SEE mam WEREFPIEMJE Jaw3 Dr uymk who was appolmcd Dean ol Education at the Uni vcnity ol Saskatchewan in 1947 mmd by telling his audlcncc haw pmud he was to be teacher and told the Mary young man dulnd hi National Service and nlmInK 10 take up Inching as his lifes work who prescmcd nrrm to Dr layka on hearing he was anther Thor has bean much crItlclxm school In recent times but man It unlnlormcd and not constructive Many peo plv such as the editor of In new paper rend by the wenkcr wllhcd Rood old days back agaln Dr Laymk wrolc In reply In lhll article reminding the cdllor of cw palms nboui those good old dayl There will llulc oppor unlly for clcnny hnblls 1n the rough schoolhouwl without water Inld on no urtlflclnl lighunz or the dark days of winlcr only mull 1ch at one and room wï¬lch Ion mcsl lhe uholari Ironing no hack nlher than text books whlch were llarkly lnclunl and without pictures ComprehensivefAnalysis 0i Educalion Givenxby Speaker To Womens Canadian Club mm ed lo be l0 Nowadayx lmlmlry and In urmvd turcu make In mtndmu demands upon the 11 Iuhnol when only he prulmlunl dlll bolero Arm Society Schools are an arm of mlcly lot tip to cducnlc children 1hr wmmunlly want It danel mtcd Dr laych They reflect the mood of puch uplnlnn um communuy in 19 mm way an penal insulullam Whal mm and obitc hits of uhooll Il hnl bun luflfltï¬ltd mm high when should back 10 lhc hlgh ncndcmic standards 50 years ago Tth only 1020 per ml the popula liun nllcndcd high Khool which catered only or those plannlnl lu mm the pmiculonl Now it it ycimnl or lhl pmpliV and nlmoll everyone nutn63 van at Icml or in currlculum Thus ll ll 1n dili flcr ol becoman lchaal or flu moderate Inlrlllgcnce wiiil loo hlxh Iinndard or in backward child and loo law an Madcmlc level or he very Kimd who may not bored and Happy Our grand ialhcrs llloughl mm by nrranulnfl thin plan 1m nducaliun lur nillhry were giving cquaiily oi ummnunliy billth in 11 rov CIllum udnklnz of Mr cdum Honal pmlmm 1mm umldcr lhru lhlnll IIrrt lhn km and ObllKlIVKI heir Khwl Sec only what Chlldrm Imd ud ulcxcnll are like Thlrdly haw but in drvduv youngxlcn In In home and KhUOI couununfly comprehensive outllne of education and In effect on life was given by Dr Lnycock the Wellknown lecturer and broadcaster when he spoke to the Womens canudlnn Club last ntgm In the Library Hall In 1050 ml In lookrd back upon nu Hm null or flu muury and Wendiml whal lay mm or he and hall Dur Illtlllnfl have bmuam Ihc rlcphunu unlo momlu muu flxmlvlmpln nml nutphan mm Anny me What will come durlnl he 5mm 1an he um crnlury hmulh which flu chfldrm now brlnl ucalld will have In llve The three ll WI not be Huyth ll mldo lhnn llmulh war of lmwlll lrmion Nun Ilnllhy I11 ilm Iluy mm huMny mm lmml Illa They mull Icrl IMIH lo face Im munbly Wr mun mnrlnber Ille mnunaml In love In Mluhllur ImII my thal mum Imam ynu not lblr come ml WI yuumll yuu Nilhul be nod mum yml wll be mm mm 1mm mmu up uul In um yum mum nun lulu was Imuml yuu Thur an on OII III mmlul huflnll mm Ind Mil llllllml llwnudl mm bo plllM 13000 aimlxvllu who would many Induku an mm we rlIlllmlhml lhlw duo MM In Kluml lllnl II linml unhmlfl lklnvlnu 7va Hut HM hallo ml llw pnmmllly llln lluuvhlull Th mu 001 and Wu had um III whlrll Hindu Ind WW 11 mu mun mm llun human rrlallmvhï¬ mm numlly mqu Tm In up 11 anumry um umn llï¬hflul Iliume Dildpllnp nixHM hp behavinur whim We mod In unmlm our mtflxlhld Imlfl CHH 1n mm whul lhy vunl In Ium POINSETTIA PARTY lOAF used to lry to make them learn through Jan Now lt ll round hat nn ntmomhcre oi unity and awepunu is much better teacher who Ilked by clan and whollkcs the chlldren ln ll can do much more than nrld dlrclpllnarlnn teaeher who let the phlldren NQpefllle In the 19mm and does loss telling will he more nuecmtul The stand nrd Ihould be Inch lhat he chlld can he succefslul ll he wt mm lnto hu work continual Ialluru wlll damage the ehlld emallonnlly Mort cards mun not nor local Gestapo but mutt be treated undcnlandlnzly with the realization that Nth chlld hag hll llrnltnllom ol good and bad lub lecll Pmmollnn lhould not strict ly depend upon bean able to rul lll nll requlmncnu 01 certain grade but my cum Ive en mumllmtnl provtded mum nblc standard ll rmched Secondly the chlld nerd and rcacflon problcma