wuth clmnntd ml lhrxc plan mm by rmL null 11 pnmhln ulllmrl otlwr rlvru nnvc born Lunllulllll Iwu why ml lhc Nullnwuuufl wily humirnn cvny hmulnxl ymn nu ullrnrrmlrd mum Wlm knnwn mum hnxmrn mm um NOTICEOwl to lenflh lhll prelim The Lam outwit wlll be nhnwn once only end nlxhl camplele Ahow um 3354 Come early Ilnbfluhop Ch MI OIIIHI llmmy llnalnh Ilnlhu llnry Llfldllu Minn STARTS THURSDAY QYPERUSSEELW Rocsnsiklngm SURREY NOVEMBER 28 ROXY TRERTRE 830 pm MONSTER ALL coma snow 010 CONCERT mlullum by mum Illmn lqul Ntlullanlh nmln Ipo mm HMPEBIM ST ANDREWS NIGHT Section 2Puges torlj memch his church He nhu rcxpamlblc or the luccm at am er uncllom wlfilch ho demure wur llngwood Prior to naming flurks Falls he wzu known an excnptlonally good bnschnu play er in his harm lawn LEAVES WASAGA CHURCH Ilcv Pnnnabccker preached larcwcll message Sunday Nov 21 at Wan Beach Unlted Missionary Church where hl hld bccn loralcd Ilnrc Aprll 103 on zrudunllon mm Emmanuel Dlhlu Collclt Kllchcncr He hnl been moved lu Mlnwn opm new work in that Nurlhrm Onlnrlo MEI EV4 WIHIamJ Hsz om lhc anua Beach charge 1th week 01 he perInna murle upend lnx DK Cnnndlnnl dlrccl lnxll 00k prr cm In was per cent In 1951 Enemiesfightng side by sideat Ilnnln Yllllrln llnud RONMEABAN RHUNUAHEMING sauce mm mu mums J40 mmgrmwlwg 95 Inlay IL llmna 5291 lnnumum ALL KINDH mlsmnusun msumca DIRECT unis 94 Eco Us FIRST For CARTOON prrsculnl by

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