13 WERNER KNOCII of the Knoch Organ Company London Ont playing the mud ernlzedplpe organ In St Marys Church Barrie whlle the Very Rev Dean Clair ORIGINALLY INSTALLED 1915 ST MARYS CHURCH ORGAN NOW COMPLETELY MODERN mmflng of the Barrie Huly Numb Society on Passlun Sunday 1914 In anust unanimous desire was expressed 101 the purchase and lnsmlatlon plpe OlKln for SL Marys Church Barrie and drunk commllle wllh Deln Moyna as Chanman took up the manor grant of $1250 wu obtained mm the Cnrnexle Comarnflfln New Yurk Th1 acted In sum uXus to he cnngrclnunn and sum clcnt unds were subscribed to clear nll lnchedncss Mlcr much prcllmlnary work in whkh he congregation was ably and gmtultcualy named by Eustace Bird mu Mr Bird he urchum whu dulinld St Muya Church the comm wn glvon lo Knrn Moms Organ Co qudflock Ontario 01 insul lann Itll cast of $2735 The wmk llflflbd on One 16 In and the ornn wn dtdltnlrd on Sunday Inn 21 1015 by UL Grace Archbishop McNtH who did the cnnzrcanllun the am hon nr 01 camlnu lo the pub or the uccuslon The sermon wu Drench fd by Vcry nov Dun 1mm ALD The plne orunrr Inllnikd In I015 by the Karn Morris Company wry bunulltul lnmumenL How vver Au pntumnflc nctlon hld gradually dnlerlormd Ia lhll only lmnll pan the lnslrumenl Wm In upbrnuon was decided Ihll lho Actlnn mould be electrlfltd nnd lMI ntcculmrd lhn Insmlm Inn nrw comolr Thu comma or work was nlvcn lhc Knot Organ Com pnny of bundun Omnrln and me work wru cumplolrd on Frldny Nov 12 AM The now cnmolc provldu nddmonnl 11qu In way coxnblnnllnn plnnnl lhnl were no Ivnllnbh bdrm Mm pmvmon II mid to add nvcrnl mw llLI plvrs necurdlnl In nud nrhNL Wuner Knuch hrml the cum vnny II ï¬lled urlun bulldn III HIV human mm Germany In December um III nuIvrd Ml lrlinlnu wlh lhl Sallul Organ Cmnvnny nl Bryn on hn llhlnr whlch l1 nun Huldll hum Ind hnl hulullml UV mulcd mum In vnrluul rhurchu lndudlnu mo Cllhmlrll In Iolldnn In Cnfllrï¬rll leh Hay BL Jnlrphl Chunk lurunlu Julmx Anllcnn Chmch lnvllv SL Huh Alullun Chumh luv and mum 0n MIMI 551 Mnryl lanIh Vrvy fluv Dun Clllr IN who In lnlunud Iuan um hrur thll bolulflul unfln ll hm 700 um In In Iml um um wllh In new mm hand In ndvlml In 1h Ill Nllee mul wm much um lnwlr anu mum Mm er klnmn II or mmm Ind nudlm In any man HIIII pluud with he mlnnn There will be clowns éncl bilide ant beatntlful lottrsf 6t fllnAfot my little friehgls Im bringing all my reindegr and helpers with me Well be looking for you ROBINDALE INN WIIMhII reception banquell pull HECEPTIONS mom ml mmmmon ll BLAH mum PHONE 3141 Hun allocch Choral music of SL Marys has Invnrlnbly been high order and In addition the young people of lhn purlsh have made name In presentullon number of play and olher cnleh alnmtn In St Jonephl Audllo lum and M19 McKmnon con rlbuled much to thelr success The last Column Conunued mm me one penJ to knock dawn unnll mur lne of hlrd Thu Ifllclc brulu bu lhrre Nunnu mil live mm mm tho smuhcd pieces The hnbhlnd lrmnedlntély hlnks he mln things but he decldu that he win break nnohcr ï¬gur lne In what hnwem He unnshu mu model mf DH and lo and hohuld ran an mnl tome lo me from In wreck nzc nl llck out the noxl bl of the story You In hm band mm on lmo hll bnckynrd and mm mushlnu huo lllllz mlnmum Ill over me place and In no um all me animal that he gunI roprrscnl Am run nlnx around at huge Thu hmblnd L1 hm nbou to throw cm more Kurlne away when he Iuddcnly now and any lo hlmstll Gaol bellnr my brrnk lhnL one dont think the Mlech wuuld Ipprcrlnh an elephant runnln around Anymy In hulhmd nu hlx chnncu now you