Emmlan and prejudlctu lhe yucm or kill and error art not adequate flle younwcn lhauld be encouraged face up to ymhlcml 1n mum cmnlltnl formula of what do you want what mw material have you how Mn ynu but ullllzc thin In product thr d951er Mosul The public nzrce lhal children mould be laugh la lhlnk How ever he altitude llui diuKrce nblc work will Improve lhll in he mm way ill manual labor will inuthm mule ll wmnl Mem ory lmlnlnl in Wolry will not IIpr on rcmmbmnce oI nnmu lilwwlm llu win judgment oi dmor upon your lllncu wlll nol nnnble hlm lo navlu upon your invmmmu hanuly liulI wmpnmlivn thin nnd no one ll abwluioly hamll in cvuyihlnl Good imchcnï¬mn help tinIr uhalnn lo iramitr menial exer clm Iauuhl In one tick in old Ihcm In Olhlrl 1ll lI pm oi Dwir work In rpwklng oi MI 111er polni lnivzrlly Di tilaracilr Drl Lay rock laid Imi Home and ï¬chuol tonsfllulc laborame Ior livlru lie quainl ilm clue oi IMO llfled children who had btcn olmrvtd over period at 15 yam Ii rc march wu ihrn triad dam minc he 50 who bud made man me of lilrlr llvm And In 50 who had mini the mm In 11 um Ihou irom lhe belt homo lnilu Her had come mm on lap Ind lime rum ht womi homu mm mnk In no bullom Beyond he lniiulnce oi parmu Ihzrc wul llmi vi playmuln at rom munlly lnolnncrd In church mrmlion lrmnu librarln Iilml m2 and iourlhiy oi Imtneu The ham and In uhovl lnilu rllfll muld nul he divorced but DIVII lmlld ule rhildl tharnciir and mu l4 liulr hm ark wllln mun me mlulhrr In lymvaiheilc IIvldrninmling TOHOWIO lCI Th Onllrlo Anuclnlhm Arrhllftll In Dulll rullllrvel Ilmdqmnrrl In Tn vonlu wlll mum tunnrcllnl flu Iwu loan Dm he 1090 al Ilw nle bmh lovrl are ummd 1er mm élin 7mm mu lulu nu nuuocx Phom 6696 LOCATIONS No to flux at Vernalo Mullet Mann Darrin MOTORS LIMIfED For Used Car Iully Wlntulud And 54 Ford lellno DEMONSTRATOR Ianxhl To Think lunnntcca IILLOIIK Open nnl ruler lulu luvn mlth vim on upmed nu Vny Illrullva dulxn will In In yurl Thaanev the 91 GUESSWORKI nnl ruler lulu Inlth vim on upmed Vny Illrullva dulxn Int 1n yarn $495 hand yréuuvé cnllm $795 nu flul luhtle lllDVIY Ivar wlthom lump or Illau wllh lhll undy tool Hal 0r unh ln onlonl rylm or herbs wt 50 CAN OPENER mm mm ma llmn mm lub hen Wlnl IIl your 1mm will Iu ma Invlu Envy in wllu mod ylll um um Danni IIWIM hlvl Hum fllll numun mind will add to he rue at my blthvom Mlde tar nccued Inlullllhm Cryml plzle mlnor mm llm Ihelvu Olemln while emmellzd Inlmnr Bl vllul MEDICINE CABINET nunnm GLOVES can ylll huh Envy YO IMIM hlvl mm 59 L5 995 Plna nulllly Ind wlde vavlzly oi mu MM ol huh mullly mat Ill The IIMII II ll slum Wlll fllll lu qmud lun Ml CAKE COOLERS House FOR ONLY 650 5235 COCOA Ill TM llnydy run bu ll luv ma IV Illmh 95c and $16 Nrw Improv ed dulm lul m1 dump held Inlml table edge by hand wuwn cnllm FOOD CIIOIPEII BATH SCALE strumllnul Iml cm In while or calm Bluk rum up mlLPnHy enclmd me chlnlnn Ina munllled dIIl In culurlnl plums wllll con tnnlnl mu EmuI And any to alum $429u PLASTIC cnmswm SET KITCIIEN TIMER There Ira grimy um or thll l1 made lace wry Plum In whlla tunnel GARLIC PRESS le lundy kllchen all Bulnltu Ileel llum hudl lllndltl In choice 010 Good lnukln WI ruk tun 095 $450 KITCHEN AID SETS 5279 HAND SAWS Flue reum quuuy mu with mirror Inhhed hlldu nnd relay at nu $395 $425 000 at as it Yet Iheréiaregifll for all no famil atVOUGHS HARDWARE me fill practical kifchen uccenoriuv or relating mid friends hugy sef ring up Home workshop ecolifof men oi the family handy cooking for the proud about my pnaspom equipment for young and Ocntnl puny mllrl box for an wlm Imk nr plnll uw Illw man or damn MITRE BOX $1015 WM uuummcmcï¬m $°Rw In EEEA SEWING MACHINE lltll will In um rhnln wlth Ilh 21 men ugh1min lquln wllh Imam cum HanAn mm Clur Ifflbll numtnlla In let ulelu mon menL Bunnxcu chrome vmdlum aka any larpd hut ruled lempemt hundy Ihup cool 5225 to $325 ADJUSTABLE WRENCH nANaAIfld Jul ll 40 lb Av 331 Mmmr rimhiind sailma II $288 Mlkh hlnl lull iiiui 5335 In an wllh um thny IllIm humor WATER PIHTOI Ilurfly nw Iar cumnx wow mm mflll Adjnnlnhlc Inr mile III 0mm 05 blade Hard wood hundlc main nml Intervalu muo mdl wllh oh numl lmmll lip7n nq hum CHINESE CHECKEIIR Ildu Inch Iolllhrd hIldWorl Inn fllt hull heed $125 and $129 Only 50 COPING SAW my SQUARE 70c JM IN wï¬mm