and buy llnurlmv or drndly mm and pun In In brawn plum bu nnd lrnvn in um hOUIk Hp Ihun duck nu ma buck door when ha um hh wllu rolurnlnl nwmmmm Amlc nmlnn duck 01d In nlln known In UIO lunlMllnl duck Ind lhl Al II lnully wurklnl In he kitchen he plckl up whn he lhlnlu ll Ihe cobra mudel III lhl bill and II III In Imuh II The ldcn or cuunn ll wll lo and lln 1m ml the old bulllcnlv ule lhl bl In the nwund Ind thew hlulnl Hum Jml ll Hm Inumrnl hl wllo cull lhruulh mm In uer mum In Mm anr luuk In 1qu aan In mun on ma ublm ux bounhl mudrl In l0Hl Immb nu um llnl IH rmm by hurl Innis Itul hmm In In In kill hoy IIIL In full Inlmnulm mu III pull nu NOTE Bani Examine Phone 2414 H0Boys and kills Jusl 0ne Week Tomonow and in Barrie With MyBingumdevl Thats 5111 NOV 27 ARCTIC DUCK looks on The photograph was taken be side the console which had Just been In stalled 1n the choir 10 of the church Alliston Minors Open Schedule With Twin Bill The Norlh York ankuy Leuue open In schedule mum with mlnnr doubleheader at Mlmon Memorm Anna Allistnn midgcu wlll ammo Aurnrn in opener pm while enlluunxlu with Newmnrkfl In he nlnhlup no The mm minor team In All lon nrc nzuln being spammed by the Inca Llons Club and um 01 iclnls nre qum divlslnn thumplpnlhlp In Illuslnlu hllr Ipprechllbn onnnils IN my AN 3mm man All 11m mm EXAMINER VYNDAM noss nown or Elmvalo received Eaton Co Scholnrshlp lrom Mrs Frank McEnchron the 110an Win lerfnl whlch entitle him to courag Onlnrlo Agricultural College Iofl dlncounl on Cthmu Cch udml lenn now Ind mo mull napeII ml cm In Ill lluly dullmd um In papal umlen FREE DELIVERY SIRVICI ORDERS IN BY PM DILIVIRID THISAMI DAY DUTCH IAï¬ï¬‚lllll CUP OAKIH QAKFB IlUNB DINNER ROLL RMMN BREAD HOME MADE BREAD 000K138 PIES More Ind more peoph In mun Dutch lnnlry lhelr centre or Home Balm Bpocllluu HlEClfl cumsrMAs onnzns Elmvale Boy Wins Séholarship INO DILIVRIIII DNIWA AmlNOoN The 1le Iho Town Mgmnï¬ldBill Ténight Eénture iPlayoff Battle wnh only two more mum re mnlnlnx in the regular schedule thannlz District Hockey Mine lords qulle scramble for play oll berths Some of the air mlzht be clenredlcnllhl nt Burl Arena wlm renulnn doubleheader Thurman ln salt possession econdTlnce Ind one or the hut teslchn lunuus In me Irnup HIM nnw continue their chnso or lendlrihlp when they meet ecllnh dwelllnvarphIns In the 730 open er flThe unmet nnould lie real Imm undelmed Elmvnlo Mor chnqu ncklm thirdplace Mlne lleWofldex Lap ue flu mum and unlclll alnndlnu yesterday Chunk Edward Thurman lend Ihe scoring pnr Id win 12 polnli In six limes Gonlkupen Sundlnag mrner Elmvule Reid Thurman Cucullck SM Adams MWV Thompsun Ortun Jcrmey Ortun Wahun SM thhbao l9 El 28 Edward Thornlnn INNrent SM MpBrlde SM Sandou SM Myloney Orlum MchnnSM Brulcy Thornton Wilton Thornton apex Mwv Dguu Coulson Elmvm Ynher Evanla Adunl MWV llmvule Thornton Mlnednh WV 51mm otou Ortunl PBODUCIWE FARM CLUB The MN Mbmnllll Cup chunplbn Guuph Blllmore rllu II one of he most producuve mm club III ume The York RIM bug on their roslur rllh now alx player who played with the mummy Runner No Junlor mm that sensun They are my Howell Lou Fon Ilnno Andy nuthme Mdo uuld oln Dun Prenuce and Ron Mur ï¬hyl Pliyin lhm Bugglnl slnndlgx Siagaker Essa Road Presbyterian Anniversary Rev Allan Funls MA ED Mfrh Prohssor at Clnmh HI lorygu Knox Cullen Torqnlo wlll be the speaker nu ma annl vursory aervlm ln Em Road Presbylerlnn Chumh on Sundny Nov 21 ll um and 1pm honnor mm wu horn Dnddslnndl Sukulchnwnn and nllrndunle ln mu ram he Unl verslly cl Suxkllchzwnn He came to Toromo where he sludltd Theology nl Knox College grud uillng 1n 1M5 Professor Farm dmlnlulxh ed scholar an be on lrom he decrees which he hu nlulned Alan with the BA dame from the Unlvmlw of Sukmhawnn and me Krlox Collin dlplnmn he holds the Mum at Art duree 1mm the University of Toromo Ind he deneu Blchelor of DMnMy Ind Mum of Thcnloly from Knox Collue Prolmar Farm has Hie dls tlnmlon 01 Min flu llnl lluden melve me Mum Theolou STEPHENS WIniér HIT PARADE at Shade 01 Iklunu blur chmnnl my Inupr brown or lrey OABAHDINE HIOIIM COATS mldu 01 nylnnrelnlnrcca uyon nubrdlnn my wum nlla collar anuu qulmd hymnovar wool llnInI Slxu lo CorduroyBedlam Cord num boy wlunch lulun uuhllndlnl weurlnl um um Ippnuncm rrpllnnll vulnv 0m prim OVEN I00 PAIN nl My lrounu luhuul In nu now Don Deptvtmnm mm In III win lull you REV Mums 595 and 895 if km the Grid 531001 21 BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY NOVEMBEil 19 1954 at Theoinulcll Swdles recemly esllNthd wilhhl lhe Unlvnrsity mum In nddmon Ms an secretary ma General WIIOPPING PUMPKIN work In Clmdn he spam ellhl Emzyioï¬ï¬mlxs SASKANON CF Mn and month 111 advanced study New promo new momm of Mrs Jnck Craig sh down vim Eollvï¬eslcnmlredmwmlly Edln mm Evanleusm Wm newspaper now and then an read an all his enmplcuous nehlevemcnu about the activities of Navolenn Pmtesw Farrlv minlsxeréd 1n Trill BC from INS9 He then served 1n the mullQuinn Human Ind Nashville In Onurla unul the General Assembly me Pnshymlnn Chuuh In Canada ppoXned hlm to ma chllr phqggg History In Knox College No only an uccnmpllshcd scholu md momn Promsusr Farrl very flied preacher and lven most etfmlve lrudmhlp 1n the ï¬eld nl uvanlcllsm He is pres 1195 Mn Emmon Webb kiln dullvuy the Hm 1955 Chevrolet Iold In nude Sllumln Gerry Cuukhlln of Dlnrmleld Mom run hndlnx km Ike huulllul chmqu nu Alr Szdnn to Mn Wabb 11m cu wu Ifllll durln lhu preview nnnuuncemem at 1955 Chnvmlels DELIVERY UP THE FIRST 1955 EHEVBOLET BOYS WEAR PLAID SHIRTS Ihndnmu ruuurd shirt or um yauni nun you Mada 01 mm wlnrlnl cm lon Illnnbl ul huvo lunu lluvn Icnlurul In wldn ll lecllunuf mum 10 um uvzvy buy An ulr Inn IDIICHUH In Ilylu al on mllflllll plun rvrry buy who ulvu nnq ll Chrlumu Thu vuluu will 11 mother he IIUITON EARIHOANR nlKEVEIIHï¬ IULMWNIH lllll IAMIIOANN SWEATERS FOR NOW AND FOR CHRISTMAS GIFT GIVING Layaway Plan RV Chrlslmu lurcllne Muncllvdy um llond Uu Oquqnvnnlonl an secretary ma General Al semblys Board 01 Evlnulism und Social Aotinn Ind hm done much promote the new program of Visitation Evanlelism But with all his campicuous achievemcnu Professor FBHLI is deeply hum blo and warmhurled Chrisilnn whose whale um devoted to the service ni his Master SYDNEY NS Work gulnx ahead on the $320000 Map under Graham Bell muslum Baddcck Ns Th9 museum ed cml luvcmmem project will he one the mom krrprmlve build Inxs in kind In the pruvince a225 um MUSEUM 326 I230 I3 $49 STORE FOR MEN and BOYS llmvy duly ruflun dvnlm Jram fully Innfurlud unorlrd check llnlnll In Ihvwn nn lum up Emu mm lchhan hlr mm mom cm mnm sunnny Imqu when LINED JEANS Boys Pylamas umdclom rlnmwlmr ulu mm mu In lmu wldv wan dnlul MIDWMM Vnhml Irlrml IO HUNLOI ETHEHT In WIIOIPING PUMPKIN SAsxAmou era ML and Mrs Jnck cm sh dbwh v3 newspaper now and then an read about the activities Napoleon doings 1n the 01d Bauey ï¬nd play Coven Garden in which chan reached neme Its an 1309 copy 61 the Westminster Englnndl Journal Thï¬le air base In Greenland bulltjor transArctic air mules Is 005 mlle mm the N0th Pale CALL THE EXAMINER FOB PRINTING PHONE HM